SBPE :: Volume #16

#9826: Chapter 9826

This, had indicated only the ultimate perfect domain is not the domain strengthening version in conventional cognition, is not the invincible domain in Legend, but existence with regular strength same level. 单此一项,就已经预示了终极完美领域并非常规认知中的领域强化版,也不是传说中的无敌领域,而是跟规则力量同一层次的存在。 Only the rule can defeat the rule, this iron rule had not actually been broken. 只有规则能够打败规则,这个铁律其实并没有被打破。 Although the ultimate perfect domain is not rule in the traditional sense, but truly with the strength of rule same level, this point without a doubt. 终极完美领域虽然不是传统意义中的规则,但确实是跟规则同一层次的力量,这一点毫无疑问。 Before then, which step regarding the ultimate perfect domain can achieve, a Lin Yi not explicit concept. 在此之前,对于终极完美领域能够达到哪一步,林逸并没有一个明确的概念。 However now, experienced the examination of causes and effects rule, the destruction rule and sins rule after one after another, what existence his roughly ravelled finally this is. 但是如今,接连经历了因果规则、毁灭规则和罪业规则的检验之后,他终于大致弄明白这是一个什么样的存在了。 From secret such opponent angle, this is regular black hole. 从天机这样的对手角度,这就是一个规则黑洞。 Regardless of the top rule of control number in the units place, control achieves the double-digit the second-level rules, gives for nothing before it, will be swallowed completely cleanly from the performance! 无论掌控度个位数的顶级规则,还是掌控度达到两位数的二级规则,在它面前都是白给,从刚才的表现来看全部都会被吞得一干二净! But in fact, not totally so. 可事实上,并非全然如此。 Lin Yi as domain master can the clear feeling, on oneself the black flame not be the black hole swallows the regular strength of attack equally purely, but was more like regarded some type of nourishment it, combined itself. 身为领域主人的林逸能够清晰的感受到,自己身上的这层黑焰并不是跟黑洞一样单纯吞噬掉来袭的规则力量,而更像是将其当成了某种养料,组合进了自身内部。 At this moment, he can feel the destruction, cause and effect and trace of sins rule at the war of ultimate perfect domain faintly, although is not obvious, but truly exists. 此时此刻,他隐隐能在终极完美领域之战感受到毁灭、因果和罪业规则的痕迹,虽然并不明显,但是确实存在。 To a certain extent, this is more like a regular collector. 某种程度上,这更像是一个规则收集器。 As for can absorb the strong regular strength, upper limit high, after various regular strengths collect, what subsequent change will have, all these are also still unknown at present, needs to further try to find out the confirmation. 至于到底能够吸收多强的规则力量,上限到底有多高,各种规则力量收集进来之后到底又会出现什么样的后续变化,这一切目前尚还不得而知,需要进一步摸索验证。 However the intuition told Lin Yi, to tap the ultimate perfect domain potential truly, received the oncoming force necessity to try to collect as far as possible various many regular strengths. 不过直觉告诉林逸,若想真正挖掘出终极完美领域的潜力,接下来势必要设法收集尽可能多的各种规则力量了。 Waited till some limit, perhaps will present some unexpected qualitative change evolution. 等到了某个限度,说不定会出现某种意想不到的质变进化呢。 Collection fosters, this style is also very in tune with the ultimate perfect domain actually.” “收集养成么,这画风倒是跟终极完美领域还挺搭调。” Lin Yi laughs in spite of trying not to secretly, the origin of ultimate perfect domain, itself five lines of ten attributes various is the perfect domain conforms completely in together, cannot be few, now after taking shape, has not thought that must continue this road. 林逸暗暗失笑,终极完美领域的由来,本身就是将五行十属性的各系完美领域全部整合在一起,一个都不能少,如今成型之后,没想到还是要继续走这条路。 Just, collected the rule strength to be possible collecting five lines of ten attribute perfect domain difficulties is much bigger. 只不过,收集规则力量可比收集五行十属性的完美领域难度大得多了。 First grasped top strength so many of regular strength truly, Jianghai Institute and Jianghai city adds completely, at best also such 20-30 people. 一来真正掌握了规则力量的顶级战力就那么多,江海学院和江海城全部加起来,充其量也就那么20-30人。 And larger part also year to year hidden world, not like failing a grade fresh institute these five great advantages of being close to somebody, if the time is not good, the person cannot even see. 其中一大半还都常年隐世不出,不像留级生院这几位五巨这样近水楼台,若是时机不好,根本连人都见不到。 Secondly the rule does not seem like the spirit root attribute is so fixed, although there is division of top regular and second-level rule and third-level rule, but each first-level rule many types, no one knows. 二来规则不像是灵根属性这么固定,虽然有顶级规则、二级规则和三级规则之分,但每一级规则到底有多少种,谁也不知道。 Even half th division, spoke frankly that regarding this does not have the concept. 即便是洛半师,都坦言对此毫无概念。 Therefore even if knows how the following road should walk, which can arrive at step is a huge unknown, Lin Yi can only walk one step to look as before one step. 因此就算知道接下来的路该怎么走,到底能走到哪一步依旧是一个巨大的未知数,林逸只能走一步看一步。 No matter what, the ultimate perfect domain eventually is one huge pleasantly surprised. 但不管怎么样,终极完美领域终究已是一个巨大惊喜。 If nothing else, can only swallow regular strength this point, has let him, when confronts certainly large number rule expert, was in an impregnable position naturally! 别的不说,单是能够吞噬规则力量这一点,就已经让他在对阵绝大数规则高手的时候,天然立于不败之地了! Also can continue to hit?” “还要继续打下去吗?” Lin Yi swept the secret, tyrant and flame pond, without the ultimate perfect domain, he has really not said the victory and defeat to meet who will be the winner to these three people of combinations finally, but presently, does not have the suspense. 林逸扫了天机、暴君和炎池一眼,如果没有终极完美领域,他对上这三人的组合还真不好说胜负最终会鹿死谁手,但是现在,已经没有悬念了。 At least before three people puts out to restrain the countermeasure of ultimate perfect domain effectively, is impossible again to have any suspense, the scene will only turn into unilateral beating. 至少在三人拿出能够有效克制终极完美领域的对策之前,不可能再有任何的悬念,场面只会变成单方面的殴打。 „Can this become reconciled?” “这就要握手言和了吗?” Looking on the people is actually looks perplexed, stands in their angles, at best was also Lin Yi reduced and solved from three established five great First wave offensive temporarily, but also was far from being able to decide the victory and defeat the situation. 旁观众人却是看得不明所以,站在他们的角度,充其量也就是林逸暂时化解了来自三位老牌五巨的第一波攻势,还远没到能够分出胜负的地步。 Regardless of the tyrant, the flame pond or the secret, truly real thing, has not at least put out completely strength. 无论暴君、炎池还是天机,都还没有真正动起真格来,至少还没有拿出全部实力 Must say that this can decide the victory and defeat, was rather too early to say? 要说这样就能分出胜负,未免言之过早了吧? In the field the tyrant filled one barrel of liquor fiercely, laughs saying: Naturally continue, can hit an opportunity rarely happily, Father waited for many years, small clears, Father must move the full power!” 场中暴君猛灌了一桶酒,大笑道:“当然继续,这么难得能够痛快打一场的机会,老子可是等了好多年了,小的们清场吧,老子要动全力了!” A moment ago wasn't that fist the full power?” “难道刚才那一拳还不是全力?” The people are shocked, before that suddenly/violently Huangquan had hit the local mystical place to collapse extinguished, gave the space makes into the nihility, wasn't this full power? 众人纷纷震惊,之前那一记暴煌拳都已经打得本地秘境崩灭了,把空间都给生生打成虚无了,就这都还不是全力? Idiot, alcohol capacity of monarch is not the trivial dozens barrels, but is the entire 300 barrels!” “蠢货,君上的酒量可不是区区的几十桶,而是整整三百桶!” A tyrant Group numerous high-end strength laughs immediately is starting to clear. 暴君集团一众高端战力当即嗤笑着开始清场。 This saying falls in the person with high aspirations ear immediately is the difficult situation. 这话落在有心人耳中顿时又是惊涛骇浪。 300 barrels, that is 300 times in the ordinary condition, less than 50 times had just made void, if this 300 times, what extinguishing world scene that is?! 三百桶,那就是三百倍于平常状态,刚刚只是不到五十倍就已经打出一片虚空,这要是三百倍,那得是什么样的灭世景象?! To understand this point, does not need the tyrant Group people to call, this group of person have escaped crazily. 想明白了这一点,根本都不需要暴君集团众人招呼,这帮人自己就已疯狂逃命去了。 Numerous 13 outstanding leaders, spreads out hastily. 就连一众十三杰头头,也都连忙拉开距离。 Cracks a joke, watches the fun to turn over to watch the fun, if only the observer they naturally is looked that conducts a funeral procession does not dislike funeral to be big, but if , because watches the fun oneself gives to pack off, that talked nonsense. 开玩笑,看热闹归看热闹,如果只是旁观者他们自然是看出殡不嫌殡大,可要是因为看个热闹把自己给送走,那就太扯淡了。 The tyrants really must rumble recklessly 300 times of violent bright fists, that type of complementary waves do not dare to imagine. 暴君真要不顾一切轰出一记三百倍暴煌拳,那种余波根本不敢想象。 If was really hit come out attracts to pull void, they even are high-end the strength still to roll to extinguish at the scene, after all their space ability, will not be Lin Yi this abnormal draft animal that will have the ultimate perfect domain. 真要是被打出来的虚空吸扯进去,他们就算是高端战力也得当场团灭,毕竟他们可不会空间能力,更不是林逸这种坐拥终极完美领域的变态牲口。 Had 13 outstanding leads, although others on the scene are perplexed, but under the life instinct urged to draw back to disperse extremely the distant place fast. 有了十三杰的带头,其他在场众人虽然不明所以,但在求生本能驱使之下还是快速退散到了极远处。 An anchor who wants to rub the network traffic wholeheartedly, removing that also knows the limitation to safe distance. 就连一心想要蹭网络流量的一众主播,也都识相的撤到了安全距离。 Although the current capacity is good, but must live is being good. 流量虽好,但还是要活着才行啊。 Tyrant Group and flame pond Group and numerous high-end strengths of secret pavilion, has not stayed behind, but only Lin Yi Group continuation of people actually acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner sat on the stand, meaning that slightly do not draw back. 暴君集团、炎池集团和天机阁的一众高端战力,也都没有留下,不过唯独林逸集团的众人却是旁若无人的继续坐在了看台上,丝毫没有要退的意思。 „Don't they fear death?” “他们不怕死吗?” Others look at each other in blank dismay. 其余众人不由面面相觑。 As long as some wee bit possibilities, they will also stay in the ringside absolutely as far as possible, solely to not watch the fun, important is observes and emulates the opportunity of this top strength showdown to be really rare. 但凡有一丁点可能,他们也绝对会尽可能留在场边,不单单是为了看热闹,更重要是观摩这种顶级战力对决的机会实在难得。 Even if cannot see through the true way, solely feels the atmosphere that rule collides, made them benefit greatly sufficiently! 哪怕看不穿其中真正的门道,单单只是感受一下那种规则碰撞的氛围,都足以令他们受益匪浅! But the life is eventually important. 可终究还是性命要紧啊。 The Lin Yi Group people do not have this worry, had small alone king Duanshe this new promote giant ultimate grand perfection expert to protect, especially space rule ability, made the people have no more worries sufficiently. 林逸集团众人却没有这个顾虑,有小独王断舍这位新晋巨头终极大圆满高手护着,尤其还是空间规则能力者,足以让众人高枕无忧。 Let alone, if really to time awfully, in the field Lin Yi will also intend to maintain. 更何况,真要是到了要命的时候,场中林逸也会出手维护。
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