SBPE :: Volume #16

#9817: Chapter 9817

The people look again stupidly, renovated three views while convenient. 众人再度看傻,顺带刷新了三观。 Before is not no one has thought Wei Bai will fight may win, but no one wants to obtain Wei Baizhan to win by this style absolutely unexpectedly! 在此之前不是没人想过韦百战可能会赢,但是绝对没人想得到韦百战竟会以这种方式赢! That good and evil is solemn giant ultimate grand perfection expert, even if again is the parallel import, that proper top strength, style of cheap bastard used so not to amount to something is also killed by mistreatment by him unexpectedly in the presence of everyone? 那好歹是堂堂的巨头终极大圆满高手啊,哪怕再是水货,那也还是妥妥的顶级战力啊,居然就这么被他用如此不上台面的下三烂的方式给当众虐杀了? This is nothing? Does rogue have the spring?” “这算啥?流氓也有春天?” What can foresee, then the Jianghai city will emit a number of rogue fighting methods quickly Ruffian cultivator, does not have him, is really Wei Bai fights these a suppressed strength that shows come out is extremely really stirring. 可以预见的是,接下来江海城很快就会冒出一批流氓打法的混混修炼者了,无他,实在是韦百战这一场展现出来的压制力实在太过震撼人心。 As giant grand perfection Late Phase expert, more two-level controls dead a giant ultimate grand perfection top strength from the beginning, works as the surface entire journey of entire net live broadcast to kill by mistreatment, this matter renovates everyone's cognition sufficiently. 身为巨头大圆满后期高手,越两级将一个巨头终极大圆满的顶级战力从头控到死,当着全网直播的面全程虐杀,这件事本身就足以刷新所有人的认知。 Including presenting these five greatly. 包括在场这几位五巨。 come out from tyrant several people at this moment prudent expressions, Wei Bai fights this to the impact that they have, is not at Zhao Rikun to be able under lot manufacturing giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 从暴君几人此刻慎重的表情就看得出来,韦百战这一出对他们造成的冲击,丝毫不在赵日坤能够批量制造巨头终极大圆满高手之下。 Thinking putting oneself in another's place, changed them at the day ghost situation, what result can be? 设身处地的想一想,换他们处在天鬼刚才的处境,会是个什么结果? Controlled their admittedly of regular strength to depend on a level steamroll strength to fall ten meetings, but definitely must pay the huge price, by their status, even if traded a Wei Baizhan life with the severe wound, that was still the blood owes absolutely. 掌控了规则力量的他们固然能够靠着层次碾压一力降十会,可必然也要付出巨大代价,以他们的身份就算用重伤换韦百战一条命,那也绝对是血亏。 Let alone, Wei Baizhan now is only giant grand perfection Late Phase, later also has room for tremendous growth. 何况,韦百战如今才只是巨头大圆满后期,以后还有巨大的成长空间。 Was needless saying that strided in the giant ultimate grand perfection threshold, was only on one, was promoted giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, made their these be afraid sufficiently! 都不用说跨入巨头终极大圆满的门槛,光是更上一层,晋级巨头大圆满后期巅峰,就足以令他们这几位都不寒而栗! Where comes so many monsters.” “哪来这么多的怪物啊。” The tyrants for the first time thought that in the cup the good wine did not have the taste, before then, even if the Lin Yi score is astonishing, he always also has pressure Lin Yi energy and self-confidence, after all he himself is very strong, but his under the hand | subordinate the group of people are still very strong. 暴君破天荒觉得杯中美酒没了滋味,在此之前,即便林逸战绩再惊人,他始终都还有压林逸一头的底气和自信,毕竟他自己很强,而他手下的这帮人也很强。 But after presently experienced the performance of this group of draft animals, the bonus is he also has to acknowledge, at least his under the hand | subordinate the group of people do to fight represented by strict Zhongyuan, Wei Bai absolutely Lin Yi subordinate numerous core strength. 现在见识了这帮牲口的表现之后,饶是他也不得不承认,至少他手下的这帮人是绝对搞不过以严中原、韦百战为代表的林逸麾下一众核心战力的。 Really must hit, even if the scene is not Zhao Rikun like this by the unilateral steamroll of leaning to one side, absolutely very were too still many. 真要打起来,场面就算不是赵日坤这样被一边倒的单方面碾压,也绝对好不了太多。 Let alone until at this moment, the Lin Yi subordinate may also the heavyweight characters sit there, has not gone on stage. 何况直到此刻,林逸麾下可还有一位重量级的人物坐在那里,始终没有上过场呢。 Another side flame pond is also shaking the head to under the hand | subordinate slightly, after today, if to Lin Yi Group, they best choice evades the point alone temporarily, otherwise the dropping dragon learns from another's mistakes. 另一边炎池也是对着手下微微摇头,今日之后,如果单独对上林逸集团,他们最好的选择就是暂避锋芒,否则堕龙就是前车之鉴。 The secret pavilion people have no idea actually. 天机阁众人倒是没什么想法。 After all their localizations with other five great completely different, little participation sphere of influence competes extremely, regardless of which rises has minimal impact on them, instead has greatly space of cooperation, the intelligence information is their attitudes of life. 毕竟他们的定位跟其他五巨完全不同,极少参与势力范围争夺,无论哪一家崛起对他们来说都影响不大,反而有着大把的合作空间,情报信息才是他们的立身之本。 Only if, of rise is they travels together. 除非,崛起的那家是他们同行。 Not to mention several five great thoughts change, at this moment, opposite Zhao Rikun actually has the impulsion that wish escaped. 且不说几位五巨的心思变化,此时此刻,对面的赵日坤却是生出了一种想要逃跑的冲动。 The day ghost is his final card in a hand, three doing abhiseka change to assign/life, wants to come to be equally matched with true giant ultimate grand perfection expert in him, certain aspects even must have the advantage, who wants to obtain can be unexpectedly such result...... 天鬼已是他最后的底牌,三次灌顶改命,在他想来已经跟真正的巨头终极大圆满高手不相上下,某些方面甚至还要占据优势,谁想得到竟会是这么个结果…… Was killed by mistreatment by rogue Ruffian in the presence of everyone. 被一个流氓混混给当众虐杀了。 0 : 6. 零比六。 Compares this shame proficient score, according to the extra agreement, following seventh he must oneself go on stage personally! 相比起这个耻辱到家的比分,按照刚才的额外约定,接下来的第七场他必须本人亲自上场! Wei Baizhan is only Lin Yi subordinate rogue Ruffian, has been able to kill by mistreatment his trump card, if Lin Yi oneself go on stage personally, what scene that will be? 韦百战只是林逸麾下一个流氓混混,就已经能够虐杀他的王牌,如果林逸本人亲自上场,那又将是一副什么景象? Although is authentic giant ultimate grand perfection expert, but Zhao Rikun fully realized that own strength compared with day ghost limited, this minimum self-knowledge he had. 要知道,虽然是正宗的巨头终极大圆满高手,可赵日坤深知自己的实力比起天鬼强出有限,这点起码的自知之明他还是有的。 In fact also because day ghost strength is well-matched with him, therefore he will form a wrong cognition, thinks own lot manufacturing come out these people are very strong, strong to compares favorably with the true top strength sufficiently! 事实上也正是因为天鬼实力与他本人旗鼓相当,所以他才会形成一种错误认知,认为自己批量制造出来的这些人很强,强到足以与真正的顶级战力相媲美! However finally is just the opposite. 然而结果恰恰相反。 It is not his lot manufacturing come out these people are very strong, exactly is his benchmark that weighs strength, was too weak. 并不是他批量制造出来的这些人很强,恰恰是他自己这个衡量实力的标杆,太弱了。 Also in what? Goes on stage!” “还在等什么?上场啊!” Some ringside people shouted impatiently, has experienced the confusion, now everyone is waiting for Zhao Rikun to have bad luck. 场边有人迫不及待喊了起来,经历过刚才的混乱,如今所有人都在等着赵日坤倒霉。 The webcast enlarged Zhao Rikun face detail, on his face hesitates the disturbed slight expression, takes in everything at a glance. 网络直播放大了赵日坤的面部细节,其脸上迟疑忐忑的细微表情,一览无遗。 Can't? Should some really people not sneak away at a critical juncture?” “不会吧?该不会真有人临阵脱逃吧?” Others, but giant ultimate grand perfection expert, the mentality is definitely different from our average people, unlike these true top strengths obviously also!” “人家可是巨头终极大圆满高手呢,思路肯定跟咱们普通人不一样,跟那些位真正的顶级战力显然也不一样!” I four -year-old son said that this situation trades to do is he, even if dies must die like the real man on the field!” “我四岁的儿子说了,这种情况换做是他,就算死也要像个真正的男人一样死在场上!” Online ridicules everywhere. 网上到处都是奚落。 If Zhao Rikun runs today, does not need to think, since then he in reputation of Jianghai city inevitably one smelly, has no possibility of turning over again. 如果赵日坤今天跑了,不用想,从此他在江海城的名声必然一臭到底,再也没有任何翻身的可能性。 When the time comes his stem will become the classics to spread forever. 到时候他身上的梗将会成为经典永流传。 Cultivates the behavior really cannot too Zhao Rikun. 做人真的不能太赵日坤。 At this time, small alone king Duanshe stood from the stand suddenly, one step plunged into the field. 这时,小独王断舍忽然从看台上站了起来,一步跳入场中。 Audience in an uproar. 全场一阵哗然。 Isn't the forest five is great oneself to go on stage personally?” “难道不是林五巨本人亲自上场?” After the beforehand glance, so many powerful under the hand | subordinate preheating, the people have drawn in addition fully regarding the anticipation of Lin Yi strength, under the line gets online everyone to anticipate can see the top five great elegant demeanors. 经过之前的惊鸿一瞥,加上这么多强力手下的预热,众人对于林逸实力的期待早已拉满,线上线下所有人都在期待着能够一睹顶级五巨的风采。 Finally at the last moment changed players unexpectedly. 结果事到临头居然换人了。 „, I recalled forest five great conditions, but requests Zhao Rikun to oneself go on stage, without saying the opponent certainly was he himself......” “呃,我回想了一下林五巨刚才的条件,只是要求赵日坤必须本人上场,却没有说对手就一定是他自己……” The people then recover, indeed Lin Yi has not thought from the start must go on stage personally, the final decisive battle that this game decides the victory and loss, to break the shed unexpectedly prepares. 众人这才回过神来,敢情林逸压根就没想过要亲自上场,这场一局定输赢的最终决战,原来竟是为了断舍准备的。 What does? Also is a child?” “搞什么?又是一个小孩?” Zhao Rikun knitting the brows head , the predecessor day two performance are impressive, to come one now again, difficult insurance is not another abnormal. 赵日坤皱了皱眉头,之前任天二的表现令人印象深刻,如今再来一个,难保不是又一个变态 Knows that the tyrant several people in abundance looks of inside story are complex. 知道内情的暴君几人则纷纷神色复杂。 They know that the shed alone king is reincarnated, wants to make them not pay attention by alone king with their origins is impossible, now after being reincarnated, strict broke the shed with the beforehand alone king is two people. 他们知道断舍就是独王转世,以独王跟他们的渊源想让他们不关注都不可能,如今转世之后,严格来说断舍跟之前的独王已经是两个人了。 He inherited the talent of alone king, inherited the background of alone king, possibly also inherited the memory of alone king, only but if he is willing to step onto first again the old route, otherwise he is only the freshman breaking shed, rather than alone king Second. 他继承了独王的天赋,继承了独王的底蕴,可能也继承了独王的记忆,但除非他愿意重走上一世的老路,否则他就只是新生的断舍,而不是独王第二 To the tyrant people, the good news is breaks the shed is also only giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, even if there is background of previous generation, wants to step forward that step is not easy. 对暴君众人而言,好消息是断舍还只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,即便有着前世的底蕴,想要跨出那一步也不容易。 Otherwise once ascending a height to get a broad view giant ultimate grand perfection, that is a brand-new alone king, strength proper five great ranks! 否则一旦登临巨头终极大圆满,那就是一个全新的独王,实力妥妥的五巨级别!
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