SBPE :: Volume #16

#9827: Chapter 9827

Pair of three at the same time protects the ringside people, beforehand Lin Yi did not have this type of energy, but presently, he also really has this assurance. 一对三的同时护住场边众人,之前的林逸还没有这种底气,但是现在,他还真有这个把握。 Regarding this, wants to understand the other numerous high-end strengths of way can only respond with admired, some have not been clear about the influence ownership expert even to wish one could to hit 14 big mouth female genitals, the one had only known on this/should turned to Lin Yi's a moment ago publicly! 对此,想明白其中门道的其他一众高端战力只能抱以艳羡,一些没有明确势力归属的高手甚至恨不得打自己十四个大嘴巴子,早知如此刚才就该公开投靠林逸的 Even several 13 outstanding leaders, look that Hong Baxian on stand are ready to make trouble. 甚至就连好几位十三杰头头,看着看台上的洪霸先都蠢蠢欲动。 Everyone is 13, that goods were also the luck good one step to meet Lin Yi early, why this type of golden opportunity that goods had, they? 大家都是十三杰,那货也就是运气好早一步遇到了林逸而已,凭什么这种大好机会那货有,他们就没有? Arrived the giant grand perfection level, most important cultivate core no longer is the strength accumulates, what are more senses and control, but these do not divorce oneself from reality purely can make come out. 到了巨头大圆满层次,最重要修炼核心已经不再是力量积累,更多的是感悟和掌控,而这些都不是单纯闭门造车就能造出来的。 The top showdown of so high level, short distance observing and emulating little said that can arrive at their Ten-year self-torture, even perhaps decided their future upper limits directly! 如此高水平的顶级对决,一次近距离观摩少说能够抵过他们十年苦修,甚至说不定直接决定了他们未来的上限! To a certain extent, this is like the personal direction of half th division, ready ready is the highest level cultivate resources. 某种程度上,这就跟洛半师的亲自指点一样,妥妥是最顶级的修炼资源。 Just, these are internal benefits of Lin Yi Group definition. 只不过,这些都是林逸集团限定的内部福利罢了。 In the field Lin Yi may not have the thoughts to respond the hidden bitterness of this group of people, then formal turned in the hand with the tyrant three people. 场中林逸可没心思搭理这帮人的幽怨,转而正式跟暴君三人交上了手。 Even if there is an ultimate perfect domain scratch coat, these three people of luxurious lineups jointly also make him probably hit 12 the spirit, after all in the final analysis, he has not arrived at a half th division that sufficiently steamroll numerous top strength the level. 哪怕有终极完美领域打底,这三人联手的豪华阵容也让他必须打起十二分的精神,毕竟说到底,他还没到洛半师那种足以碾压一众顶级战力的层次。 The demon bites the sword to come out of the sheath. 魔噬剑出鞘。 Raises hand a sword to drive back the long blade of flame pond, gave a secret god to extinguish while convenient cuts, was the incarnation Titan big buddha, the violent bright fist with tyrant is facing the bang! 扬手一剑逼退炎池的长刀,顺带给了天机一记神灭斩,紧接着便是化身泰坦大佛,同暴君的暴煌拳正面对轰! Surrounding space immediately collapse to extinguish. 周围空间当即崩灭。 This is not the most scientific fighting method, if really to win, the Lin Yi most reasonable fighting method is to actually play the dreadful guerrilla warfare. 这不是最科学的打法,如果真的只是为了赢,林逸最合理的打法其实是玩猥琐游击战。 Because existence of ultimate perfect domain, the secret causes and effects could not have calculated that his path, is not naturally able again for the tyrant and flame pond provides locking to like before. 因为终极完美领域的存在,天机的因果已经算不到他的轨迹,自然无法再像之前那样为暴君和炎池提供锁定必中。 Then, Lin Yi can display the advantage of time and space double top rule to the full. 如此一来,林逸就能最大限度发挥出时间和空间双顶级规则的优势。 On playing engages in guerrilla warfare dreadfully, these two top rules absolutely are other regular ancestors, their opponents only then oneself, but presently, actually fell on Lin Yi simultaneously. 论玩猥琐打游击,这俩顶级规则绝对是其他所有规则的祖宗,它们的对手只有自己,而现在,却同时落在了林逸手上。 Did not say exaggeratingly, if Lin Yi does not play this set, is unfair to them simply. 毫不夸张的说,林逸要是不玩这一套,简直都对不起它们。 But Lin Yi does not have. 林逸没有。 He does not like playing this set actually not, but does not need at present, can established five fight with three rarely simultaneously greatly, even if like this won still is very difficult what essence harvest. 倒不是他不喜欢玩这套,只是眼下不需要,难得能够同时跟三位老牌五巨交手,这样就算赢了也很难有什么实质收获。 Only has positive/direct fight whole-heartedly, can help him obtain a clearer cognition regarding own strength limit, clearly recognized itself, how can then should go clearly. 唯有全力以赴的正面战斗,才能让他对于自己的实力极限获得更清晰的认知,认清了自己,才能更清楚接下来该怎么去走。 Let alone, with the tyrants and flame pond such strong opponents just the upfront, was in itself also a rare life big happy event. 何况,跟暴君、炎池这样强硬的对手刚正面,本身也是难得的人生一大乐事。 Lin Yi confessed that is not the fight madman, but regarding such fight pleasure, he also has fun, quite enjoys. 林逸自认不是什么战斗狂人,不过对于这样的战斗乐趣,他也是乐在其中,颇为享受。 Old Lin started to transform.” 老林又开始蜕变了。” Ringside Shen Yifan heartfelt joyful say/way, he although today cannot break through like the autumn three mothers, the boundary still is also only giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, but has touched him of wind element rule, eyesight actually above people. 场边沈一凡由衷欣喜道,他今天虽然没能像秋三娘那样临阵突破,境界依然还只是巨头大圆满中期巅峰,但已经触摸到了风系规则的他,眼力却在众人之上。 Especially by knows about Lin Yi's and familiar, people on the scene he, if said oneself are Second, no one dares to call First absolutely. 尤其论对林逸的了解和熟悉,在场众人他若说自己是第二,绝对没人敢称第一 Actually, the Lin Yi at this moment biggest change is not hard strength, but is the self-confidence. 其实,林逸此刻身上最大的变化并非硬实力,而是自信心。 Until he, established five great quite dreaded regarding tyrant these before a moment ago, even if the dropping dragon is he kills personally, may really probably be presses strength mountain to be big to as before. 直到刚才之前的他,对于暴君这几位老牌五巨都还是颇为忌惮,哪怕堕龙就是他亲手杀死,可真要对上依旧是压力山大。 Especially is also not one-to-one, but is one pair three! 尤其还不是一对一,而是一对三! However presently, since the attack and defense rhythm that since he accomplishes a task with ease obviously looks at come out powerful, Lin Yi already established facing an numerous top strength self-confident, can definitely have one's wish to lead the entire war. 但是现在,从他游刃有余的攻防节奏就明显看得出来,林逸已经建立起了面对一众顶级战力的强大自信,完全可以随心所欲主导着整个战局。 The most obvious performance is, he no longer needs the cautious time to stretch each nerve, no longer needs stodgily constantly according to the plan goes. 最显而易见的一个表现就是,他不再需要小心翼翼时刻绷着每一条神经,也不再需要一味死板的照着事前预案去走。 Graces each movement, is passing one share not artificial calm. 举手投足每一个动作,都透着一股子毫不做作的从容。 The tyrant three people were falling into his rhythm as if by prior agreement, Lin Yi each impulsive change, makes their nerves extremely tense on the contrary, like wire walking on cliff. 连带着暴君三人都不约而同陷入了他的节奏,林逸每一次心血来潮的变化,反倒让他们三人的神经万分紧张,如同在悬崖上走钢丝。 Influences subtly, then has led all. 潜移默化之间,便已主导了一切。 This is truly top big shot air/Qi field! 这才是真正顶级大佬的气场! The one side breaks the shed to remain silent to open the mouth: „After today, takes a broad view at the top strength of entire school, Boss arranges sufficiently first five!” 一旁断舍闷声开口:“今日之后,放眼整个学院的顶级战力,老大足以排进前五!” The people are shocked. 众人纷纷震惊。 They know that Lin Yi is very strong, but has not really thought that Lin Yi unexpectedly as strong as this share in! 他们知道林逸很强,但还真没想过,林逸竟已强到了这个份上! If these words saying come out from other person of mouths, perhaps did not have that strong persuasive power, who can break the shed is? 如果这句话从其他人嘴里说出来,也许还没有那么强的说服力,可断舍是谁? But he young alone king, has been promoted giant ultimate grand perfection now, even according to the peak condition of previous generation is worse, which dimension but regardless of from, he is the out-and-out top strength. 他可是小独王啊,如今又已晋级巨头终极大圆满,即便照前世的巅峰状态还差一些,但无论从哪个维度来看,他都已经是不折不扣的顶级战力。 In addition his character, this appraisal natural gold content ample! 加上他的性格,这句评价自然含金量十足 The school first five, this absolutely is an extraordinary appraisal, this means that Lin Yi the failing a grade fresh institute can at least arrange to advance two, even can arrange to First! 学院前五,这绝对是一句了不得的评价,这意味着林逸在留级生院至少能够排进前二,甚至能够排到第一 The scientific theory will have emperor permits Anshan and half th division, single occupied two quotas steadily. 要知道,学理会有帝王许安山和洛半师,单这两人就稳稳占据了两个名额。 School Director meets that side to be headed by the day family/home, built up the Jianghai city most to have numerous super Family of background in history, one seemed especially immature compared with symbol Wang Family with them, the background the deep bystander was inconceivable radically. 校董会那边以天家为首,集结了江海城有史以来最有底蕴的一众超级家族,跟他们一比就连阵符王家都显得格外稚嫩,底蕴之深外人根本难以想象。 Especially, the day assumes personal command toward the sun personally. 尤其,还有天向阳亲自坐镇。 Although no one knows that which step this day family/home Sir's strength arrived, but from the beforehand all sorts of detail analyses, strength of this student leader is not under half th division absolutely, this must occupy a quota. 虽然没人知道这位天家大爷的实力到底到了哪一步,但从之前的种种细节分析,这位学员领头人的实力绝对不在洛半师之下,这就又要占去一个名额。 In other words, school first five have two positions. 也就是说,学院前五只剩下两个位置。 If Lin Yi wants to be included, must defeat numerous hidden world expert of School Director meeting, scientific theory apex ten excluding permits Anshan, even also includes to hide the sea king of failing a grade fresh institute to live to the rain! 林逸若想跻身其中,就要击败校董会的一众隐世高手,还有学理会除许安山之外的顶尖十席,甚至还包括藏身留级生院的海王向雨生! If not for breaks the shed to expose, the people could not really have thought that this, recalls at this moment, the bonus is Shen Yifan these people on one's own side terrified. 若不是断舍点破,众人还真想不到这一层,此刻回想起来,饶是沈一凡这些自己人都不禁悚然。 Lin Yi this growth, really excessive. 林逸这个成长速度,真的过分了啊。 This Lin Yi with three established five great between showdowns, even before with Sky King herd god that must be longer, continued for one day and one night. 这一场林逸与三位老牌五巨之间的对决,甚至比之前跟天王牧神的那一场还要更加漫长,前后持续了整整一天一夜。 Arrived finally, saw the stability that the fight complementary waves the destruction range has soon affected the entire failing a grade fresh institute mystical place, under people's reminder continually, both sides then gives up finally. 到最后,眼看战斗余波的毁灭范围已经快要波及到整个留级生院秘境的稳定性,在众人的连番提醒之下,双方这才最终罢手。 The same issue then lingers under the line got online everyone's heart. 紧接着,同一个问题便萦绕在了线上线下所有人的心头。 Who won? 谁赢了? Calculates the tie.” “算平局吧。” Lin Yi swept tyrant three people of one of the panting, takes the lead to open the mouth with a smile. 林逸扫了气喘吁吁的暴君三人一眼,笑着率先开口。
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