SBPE :: Volume #16

#9818: Chapter 9818

When the time comes Lin Yi Group will have two top strengths, in addition under this ticket draft animal, overall strength will excel by far the entire failing a grade fresh institute without a doubt. 到时候林逸集团将实打实坐拥两个顶级战力,加上底下这一票牲口,整体实力将毫无疑问冠绝整个留级生院。 Facing such lineup, regardless of tyrant Group or flame pond Group, is impossible to have any odds of success again. 面对那样的阵容,无论暴君集团还是炎池集团,都不可能再有任何胜算。 Only if collaborates. 除非联手。 Breaks shed face indifferent raised the head to look to Zhao Rikun: Doesn't hit?” 断舍一脸冷漠的抬头看向赵日坤:“不打吗?” „......” “……” Zhao Rikun choked the moment, immediately under the vision gaze that the audience taunted, took a step to walk into the field: Who said that doesn't hit? However your , the complete victory and defeat gamble in a head of kid, did not fear that the sewer does capsize?” 赵日坤噎了片刻,随即在全场嘲讽的目光注视之下,迈步走入场中:“谁说不打?不过你们这样真的好吗,把全部胜负押注在一个小屁孩的头上,就不怕阴沟翻船?” To be honest, what if at this time opposite stand is Lin Yi, perhaps he has really sneaked away at a critical juncture. 说实话,如果此时对面站的是林逸,他说不定真的已经临阵脱逃了。 Compared with the life, face is anything, reputation is anything, so long as he is also living, then working hard lot manufacturing a number of stronger giant ultimate grand perfection expert, how this group of people ridicule to taunt him today, how when the time comes to kneel to lick him! 跟性命相比起来,面子算个什么,名声算个什么,只要他还活着,回头下工夫批量制造一批更强的巨头终极大圆满高手,今天这帮人怎么奚落嘲讽他,到时候就得怎么跪舔他! But the opponent trades to be a child, moreover is only the giant grand perfection Late Phase peak child, that was another view. 可是对手换做一个小孩,而且只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰的小孩,那就是另一种说法了。 Can he as solemn giant ultimate grand perfection expert, fear a kid? 他身为堂堂的巨头终极大圆满高手,难道还能怕一个小屁孩? Funny! 搞笑! Lin Yi smiles: I to him confident.” 林逸笑了笑:“我对他有信心。” Is confident? Your brain water penetration? Also really thinks that my giant ultimate grand perfection is also a parallel import?” “有信心?你脑子进水了是吧?还真以为我这个巨头终极大圆满也是个水货?” Zhao Rikun laughs, cold -ly snorted and said: Also good, you also very regard as important this boy evidently probably, I am impolite, a while is in front of your to kill to you looked, I must appreciate actually well your little while am what expression!” 赵日坤不由嗤笑,冷哼道:“也好,看样子你好像还挺看重这小子,那我就不客气了,一会儿当着你的面杀给你看,我倒是要好好欣赏一下你那会儿是个什么表情!” Finally him finishes barely the words, breaks shed no indication has presently suddenly he behind, has the faint taunt. 结果他这边话音未落,断舍毫无征兆的陡然出现在他身后,同时带着淡漠的嘲讽。 Boisterous.” “聒噪。” ! 啪! a slap pats, Zhao Rikun whole person did not have directly. 一巴掌拍下,赵日坤整个人直接没了。 The audience instantaneous collective falls into dies the general silence. 全场瞬间集体陷入死一般的寂静。 No one knows that exactly had anything, has the unclear sleep/felt severe anchor to illustrate that said hastily: This speed was faster than the ugly face male! Does he also break through expert of growth shackles repeatedly? Four times? Five times?” 没人知道到底发生了什么,有不明觉厉的主播解说连忙道:“这速度比刚才的丑脸男还要快!难道他也是多次突破生长枷锁的高手?四次?还是五次?” „It is not right! He is not the speed is quick!” “不对!他不是速度快!” Finally had the eyesight wise person to see several points of fishy, but was is so panic-stricken, was unbelievable: Is impossible! His giant grand perfection Late Phase peak does expert, how possibly grasp the space regular strength?” 总算有眼力高明之人看出了几分蹊跷,但越是如此就越是惊骇,更加难以置信:“不可能啊!他一个巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,怎么可能掌握空间规则力量?” Breaking the shed can have presently Zhao Rikun suddenly behind, making him detect continually the opportunity of response does not have, depended is completely space ability. 断舍能够突然出现在赵日坤身后,让其连察觉反应的机会都没有,靠的完全是空间能力 As if by prior agreement, these have failing a grade of qualifications to live institute expert slightly, remembered in the past by the fear that the alone king controls! 不约而同,那些稍有资历的留级生院高手,纷纷想起了当年被独王支配的恐惧! a slap sends into exile to void, this clearly is the alone king signboard fighting method! 一巴掌将人放逐到虚空之中,这分明是独王招牌性的打法! The people start to suspect that breaks the status in shed. 众人纷纷开始怀疑起断舍的身份。 However no one thinks actually his alone king is reincarnated, in the network braves the most broadly approved view of come out, thinks that the shed may be illegitimate child that the alone king leaves behind! 不过倒是没什么人想到他就是独王转世,网络上冒出来的最广受认同的说法,认为断舍极有可能是独王遗留下来的私生子 Alone king Bai on Lin Yi, held at the point of death before this solitary one, asked illegitimate child to Lin Yi this by the opponent who he approved, but Lin Yi was new promote five great big shot also a promise that can be counted on, uses the resources to break the shed to train to become the young alone king! 独王败在林逸手上,临死之前托孤,将私生子拜托给林逸这个被他认可的对手,而林逸身为新晋五巨大佬也一诺千金,倾尽资源将断舍培养成为小独王! This dramatic story edition accidental/surprised is subject to hounds, even Lin Yi looked did not know whether to laugh or cry. 这个戏剧性的故事版本意外的备受追捧,连林逸看了都哭笑不得。 The key is, once this thing forms the mechanical impression, even if oneself stand come out to clarify uselessly, everyone will only think that is more exposed. 关键是,这玩意一旦形成刻板印象,就算本人站出来澄清都没用,大家只会觉得是欲盖弥彰。 The brain circuit of network populace is such unadorned. 网络大众的脑回路就是这么朴实无华。 Zhao Rikun person did not have, did the competition end even? Was this too also quick?” “赵日坤人就这么没了,比赛是不是就算结束了?这也太快了吧?” Your this does not understand, the top expert contest of strength life and death in one, numerous expert besieged the alone king in the past, finally less than a time of breath was all killed by the a slap second!” “你们这就不懂了,顶级高手过招生死就在一线之间,当年一众高手围攻独王,结果不到一息的工夫全被一巴掌秒杀!” Under the line gets online discusses spiritedly. 线上线下议论纷纷。 Although many people feel shockingly, but more people actually have not given full expression. 虽然有许多人觉着惊艳,但更多的人却是意犹未尽。 Everyone thinks that front several are so splendid, the climax of this final next to last act is naturally more soul-stirring, finally this?! 谁都以为前面几场都如此精彩,这最后压轴的重头戏自然更加惊心动魄,结果就这?! However as the tyrant, the flame pond and the secret cubic witness, these three five great do not have one to set out, has not stood come out to announce the showdown to end, all sits in the home position is aloof, resembles is waiting for anything. 然而身为中立方见证人的暴君、炎池和天机,这三位五巨却没有一个起身,更没有站出来宣布对决结束,一个个全都坐在原位无动于衷,似在等待着什么。 The people are perplexed. 众人不明所以。 A moment later, the distressed form jumps out from the void crack together, was just hit no Zhao Rikun by a slap! 片刻之后,一道狼狈的身影从虚空裂缝窜出,正是刚刚被一巴掌打没的赵日坤! Your kid dares to sneak attack me, did not speak Wu De, it is fortunate that Father strength was powerful, without died by you easily Yin!” “你个小屁孩竟敢偷袭我,不讲武德,得亏老子实力强大,没这么容易被你阴死!” Zhao Rikun is pointing at unemotional breaking shed crack cursed, under the heart is actually the lingering fear. 赵日坤指着面无表情的断舍破口大骂,心下却是后怕不已。 If trades to be the alone king before reincarnation, perhaps his these really confessed. 如果换做转世前的独王,他这一下说不定真就交代了。 Although present breaking shed also recover some space regular strengths, but has not arrived at giant ultimate grand perfection after all, was limited by the boundary, the recover space regular strength does not arrive at original 30%. 眼下的断舍虽然也恢复了部分空间规则力量,可毕竟还没到巨头终极大圆满,受境界限制,恢复的空间规则力量才不到原来的30%。 Although can force to send into exile it to void, but is actually not able to send into exile is too deep, Zhao Rikun as giant ultimate grand perfection expert, was found the circuit but by him air-splitting is not strange. 虽然能够勉强将其放逐到虚空之中,但却无法放逐太深,赵日坤身为一个巨头终极大圆满高手,被他找到回路破空而出并不奇怪。 Breaks the shed not to reply, the figure flashes then has presently it again behind. 断舍没有应答,身形一闪便再度出现在其身后。 Mother also comes!” “妈的还来!” Zhao Rikun has a scare, although there is successfully to find the experience of outlet one time, but he did not have the understanding of the space rule, even if were only this degree of exile is void, was not can look each time. 赵日坤吓了一跳,虽说有了一次成功找到出路的经验,可他对空间规则毫无了解,就算只是这种程度的放逐虚空,也不是每次都能找回来的。 Once this matter makes a mistake one time, loses in the void crack, even he must play. 这种事情一旦失误一次,迷失在虚空裂缝之中,就算是他也要玩完。 Therefore on the field strange appeared. 于是场上诡异的一幕出现了。 Zhao Rikun full house as giant ultimate grand perfection expert runs away, whenever his footsteps are slightly slow, will break shed unemotional arrival in him behind, before his palm of the hand will fall, Zhao Rikun must breakneck to run away. 身为巨头终极大圆满高手的赵日坤满场逃窜,而每当他脚步稍微慢下来,断舍就会面无表情的降临在他身后,在他那巴掌落下来之前,赵日坤又得玩命逃窜。 Suddenly, the scene is passing the humor of being able to say. 一时间,场面透着说不出的滑稽。 This is nothing? Cat catch mouse have each family played?” “这算啥?猫捉老鼠的过家家游戏吗?” Online immediately a ridiculing sound. 线上顿时一片奚落之声。 It is fortunate that this thing does not sell the ticket, otherwise to/clashes at present this style that indecently, it is estimated that the audience must shout loudly return a ticket! 得亏这玩意不卖票,否则就冲眼下这等不堪入目的画风,估计全场都得高喊退票! However tyrant several people of complexions were actually gradually dignified, turned the head to look at face calm Lin Yi, finally understands why he must insist sent the shed to go on stage. 不过暴君几人的脸色却是渐渐凝重了起来,转头看了一眼一脸淡定的林逸,终于明白他为什么要坚持派断舍上场了。 Because they discovered impressively, breaks the whole body aura of shed to rise suddenly! 因为他们赫然发现,断舍的周身气息正在暴涨! Obviously, this was must repeat a moment ago the autumn three mothers' facts, breakthrough! 很显然,这是要重演刚才秋三娘的事迹,临阵突破! The tyrants and flame ponds set out as if by prior agreement, although is insufficient to start to the shed, may want them to interrupt the showdown, breaks the momentum that the shed breaks through to stop suddenly surely. 暴君和炎池不约而同起身,虽然不至于就此对断舍下手,可只要他们中断对决,断舍突破的势头必定会戛然而止。 Once misses this opportunity, next time wants to wait till the shooting again the turning point, that did not know lord knows when waits till. 而一旦错过这次机会,下次再想等到临门一脚的契机,那就不知道得等到猴年马月去了。 However has not waited for two people to open the mouth, the Lin Yi's look sweeps, two people then lived by simultaneous/uniform Qizhen. 然而未等二人开口,林逸的眼神扫过来,二人便被齐齐镇住。 The look is very light, but that share warned meaning to be seen in speech and appearance, a frightened thought also emitted, if their time opens the mouth, Lin Yi will perhaps act to them at the scene! 眼神很平淡,但那股子警告意味溢于言表,一个惊悚的念头随之冒出,如果他们这时候开口,林逸恐怕会当场对他们出手!
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