SBPE :: Volume #16

#9823: Chapter 9823

As everyone knows this is the top strength opens style correctly, regular strength the place of using force or high-handed methods also lies in this, even if again powerful again non-solution domain once bumps into the rule, because of the disparity of strength level by the direct steamroll, a wee bit water splash will not stay behind. 殊不知这才是顶级战力的正确打开方式,规则力量的硬霸之处也就在于此,哪怕再强大再无解的领域一旦碰上规则,都会因为力量层次的差距而被直接碾压,连一丁点水花都不会留下。 Like the present, flame pond signboard fire of karma domain, even if were many addition of tyrant good wine, does not have the temperament in the face of the Lin Yi's time rule as before. 就如眼下,炎池招牌的业火领域哪怕多了暴君佳酿的加成,在林逸的时间规则面前依旧毫无脾气。 So long as time recollection, before him, all that makes give for nothing. 只要时间回溯,那他之前所做的一切就都是白给。 This is the peak showdown between top strengths!” “这才是顶级战力之间的巅峰对决啊!” A ringside numerous can touch near 13 and other high-end strengths to point to boost the spirit slightly, regardless all distracting thoughts, the entire god is paying attention to each detail in field, hopes that can obtain an inspiration. 场边一众稍微能够摸到一点边的十三杰等高端战力们纷纷提振精神,抛开一切杂念,全神关注着场上的每一个细节,希望能够从中得到一点启发。 Regular strength type to top level, even if in the Jianghai Institute such secret of sacred place also not passing on, except for Lin Yi this lucky fellow who obtains half th division to favor, other no one will teach this radically. 规则力量这种至高层次,哪怕在江海学院这样的圣地也都是不传之秘,除了林逸这种得到洛半师青睐的幸运儿,其他根本没人会传授这个。 Each point, each drop, must comprehend to try to find out by the powerful perception, meanwhile must have the huge chance! 每一点,每一滴,都得靠自己强大的悟性去领会去摸索,同时还得有天大的机缘! As long as in them has anybody to obtain the least bit inspiration slightly, today this lively looks at the above the price in value, even if even the influence were incorporated at the scene does not owe. 他们之中但凡有任何人能够稍微得到半点启发,今天这场热闹就看得物超所值,甚至就算是自家势力被当场收编都不亏。 This thing, really multi- spirit jade cannot buy again. 这东西,是真的再多灵玉都买不到的。 Some people shake the head saying: This is also not the true showdown, is only exploratory greeting.” 有人摇头道:“这还不是真正的对决,只是试探性的打个招呼而已。” This is all well and good, but this greeting style, our failing a grade fresh institute 99% people must be greeted while still alive die, can only say person and the person really difference!” “话是没错,不过这个打招呼的方式,咱们留级生院90%九的人都得被活活招呼死,只能说人与人是真的不同的!” Finishes barely the words, in the field has used the time recollection to solve the Lin Yi eyelid of fire of karma to jump suddenly, along with, even if sees to soar to the heavens the flame column to emit in his again, the flaming fire of karma is encumbered again. 话音未落,场中已经用时间回溯解决掉业火的林逸忽然眼皮一跳,随即便见冲天炎柱重新在他脚下冒出,熊熊业火再度缠身。 „Is this?” “这是?” Some response slightly quick people turn the head to look immediately to the secret of maintaining composure: Can defeat the rule only has the rule, should be he acts.” 有反应稍快之人立马转头看向不动声色的天机:“能够打败规则的只有规则,应该是他出手了。” It is well known, the secret signboard domain is the perspective/see through. 众人皆知,天机的招牌领域是透视。 However his is entirely different from the perspective/see through that the normal person understands, the perspective/see through of normal person nothing but looks at the essence by the object surface, nothing but is sees through class ability, but his perspective/see through actually will be the past in the future, all causes and effects paths. 然而他这个跟正常人理解的透视截然不同,正常人的透视无非是透过物体表面看实质,无非是一项识破类的能力,可他透视的却是过去未来,一切因果轨迹。 Said accurately, his no longer is the domain category, but solid regular level. 准确的说,他这个已经不再是领域范畴,而是实实在在的规则层次了。 Causes and effects rule. 因果规则。 All things have because of must have the fruit, so long as locked the causes and effects path, even if the Lin Yi's time recollection is unable to avoid thoroughly, the reason is very simple, the causes and effects rule with the time rule same is the top rule. 万事万物有因必有果,只要锁定了因果轨迹,哪怕林逸的时间回溯也无法彻底避开,原因很简单,因果规则和时间规则一样都是顶级规则。 In addition each other rule grasping is equally matched, once both sides collide, being doomed is a sharing half and half aspect. 加上彼此规则掌握度不相上下,双方一旦碰撞,注定是一个平分秋色的局面。 Even faint , the causes and effects still have some restraint regarding the time, but does not repel one another like five lines obvious. 甚至隐隐之间,因果对于时间还存在着某种克制,只不过不像五行相克那样明显罢了。 Comes this move.” “又来这招。” Lin Yi has the preparation early, after all previous alone king incident on experience over towering, so long as the opposite has the secret, he does not want to evade any attack, can only shoulder hardly. 林逸对此早有心理准备,毕竟上次独王事件就见识过一线峥嵘,只要对面有天机在,他就别想躲过任何攻击,只能硬扛下来。 Fire of karma in flaming combustion, if trades to make the game contact surface, was equivalent to his body a powerful negative condition, is falling the blood every time crazily, moreover fell the blood at the percentage! 业火在身上熊熊燃烧,如果换做游戏界面,就相当于他身上中了一个强力负面状态,每时每刻都在疯狂掉血,而且是以百分比掉血! The flame pond eventually is one extremely vicious established five great, the fire of karma domain even is only the domain category, once move as before sufficiently fatal. 炎池终究是一个极其老辣的老牌五巨,业火领域即便只是领域范畴,一旦中招依旧足以致命。 Let alone, the biggest threat that he is under at present is also not limited to this. 何况,他眼下面临的最大威胁还不止于此。 Several established five great single view kills the output, although the flame pond is very strong, but is actually not strongest that. 几位老牌五巨单论杀伤输出,炎池虽然很强,但却不是最强的那一个。 The tyrants, recognize the most terrifying Love on Delivery! 暴君,才是公认最恐怖的破坏之王! The hearsay he promoted five great that war in the past, suddenly/violently Huangquan hits directly loudly shatter the mystical place of under foot, covers the giant mystical place in failing a grade fresh institute to turn is so torn to pieces today, he at least occupied half of merit! 传闻当年他晋升五巨的那一战,一记暴煌拳直接将脚下的秘境打得轰然破碎,笼罩着留级生院的巨大秘境变成今天这么支离破碎,他至少占了一半的功劳! The Thousand-year good wine one after another get into the stomach, on the tyrant terrifying aura at the by people completely not unimaginable speed hurricane, the strength of liquor pond domain condenses in by this form to his within the body. 一桶接着一桶的千年佳酿下肚,暴君身上的恐怖气息在以众人完全无法想象的速度狂飙,酒池领域的力量在以这种形式凝缩到他体内。 „ The unique element of liquor pond domain is, it can the experience toward the strength stores up in the form of good wine, each barrel is equivalent to the complete strength of tyrant! “酒池领域的特殊之处在于,它可以将历往的力量以佳酿的形式储存下来,每一桶都相当于暴君的全部力量! Therefore, he drinks up one barrel every time, is equivalent to the domain strength in the past accumulating to shift to oneself on completely. 因此,他每喝掉一桶,就相当于将以往积存的领域力量全部转移到自己身上。 To put it bluntly, the tyrant drinks one barrel every time, his domain strength will double, drinks many, the increase multiple is bigger, theoretically does not even have the upper limit! ” 说白了,暴君每喝一桶,他身上的领域力量就会增加一倍,喝得越多,增幅倍数就越大,理论上甚至没有上限!” Illustrated along with the live broadcast, had the barrage to ask one suddenly: His did presently drink several barrels?” 伴随着直播解说,有弹幕忽然问了一句:“那他现在喝了几桶?” „......” “……” Suddenly unexpectedly no one can reply. 一时间竟没有人能够回答。 In their mind, the tyrant probably from entering the stadium to start in drinking, one after another, has almost not had stopping time. 在他们的印象中,暴君好像从入场开始就在喝酒,一桶接着一桶,几乎就没有过停下的时候。 Had more than ten barrels probably?” “大概有个十几桶了吧?” Far more than more than ten barrels, you have not looked at his abnormal pouring liquor down the throat style, even the most conservative estimate still had 30 barrels!” “何止十几桶,你没看他那变态的灌酒方式吗,就算最保守估计也有三十桶了!” Pitifully does not have the anchor lens continuously to him, otherwise looked that playbacking can count come out.” “可惜没有主播镜头一直对着他,要不然看回放就能数出来了。” The people feel to regret in abundance, at this moment until lags behind terrified in great surprise, according said, the tyrant's from the First time of admission is the presently showdown prepares? 众人纷纷觉得惋惜,直到此刻才后知后觉的悚然大惊,照这么说,难道暴君从入场的第一时间就已经在为现在的对决做准备了? This is what kind of plans! 这是何等的心机啊! Looks at the potbellied straightforward appearance, indeed is also plans deep old compels Yin, if this trades pure point coming up, cannot be swindled completely exactly miserably?” “看着大腹便便的粗豪模样,敢情也是个心机深沉的老阴逼,这要是换个单纯点的上去,不得被活活骗惨?” Naive, to that level, how to possibly have what plans pure person?” “天真,到了那个层次,怎么可能还会有什么心机单纯的人?” Tyrant truly does not have in the surface to look that simple, but your everyone also wants to be many probably, where arriving drinks to which this is always the custom of tyrant, not just now genius this.” “暴君确实没有表面上看起来那么简单,可你们各位好像也想多了,走到哪喝到哪这一向是暴君的习惯,并不是只有今天才这样。” People then suddenly. 众人这才恍然。 When no wonder regardless of sees the tyrant, forever is the wasteful stances of being surrounded by beautiful women intemperate eating and drinking, originally this, not only single to enjoy, but to maintain strength at most peak momentarily! 难怪无论何时看到暴君,永远都是左拥右抱酒池肉林的奢靡架势,原来这并不单单只是为了享受,而是为了随时将实力维持在最巅峰 In other words, at any time his body is condensing at least dozens times in the ordinary domain strength, no quarter is relaxing truly. 换句话说,任何时候他的身上都凝聚着至少几十倍于平常的领域力量,没有一刻是在真正放松。 This as top five great consciousness. 这才是身为顶级五巨的觉悟。 In the field the tyrant looks at Lin Yi, although the feeling of being drunk could not have concealed, but the tone is actually the unprecedented earnestness: My this fist gets down, you could die, oneself carefully.” 场中暴君看着林逸,虽然醉意已经掩饰不住,但语气却是前所未有的认真:“我这一拳下去,你可能会死的,自己小心点。” Come.” “来吧。” Lin Yi is going against the ignition of fire of karma, while alerts highly with rapt attention. 林逸一边顶着业火的灼烧,一边高度凝神戒备。 Opposite party saying to be not exaggerating, Lin Yi has with top Fist Dao Grandmaster has fought, the Sky King herd god of city main mansion is recent one, has in addition of powerful rule to hold, the fist of fellow is he has seen the most terrifying fist absolutely, does not have one. 对方这话绝非夸大,林逸不是没跟顶级拳道宗师交过手,城主府的天王牧神就是最近的一个,有着强力规则的加持,那家伙的拳头绝对是他所见过最恐怖的拳头,没有之一。 However compares with tyrant at this moment, the dangerous intuition of many years of training told him, by the anti-personnel performance, the Sky King herd god perhaps missed at least one magnitude only! 然而跟此刻的暴君一比,多年培养的危险直觉告诉他,单论杀伤威力,天王牧神恐怕差了至少一个数量级! This did not mean that the Sky King herd god is too weak, if in fact makes Lin Yi appraise, both in the same level, are very probably difficult to decide which one is better. 这并不是说天王牧神太弱,事实上若让林逸评价,两者大概是在同一层次,很难分出伯仲。 But both's style is entirely different. 只不过两者的风格截然不同。
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