SBPE :: Volume #16

#9822: Chapter 9822

If five great between mutually wounded, under this group of people to them naturally is the huge good deed, when the time comes will be the new situation that the outstanding heroes will rise together simultaneously. 若是五巨之间两败俱伤,对他们底下这帮人自然是天大的好事,到时候将是群雄并起的新局面。 But once among presents a side big winner, takes the opportunity to complete to the conformity of loser, that may be completely another scene. 可一旦中间出现一方大赢家,借机完成对失败者的整合,那可就完全是另一种景象了。 Reason that until now, five great are unable to unify the entire failing a grade fresh institute, besides a failing a grade fresh institute mixing of good and bad people large number, most important reason is five great between each other diverts mutually. 一直以来,五巨之所以无法统一整个留级生院,除了留级生院龙蛇混杂人数众多之外,最重要的原因则是五巨之间彼此相互牵制。 Once five great between achieve consistently, under all influence headed by 13, the leeway that has almost not revolted against. 一旦五巨之间达成一致,底下以十三杰为首的各方势力,几乎没有反抗的余地。 It is not they are weak, just the opposite, really must live the institute to conform in five great beside failing a grade together, that overall strength terrifying degree made any top big shot drool with envy sufficiently. 不是他们不够强,恰恰相反,真要将五巨之外的留级生院整合在一起,那整体实力的恐怖程度足以令任何一位顶级大佬都垂涎三尺。 The point is that in a state of disunity. 可问题是,一盘散沙。 Including five great have no way to make them obey, let alone they. 连五巨都没法令他们顺服,更别说他们自己了。 Has strength like Hong Baxian Overlord pavilion type very much, had the enterprise very much, before Lin Yi arrival, various movements were also many, but in fact threw into the pond on such as pebble, at best was also splashes to be up the small water splash, could not affect the general situation. 像洪霸先的霸王阁这种已经算是很有实力,也很有进取心了,林逸到来之前各种动作也不少,可实际上就如一颗石子扔进池塘,充其量也就是溅起一点小小的水花,根本影响不了大局。 Suddenly, audience people five senses mixed Chen. 一时间,全场众人五味杂陈。 Five great summits that originally you said are this meaning.” “原来你说的五巨峰会是这个意思。” Under is a focus of public attention, the tyrant took the cask to stand, is hitting the liquor belch: I also think that is the ordinary five great conferences, sits to chat to pull together pale, it seems like or underestimated your boldness.” 万众瞩目之下,暴君提着酒桶站了起来,打着酒嗝道:“我还以为就是普通的五巨会议,一起坐下来聊个天扯个淡呢,看来还是低估你的魄力了。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: Where with character, to speak to begin was convincing, right?” 林逸笑笑:“以诸位的性格,说话哪有动手来的有说服力,对吧?” That is just right for old man intent actually!” “那倒是正合老夫意!” Flame pond Ti the long blade is going out of the neutral stand, looks to Lin Yi: How to hit?” 炎池提着长刀走出中立看台,看向林逸:“怎么打?” Lin Yi spoke thoughtlessly the reply: „, This can also hit together happily, how?” 林逸随口回答:“一起吧,这样也能打得痛快一点,如何?” An audience again loudly piece. 全场再度轰然一片。 Today can experience to five great between top showdowns, this is the unexpected magnificent scene, listens to Lin Yi this saying the meaning, unexpectedly is also not one-to-one selects only, does he want to select two unexpectedly?! 今天能够见识到五巨之间的顶级对决,这就已经是意料之外的大场面了,听林逸这话的意思,竟然还不是一对一的单挑,他居然想要一挑二?! „Was this little floating?” “这有点飘了吧?” The online the collective has fainted, five great between one-to-one are the Ten-year rare magnificent scenes, has not thought that unexpectedly selects two, today this melon eats simply full. 网上已经集体晕倒,五巨之间的一对一就已是十年难得一见的大场面了,没想到居然还是一挑二,今天这瓜简直吃到饱啊。 Finally has not waited for them to sigh with emotion well, another side secret also stood. 结果还没等他们好好感慨一下,另一边的天机也站了起来。 Such being the case, that also calculates my one.” “既然如此,那也算我一个吧。” Under the line gets online the thorough deathly stillness. 线上线下彻底死寂。 Selects three? 一挑三? How spoke truth even Lin Yi again strongly, light/only selected two to be unlikely to have what odds of success, but after all that two tyrant and flame pond, where regardless of arrived is the sign surface characters of top strength. 讲道理就算林逸再怎么强势,光是一挑二就已经不太可能有什么胜算了,毕竟那两位可是暴君和炎池啊,无论走到哪里都是顶级战力的牌面人物。 Now adds on a secret again, although in the cognition the secret in the work places belongs is the information mouth, actual combat ability should be inferior to several other five greatly, but that good and evil is also five great. 如今再加上一个天机,虽然在坊间认知中天机属于是情报口,实战能力应该不如其他几位五巨,但那好歹也还是五巨啊。 Let alone, no one has seen the scene that the secret has acted full power truly, who knew under his hand to hide how many killing move? 何况,谁也没有真正见过天机全力出手的场面,谁知道他手底下到底藏了多少杀招 Perhaps, during the secret is all five is great most immeasurably deep that this possibility has. 说不定,天机才是所有五巨之中最深不可测的那一个,这种可能性并不是没有。 Tyrants, flame pond, secret. 暴君,炎池,天机。 Lin Yi selects such lineup only, has his beforehand cow bi score to support, otherwise this little while online absolute hiss piece, even if not consider resources bite off more than can chew again must have a limit. 林逸单挑这样的阵容,也就是有他之前的牛哔战绩撑着,否则这会儿网上绝对嘘声一片,就算再自不量力也要有个限度啊。 Lin Yi looked at the secret, when everyone thinks that the reason will let he rejects, actually sees him to show a faint smile: Also good.” 林逸看了看天机,就在所有人都以为理智会让他拒绝的时候,却见他微微一笑:“也好。” „......” “……” The audience looked that the numerous have not known should say anything, can only collectively with looking at the Divine Immortal look looks at Lin Yi, is waiting for this following unprecedented performance. 全场看众已经根本不知道该说什么了,只能集体用看神仙的眼神看着林逸,等待着这位接下来史无前例的表演。 Naturally regarding Li Muyang and the others, then waits to look how he will die later! 当然对于李沐阳等人来说,则是等着看他待会儿会怎么死! Even if Li Songzhang this Jianghai city First person, is anticipating Lin Yi secretly with this group of failing a grade fresh institute five great dog-eat-dog in accidental/surprised. 哪怕是李诵章这位江海城第一人,也都在暗暗期待林逸跟这帮留级生院五巨的狗咬狗中出意外。 Although to Lin Yi this rank, so long as does not make the fatal mistake, even if falls into the enormous disadvantage, generally will not be killed at the scene, if? 虽说到了林逸这个级别只要不是出现致命失误,哪怕落入极大劣势,一般也不会当场被打死,但是万一呢? Even if only mutually wounded, to him is also the blood gains does not owe! 哪怕只是两败俱伤,对他而言也是血赚不亏! After all Lin Yi is not the good bird, failing a grade fresh institute group of people, is not the good bird. 毕竟林逸不是好鸟,留级生院这帮人,也都不是好鸟。 Words that I have not remembered incorrectly, the previous alone king has an accident probably is also this battle formation, but do not misunderstand, the previous time is only symbolic notified you, several of us may not have the acting seriously meaning.” “我没记错的话,上次独王出事的时候好像也是这个阵势,不过你可别误会了,上次只是象征性的跟你打个招呼,我们几个可都没有动真格的意思。” The tyrants said that the cask in the hand throws in front of Lin Yi directly. 暴君说完直接将手中酒桶扔到林逸面前。 Lin Yi receives single-handed, laughs the one breath to fill half barrel: Therefore genius must hit a happiness now!” 林逸单手接下,大笑着一口气灌掉半桶:“所以今天才要打个痛快!” He knows certainly that opposite party saying to not retrieve face, by the urogenous of tyrant, will not care about this so-called face in fact, the opposite party stated a fact. 他当然知道对方这话不是为了找回面子,事实上以暴君的尿性,根本不会在乎这种所谓的面子,对方只是陈述了一句事实。 That rubbish, starts.” “那就不废话了,开始吧。” Flame pond Menheng raises the long blade to initiate immediately assaults, he is oldest one on the scene, but absolutely is not calmest that. 炎池闷哼一声当即提着长刀发起抢攻,他是在场年纪最大的一个,但绝对不是最沉稳的那一个。 Just the opposite, his nature like the raging fire, the violent temper of young time is illustrious in the entire Jianghai, once rushed to the terrible disaster, met that legendary common general affairs office chief not to live presently. 恰恰相反,他性如烈火,年轻时候的暴脾气在整个江海都赫赫有名,一度曾经闯下滔天大祸,要不是遇上了那位传奇一般的总务处长根本都活不到现在 Even if to the present, his temperament looks to restrain, actually as before is the super powder keg, may detonate anytime! 哪怕到了如今,他这脾气看着收敛了许多,实则依旧是个超级火药桶,随时都有可能引爆! A blade cuts. 一刀砍出。 The Lin Yi under foot emits at the scene soars to the heavens the flame column together, the cask that the coordinate tyrant gives, formed the unexpected coordination unexpectedly, Lin Yi fell into the sea of fire at the scene. 林逸脚下当场冒出一道冲天炎柱,配合暴君给的酒桶,竟是形成了意外的配合,林逸当场陷入火海之中。 Regardless of his how figure twinkle, the under foot flame column always such as attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone unable to throw away, in addition the combustion of tyrant Thousand-year good wine, in the field became large-scale cremation impressively! 无论他怎么身形闪烁,脚下炎柱始终如附骨之疽无法甩脱,加上暴君千年佳酿的助燃,场中赫然成了大型火化现场! Forest five great dangers!” “林五巨危!” Although the people do not believe that Lin Yi will easily fall down, but worries for Lin Yi. 众人虽然不相信林逸这么轻易就会栽倒,但还是替林逸捏了一把冷汗。 Has the anchor to solve saying: „The signboard domain of flame pond is the fire of karma, so long as the body has the sins in the body, cannot escape the fire of karma the burning hot, now adds on the Thousand-year good wine of tyrant, the fire of karma might at least rises dramatically one time!” 有主播解说道:“炎池的招牌领域是业火,只要身上有罪业在身,就逃不过业火的焚灼,如今加上暴君的千年佳酿,业火威力至少暴增一倍!” Traded to be just Zhao Rikun, perhaps these has only been burnt alive!” “换做刚刚的赵日坤,只这一下恐怕就已经被活活烧死了!” Looked that the forest five can get rid greatly smoothly, if really cannot get rid, the fire of karma has followed he, even if can shoulder in a short time, the time one long will cause mortally injured!” “就看林五巨能不能顺利摆脱了,如果实在摆脱不了,业火就会一直跟着他,就算短时间内能够扛得住,时间一长还是会造成致命伤害!” Regarding certainly large number expert, only this, is the non-solution. 对于绝大数高手来说,单这一手,就已是无解。 However Lin Yi obviously is an exception. 不过林逸显然是个例外。 The intention moves, the under foot flame column and fire of karma received with an extremely strange unusual stance suddenly baseless, but his body is perfect. 心念一动,脚下炎柱和身上业火忽然以一种极为诡异反常的姿态凭空收了回去,而他本人的身上则是完好无损。 Time recollection. 时间回溯。 The audience are dumbfounded, especially online compels collectively ignorant. 全场目瞪口呆,尤其线上更是集体懵逼。 Their cognition also stay, in various set attribute domains open in the great scene of greatly gathering greatly. 他们的认知还停留在各系属性领域大开大合的宏大场面之中。 Like the gold/metal hoe of old farmer conjecture emperor family/home, five great that inevitably is the graces is in their eyes earth-shaking, the lethality and coverage scope are above their imagination, but the essence are not quite many with under these domain expert difference. 就跟老农臆想皇帝家的金锄头一样,五巨在他们眼中那必然是举手投足惊天动地,杀伤力和覆盖范围超乎他们的想象,不过本质却还是跟底下这些领域高手差不太多。 As for the regular strength, listens not to listen. 至于规则力量,听都没听过。
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