SBPE :: Volume #16

#9829: Chapter 9829

Mother, you said how to conform?” “妈的,你就说吧怎么整合?” The tyrants scolded one ill-humoredly, the situation compared with person, is always others looks at his complexion conduct, never expected that is pressed by the situation now on the contrary is being forced to lower the head. 暴君没好气的骂了一句,形势比人强,一直以来都是别人看他脸色行事,没想到如今反倒被形势压着被迫低头。 This feeling, is really uncomfortable. 这种感觉,实在是不爽。 The mentality of flame pond is actually better than him, although the young time temperament explodes compared with anyone, was obstinate for a lifetime, but old mentality nature is gentler than the tyrant now. 炎池的心态倒是比他好一些,虽说年轻时候脾气比谁都爆,也是执拗了一辈子,可如今毕竟年纪大了心态自然比暴君平和许多。 The situation compared with person these five characters, his experience may be much deeper than the tyrant! 形势比人强这五个字,他的体会可比暴君深得多! Lin Yi looked at secret one with a smile, without secret on the scene, he will not mention the matter of come out conformity today rashly, because such will be absolutely out of control. 林逸笑着看了天机一眼,若没有天机在场,他今天绝不会冒然提出来整合之事,因为那样绝对会一发不可收拾。 He must conform with the failing a grade fresh institute, rather than extinguished the failing a grade fresh institute. 他是要整合留级生院,而不是灭了留级生院。 Really must gives to extinguish the tyrant and flame pond such top strength, the failing a grade fresh institute again greatly is also only a mere show, even conforms with the significance is not big forcefully. 真要把暴君和炎池这样的顶级战力都给灭了,留级生院再大也只是一个空架子,就算强行整合起来也意义不大。 Do not misunderstand, I have not interfered with the idea of your respective domain and internal affairs, said that the sentence, these things I really could not really have had a liking, I am not idle.” “诸位不要误会,我并没有干涉你们各自地盘和内部事务的想法,说句实在的,那些东西我还真不怎么看得上,我也没有那么闲。” Lin Yi such remarks, tyrant several people of complexions immediately attractive many. 林逸此话一出,暴君几人脸色顿时好看不少。 Although tone not comfortable, similar words, if braves come out from others mouth, will be given to pull out the tooth by their big mouth female genitals to the stomach in absolutely, may not have the means that Lin Yi really has this qualifications. 虽然语气不怎么让人舒服,同样的话如果从别人嘴里冒出来,绝对会被他们一记大嘴巴子把牙都给抽到胃里去,可没办法,林逸是真有这个资格。 These words were placed in front, the implied meaning guaranteed their power and position, will at least not subvert existing all of a sudden. 这句话摆在前面,言下之意就是保证了他们的权力和地位,至少不会一下子就颠覆现有的一切。 What do you want?” “那你想要什么?” What this opens the mouth is the secret, beforehand he will deliberately avoid with the Lin Yi's direct contact, because he feared that oneself will change this precious uncertainty. 这次开口的是天机,之前的他会刻意回避与林逸的直接接触,因为他怕自己会改变这个弥足珍贵的不确定性。 Deeper worry is, he will fear that terrifying archenemy of future because will pay attention to Lin Yi's to exist ahead of time, will then make a move strangling Lin Yi forcefully! 更深一层的担忧则是,他怕未来的那位恐怖大敌会因为自己提前关注到林逸的存在,进而强行出手将林逸给扼杀! However presently, these worried that does not exist. 不过现在,这些担忧都不存在了。 On Lin Yi the black flame, since can dodge his causes and effects to peep, naturally can also dodge shooting a look at that terrifying archenemy to regard in the future. 林逸身上的这层黑焰,既然能够规避掉他的因果窥视,自然也就能规避未来那位恐怖大敌的瞥视。 In addition, by Lin Yi presently strength is not existence that type easily can die, even if the opposite party really paid attention to him, wanted to strangle him ahead of time is not that easy matter. 此外,以林逸现在实力已不是那种轻易就会夭折的存在,就算对方真的关注到了他,想要将他提前扼杀也不是那么容易的事情。 Really must dare to come, perhaps can also do exactly the opposite, seizes the chance to ambush! 真要敢来,说不定还能反其道而行之,趁机埋伏一手! As for because existence of entire net live broadcast, the Lin Yi sensitometry is too high can the misdemeanor, this point actually not in secret consideration category. 至于因为全网直播的存在,林逸曝光度太高会不会坏事,这一点倒是不在天机的考虑范畴。 In future that terrifying archenemy eyes, the entire Jianghai Institute and human cultivator of Jianghai city, is only one flock of insects, even if the day family/home Sir day is not necessarily able to look at one toward the sun high, let alone Lin Yi. 在未来那位恐怖大敌眼里,整个江海学院和江海城的人类修炼者,都只是一群虫子,就算天家大爷天向阳都未必会被高看一眼,何况一个林逸 So long as the observation Lin Yi to the future influence, that will not regard with a special fondness about Lin Yi, the nature, Lin Yi can also assure the security. 只要观测不到林逸对未来的影响,那位就不会对林逸另眼相看,自然,林逸也就能够保证安全。 The scene no one knows that the secret the train of thought is so profound, the people are paying attention to the Lin Yi's reply. 现场没人知道天机的思绪已是如此深远,众人都在关注林逸的回答。 Lin Yi stretched out a finger with a smile. 林逸笑着伸出了一根手指。 First, conformity failing a grade fresh institute all parties influence, later failing a grade lives the institute unable to be in a state of disunity, five great must have the essence control regarding the floor, in other words, the failing a grade fresh institute can only have five influences, cannot have sixth.” 第一,整合留级生院各方势力,以后的留级生院不能是一盘散沙,五巨对于底层必须有着实质掌控力,也就是说,留级生院只能有五家势力,不能有第六家。” This saying as people expected, but made tyrant several people breathe loudly several points as before. 这话在众人预料之中,不过依旧让暴君几人呼吸粗重了几分。 The failing a grade fresh institute greatly is too too mixed, cannot conform by Lin Yi one only in a short time, wants to realize the true control, must draw support from five great hands. 留级生院太大太杂,单靠林逸自己一家短时间内根本整合不过来,想要实现真正掌控,必须借助五巨之手。 Once five great between achieve consistently, the failing a grade fresh institute remaining these influences have no resistance opportunity, this is the pure dimensionality reduction attack! 一旦五巨之间达成一致,留级生院剩下的这些势力根本没有任何反抗机会,这就是纯粹的降维打击! But in this process, five great influences will definitely welcome one wave to rise suddenly, proper is mutually beneficial and win-win. 而在这个过程中,五巨的势力必然会迎来一波暴涨,妥妥的互利共赢。 Before this good deed, has the person to raise come out, is only without one can like Lin Yi, can coerce under other five great, mutual suspicions, this matter naturally would have no possibility of true carrying out. 这种好事以前不是没有人提出来过,只是没有一个能像林逸这样,独自一人就能生生压服其他所有五巨,相互猜忌之下,这事儿自然也就没有真正落实的可能。 The flame pond asked: Five influences? Who fifth is?” 炎池却问道:“五家势力?第五家是谁?” Now said that is the failing a grade fresh institute five great, actually only then four, originally Zhao Rikun, if can win, can go against the dropping dragon spatial come out five great positions actually, what a pity others did not have. 如今说是留级生院五巨,实则只有四家,本来赵日坤若是能够胜出,倒是能够顶上堕龙空出来的五巨位置,可惜他人没了。 Symbol Wang Family has come to an arrangement with day family/home Sir, prepares entire family to move into the failing a grade fresh institute, the king three reputations certainly think that everyone has also listened, right followed together also has strict river, everyone should not be strange.” “阵符王家已经跟天家大爷谈妥,准备全家入驻留级生院,王三绝的名头想必各位也都听过,哦对了跟着一起的还有严江,各位应该也都不会陌生。” Is listening to these two names in Lin Yi mouth, the bonus was the tyrants fell into the short silence. 听着林逸口中的这两个名字,饶是暴君都不禁陷入了短暂的沉默。 The kings three certainly as symbol Wang Family Supreme Elder, is one of the Jianghai city big shots, even if they have not had to do directly, that still has had hearing inevitably. 王三绝身为阵符王家太上长老,乃是江海城的头面人物之一,他们就算没有直接打过交道,那也必然有过耳闻。 As for strict river. 至于严江。 In the past this also when Jianghai Institute was active, their several may still hit the merino in the general affairs office, at that time many people were looking forward to silently this smoked the male elegant demeanor. 当年这位还在江海学院活跃的时候,他们几个可都还在总务处打杂呢,当时有多少人都是默默憧憬着这位抽烟男的风采。 But is really people are just the victims of fate, now they stood in the top layer of failing a grade fresh institute, but once the crest of wave did not have two strict rivers actually to become symbol Wang Family Bodyguard gang leader, made one sob. 只不过实在是造化弄人,如今他们站在了留级生院的顶层,而曾经风头无两的严江却成了阵符王家保镖头子,着实令人唏嘘。 But how regardless to say, the king three certainly and boundary strength of strict river is placed there, has symbol Wang Family of two giant ultimate grand perfection expert top strengths, even if places the failing a grade fresh institute, that is still ready proper side hero. 但不论怎么说,王三绝和严江的境界实力摆在那里,坐拥两位巨头终极大圆满高手顶级战力的阵符王家即便放在留级生院,那也是妥妥的一方豪雄。 Especially in addition Lin Yi's support, tyrant several people, even if has a mind to oppose, really does not have that energy. 尤其加上林逸的支持,暴君几人就算有心反对,也实在是没那个底气。 Otherwise Lin Yi really must steel one's heart, jointly symbol Wang Family him and flame pond to extinguish, that absolute issue did not have. 否则林逸真要心一横,联手阵符王家把他和炎池灭了,那绝对一点问题都没有。 After all is counted small alone king Duanshe, two families adds to have four top strengths, let alone also has Lin Yi this draft animal, they simply no hitting. 毕竟算上小独王断舍,两家加起来可是有着四位顶级战力,何况其中还有林逸这个牲口,他们根本没的打。 As for the secret, really must have that aspect, regarding the matter of this being doomed no odds of success, is will not meddle absolutely. 而至于天机,真要出现那种局面,对于这种注定毫无胜算的事情,是绝对不会插手的。 They established five great between friendship may not have to that share in well. 他们老牌五巨之间的交情可还没好到那个份上。 Finally, the tyrant and flame pond Wunai chose the default. 最终,暴君和炎池无奈选择了默认。 Although the failing a grade fresh institute five are greatly many symbol Wang Family, passing on a little to be always strange, but well in symbol Wang Family regardless of strength or the reputation, is insufficient to push down five great thresholds, the public opinion will somewhat censure even, should still pass quickly. 虽说留级生院五巨多出一个阵符王家,传出去总有点怪怪的,但好在阵符王家无论实力还是名头,都不至于拉低五巨门槛,舆论即便会有些非议,也很快就会过去。 Lin Yi saw that to stretch out the Second root finger. 林逸见状伸出了第二根手指头。 Second, forms the failing a grade fresh institute information place, various intelligence agencies must merge completely, cannot have any reserved, I am the department head, you three and king three are the deputy office chief certainly.” 第二,组建留级生院情报处,各家情报机构都要全部并入,不许有任何保留,我任处长,你们三位和王三绝任副处长。” This saying is not only aims at several five greatly, is needle confrontation symbol Wang Family. 这话不仅是针对几位五巨,同时也是针对阵符王家 The information place is future most important, Lin Yi must grasp inevitably in own, lets several people of the meaning of being the deputy office chief also enrolls, convenient obedience. 情报处是未来的重中之重,林逸势必要抓在自己手里,让几人担任副处长的意思也就是挂名,方便服众。 The tyrants and flame ponds look to the secret. 暴君和炎池不由看向天机。 Although their two families each one also has the information establishment, but is not high in the respective Group internal position, can only be the edge department, even if gave Lin Yi still to say no that on completely had the big loss. 他们两家虽然各自也有情报编制,但在各自集团内部的地位都不算高,只能算是边缘部门,就算全部交给林逸也说不上有多大损失。
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