SBPE :: Volume #16

#9828: Chapter 9828

The tyrants filled one barrel of liquor fiercely, the casual standing up body said: You will really toot one's own horn toward us actually, lose lost, what does this have unwarrantable?” 暴君猛灌了一桶酒,大大咧咧站起身子道:“你倒是真会往我们脸上贴金,输了就是输了,这有什么不能承认的?” Flame pond Rou sore old bones was saying: „Does old man seem like that not being able to lose person?” 炎池揉着一身酸痛的老骨头道:“老夫看起来像是那种输不起的人吗?” As for the remaining secrets, then deeply looked at Lin Yi one: You, if really wants to win, our three have lain down.” 至于剩下的天机,则是深深看了林逸一眼:“你如果真的想赢,我们三个早已经躺下了。” The tyrants laugh, throw to Lin Yi one barrel of liquor: I always despise this cat play mouse each family method, but does obeisance you to bestow, this was to hit finally happily, the harvest was big, this favor my old suddenly/violently remembered.” 暴君哈哈大笑,扔给林逸一桶酒:“我一向鄙视这种猫戏耗子的过家家玩法,不过拜你所赐,这回总算是打痛快了,收获还不小,这个人情我老暴记下了。” Lin Yi looked at the people, emits one spookily: Such being the case, starting today five great merges.” 林逸看了看众人,幽幽冒出一句:“既然如此,从今天开始五巨合并吧。” „......” “……” Besides has the expected secret, the tyrant and flame pond are both shocked immediately. 除了对此早已有所预料的天机之外,暴君和炎池顿时双双愣住。 Today's five great summits, they know Lin Yi certainly to the taking the opportunity high-rank, but must become the nominal five great heads in their opinion. 今天的五巨峰会,他们知道林逸肯定是要借机上位,但在他们看来不过是要成为名义上的五巨之首罢了。 strength that showed from Lin Yi a moment ago, in addition under him includes a small alone king Duanshe numerous draft animal, this point is actually unimpeached. 从刚才林逸展现的实力来看,加上他麾下包括小独王断舍在内的一众牲口,这一点倒是无可指摘。 After today, Lin Yi will become the failing a grade fresh institute component heaviest that name card, even goes into hiding in this's sea king lives to the rain is unable to compare. 今日之后,林逸将会成为留级生院份量最重的那一张名片,连隐匿在此的海王向雨生都无法比拟。 After all, lives individual strength also only to represent him to the rain again, only has five headed by Lin Yi greatly, is the true facade of failing a grade fresh institute. 毕竟,向雨生个人实力再强也只能代表他自己一个人,唯有以林逸为首的五巨,才是留级生院的真正门面。 But this with five great merges is completely two concepts! 可这跟五巨合并完全是两个概念! Five great merges, mean that Lin Yi real thing, the preparation lives the institute to integrate to failing a grade in a state of disunity from top to bottom truly, he not only need make nominal failing a grade to live the institute First person, must make failing a grade in fact to live the institute First person! 五巨合并,意味着林逸是动了真格,准备自上而下真正对一盘散沙的留级生院进行整合,他不仅要做名义上的留级生院第一人,更要做实质上的留级生院第一人! Really must to that day, Lin Yi become entire Jianghai boundary pivotal top big shot, If nothing else, only by the giant grand perfection expert quantity, failing a grade fresh institute that was ready proper excelling by far Jianghai. 真要到了那一天,林逸将会成为整个江海地界举足轻重的顶级大佬,别的不说,单论巨头大圆满高手的数量,留级生院那可是妥妥的冠绝江海。 The atmosphere falls into immediately stagnates. 气氛顿时陷入凝滞。 If one's own side has the advantage, these are not necessarily able to oppose five great merges, after all this will become in their hands a giant power lever, once operated the income at least is the past several times, and even dozens times! 若是己方占据优势,这几位未必会反对五巨合并,毕竟这将成为他们手中一个巨大的权力杠杆,一旦操作好了收益至少是过去的数倍,乃至数十倍! But presently Lin Yi is the unique domineering side, even after the merge, in a short time Lin Yi is not necessarily able to treat unjustly them. 现在林逸才是独一无二的强势方,即便合并之后,短时间内林逸未必会亏待他们。 But their these always stuck to one's own way of doing things, now on suddenly are many giving orders big shot, other did not raise, only psychological that pass/test could not pass. 而他们这几位一向我行我素惯了,如今头上突然多出一位发号施令的大佬,其他不提,单是心理那关就过不去。 Let alone, who can guarantee that Lin Yi has protected their interests? 更何况,谁能保证林逸会一直保护他们的利益? The tyrants put down the cask, sets out saying: You, if really wants to play, we may probably continue to hit, does not branch out life and death to be annexed, how my old did suddenly/violently confess to under brother? On face may be unable to pass.” 暴君放下了酒桶,重新起身道:“你要是真想这么玩,咱们可就得继续打下去了,不分出个你死我活就被人吞并,俺老暴怎么向底下的兄弟交代?面子上可过不去啊。” Nearby flame pond said with a smile: old suddenly/violently is person who wants face, the old man is not, but comfortable for a lifetime, in the end instead must listen to others to order the conduct, is very irritable.” 一旁炎池笑道:“老暴是个要面子的人,老夫可不是,不过自在了一辈子,到头来反而要听别人命令行事,实在是别扭得很。” Let alone presently Lin Yi, was in the past the general affairs office chief of that legend, will not give orders to them casually. 别说现在林逸,就是当年那位传奇的总务处长,也不会随便对他们这些人发号施令。 As for the remaining secrets, has not actually opened the mouth. 至于剩下的天机,却是没有开口。 Future failing a grade lives the institute to be conformed by some domineering character, this is early the matter as he expected, because was just intervened by some mysterious strength, he could not see clearly that person of look and origin. 未来的留级生院会被某个强势人物整合,这是早在他预料之中的事情,只不过因为受到了某种神秘力量的干扰,他一直看不清那人的相貌和来历。 Before then, he once thinks that is half th division. 在此之前,他一度以为是洛半师。 At half th division's control degree to the time rule, can cut off his causes and effects to peep is not strange, but before half th division , the entry failing a grade fresh institute and sea king live to attack brutally to the rain, had indicated he bribes the intention of failing a grade fresh institute. 以洛半师对时间规则的掌控程度,能够断绝掉他的因果窥视并不奇怪,而洛半师之前入境留级生院与海王向雨生大打出手,也已经表明了他染指留级生院的意图。 All are logical. 一切都顺理成章。 However presently he knows that oneself guessed mistakenly, in the future that hoodwinks the person under shadow is not half th division, but front Lin Yi! 但是现在他知道自己猜错了,未来那个蒙蔽在阴影之下的人并非洛半师,而正是面前的林逸 The secret is very assured. 天机对此无比笃定。 Because, he saw future that person of black flame, on the black flame with Lin Yi was exactly the same a moment ago completely. 因为,他看到了未来那人身上的黑焰,与刚才林逸身上的黑焰完全如出一辙。 Previously he also thought because of the disturbance of mysterious strength, therefore caused image one group of fuzziness that he saw, but presently he incomparably determined that person without a doubt was Lin Yi. 此前他还以为是因为神秘力量的干扰,所以才导致他看到的影像一团模糊,但是现在他无比确定,那人毫无疑问就是林逸 The black flame, can isolate his causes and effects to peep at like this thoroughly. 只有黑焰,才能这样彻底隔绝掉他的因果窥视。 Until now he to the Lin Yi's attitude with other established five great different, the reason lies in he cannot see Lin Yi future, can see enormous uncertainty. 一直以来他对林逸的态度跟其他老牌五巨不同,原因就在于他看不到林逸身上的未来,能够看到的只有巨大的不确定性。 If wants to deal with the following great misfortune, safely is not the option of human, because in that and other under extreme disadvantaged hopeless situations, strove for waiting for death steadily. 而要想应对接下来的这场大劫,稳妥已经不是人类的选项,因为在那等极端劣势的绝境之下,求稳就是等死。 Wants means of livelihood, can only hug that enormous uncertainty! 想要蹚出一条活路,就只能去拥抱那个巨大的不确定性! Such at least can also bet. 那样至少还能赌上一把。 Therefore, Lin Yi proposition at this moment completely as he expected, if Lin Yi does not do this matter, he exceptionally will be instead disappointed. 所以,林逸此刻的提议完全在他预料之中,若是林逸不做这件事,他反而会异常失望。 Because that means, he was mistaken thoroughly. 因为那就意味着,他彻底看走眼了。 The silence of secret made the tyrant and flame pond is quite surprised, at least stood in the established five great standpoints, the secret should conform to the common sense with their united front in any event. 天机的沉默令暴君和炎池颇为意外,至少站在老牌五巨的立场,天机无论如何都该跟他们统一战线才符合常理。 In fact, really wants the reckless life and death to wrestle, Lin Yi also not necessarily can certainly laugh last. 事实上,真要不顾一切生死相搏,林逸也未必就一定能够笑到最后。 Every so often, the showdown was a matter, the life and death wrestles is a different matter. 很多时候,对决是一回事,生死相搏就是另一回事了。 But once did not have the support of secret, only depending on they facing Lin Yi, that really no odds of success, because they are also very clear, before Lin Yi, really not full power. 可一旦没了天机的支持,只凭他们两个自己面对林逸,那就真的毫无胜算了,因为他们自己也都很清楚,林逸之前真的没有出全力。 Without the assistance of secret causes and effects rule, they to Lin Yi, 100% lose! 没有天机因果规则的辅助,他俩对上林逸,百分之一百都是输! The complexion of tyrant and flame pond suddenly becomes incomparably ugly. 暴君和炎池的脸色一时间变得无比难看。 Although in the truth they are unable to criticize secret anything, after all each other has no membership, does not have any substantive treaty of alliance, secret, regardless of makes what decision to have nothing to do with them, leeway that also without them spoke. 虽然道理上他们无法指摘天机什么,毕竟彼此并没有任何从属关系,也没有任何实质性的盟约,天机无论做出什么决策都与他们无关,也没有他们说话的余地。 But, they felt the betrayal. 可是,他们还是感受到了背叛。 Secret boy is not this person......” “天机小子可不是这种人啊……” Flame pond Shenshen looked at secret one, although without many personal relation, but so many years get down tacitly have, secret not that person who betrays a friend to seek personal glory. 炎池深深看了天机一眼,虽说没有多少私人交情可言,可这么多年下来默契还是有的,天机绝不是那种卖友求荣的人。 The tyrants also responded immediately: Only if had concluded that we could not win.” 暴君也立马反应过来:“除非已经断定我们赢不了。” The secret can see in the future, by to the assurance of future situation, who is inferior to the secret, this was already by the general knowledge of unceasing confirmation. 天机是能看到未来的,论对未来局势的把握,谁也不如天机,这是早已被不断验证的常识。 All of a sudden, just also fought the tyrant and flame pond that intent thrives, immediately also released the frame of mind. 一下子,刚刚还战意勃发的暴君和炎池,顿时也就泄了心气。 They are not the masochism. 他们不是自虐狂。 Although enjoys the fight the pleasure, may really probably be doomed the fight of no odds of success, they have no interest in continue hit, after all they are not one, must under an important goods brother consideration for the hand. 虽然享受战斗的乐趣,可真要注定毫无胜算的战斗,他们也没有兴趣继续打下去,毕竟他们都不是自己一个人,都要为手底下一大帮兄弟考虑。 Once they died, under respective hand the fate of that group of people, it can be imagined. 一旦他们死了,各自手底下那帮人的下场,可想而知。
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