SBPE :: Volume #16

#9816: Chapter 9816

This Zhao Rikun, really has lot manufacturing giant ultimate grand perfection expert ability! 这个赵日坤,果然有着批量制造巨头终极大圆满高手能力 Although is not perfect giant ultimate grand perfection expert, even if, still has so threatened their position seriously. 虽然不是完美的巨头终极大圆满高手,但即便只是如此,也已经严重威胁到了他们的地位。 If nothing else, if Zhao Rikun lot manufacturing over ten parallel import giant ultimate grand perfection expert, their any cannot shoulder absolutely, even jointly unbearable. 别的不说,赵日坤若是批量制造十个以上的这种水货巨头终极大圆满高手,他们任何一家都绝对扛不下来,甚至联手都够呛。 By that time, the influence pattern of failing a grade fresh institute will certainly be rewritten thoroughly! 到那时候,留级生院的势力格局必将被彻底改写! Before then regarding today's competition, tyrant several people as cube witness, regarding whom wins the words that who lost/carrying and no anticipation, insisted on speaking possibly were also partial to in Zhao Rikun some. 在此之前对于今天的比赛,暴君几人作为中立方见证人,对于谁胜谁负并没有什么期待,硬要说的话可能还偏向于赵日坤一些。 After all the Lin Yi recent momentum is too fierce, needs some people to press his head. 毕竟林逸近来的势头实在太猛,着实需要有人来压他一头。 But presently, the tyrant and flame pond, are the secrets, looked that does not take several points of badness to Zhao Rikun look voluntarily. 可是现在,无论是暴君、炎池,还是天机,看向赵日坤的眼神都已经不自觉带上了几分不善。 Compares Lin Yi, this is to threaten a bigger unstabilizing factor, especially shows come out all sorts of moral characters by him, really does not seem like can sit well the person of speech. 相比起林逸,这位才是威胁更大的不稳定因素,尤其以他展现出来的种种品性,实在不像是能够坐下来好好说话的人。 Zhao Rikun looks that the lazy man said: Day ghost, five lost before, I need you to look our faces.” 赵日坤看着慵懒男子道:“天鬼,之前五场都输了,我需要你把我们的脸找回来。” Lost? Is the opposite so strong?” “都输了?对面这么强吗?” Is called smiling of a day of ghost man thinks little, sways the body that has not been awaking to walk into the field slowly. 被称为天鬼的男子不以为意的笑了笑,晃荡着似是没睡醒的身体缓缓走入场中。 This admission style, before comparing, that several compelling standards are to really miss a little, however the audience has no one person to dare to reveal the meaning of least bit contempt. 这个入场方式,相比起之前那几位的逼格实在是差得有点远,然而全场却没有任何一人胆敢露出半点轻视之意。 Even if five great, does not dare to despise giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 哪怕是五巨,也不敢轻视一个巨头终极大圆满高手 Day ghost? This name also very conforms to my taste, Boss, making me come.” “天鬼?这个名字还挺符合我的口味,老大,让我来吧。” What Lin Yi stands is Wei Baizhan. 林逸这边站起来的是韦百战。 In only Three-Jin level giant grand perfection Late Phase the fellow as this freshman, Wei Bai fought before was very early starts, faint has represented the strength ceiling of freshman alliance, besides Lin Yi oneself, can contend with him on the strict Central Plain. 作为本届新生之中唯三晋级巨头大圆满后期的家伙,韦百战从很早之前开始,就隐隐已经代表了新生联盟的战力天花板,除林逸本人之外,也就严中原能与他一较高下。 Other person Shen Yifan, hold/container Shaoyou, autumn three mother these, still have the obvious disparity with him even. 其他人即便是沈一凡、包少游、秋三娘这些,跟他也都有着明显的差距。 However is actually the reputation does not reveal outside. 不过在外面却是声名不显。 For two reasons ; first, this goods character is quite eccentric badly, under although now in Lin Yi's tames to be accepted to become team one by the people, but comes and goes freely is in the majority, are extremely few makes an appearance in public places. 原因有两个,一是这货性格比较孤僻恶劣,如今虽在林逸的驯服之下被众人接受成为团队一员,但还是独来独往的时候居多,极少在公众场合露面。 Secondly, although this goods also many astonishing scores, but actually does of dirty job inborn. 二来,这货虽然也有不少惊人的战绩,但却是天生干脏活的那种。 Will die from some unknown cause most likely by the person who he stares, moreover the instinct will make it so to erase own all traces, therefore even if his score will be under Lin Yi most astonishing that in the outside world actually will be the nameless, even almost no one will pay attention to his existence. 被他盯上的人十有八九会死得不明不白,而且天性使然又会抹除掉自己的一切痕迹,故而哪怕他战绩是林逸麾下最惊人的那一个,在外界却是籍籍无名,甚至几乎没什么人关注到他的存在。 Therefore, before strict Zhongyuan and the others mounted the stage, a numerous live broadcast illustrated that can also analyze one with an air of decorum, but is one's turn Wei Baizhan to mount the stage now, was actually the collective fell into the strange silence. 故而,之前严中原等人上台的时候,一众直播解说还能煞有介事的分析一通,但是如今轮到韦百战上台,却是集体陷入了诡异的沉默。 Is giant grand perfection Late Phase expert, should strong?” “是个巨头大圆满后期高手,应该蛮强的吧?” Some people did not say one definite. 有人不确定的说了一句。 After the beforehand five games of performance, the cognition of people's under this group of people regarding Lin Yi have formed the thinking, that is this group is the monster draft animal, cannot weigh at the boundary height purely. 经过之前的五局表现,众人对于林逸麾下这帮人的认知已经形成了思维定势,那就是这帮都是怪物牲口,不能单纯以境界高低进行衡量。 The field culmination ghost looks lazily Wei Bai fight holds the pocket single-handed, the rampant step of refusing to acknowledge family, non- origin interest: „Does little rascal look has the spirit very much?” 场中天鬼懒洋洋的看着韦百战单手揣兜,一路六亲不认的嚣张步伐,不由来了兴致:“小鬼看起来很有精神吗?” Finally Wei Bai fight does not do right after something else, arrives at the near carelessly, raising hand right in the face is a yellow sand. 结果韦百战根本不接茬,大大咧咧走到近前,扬手劈头盖脸就是一把黄沙。 The audience looked stupidly. 全场都看傻了。 Sand blowing? 扬沙子? Such simple fight style is always the child exclusive, let alone cultivator, is the normal adults disdains this move, has not thought that can also see such popular one in this top showdown! 这么朴素的战斗方式一向是小孩专属,别说修炼者了,就是正常的成年人都不屑这一招,万万没想到在这种顶级对决中还能看到这么亲民的一幕! But do the opposite party giant ultimate grand perfection expert, throw the sand to be useful toward the face on? 对方可是巨头终极大圆满高手啊,就这么往人脸上扔沙子会有用? This goods brain circuit long? 这货脑回路到底怎么长的啊? Should be provokes.” “应该就是挑衅一下吧。” The people draw the conclusion as if by prior agreement, under Lin Yi naturally cannot have do not know that the so-called fool, every action and every movement must have the profound meaning, uses such inferior style to act in the so high-end match, the psychological provocation is only the reasonable explanation. 众人不约而同得出结论,林逸麾下自然不会有不知所谓的傻子,一举一动必有深意,在如此高端的对局中用这么低劣的方式出手,心理挑衅是唯一合理的解释。 However in fact everyone wants to be many, Wei Bai fight sand blowing not to provoke for anything, this pure is his fight custom. 然而事实上所有人都想多了,韦百战扬沙子可不是为了什么挑衅,这单纯就是他的战斗习惯。 Slaughters come out from street Ruffian, the growth to today's situation, the method that sand blowing this kind did not amount to something has become seal to carve the instinct in his bone, after all this was his survival style. 一路从街头混混厮杀出来,一直成长到今天的地步,扬沙子这类不上台面的手段早已成了印刻在他骨子里的本能,毕竟这就是他的生存方式 Let alone, sand blowing looks not to have the style, but in fact as before effective. 何况,扬沙子看着没有格调,可事实上依旧有效。 Just like the present, the unexpected day ghost confused eyeful did not say, even the divine sense investigation was cut off, even was also sealed up completely cleanly including five feelings! 正如眼下,猝不及防的天鬼被迷了满眼不说,连神识探查都被阻隔了,甚至包括五感也都全部被封闭得干干净净! „The sand of this goods is not the ordinary sand.” “这货的沙子可不是普通的沙子啊。” The Lin Yi subordinate people look at each other to smile bitterly. 林逸麾下一众人相视苦笑。 Even in them, Wei Baizhan is still the absolute different kind, regardless of the character or the fight style, is entirely different from them, besides package few tours that freshman games admit defeat early in his hands, even if others compare notes to train still rarely lead him. 即便在他们之中,韦百战也是绝对的异类,无论性格还是战斗风格,都跟他们截然不同,除了早前新生在他手中吃瘪的包少游之外,其他人即便切磋对练也很少带他。 Deliberately do not isolate him, just the opposite, the people regard as important to him, even also has several points to admire. 不是要刻意孤立他,恰恰相反,众人对他还是非常看重的,甚至还带着几分钦佩。 As long as a large organization, must have wants some people to make the dirty job tiring work that various types can not be exposed to light, Wei Baizhan is this candidate, all sorts of merit that before performed said that arranged at the capital of people are not overrated. 但凡一个大型组织,少不了要有人做各种不得见光的脏活累活,韦百战就是这个人选,之前立下的种种功劳说是排在众人之首都不为过。 Shen Yifan can in Lin Yi not, when stabilizes the aspect smoothly, Wei Bai fight eminent! 沈一凡能够在林逸不在的时候顺利稳住局面,韦百战可谓居功至伟! But this person of character really does not get on well with others, in addition under the fight style of extreme methods also is really not frequently suitable to train, in the people except for shouldering to punch the First person, no matter what day beyond two, but also really few individuals dare to be out with him. 只不过这人的性格实在是不合群,加上动辄下死手的战斗风格又实在不适合对练,众人之中除了扛揍第一人任天二之外,还真没几个人敢跟他下场。 At this moment, under the day ghost general idea/careless the move, five feeling seals add on divine sense to be banned, even if has giant ultimate grand perfection strength unable to display come out. 此刻,天鬼大意之下中招,五感封闭加上神识被禁,即便有着一身巨头终极大圆满实力也无法发挥出来 If he grasped the regular strength to say but actually fortunately, can a strength fall ten meetings, how present Wei Bai fight the draft animal unable to withstand the regular strength again the level steamroll. 如果他掌握了规则力量倒还好说,可以一力降十会,如今的韦百战再怎么牲口也顶不住规则力量的层次碾压。 What a pity he does not have. 可惜他没有。 He who although by having strength, three doing abhiseka changes the life absolutely was more powerful than the ugly face male, but once fell into this situation, he with ugly face male also no difference. 虽然论起绝对实力,三次灌顶改命的他远比刚才的丑脸男更加强大,可一旦落入这种处境,他跟丑脸男也没什么区别。 Can do only, reckless full speed flees. 唯一能做的,就是不顾一切全速逃离。 Even if his speed cannot compare the ugly face male who the violent walks, but still absolutely is audience great existence, feared no one to dare to say besides Lin Yi can the constant voltage his head. 他的速度即便比不上暴走的丑脸男,但也绝对是全场一等一的存在,除了林逸之外恐怕没人敢说能够稳压他一头。 However Wei Bai fight street Ruffian fight style, was doomed, once will be in power will hit recklessly, will not speak what fight strategy and rhythm. 然而韦百战街头混混般的战斗方式,注定了一旦得势就会不顾一切往死里打,根本不讲什么战斗策略和节奏。 The sand blowing, violently poisonous dagger, explodes a symbol Yin...... 扬沙,剧毒匕首,阴爆阵符…… What sinister vicious uses anything, the black tide domain of key goods also swallowed big ticket other domains, even if cannot suppress giant ultimate grand perfection expert by the absolute might, may actually highlight one cunningly sinister. 什么阴险狠毒就用什么,关键这货的黑潮领域还吞噬了一大票其他领域,就算论绝对威力压制不住一个巨头终极大圆满高手,可却突出一个刁钻毒辣。 Various mean patterns are uneven, unexpectedly was the day ghost to dire straits, like attaching the deep-rooted ulcer of bone could hardly be removed, turns the head to suffer inadequate human shaped it unexpectedly. 各种阴狠花样齐出,竟是生生将天鬼给困死在了其中,如同附骨之疽挥之不去,转头竟是已将其折磨得不成人形
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