SBPE :: Volume #16

#9821: Chapter 9821

The difficulty of breakthrough, is to need to withstand/top the offensive and pressure of strong opponent, oneself each link must adjust most peak, looks for the turning point to try to force through the checkpoint certainly at one fell swoop. 临阵突破的难度,在于需要顶着强大对手的攻势和压力,将自身每一个环节都要调整到最巅峰,找准契机一举冲关。 Just like the beforehand autumn three mothers. 正如之前的秋三娘。 The breakthrough that can therefore succeed truly, certainly the large number in advantage, badly is also well-matched, otherwise any link has the problem, the not high success ratio will reset directly instantaneously. 故而真正能够成功的临阵突破,绝大数都是在优势局面,最差也是旗鼓相当,否则其中任何一个环节出现问题,都会直接将本就不高的成功率瞬间清零。 But was deadlocked like the shed thoroughly, the person were about not to have obviously, unexpectedly can also break through, especially attacked giant ultimate grand perfection, this matter heard something never heard of before simply! 而像断舍这样被彻底锁死,明明人都快没了,居然还能临阵突破,尤其还是冲击巨头终极大圆满,这种事情简直闻所未闻! He in the breakthrough edge, has not needed this showdown, can break through momentarily!” “他本身就已经在突破边缘,根本无需这场对决,也能随时突破!” The truth laid bare by flame pond. 真相被炎池一语道破。 under the hand | subordinate people in abundance suddenly, following is panic-stricken and awe that by the heart is sent! 手下众人纷纷恍然,随之而来的便是由心而发的惊骇和敬畏! They are the high-end strengths that the failing a grade fresh institute qualifies, walking that is ready the proper top dog, but their long-awaited giant ultimate grand perfection small alone king Duanshe here, actually as if are only sloppy ordinary trivial matter, is not worth mentioning. 他们都是留级生院榜上有名的高端战力,走出去那都是妥妥的人上人,可他们梦寐以求的巨头终极大圆满在小独王断舍这里,却似乎只是稀松平常的小事,不值一提。 If trades to do is they, as long as 1/10000 breakthrough opportunities, that absolutely guaranteeing the breakthrough will place the First position, moreover for against a long delay usually means many problems, will break through in the First time inevitably. 如果换做是他们,但凡有万分之一的突破机会,那都绝对会将确保突破放在第一位,而且为防夜长梦多,必然是在第一时间突破。 Like breaking the shed is so careless it keeps the card in a hand, wants not to dare to imagine simply. 像断舍这么漫不经心将其留作底牌的,简直想都不敢想象。 The one who is most shocking is Zhao Rikun in field. 最震惊的是场中的赵日坤。 His destiny tentacle can lock in the shed, on the one hand admittedly because of destiny rule's ability, its named destiny binding, in his heaven defying changes in the life process with for ability of top rule still to be able even by the seal. 他的命运触手能够锁住断舍,一方面固然是因为命运规则本身的能力,其名为命运绑定,在他逆天改命过程中就算是同为顶级规则的能力也会被封印。 But, destiny binding also has the premise to limit conditions, that is his boundary must be higher than the binding goal! 可是,命运绑定也是有前提限制条件的,那就是他的境界必须要高于绑定目标! Once is unable to satisfy this conditions, destiny binding has certain probability to be worked loose. 一旦无法满足这个条件,命运绑定就有一定概率会被挣脱。 Just like the present. 正如眼下。 Is promoted the giant ultimate grand perfection First time in small alone king Duanshe, tied up all round in his destiny tentacle then presented the loose slit, even if the slit were extremely slight, but regarding expert that has space ability, this has had more than enough to spare. 在小独王断舍晋级巨头终极大圆满第一时间,团团绑在他身上的命运触手便出现了松动的缝隙,哪怕缝隙极其细微,但对于一个有着空间能力高手来说,这就已经绰绰有余了。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Zhao Rikun heart startles greatly, must open the mouth to admit defeat without delay immediately. 赵日坤心头大骇,二话不说当即就要开口认输。 heaven defying changes the life is his most important attitude of life, now lets slip one time, the opposite party is impossible to give him again second time destiny binding the opportunity. 逆天改命是他最重要的立身之本,如今一次失手,对方绝不可能再给他第二次命运绑定的机会。 Behind him these destiny tentacles, said only actually the battle efficiency is not weak, regardless of the speed kills, in giant ultimate grand perfection expert even not top, that still at least has the average levels. 他背后的这些命运触手,单说起来其实战斗力不弱,无论速度还是杀伤,在一众巨头终极大圆满高手之中即便不算顶级,那也至少有着平均水准。 Let alone also destiny binding effect of additional momentarily triggering. 何况还附带随时触发的命运绑定效果。 Even if with tyrant like this established five great, has to socialize a possibility, what a pity he meets to mediate the shed only. 哪怕跟暴君这样的老牌五巨,也都不是没有周旋一番的可能,可惜唯独他遇上了断舍。 To space ability, you strong killing again abnormal effect, once does not hit, that is equal to zero. 对上空间能力,你再强的杀伤再变态的效果,一旦打不中,那就等于是零。 However, Zhao Rikun does not have the opportunity that opens the mouth to admit defeat. 然而,赵日坤已经没有了开口认输的机会。 Breaks shed face indifferent arrival above his top of the head, a slap pats, World returns instantaneously quietly. 断舍一脸漠然的降临在他头顶上方,一巴掌拍下,世界瞬间重归清静。 „......” “……” The audience people do not know that should make what expression. 全场众人已经不知道该做什么表情了。 Although this seems to have met before, begins that to be exactly the same, even if does not have the vision layman still to feel again results in come out, these with was entirely different a moment ago. 虽然这一幕似曾相识,更开场那一下如出一辙,可就算是再没有眼光的门外汉也感受得出来,这一下跟刚才截然不同。 Zhao Rikun can look a moment ago, is this time, the big probability is to part forever. 刚才赵日坤能够找回来,可是这一次,大概率是要永别了。 After column fragrance, cannot appear to agreement time Zhao Rikun as before, the tyrant sets out to announce immediately: 7 : 0, this showdown Lin Yi side wins.” 等了一柱香后,到了约定时间赵日坤依旧没能出现,暴君当即起身宣布道:“七比零,本场对决林逸方获胜。” The audience cheer. 全场欢呼。 In the network is a school of ebullition. 网络上更是一派沸腾。 Today Lin Yi Group is ready proper win, 7 : 0 steamroll scores not to mention, this level life and death showdown is only one's own side no one buckle, this is the rare celebration. 今天林逸集团是妥妥的大获全胜,七比零的碾压比分且不说,这种层级的生死对决光是己方无一人折损,这就已经是难得的喜事。 Let alone, the autumn three mothers and broke the shed to break through, severe wound Shen Yifan was the harvest is also many, was not far from the breakthrough shortly. 更何况,秋三娘和断舍先后临阵突破,重伤的沈一凡也是收获颇丰,眼看离突破不远。 On this day hits, Lin Yi Group strength not only does not have to weaken slightly, instead obtained nearly the enhancement of qualitative change, this result made all careerists shock. 这一天打下来,林逸集团实力非但没有丝毫削弱,反而得到了近乎质变的增强,这个结果着实令各方野心家大跌眼镜。 Before then, pointing at Lin Yi is mutually wounded with Zhao Rikun, wants to take the opportunity the fellow who goes to enter is not two. 在此之前,指着林逸跟赵日坤两败俱伤,想要借机趁虚而入的家伙可不是一个两个。 In the final analysis, the failing a grade fresh institute is such is unable the place, even if in all influence surface to five is maintaining the awe greatly, but in fact, other may displace these words is almost Holy Bible of all careerists. 说到底,留级生院就是这样的无法之地,哪怕各方势力面上对五巨保持着敬畏,但实际上,“彼可取而代之”这句话几乎是所有野心家的圣经。 Especially under this group of 13, no one hope five great downfall compared with them. 尤其底下这帮十三杰,没有任何人比他们更希望五巨倒台。 Lin Yi these days gain of fame and fortune history had been regarded the success template by them, wants duplicate/restores to carve the Lin Yi miracle, steps on five great skeleton superiors fellows to have plenty of such people. 林逸这段时间的发迹史已经被他们当成了成功模板,想要复刻林逸奇迹,踩着五巨尸骨上位的家伙大有人在。 The result has not thought, looks at threatening Zhao Rikun Group, so collapses at the first blow including him unexpectedly. 结果没想到,看着来势汹汹的赵日坤集团,包括他本人在内竟都如此不堪一击。 Wastes the sentiment simply. 简直浪费感情。 This moment thoughts more complex two people, is the tyrant and flame pond. 此刻心思更加复杂的二人,则是暴君和炎池。 Not is only because is promoted giant ultimate grand perfection with small alone king Duanshe, Lin Yi Group were many a top strength, formed the potential of obvious suppression to them. 不仅仅是因为随着小独王断舍晋级巨头终极大圆满,林逸集团多了一个顶级战力,对他们形成了显而易见的压制之势。 The important reason, is they cash in commitment the time arrives. 重要的原因,是他们兑现承诺的时候到了。 At this time some online people asked suddenly: Words said that what today the gambling stake of this showdown is?” 这时网上忽然有人问道:“话说今天这场对决的赌注是啥?” Right, if Zhao Rikun won, can sit the new spatial come out five great positions ready ready, but Lin Yi Group won, probably is no good?” “对啊,赵日坤如果赢了,妥妥能够坐上新空出来的五巨之位,可林逸集团赢了,好像就没什么好处啊?” „A your such saying also was really, only then the risk did not have the matter of advantage, why the forest were five great to comply?” “你这么一说还真是,只有风险没有好处的事情,林五巨为什么要答应下来?” Is Lin Yi is outraged by an injustice when the people, then emits various strange guesses, Lin Yi sets out finally. 就在众人为林逸抱不平,进而冒出各种稀奇古怪的猜测之时,林逸终于起身。 The audience are instantaneously peaceful. 全场瞬间安静下来。 All live broadcast lens were not exceptional aimed at Lin Yi completely, each in the feature article, for fear that omitted any a wee bit possible important information from top to bottom. 所有直播镜头毫不例外全部对准了林逸,浑身上下每一处都在特写,生怕遗漏掉任何一丁点可能的重要信息。 Lin Yi walks into the field slowly, the vision sweeps from tyrant several people, a chuckle sound said: Warm-up match fired off, according to the agreement, should be one's turn us?” 林逸缓缓走入场中,目光从暴君几人身上一扫而过,轻笑一声道:“热身赛打完了,按照约定,该轮到咱们了吧?” The audience are astonished however. 全场讶然。 After the moment , the entire network explodes instantaneously. 片刻后整个网络瞬间爆炸。 With the Zhao Rikun Group seven pairs seven is only the warm-up match? The showdown between giant ultimate grand perfection expert is only the warm-up match, my God, does my luck for a lifetime need to use today?” “与赵日坤集团的七对七只是热身赛?巨头终极大圆满高手之间的对决都只是热身赛,我的天,我一辈子的运气是不是都要用在今天了?” Listens to this meaning, Lin Yi to prepare to challenge that several established five great?” “听这个意思,林逸难道准备挑战那几位老牌五巨?” I go, no wonder some rumors said before what five great summits, I am still thinking that Zhao Rikun has what relations with five great summits, originally indeed is this meaning!” “我去,难怪之前有传言说什么五巨峰会,我还在想赵日坤跟五巨峰会有什么关系,原来敢情是这个意思啊!” What five great summits? Wants five great tangled warfare?” “什么五巨峰会?难道是要五巨混战?” Online also watches the fun, the people are are completely tense the fine hair to tower, each one looks are dignified. 网上还只是看热闹,现场众人却已是全部紧张得汗毛耸立,个个神色凝重。 Although is not they go on stage, in fact including 13, they simply does not have the qualifications to go on stage in this situation, but the result of this five great summit meeting will decide the future pattern of entire failing a grade fresh institute directly. 虽然不是他们上场,事实上包括十三杰在内,他们也根本没有资格在这种场合上场,可是这场五巨峰会的结果将直接决定整个留级生院的未来格局。 And, naturally also determined their following destinies! 其中,自然也决定了他们接下来的命运!
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