SBPE :: Volume #16

#9825: Chapter 9825

Black flame. 黑焰。 On the Lin Yi black flame is still expanding, like throwing over a black overcoat. 林逸身上的黑焰还在壮大,如同披了一件黑色大氅。 Judged from the flame pond shocking look sufficiently, this absolutely is not his writing skill, his fire of karma is in any event impossible to turn into the black, let alone on Lin Yi black flame if really the fire of karma, has the induction with him. 从炎池震惊的神色足以判断,这绝对不是他的手笔,他的业火无论如何都不可能变成黑色,何况林逸身上的黑焰真要是业火,与他之间是存在感应的。 However not. 然而并没有。 In other words, his attaches the fire of karma that the deep-rooted ulcer of bone is unable to throw away generally absolutely, had been replaced by the black flame thoroughly, and even elimination. 换句话说,他那附骨之疽一般绝对无法甩脱的业火,已经被黑焰给彻底取代,乃至清除了。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” The similar three characters emit from flame pond Kou again. 同样的三个字再次从炎池口中冒出。 The so-called fire of karma, is the fire of sins, the human, only then has the sins, the fire of karma grows continually unable to eliminate. 所谓业火,即是罪业之火,人身上只有存在罪业,业火就生生不息无法消除。 Even again human and animals harmless average person, unavoidably fire of karma body, let alone Lin Yi this murdering resolute giant big shot, regardless of him out of what reason anything goal, so long as the manufacture slaughters, its sins on absolute thousand times of ten thousand times in average person. 就算是再人畜无害的普通人,都难免业火着身,何况林逸这种杀伐果决的巨头大佬,无论他出于什么缘由什么目的,只要制造杀戮,其身上的罪业就绝对千倍万倍于普通人。 Did he possibly eliminate? 他怎么可能消除得了? The flame pond does not believe in evil doctrines, immediately cuts a blade again, but this blade cuts no longer was the pure fire of karma domain strength. 炎池不信邪,当即再度砍出一刀,而这一刀砍出的就不再是单纯业火领域的力量了。 Together extremely pure depth purple flame instantaneously the Lin Yi package. 一道极度纯粹的深紫火焰瞬间将林逸包裹。 The person of being sharp-eyed detected immediately differently, but only the top character of true top level, understands that the flame pond made anything at this moment. 眼尖的人顿时就察觉到了不同,但只有真正高层次的顶级人物,才明白炎池这一刻做了什么。 He used the regular strength. 他动用了规则力量。 Sins rule. 罪业规则。 Specially for the second-level rule that the trial world sins have, compares the time, spaces, causes and effects and destructions and so on top rule, although lowered in the level first-level, but absolutely does not have strength of the war. 专为审判世间罪业而存在的二级规则,相比起时间、空间、因果、毁灭之类的顶级规则,虽然在层次上低了一级,但并非就完全没有一战之力。 Because rule control of flame pond has achieved 10%, is the audience is highest! 因为炎池的规则掌控度已经达到了百分之十,乃是全场最高! Although compares the Lin Yi time and lands 5% of double rule, has not achieved in the true sense the magnitude steamroll advantage, but two times of control advantages, still made him occupy a big initiative when the rule collision sufficiently, then makes up for the regular level disadvantage. 虽然相比起林逸时间和空降双规则的百分之五,并没有达到真正意义上数量级的碾压优势,但是两倍的掌控度优势,仍然足以让他在规则碰撞时占据不小的主动,进而弥补规则层级的劣势。 However, the pure deep purple flame falls to Lin Yi on, immediately by his black flame assimilation, besides letting on him this black flame overcoat grows even stronger, and has no other effects. 然而,纯正的深紫色火焰一落到林逸身上,立马就被他的黑焰同化,除了让他身上这件黑焰大氅更加壮大之外,并没有任何其他效果。 If the clay ox entering the sea, an echo does not have. 如泥牛入海,一点反响都没有。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” The flame pond looks that this muttered the speechless, during he in five were great the oldest qualifications to be oldest, has seen the storm was also most, the failing a grade fresh institute rarely has the matter to make him change countenance. 炎池看着这一幕不由喃喃失语,他在五巨之中年纪最大资历最老,见过的风浪也是最多,留级生院已经很少有事情能够令他动容了。 However today, the Lin Yi's performance actually renovated his cognition again and again. 然而今天,林逸的表现却一而再再而三的刷新了他的认知。 Nearby secret is more shocking than him. 一旁天机比他更加震惊。 Just was hit one to be caught off guard by Lin Yi, but also has not it can be said that responded completely, but watches critically now, all in all he should see clearly. 刚刚被林逸打了一个措手不及,还可以说是没有完全反应过来,可如今冷眼旁观,于情于理他都应该看得更加清楚。 At least under the rule collision, his causes and effects perspective/see through at least should be able to see that some clue are right. 至少规则碰撞之下,他的因果透视至少应该能够看出一些端倪才对。 But anything does not have. 可是什么都没有。 Lin Yi under black flame package in his eyes is from head to tail human shaped black hole, anything perspective/see through not come out, he was even forced to use the intuition radically. 黑焰包裹之下的林逸在他眼中就是一个彻头彻尾的人形黑洞,根本什么都透视不出来,他甚至被迫动用了久违的直觉。 This is not the rule.” “这不是规则。” Is listening to the secret muttering speechless, the tyrant and flame pond also changes color: Is absolutely impossible! Only the rule can resist the rule, this is the iron rule!” 听着天机的喃喃失语,暴君和炎池同时变色:“绝对不可能!只有规则才能对抗规则,这是铁律!” The steamroll of rule to domain, this is not the result of artificial definition, but is all top strengths summarizes the come out fact. 规则对领域的碾压,这不是人为定义的结果,而是所有顶级战力总结出来的客观事实。 This with having the light has the darkness to be the same, natural is so, not artificial subverted possibility. 这就跟有光明就有黑暗一样,天然就是如此,没有被人为颠覆的可能性。 If some really people can subvert such World floor logic, that can only explain a matter, this person is to create the world god. 如果真有人能够颠覆这样的世界底层逻辑,那只能说明一件事,这人是创世神。 Lin Yi does not certainly create the world god, is at present on him all, actually really subverted the iron rule in their cognition. 林逸当然不是创世神,可是眼下在他身上发生的一切,却又实实在在的颠覆了他们认知中的铁律。 Although 10,000 unbelievable, but Lin Yi had not presented any regular strength to fluctuate a moment ago, this point also looks clear including the tyrant and flame pond. 虽然一万个难以置信,但林逸刚才身上并没有出现任何的规则力量波动,这一点包括暴君和炎池也都看得一清二楚。 Perhaps secret have is hoodwinked, perhaps possibility of misreading, but can't their three established five great misread completely together? 天机自己一个人也许还有被蒙蔽,也许还有看错的可能,但总不能他们三个老牌五巨全部都一起看错吧? „It is not the rule, what is that?” “不是规则,那是什么?” This huge question surrounds to look at the numerous regarding other, the level had gone beyond their understanding category completely, can only think unclearly severely. 这个巨大的疑问对于其他围观看众来说,层次已经完全超出了他们的理解范畴,只能不明觉厉。 , On the Lin Yi invincible halo was aggravating one while convenient! 顺带着,林逸身上的无敌光环又加重了一层! Even the fight had not ended, but can one pair of three dozens three established five be forced to call a halt greatly, even simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks panic-strickenly, this has won in an unprecedented move. 就算战斗还没有结束,但能够一对三打得三位老牌五巨被迫停手,甚至齐齐面露惊骇,这本身就已经是史无前例的大胜了。 Even has experienced the person who half th division and sea king make a move to before, present Lin Yi has started to emulate to that two faintly, soon becomes the aloofness that dominates in five greatly above existed! 甚至对之前见识过洛半师和海王出手的人来说,眼下的林逸隐隐都已经开始向那两位看齐,都快要成为凌驾于五巨之上的超然存在了! Not only in fact the secret people are shocked, Lin Yi this litigant, at this moment also are quite surprised. 事实上不仅天机众人震惊,就连林逸这个当事人自己,此刻也都颇为惊讶。 The ultimate perfect domain, has such exaggerating effect unexpectedly! 终极完美领域,居然有这样夸张的效果! Right, on him the black flame is not other, ultimate perfect domain has presently! 没错,他身上的这层黑焰不是其他,正是终极完美领域的具现! Catches up before this time meets, Jianghai city that help/gang two Family sent the plant attribute perfect domain original stone promptly, as the matter stands, all attribute perfect domain original stones happen to are on hand prepared, Lin Yi opened without delay directly closed up the pattern. 赶在这次约战之前,江海城那帮二线家族及时送来了植物属性完美领域原石,这样一来,手头所有属性完美领域原石正好齐备,林逸二话不说直接开启了闭关模式。 Has the time speeds of flow of nine glazed pagodas to be auxiliary, although time press, but was left by his smooth cultivate various is the perfect domain. 有着九层琉璃塔的时间流速辅助,虽然时间紧迫,但还是被他顺利修炼出了各系完美领域。 After all this matter, has really had a familiar task and handled it with ease to him, really no challenging. 毕竟这种事情,对他来说实在已是驾轻就熟,真的没有什么挑战性。 Especially after entering regular level, has operated from a strategically advantageous position regarding the understanding of domain, clearer profound, cultivate gets up naturally not to have the difficulty. 尤其在进入了规则层次之后,对于领域的理解已是高屋建瓴,更加清晰深刻,修炼起来自然更加没有难度可言。 The real issue is, how to enter the existing perfect five lines of domains these domain fusions! 真正的问题在于,怎么将这些领域融合进入已有的完美五行领域! The Lin Yi itself/Ben thinks that in this will be closed by the card for a long time, has also completed very much for this reason preparation that fights the protracted war, is really not good, met to finish after continues to close up. 林逸本以为会被卡在这一关很久,为此也早就做好了打持久战的心理准备,实在不行,就等约战结束之后继续闭关。 By strength of his time space double top rule, did not say the steamroll audience in any case, at least is not big to other three established five great shock and awe or the issues. 反正以他时间空间双顶级规则的实力,不说碾压全场,至少给其他三位老牌五巨一番震慑还是问题不大的。 Without think of it, the result is unexpected. 成想,结果出乎意料。 Has the perfect five lines of domains background, he attempted slightly, other five elements perfect domains fused spontaneously, entire process Lin Yi does not even need the guidance, is pure standing by. 有着完美五行领域的底子,他只是稍微尝试了一下,其他五系完美领域就自发融合了进去,整个过程林逸甚至连引导都不需要,就是纯粹的袖手旁观。 That feeling does the chemical experiment to be the same, so long as one puts the reactant and catalyst toward inside, remaining is completely the spontaneous reaction, does not need to operate artificially. 那种感觉做化学实验一样,只要把反应物和催化剂往里面一放,剩下的完全就是自发反应,根本无需人为操纵。 Lin Yi turned over to at that time surprisedly surprisedly, but has not actually thought. 林逸当时惊讶归惊讶,但却没有多想。 Now recalls, this point actually has only appeared the uncommonness of ultimate perfect domain. 如今回想起来,只这一点其实就已经显出了终极完美领域的不凡。 It like other domains is not the artificial cultivate result, instead is more like the regular strength, inherent has existed, the itself/Ben is a part that this World composes. 它不像其他领域那样是人为修炼的结果,反而更像是规则力量,与生俱来就已存在,本就是这个世界组成的一部分。 cultivator must do does not create them, but is knows them thoroughly, understands them, then grasps them! 修炼者要做的不是创造它们,而是去深入认识它们,理解它们,进而掌握它们!
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