SBPE :: Volume #16

#9824: Chapter 9824

Under Sky King herd god prominent as sincere as the meat, powerful rule in addition holds, although each fist might is also huge, but overall or is partial in outputs continually. 天王牧神突出一个拳拳到肉,强力规则加持之下虽然每一记拳头也都威力巨大,但总体而言还是偏向于持续输出。 Hits along the wind energy, can hit against the wind. 顺风能打,逆风也能打。 Hit along a fist little friend, if the situation fell passively, can make the defensive counter-attack that immovability, just like previous Lin Yi, even if can win, still cost the entire most of the day time. 打顺了一拳一个小朋友,而若是局势落入被动,也能做出不动如山的防守反击,正如上次林逸即便能赢,也耗费了整整大半天的时间。 However the tyrant is different. 但是暴君不一样。 He highlights an ultimate eruption, the pure short-lived business, registers ten times of violent bright fist bang to come, Divine Immortal cannot block. 他就突出一个终极爆发,纯粹的一锤子买卖,一记数十倍的暴煌拳轰过来,神仙都挡不住。 But if can shoulder this fist, later the situation will reverse instantaneously. 可若是能够扛过这一拳,之后形势就会瞬间逆转。 The tyrant of ordinary condition did not say not powerful, at least is also the top strengths of average level, but really missed with his own peak condition was too far, many a little vanished however the meaning of people, when the time comes can on extremely be limited to the threat that Lin Yi posed. 平常状态的暴君不是说不厉害,至少也是平均水准的顶级战力,只不过跟他自己的巅峰状态实在差了太远,多少有点泯然众人的意思,到时候能够对林逸造成的威胁就十分有限了。 The issue is, who can shoulder this fist?! 问题是,谁能扛得过这一拳?! Did not say Lin Yi, perhaps existence of even/including Luoban division that rank is unbearable, should to the optimum strategies of dozens times of violent bright fists, always not be the upfront shoulders hardly, but moves aside. 不说林逸,恐怕连洛半师那种级别的存在都够呛,应对数十倍暴煌拳的最佳策略,从来都不是正面硬扛,而是躲闪。 In the world does not have the perfect non-solution style. 天底下没有完美无解的招式。 The style might is the powerful terrifying, its back drawback is also inevitably bigger, dozens times of violent bright fist biggest insufficiency are, hit probability. 招式威力越是强大恐怖,其背后的弊端必然也就越大,数十倍暴煌拳最大的不足在于,命中率。 If faces the common opponent, the tyrant is not worthwhile uses the full power, but a time of violent bright fist solves the problem sufficiently, if the opponent, did not get up again five times of ten times, the hit probability had naturally guaranteed. 如果只是面对寻常对手,暴君根本犯不着动用全力,只是一倍暴煌拳就足以解决问题,对手若是再强一点,了不起来个五倍十倍,命中率自然有所保证。 But multiple, once mentioned dozens times, the might big had no way to control to even he himself completely, the hit probability will plummet. 可倍数一旦提到数十倍,威力大到连他自己都没法完全掌控,命中率将会直线下滑。 Most, can only guarantee 70%! 最多,只能保证70%! A fist decides the life and death, 70% winning percentage cannot be low, what if faces is others, bets absolutely without hesitation by ominous of tyrant, is now facing Lin Yi, is mastering the men of time and space two big top rules simultaneously, even he still absolutely headstrong. 一拳定生死,70%的胜率已经不能算低,如果面对的是其他人,以暴君的凶性绝对赌得毫不犹豫,可是如今面对林逸,一个同时掌握着时间和空间两大顶级规则的男人,就算是他也绝对莽不下去。 Is good because, this fatal flaw was revealed by the secret. 好在,这个致命的缺陷被天机兜底了。 A fist rumbles, all instantaneously collapse to extinguish of Lin Yi whereabouts. 一拳轰出,林逸所在之处的一切瞬间崩灭。 Let alone the scene the torn to pieces location, the surrounding mystical place space had collapsed in a complete mess, has that short flickers, made into the nihility unexpectedly. 别说现场本就已经支离破碎的场地,就连周围的秘境空间都崩得一塌糊涂,有那么短短的一瞬,竟是生生被打成了虚无。 Destruction rule. 毁灭规则。 With time and space same top rule, the significance that terrifying rules that stands in all rule opposites, it has, writes off existing all completely, the least bit does not remain. 跟时间、空间一样的顶级规则,一种站在所有规则对立面的恐怖规则,它所存在的意义,就是将现有的一切全部抹杀,半点不剩。 Lin Yi did not have, does not have with the space that he is at together. 林逸没了,跟着他所在的这片空间一起没了。 „......” “……” Everyone opened the eye, is staring at the trim location stubbornly, is seeking for the Lin Yi possible point of descent. 所有人都不禁睁大了眼睛,死死盯着整片场地,寻找着林逸可能出现的落点。 However a breath in the past, two breaths in the past, until the hemiprism fragrance in the past, Lin Yi had not come. 然而一息过去,两息过去,直至半柱香过去,林逸始终没有重新现身。 Forest won't five great really die?” “林五巨不会真的死了吧?” Finally some people said these words, the scene humming sound sound one piece, in the network raises the difficult situation immediately. 终于有人说出了这句话,现场随即嗡嗡声一片,网络上更是掀起惊涛骇浪。 All finished too quickly, to nearly made everyone unable to respond quickly, they thought that an unprecedented drama is opening slowly, even the curtain has not actually pulled up unexpectedly completely, this has answered a curtain call. 一切结束得太快,快到近乎令所有人都反应不过来,他们满以为一场史无前例的大戏正在缓缓拉开帷幕,却不料连帷幕都还没有完全拉起,这就已经谢幕了。 However, no one said that Lin Yi is weak. 不过,没有人说林逸弱。 Lin Yi is very strong, even if this point does not have the black mole of brain to acknowledge again, otherwise is not only insulting others, is also insulting their IQ. 林逸很强,这一点哪怕再没有脑子的黑子都不得不承认,否则不仅是在侮辱别人,同时也是在侮辱他们自己的智商 But cannot support opposite three five great lineups to be stronger! 可是架不住对面三位五巨的阵容更强! The tyrants are also good, the flame pond is also good, these two output top strengths with the secret happen to are perfect matches certainly, existence of secret transformed real injury really their strength completely! 暴君也好,炎池也好,这俩输出型顶级战力跟天机正好是完美的绝配,天机的存在将他二人的实力全部转化成了实打实的真实伤害! Especially the tyrant, after his dozens times of violent bright fists obtains the assistance of secret, these two simply are the inborn extinguishing god two people of groups. 尤其暴君,他的数十倍暴煌拳得到天机的辅助后,这俩简直就是天生的灭神二人组。 If in this world really has Divine Immortal, Divine Immortal also kills to you looks! 如果这世上真有神仙,神仙也杀给你看! Relax, Old Lin will not have the matter.” “放心,老林不会有事。” Shen Yifan looked at people one eyes to comfort one, however to Lin Yi most confident him, at this moment still really was a little even hurried. 沈一凡看了众人一眼安慰了一句,然而即便是对林逸最有信心的他,此刻也真的有点慌了。 Also has the time and space two big top rules, other not to mention, Lin Yi is to maintain life absolutely one of the ability strongest top strengths, this point without a doubt. 同时坐拥时间和空间两大顶级规则,其他且不说,林逸绝对是保命能力最强的顶级战力之一,这一点毫无疑问。 But to such abnormal combination, lets slip is also reasonable completely. 可是对上这样的变态组合,失手也完全在情理之中。 Lets slip, means the death. 失手,就意味着死亡。 The strict Central Plain people are well aware, but nods silently, even if seems like the loyalty to be lowest most raises not ripe Wei Baizhan, not slight objection. 严中原众人对此心知肚明,但还是默默点头,哪怕是看起来忠诚度最低最养不熟的韦百战,也都没有丝毫的异议。 Just the opposite, this goods instead eye shines scary, he at this moment is even more assured than Shen Yifan people. 恰恰相反,这货反而眼睛亮得吓人,此刻的他甚至远比沈一凡众人更加笃定。 Others regarding side Lin Yi because of trusting, but he, is actually the awe. 其他人围绕在林逸身边是因为信赖,而他,却是出于敬畏。 Every so often, this intuition from lifeform instinct, is keener than the sentiment of human! 很多时候,这种来自生物本能的直觉,远比人类的感情更加敏锐! Sure enough. 果不其然。 In others think settles down, together the familiar form suddenly arrives at the secret behind, simultaneously along with the Lin Yi calm sound: Calculates that I will appear here?” 就在其他所有人都以为尘埃落定之时,一道熟悉的身影忽然降临天机的身后,同时伴随着林逸从容的声音:“算到我会在这里出现了吗?” Finishing barely the words, the front surface is a foot. 话音未落,迎面就是一脚。 The secret eyelid jumps crazily, under the heart flashes through a shock, he can the perspective/see through in the future, he be able to calculate that in the past all causes and effects paths, actually calculate less than at present this only. 天机眼皮狂跳,心下不由闪过一丝震惊,他能透视过去未来,他能算到一切因果轨迹,却唯独算不到眼下这一幕。 Lin Yi at this moment in his eyes, is human shaped black hole, all only cannot enter with the related information, his aloof observer cannot see the slightest unexpectedly information reveal. 此刻的林逸在他眼里,就是一个人形黑洞,所有与之相关的信息都只进不出,他这个超然物外的旁观者竟是根本看不到分毫的信息流露 Without information reveal, naturally would have no causes and effects path, he at this moment in front of Lin Yi, had lost most important card in a hand. 没有了信息流露,自然也就没有了因果轨迹,此刻的他在林逸面前,已经失去了最重要的底牌。 His causes and effects rule, expired on Lin Yi. 他的因果规则,在林逸身上失效了。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Always understood clearly all secret First times to reveal the unbelievable color before the people, regardless of the time rule or the space rule, were restrained by the causes and effects to a certain extent. 向来洞悉一切的天机第一次在众人面前露出了难以置信之色,无论时间规则还是空间规则,一定程度上都被因果克制。 Indeed, the secret wants like dealing with others copes with Lin Yi through the operation causes and effects directly, this is not realistic. 诚然,天机想要像对付其他人那样直接通过操纵因果来对付林逸,这也不现实。 After all the time and space these two big top rules place there, even were restrained, still at most is only the weak restraint, these two can also control the causes and effects in turn, the biggest weapon that therefore the secret facing Lin Yi, can provide is locking must. 毕竟时间和空间这两大顶级规则放在那里,即便被克制,也顶多只是微弱克制,这两者反过来也能左右因果,所以天机面对林逸,所能提供的最大武器就是锁定必中。 He could not cope with Lin Yi alone, may add on tyrant human shaped to kill greatly, at least theoretically, ended oppressive Lin Yi's sufficiently! 他自己单独对付不了林逸,可加上暴君这个人形大杀器,至少理论上,是足以完虐林逸的 Beforehand also truly proved this point. 之前的一幕也确实证明了这一点。 But presently, all expired suddenly. 可是现在,一切忽然都失效了。 Bang! 轰! The secret kicked under the audience panic-stricken gaze underground, scary of might, the entire failing a grade fresh institute mystical place follows to tremble to continue. 天机在全场惊骇注视下被生生一脚踢入地下,威力之吓人,整个留级生院秘境都跟着震颤不止。 At this time suddenly some people called out in alarm: Was my vertigo? How did the forest five great fires of karma change the color?” 这时忽然有人惊呼:“是我眼花了吗?林五巨身上的业火怎么变颜色了?” The people then responded. 众人这才纷纷反应过来。 The fire of karma of flame pond is the deep purple, but covers now in Lin Yi flame, although a little resembles at first sight, but if will identify carefully will discover that at all was not the depth purple, but turned into the pure black. 原本炎池的业火是深紫色,可如今覆盖在林逸身上的火焰,虽然乍看起来有点相像,可如果仔细辨认就会发现根本不是刚才的深紫,而是变成了纯正的黑色。
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