SBPE :: Volume #16

#9819: Chapter 9819

If before trading does, Lin Yi dares simultaneously to two families five greatly to act, this matter no one meeting letter/believes radically. 若是换做之前,林逸敢同时对两家五巨出手,这种事情根本没人会信。 But experiences Lin Yi Group powerful strength now, in addition Lin Yi oneself valiant score, really must select two also possibly to have! 可如今见识了林逸集团的强大实力,加上林逸本人的彪悍战绩,真要一挑二也不是没有可能! Let alone, the secret attitude is ambiguous, the big probability will not cope with Lin Yi with them together jointly, if stands that side Lin Yi in turn, their two families absolutely inauspicious. 何况,天机的态度暧昧,大概率不会跟他们一起联手对付林逸,若是反过来站在林逸那边,他们两家绝对凶多吉少 Finally, the tyrant and flame pond sat. 最终,暴君和炎池坐了回去。 In eye that this falls on the person with high aspirations, especially under this numerous 13 outstanding heads, initiate the difficult situation immediately. 这一幕落在有心人的眼里,尤其底下这一众十三杰的头头脑脑,顿时引发惊涛骇浪。 The day of failing a grade fresh institute, really must change evidently! 留级生院的天,看样子真的要变了! In the field is still continuing, takes Zhao Rikun as the hone, broke the aura of shed still to rise fast, gradually under the field the people also saw him already in the shooting edge. 场中还在继续,以赵日坤为磨刀石,断舍的气息仍在快速上涨,逐渐就连场下众人也都看出他已在临门一脚的边缘。 From the breakthrough, only remains final trembling. 距离突破,只剩最后的一哆嗦。 Works as the stepping-stone with me? Really thinks that I do look at not come out?” “拿我当垫脚石?真以为我看不出来?” The card at the final critical moment, Zhao Rikun changed the distressed appearance suddenly, the whole body aura starts to rise suddenly similarly, at the same time the back emitted fierce jet black bubbles. 卡在最后的关键时刻,赵日坤突然一改刚才的狼狈模样,周身气息同样开始暴涨,与此同时背后冒出一个又一个狰狞的漆黑鼓包。 Resembling the monster must break the body, but surges unceasingly, looks at the audience people fearful and apprehensive. 似怪物要破体而出般不断涌动,看得全场众人心惊肉跳。 „Was this must explode the big move?” “这是要爆大招了?” The good and evil is giant ultimate grand perfection expert, although because of all sorts of facts, Zhao Rikun almost pushed down the entire giant ultimate grand perfection boundary style by one's effort, but the awe in bone will not vanish eventually. 好歹是巨头终极大圆满高手,虽说因为刚才的种种事迹,赵日坤几乎是以一己之力生生拉低了整个巨头终极大圆满境界的格调,可骨子里的敬畏终究不会消失。 Breaks shed arrival as always in it behind. 断舍一如既往的降临在其身后。 However this, Zhao Rikun does not have the least bit to move aside again, instead then showed a fierce strange smile: „Do you believe the destiny?” 然而这一回,赵日坤再没有半点躲闪,反而回头露出了一个狰狞诡异的笑容:“你相信命运吗?” „......” “……” Breaks shed unemotional a slap to pat. 断舍面无表情一巴掌拍下。 However card in falling finally flickers, Zhao Rikun back bubble bursts suddenly collectively, in an instant will change into several jet black tentacles instead to break the shed to tie down stubbornly! 然而卡在落下的最后一瞬,赵日坤背后的鼓包忽然集体破裂,刹那间化为数只漆黑触手反将断舍给死死缠住! Useless, he can the space rule, only if there are the same is skilled in the space regular strength expert to deadlock the surrounding space, otherwise no one can surround him.” “没有用的,他会空间规则,除非有同样精通空间规则力量的高手锁死周围空间,否则没人能够困得住他。” Some people make the illustration promptly. 有人及时做出解说。 This saying right, space expert the place of non-solution using force or high-handed methods lies in wanting to come to come to walk walks, simultaneously had both the top mobility and lethality, the average person has no way to contest with them. 这话本身没错,空间高手的无解硬霸之处就在于想来就来想走就走,同时兼具了顶级的机动性和杀伤力,一般人根本没法跟他们过招。 In fact, existences of all top rule non-solutions, only have the magic to defeat the magic, naturally also only then the non-solution can cope with the non-solution. 事实上,所有的顶级规则都无解的存在,唯有魔法能够打败魔法,自然也只有无解能够对付无解。 Everyone thinks that the shed can withdraw with ease, however, the reality was relentless to hit the audience everyone's face. 所有人都以为断舍能够轻松脱身,然而,现实毫不留情打了全场所有人的脸。 Broke the shed to be fettered unexpectedly stubbornly by these jet black tentacles, is unable to withdraw, on the unemotional face First time emitted surprised that one trivial cannot be observed. 断舍竟被这些漆黑触手给死死束缚住了,根本无法脱身,面无表情的脸上第一次冒出了一丝微不可察的惊疑。 You really think that depended on space ability of crude person to be in an impregnable position?” “你真以为靠着一手半吊子的空间能力就能立于不败之地了?” The Zhao Rikun self-satisfied laughter transmits: Unexpectedly also wants to regard the stepping-stone me, making me make your stepping-stone, you may really be able to think the boy! I do not know that the Jianghai city has compared with the person who I am also proud unexpectedly, you are first, pitifully, you are dying immediately.” 赵日坤得意的笑声传来:“居然还想把我当成垫脚石,让我做你的进身之阶,你可真是敢想啊小子!我都不知道江海城居然有比我还自负的人,你是头一个,不过可惜啊,你马上就要死了。” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Ringside autumn three mothers and the others look startled to accommodate in abundance. 场边秋三娘等人纷纷面露惊容。 They train with the shed more than once, had naturally fully realized the fearfulness of this young alone king, besides Lin Yi, no one can become the threat to other party truly. 他们都跟断舍对练过不止一次,自然深知这位小独王的可怕,除了林逸之外,根本没人能真正对他造成威胁。 Lin Yi once appraised, even if grasped giant ultimate grand perfection expert of some regular strengths, is still very difficult to act bashful him. 林逸曾经评价,就算是掌握了部分规则力量的巨头终极大圆满高手,也都很难拿捏得住他。 Because this goods true fearful place solely is not space ability, his important qualification is, inherits from all fight experiences and consciousness of last alone king! 因为这货真正的可怕之处不单单是空间能力,他更重要的本钱在于,继承自上一世独王的所有战斗经验和意识! In other words, breaks the shed not only to have the first-class hardware, meanwhile has the highest level software, this these had boundary moisture content huge under the hand | subordinate just clearly to be opposite with Zhao Rikun a moment ago spatially. 换句话说,断舍不仅有着一流的硬件,同时还有着最顶级的软件,这跟赵日坤刚才那些空有境界却水分巨大的手下刚好截然相反。 The giant grand perfection Late Phase peak boundary, can display come out strength actually to far exceed the conventional cognition in his hands, let alone his also recover some space regular strengths. 巨头大圆满后期巅峰的境界,在他手里能够发挥出来实力却远远超出常规认知,更何况他还恢复了部分空间规则力量。 At present breaks strength of shed, has drawn close in giant ultimate grand perfection expert infinitely, had the giant ultimate grand perfection expert essence compared with just ugly face male and day ghost. 眼下断舍的实力,已经无限趋近于巨头终极大圆满高手,比刚刚的丑脸男和天鬼更具备巨头终极大圆满高手的实质。 Such character, how sees that does not seem like the appearance that can lose. 这样的人物,怎么看着都不像是会输的样子。 In the cognition of people, even if to tyrant such established five great, breaking the shed should be able to gesticulate two, let alone is the opposite only parallel import gang leader Zhao Rikun? 在众人的认知中,哪怕对上暴君那样的老牌五巨,断舍应该都能比划两下,何况对面只是一个水货头子赵日坤? Lin Yi is actually shakes the head saying: Destiny rule! This Zhao Rikun does not have in the surface is so simple, be not cheated by his representation.” 林逸却是摇头道:“命运规则!这个赵日坤没有表面上那么简单,可别被他的表象蒙骗了。” Destiny rule?” “命运规则?” The people are shocked. 众人纷纷震惊。 Because Lin Yi's exists, in addition before half th division indicated that although they have not arrived at this level, but has a preliminary concept outline regarding the regular strength. 因为林逸的存在,加上之前洛半师的一些点拨,他们虽然还未到达这个层次,但对于规则力量已经有了一个初步的概念轮廓。 Strict, giant ultimate grand perfection expert not necessarily can grasp the regular strength, such as a moment ago Zhao Rikun faction the ugly face male and day ghost two people, they are giant ultimate grand perfection, this point without a doubt. 严格来说,巨头终极大圆满高手并不一定就能掌握规则力量,就如刚才赵日坤派上来的丑脸男和天鬼二人,他们就是巨头终极大圆满,这一点毫无疑问。 However, in mainstream cognition they will be regarded as the parallel import. 不过,在主流认知之中他们还是会被视为水货。 Because not only they are in all giant ultimate grand perfection expert existence of lowest level, to a certain extent pushed down the threshold of top strength, because they do not have the promotion space. 不仅因为他们是所有巨头终极大圆满高手之中最底层的存在,某种程度上拉低了顶级战力的门槛,更因为他们已经没有了晋升空间。 If wants to reach the sky in a single bound, arrives above giant ultimate grand perfection the boundary in that Legend, must first attain key. 若想一步登天,到达巨头终极大圆满之上那个传说中的境界,必须先拿到钥匙 The regular strength, is that key. 规则力量,就是那个钥匙 key that in the hand grasps is more precise, the possibility that opens the door lock is also naturally higher, the success ratio of reaching the sky in a single bound is also bigger. 手中掌握的钥匙越精确,打开门锁的可能性自然也就越高,一步登天的成功率也就越大。 But regular strength, divides the rank. 但规则力量,也是分等级的。 The time and space, without a doubt are the highest level rules, but Lin Yi the wind element rule obtained from the wind mysterious boundary, is a first-level second-level rule, under also has the third-level rule. 时间、空间,毫无疑问是最顶级的规则,而林逸从风神秘境中得到的风系规则,则是次一级的二级规则,底下还有三级规则。 The normal higher authority rule has the steamroll advantage to the subordinate rule, if were overturned, only then a possibility, each other control has the magnitude vast gap. 正常而言上级规则对下级规则有着碾压性的优势,若被翻盘只有一种可能性,彼此掌控度有着数量级的巨大差距。 For example the control 1% top rules, to on control over 15 second-level rules, who win whose lost/carrying that is unpredictable. 比如掌控度百分之一的顶级规则,对上掌控度十五以上的二级规则,谁胜谁负那就难以预料。 Breaks the shed now the recover space regular strength, on about 30% of control first, less than 2%, but reviews opposite Zhao Rikun rule control, although slightly First Year some, but is also no higher. 断舍如今恢复的空间规则力量,掌控度只有上一世的30%左右,不到百分之二,而反观对面赵日坤的规则掌控度,虽然稍微高一些,但也高不到哪里去。 3%.” “百分之三。” Another side secret proposed one suddenly. 另一侧的天机忽然提了一句。 Except that just obtained soon wind element rule only then 1%, the Lin Yi's space and time two are rule control, has 5%. 除了刚获得不久的风系规则只有百分之一,林逸的空间和时间两系规则掌控度,都有百分之五。 Established five great rule control also generally over 5%, half th division and existence of sea king that rank are frequently double-digit, in comparison only then 3% Zhao Rikun, really some hip. 老牌五巨的规则掌控度也都普遍在百分之五以上,洛半师、海王那种级别的存在更是动辄两位数,相比之下只有百分之三的赵日坤,着实有些拉胯。 But actually suppressed the shed sufficiently. 可却足以压制断舍了。 Because of his destiny rule, similarly is also the top rule! 因为他的命运规则,同样也是顶级规则!
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