SBPE :: Volume #16

#9820: Chapter 9820

Shen Yifan who the one side therapy knits the brows: Even if the top rules, control is still higher than the frontline, doesn't that have unilaterally the view of suppression? How small alone will king be trigged?” 一旁疗伤的沈一凡皱眉道:“就算都是顶级规则,掌控度也只是高出一线,那也不存在单方面压制的说法吧?小独王怎么会被制住?” Lin Yi shakes the head slightly: This perhaps was special ability of destiny rule.” 林逸微微摇头:“这恐怕就是命运规则的特殊能力了。” The regular strength is ever changing, even if the same rule, falls the effect possibly is also widely divergent in the different person hands, is unable to forecast before actual fight. 规则力量千变万化,哪怕是同一规则,落在不同的人手里效果也可能大相径庭,在实际交手之前根本无法预测。 However regarding Zhao Rikun ability, adopted the beforehand observation and divulges come out few words unknowingly, Lin Yi has been able to infer some roughly outlines to come actually. 不过对于赵日坤的能力,通过之前的观察和不经意间泄露出来的只言片语,林逸倒是已经能够推断出一些大致的轮廓来了。 heaven defying changes to assign/life! 逆天改命! This should be ability of Zhao Rikun most core, his under the hand | subordinate the crowd of high-end strengths, should be his heaven defying change the life the product. 这应该是赵日坤最核心的一个能力,他手下的这群高端战力,应该就是他逆天改命的产物。 Is only in the school the borderline person of nameless lowest level, now above the sudden collective incarnation giant grand perfection Late Phase high-end strength, this was not they straightened out obviously suddenly, but was changed to assign/life by Zhao Rikun forcefully. 原本只是学院内籍籍无名最底层的边缘人物,如今突然集体化身巨头大圆满后期以上的高端战力,这显然不是他们自己忽然开窍了,而是被赵日坤强行改命了。 Changes to assign/life one time, change to assign/life two times, even change to assign/life three times! 一次改命,二次改命,甚至三次改命! Corresponds giant grand perfection Late Phase respectively, giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, with giant ultimate grand perfection! 分别对应巨头大圆满后期,巨头大圆满后期巅峰,和巨头终极大圆满 Will perhaps have discrepancies because of the individual difference, but Lin Yi this guess truly is near perfect, almost entire. 这其中因个体差异也许会有出入,但林逸这番猜测确实已是八九不离十,几乎全中。 To a certain extent, heaven defying changes to assign/life this is completely the god only has ability that falls to the ground in Zhao Rikun hand, although a little careless and wasteful use of nature's products, but he can develop this ability, had proven he absolutely is not a simple role. 某种程度上,逆天改命这完全就是神祇才有的能力,落地赵日坤手上虽说有点暴殄天物,但他能开发出这项能力本身,就已经证明了他绝对不是一个简单角色。 Let alone, heaven defying changes the life, not only the single can use on others, the lot manufacturing high-end strength and even the top strength, can only be this ability additional product. 何况,逆天改命并不单单只能用在别人身上,批量制造高端战力乃至顶级战力,都只能算是这项能力的一个附带产物。 Must know that he develops the original intention of this ability, is for he himself! 要知道他开发出这项能力的初衷,可是为了他自己啊! Catches others' domineering destiny, rewrites to become own destiny it, this is heaven defying changes life true opening style! 捕获别人的强势命运,将其改写成为自己的命运,这才是逆天改命真正的打开方式 This move prepared for you, what a pity.” “这一招本来是为你准备的,可惜了呢。” Zhao Rikun slightly reveals the regret shot a look at Lin Yi one. 赵日坤略显遗憾的瞥了林逸一眼。 Although really must let him to Lin Yi, inauspicious, shrinking not acted in a play mostly completely, even if the destiny rule were the top rule, but only then 3% control met Lin Yi this time the draft animal of space double top rule, that delivers the vegetable/dish ready ready. 虽然真要让他对上林逸,多半还是凶多吉少,刚才的畏缩并非全部都是演戏,哪怕命运规则是顶级规则,可只有百分之三的掌控度遇上林逸这个时间空间双顶级规则的牲口,那妥妥就是送菜。 But eventuality? 可万一呢? If by some chance Lin Yi also same comes to be negligent with the present breaking shed for a while, was captured by him successfully, he may gain in a big way! 万一林逸也跟眼下的断舍一样来个一时大意,被他成功抓取,那他可就赚大了! But ideal, although very pretty is good, the reality is impossible to illuminate his script to go, can fish to one similarly is small alone king Duanshe of top rule, he has had a dream must smile to awake. 只不过理想虽然很美好,现实却不可能照着他的剧本去走,能够捞到一个同样是顶级规则的小独王断舍,他就已经做梦都要笑醒了。 Space ability, he covets for a long time. 空间能力,他可是觊觎已久啊。 Saw with own eyes that the shed cannot work loose, then the increasing number of people saw finally is not right, although was limited by the vision level, is unable to see clearly the incident essence truly, but actually also many moistened near a point. 眼见断舍挣脱不得,这下终于越来越多的人看出了不对劲,虽然受眼界层次所限,无法真正洞察到事件本质,但却也多少沾到了一点边。 Zhao Rikun should not extract True Qi of that child?” “赵日坤该不会是在抽取那小孩的真气吧?” retard, how also possibly extracted True Qi to their levels, so long as the domain still, you pulls out unable to pull out for a lifetime!” 白痴,到了他们这个层次怎么还可能抽取真气,只要领域还在,你抽一辈子都抽不完!” In my opinion he pulls out should be the domain strength, the domain is the giant grand perfection expert basis, the domain, once were drained, that was complete!” “依我看他抽的应该是领域力量,领域是巨头大圆满高手的根本,领域一旦被抽干,那就全完了!” Under the line gets online was discussing everywhere, as if by prior agreement for breaking the shed worries. 线上线下到处都在讨论,不约而同都替断舍捏了一把冷汗。 Tyrant these established five great simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform look to Lin Yi, is waiting for the Lin Yi's response. 暴君这几位老牌五巨则齐齐看向林逸,等待着林逸的反应。 If continues to get down, breaks the space regular strength of giving self up to be captured completely, not only that his talent to the space rule will also change to assign/life through heaven defying, shifts to Zhao Rikun body completely. 如果继续这么下去,断舍身上的空间规则力量将被全部夺取,不仅如此,连带他对空间规则的天赋也都将通过逆天改命,全部转移到赵日坤的身上。 Although in return, he will also obtain the Zhao Rikun corresponding talent, but how can Zhao Rikun space talent place on a par with him?! 虽然作为交换,他也会得到赵日坤相应的天赋,但赵日坤的空间天赋怎么能跟他相提并论?! Gets down again, breaks the shed, even if not die still to result in to become the disabled person.” “再这么下去,断舍就算不死也得成为废人。” Actually the list changes the life on heaven defying, will break the shed besides to lose the space regular strength and corresponding space talent, it will not come under the too tremendous impact, even can also continue to maintain giant grand perfection Late Phase peak strength. 其实单就逆天改命而言,断舍除了会失去空间规则力量和相应的空间天赋之外,其并不会受到太大的影响,甚至还能继续保持巨头大圆满后期巅峰实力 Just, after this was difficult any little advance. 只不过,从此之后再难有任何寸进了。 Let alone regains the space regular strength, will be promoted giant ultimate grand perfection continually is an expectation. 别说重新获得空间规则力量,连晋级巨头终极大圆满都将是一个奢望。 Such regarding understanding the young alone king of peak scene, perhaps the ratio killed him also to be more uncomfortable, this was compared with the homicide more fearful execution heart. 那样对于领略过巅峰景象的小独王来说,恐怕比杀了他还要更加难受,这是比杀人更加可怕的诛心。 Everyone is waiting for Lin Yi's to act. 所有人都在等待着林逸的出手。 Lin Yi will certainly act, even if regardless the partnership, with the icy benefit weight, he must save the young alone king purely. 林逸一定会出手,哪怕抛开伙伴关系,单纯用冷冰冰的利益衡量,他也必须救下小独王。 After all such can grow momentarily is the super potential stocks of five great strengths, the strategic value was too big, pattern that change entire failing a grade fresh institute several Ten-year come sufficiently! 毕竟这样一个随时能够成长为五巨战力的超级潜力股,战略价值实在太大了,足以改变整个留级生院几十年来的格局! As long as Lin Yi the ambition, the not possible ignores young alone king to be a little discarded by Zhao Rikun slightly face to face, moreover uses style of this extremely nauseating person! 林逸但凡稍微有点野心,都绝不可能放任小独王被赵日坤当面废掉,而且还是用这种极度恶心人的方式 However, Lin Yi has not moved. 然而,林逸始终没动。 Forest five great this also procurator customs?” “林五巨这也太守规矩了吧?” Looks Lin Yi that immovability, the audience collective stares dumbfounded. 看着不动如山的林逸,全场集体瞠目结舌。 Lin Yi has 10,000 reasons to act, but always bears now forcefully, in their opinion the only explanation is the contest rule. 林逸有一万个理由出手,但如今始终强行忍住,在他们看来唯一的解释就是比赛规则。 After all the showdown rule definition is one-to-one, once Lin Yi the midway meddles, is equivalent announces on own initiative gives up, opposite Zhao Rikun can win by default! 毕竟对决规则限定是一对一,林逸一旦中途插手,就相当于主动宣告放弃,对面的赵日坤就能不战而胜! Especially both sides also agreed one game to decide the victory and loss additionally, in that case before 6 : 0 on being equal hit completely white/in vain, at least in name, Lin Yi will become today the biggest loser. 尤其双方还额外约定了一局定输赢,那样一来就等同于之前的六比零全部白打,至少在名义上,林逸将成为今天最大的输家。 Although the people do not know that both sides agreed any extra gambling stake regarding this showdown, but since the scene does such in a big way, where wants to come the gambling stake is not not possible to go, perhaps directly is relating five great positions! 众人虽然不知道双方对于本场对决约定了什么额外赌注,但既然场面搞这么大,想来赌注也不可能小到哪里去,说不定直接关系着五巨的位置! But so, that still always compared with gives up the young alone king being better even directly, this is five great strengths really! 可即便如此,那也总比直接放弃小独王要好吧,这可是实打实的准五巨战力啊! Looked at autumn three mother people anxious facial expressions, Lin Yi said one lightly: „ Zhao Rikun truly is not the simple role, deliberately planning to cause this truly is also easy in the move. 看了一眼秋三娘众人焦急的神情,林逸淡淡说了一句:“赵日坤确实不是简单角色,处心积虑弄出这一手也确实容易让人中招。 But, he elected mistakenly the object, but young alone king to him root one after next bamboo slip. ” 可是,他选错了对象,小独王对他来说可是根下下签。” To put it bluntly, Zhao Rikun is not simple, can break shed young alone king to be simple? 说白了,赵日坤是不简单,可断舍这个小独王就简单了? Initially by fear that the playing dead alone king controlled, until now may be makes the Lin Yi impression profound, he biggest regret cannot fight with the true peak alone king, if really peak condition, presently he does not dare saying that even if can eat the opposite party steadily. 当初被假死独王支配的恐惧,至今可都是令林逸印象深刻,他最大的遗憾就是没能跟真正的巅峰独王交手,真要是巅峰状态,哪怕现在的他都不敢说能够稳吃对方。 Such monster, really thinks that can die with the small method casually Yin, even must have a limit naively. 这样的怪物,真以为随便用点小手段就能阴死,就算天真也要有个限度吧。 Sure enough, when Zhao Rikun is filled with joy to prepare harvests heaven defying to change the life the achievement, by breaking shed that his jet black tentacle surrounds stubbornly, the body erupts unprecedented boundless aura suddenly. 果不其然,正当赵日坤满心欢喜准备收获逆天改命的成果之时,被他漆黑触手死死困住的断舍,身上蓦然爆发出一股前所未有的磅礴气息。 Giant ultimate grand perfection! 巨头终极大圆满 Including tyrant numerous established five great, the audience everyone together are uneven the look changes! 包括暴君等一众老牌五巨在内,全场所有人齐齐色变! All of them think, Lin Yi insisting on makes the shed hit this, the goal is to let him takes Zhao Rikun as the stepping-stone, seeks for the turning point to break through in the fight. 他们所有人都以为,林逸执意让断舍打这一场,目的就是为了让他以赵日坤为垫脚石,在战斗中寻找契机临阵突破。 Who can think that obviously in extremely disadvantageous situation, the young alone king turned into giant ultimate grand perfection expert suddenly, this absolutely did not have the process of breakthrough! 谁能想到明明是在极度不利的情况下,小独王突然就变成巨头终极大圆满高手了,这根本就没有突破的过程啊!
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