SBPE :: Volume #16

#9815: Chapter 9815

I go! Cool!” “我去!酷毙了!” „Is this male god god in Legend? Loved the love!” “这就是传说中的男神本神吗?爱了爱了!” I announced that I must join the Lin Yi backing group, no one snatch with me!” “我宣布我要加入林逸后援团,谁也别跟我抢!” Lin Yi cannot think that his will online raise such big mighty waves, less than one second of kicking picture, became the head of Jianghai city network year hot searching, encircles the powder to be innumerable for him! 林逸根本想不到他这一脚会在网上掀起如此之大的波澜,前后不到一秒钟的踢飞画面,生生成了江海城网络年度热搜之首,为他圈粉无数! Before then, he as five great, although keeps aloof, after city main mansion incident truly the popularity is also quite high, but has not a true sense of distance to the general public. 在此之前,他身为五巨虽然高高在上,经过城主府事件之后也确实人气颇高,但对普通民众来说却还是有着一段不真实的距离感。 Even for his strength, online is also sceptical. 甚至对于他本人的实力,网上也还是存有质疑。 After all before him these powerful scores are only hand down, without the live broadcast picture, so-called does not have the truth without the chart, this naturally gave the black moles to question the belt/bring rhythm space. 毕竟他之前的那些强悍战绩都只是口口相传,却没有直播画面,所谓无图无真相,这自然就给了黑子们质疑带节奏的空间。 However presently this foot, actually kicked tiny bits all questions directly. 然而现在这一脚,却是直接将所有的质疑踢了个稀碎。 Even if stands in five great levels, he this foot actually simply had not just shown many strength, but cannot support by the ugly face that he kicks male is been aggressive enough. 哪怕站在五巨层次,他刚刚这一脚其实根本没展现出多少实力,但架不住被他踢飞的这个丑脸男有够生猛啊。 No matter how said that is also giant ultimate grand perfection expert! 不管怎么说,那也是巨头终极大圆满高手 So kicks giant ultimate grand perfection expert in front of the lens superficially, how many takes a broad view to present other five greatly, who dares saying that certainly has this assurance? 如此轻描淡写在镜头前将一个巨头终极大圆满高手踢飞,放眼在场其他几位五巨,谁敢说一定有这个把握? Every so often, decides a person level solely is not his strength, what important is the level of his opponent! 很多时候,决定一个人层次的不单单是他本人的实力,更重要的是他对手的层次! At this moment the ugly face male was kicked in the return to the airfield unexpected, Shen Yifan the condition is not the simple refined appearance has at present presently, strict nearly the refined appearance has taken possession, his body has sent out the light invincible might that is lost in thought is only in sole possession of impressively. 此刻丑脸男猝不及防被踢回场中,沈一凡眼下状态已不是简单的风神具现,严格来说已是近乎风神附体,他的身上赫然已经散发出了神祇独有的淡淡神威。 This time, Shen Yifan no longer shoots arrows, he is that arrow. 这一次,沈一凡不再射箭,他本人就是那支箭。 The audience people look radically do not clear on situation, the next second sees only Shen Yifan incarnation is an arrow, broken body from ugly face male body. 全场众人根本都看不清场上的情形,下一秒就只见沈一凡本人化身为箭,从丑脸男身体中破体而出。 The ugly face male changes into a place broken corpse at the scene, does not have least bit pissed again. 丑脸男当场化为一地碎尸,再无半点生气 Died?” “死了?” Audience in great confusion immediately was just peaceful, looks that the situation in field looked at each other in blank dismay. 刚刚还乱成一团的全场立马安静下来,看着场中的情形面面相觑。 Shen Yifan had returned to above the stand by the Lin Yi belt/bring, under the great power covers the recover injury. 沈一凡已被林逸带回到看台之上,在回天笼罩之下恢复伤势。 This is successfully sets at the deathtrap then to live, looked Shen Yifan performance has not broken through even, actually still harvests big, because the refined appearance has to involve the regular level presently, on this point, that he benefits even is only older than the autumn three mothers. 这一场算是成功置之死地而后生,看沈一凡的表现即便没有临阵突破,却也收获不小,因为风神具现已经涉及到规则层次,单就这一点来说,他得到的好处甚至比秋三娘更大。 After all to them, the breakthrough is sooner or later matter, but the regular strength, actually really does not want to make can make to obtain. 毕竟对他们这些人来说,突破是早晚的事,可规则力量,却真不是想弄就能弄得到的。 However the price is also huge. 不过代价也是巨大。 Without Lin Yi's great power butt buffer, even if there is highest level medicine to present, is very difficult to rescue by his torn to pieces appearance, the final output must perish together with the ugly face male mostly. 要是没有林逸的回天托底,哪怕有最顶级的医者在场,以他这副支离破碎的模样都很难救回来,最后结果多半要跟丑脸男同归于尽。 In fact even has the great power to cover, Shen Yifan injury recover at this moment is quite slow, the only good news is finally also in recover, has not continued to deteriorate. 事实上即便有回天罩着,沈一凡此刻的伤势恢复都极为缓慢,唯一的好消息是总算还在恢复,没有继续恶化下去。 This chapter does not die calculates that was cheap you, do not fight the person over the following month, goes to that side rear services office Old Man Zhao to make the therapy wondrous medicines to make up the life vitality well, otherwise may probably fall young to be impotent.” “这回不死都算便宜你了,接下来一个月别跟人动手,去后勤处赵老头那边弄点疗伤圣药好好补一补生命元气吧,否则年纪轻轻可就得落个体虚了。” Lin Yi exhorted one ill-humoredly. 林逸没好气的嘱咐了一通。 Shen Yifan difficult cracks into a smile: Impotent indifferent, kidney not empty on line.” 沈一凡艰难的咧嘴一笑:“体虚无所谓,肾不虚就行。” The autumn three mothers laugh in the one side: „, The person also kept thinking about that matter like this, or looks opposite asks, but also there is No. a 2 snake Ji and so on to you nutritious?” 秋三娘在一旁嗤笑:“啧啧,人都这样了还惦记那种事呢,要不找对面问一问,还有没有二号蛇姬之类的给你滋补一下?” „.” “靠。” Shen Yifan and nearby numerous male compatriot remember eight Qi Dashe that fierce appearance, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform hit to tremble. 沈一凡和边上一众男同胞不由想起八岐大蛇那狰狞的模样,不由齐齐打了个寒颤。 At this moment, opposite Zhao Rikun is actually stamping one's foot cursed breathless: „The under the hand | subordinate person cannot be victorious on the fate meddles the showdown, cheats to achieve in this share blatantly, the solemn failing a grade fresh institute five great also really have the style!” 此刻,对面的赵日坤却是在气急败坏跳脚大骂:“手下人打不过就下场插手对决,公然作弊作到这个份上,堂堂留级生院五巨还真是有格调啊!” Does not wait for Lin Yi to respond, some people have stood come out to return to the resentment on own initiative: According to stipulating location, even if admits defeat, since had admitted defeat on the irrelevant victory and defeat, but a mad dog bites everywhere, the forest five great are unable to continue watching cleans up, does this still have the issue?” 不等林逸回应,有人就已主动站出来回怼道:“按照规定出了场地就算认输,既然已经认输了就无关胜负,只不过一条疯狗到处咬人,林五巨只是看不下去清理一下而已,这也有问题?” Yes, you cannot manage well the subordinate mad dog as the master, but must make others make a move, you did not thank one also even, how also to feel all right to fling on the forest five giants the pot?” “就是,你身为主人管不好自己麾下的疯狗,还得让别人代为出手,你不感谢一番也就算了,怎么还好意思把锅甩到林五巨头上?” Hehe, couldn't this have understood? According to others meaning, we bit to death by that mad dog died in vain, radically is not the human life!” “呵呵,这还听不懂吗?照人家意思,咱们这些人被那种疯狗咬死了就是白死,根本都不算人命的!” Suddenly, the audience burns with rage. 一时间,全场群情激愤。 Originally watches the fun, even if there is a deviation is still insufficient is so excited, but sees now were about not to have, frequently came the giant ultimate grand perfection lunatic to slaughter, who can bear? 本来只是看个热闹,就算有所偏向也不至于这么激动,可如今眼看自己连人都快没了,动辄来个巨头终极大圆满的疯子大开杀戒,谁能受得了? A out-of-control, Zhao Rikun violated the popular anger directly, arrived at the opposite of entire failing a grade fresh institute! 一场失控,赵日坤直接犯了众怒,走到了整个留级生院的对立面! One group of idiots!” “一群蠢货!” Zhao Rikun criticized one, but arrogant such as he still knows even at this time cannot go against with the people, his under the hand | subordinate high-end strength many are again impossible to resist with the entire failing a grade fresh institute simultaneously, this truth he knows. 赵日坤暗暗骂了一句,不过即便傲慢如他也知道这个时候绝不能跟众人顶着来,他手下高端战力再多也不可能同时跟整个留级生院对抗,这点道理他还是知道的。 However he also is very of clear the urogenous this group of people, so long as then he puts advantage come out slightly, for example pulls out several lucky fellows to give doing abhiseka to change casually to assign/life at the scene, their strength promotion to giant grand perfection Late Phase above. 不过他也很清楚这帮人的尿性,回头他只要稍微放点好处出来,比如随便抽几个幸运儿当场给灌顶改命,将他们实力提升至巨头大圆满后期以上。 When the time comes, presents this crowd to scold him the most ominous person, will naturally run to lick his smelly foot. 到时候,在场这群骂他最凶的人,自然又会跑回来舔他的臭脚。 This is the so-called human nature. 这就是所谓的人性。 Next!” “下一个!” Things have gotten to this point, 0 : 5 score cannot stir up his mood to fluctuate, his presently brain is only thinking last, cuts to kill Lin Yi personally at the scene! 事已至此,零比五的比分已经不能激起他的情绪波动,他现在满脑子只想着最后一场,亲手将林逸斩杀当场! Naturally before a that final game decides the victory and loss, if under the hand | subordinate can kill by mistreatment a Lin Yi subordinate core strength smoothly, he is also naturally glad to see him succeed. 当然在那最后的一局定输赢之前,如果手下能够顺利虐杀掉一个林逸麾下的核心战力,他自然也是乐见其成。 Regarding this, even if experienced the shame five losses in a row, Zhao Rikun has the ample confidence. 对此,哪怕经历了耻辱的五连败,赵日坤还是有着十足的信心。 Does not have him, person who he then uses, is his all doing abhiseka changes in the life the most perfect masterpiece. 无他,他接下来派上场的人,是他所有灌顶改命之中最完美的杰作。 Just went on stage these people, although the account boundary is also giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, may be only two doing abhiseka changes the life eventually the test piece, was not by far perfectly. 刚刚上场这些人虽然账面境界也都是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,可终究只是二次灌顶改命的实验品,远远算不上完美。 But following, is actually three doing abhiseka changes to assign/life! 而接下来的这位,却是三次灌顶改命! Even in Zhao Rikun subordinate numerous high-end strength, is still absolutely unique existence! 即便在赵日坤麾下一众高端战力之中,也是绝对独一无二的存在! Urged by Zhao Rikun, a lazy middle-aged man in the crowd sets out in him behind slowly, is stretching oneself is having the yawn, having a drowsy look of face: Was one's turn me quickly?” 在赵日坤的催促下,一个慵懒的中年男子在他身后人群中缓缓起身,伸着懒腰打着哈欠,一脸的睡眼惺忪:“这么快就轮到我了吗?” Then, his aura rose suddenly directly giant ultimate grand perfection. 说完,他身上的气息直接暴涨到了巨头终极大圆满 „......” “……” The audience are numb. 全场都已经麻木了。 Before thought that giant grand perfection Late Phase such high-end strength, that is unattainable super expert, finally today this showdown looks, probably giant ultimate grand perfection such top strength also was very how common? 以前觉得巨头大圆满后期这样的高端战力,那就已经是遥不可及的超级高手了,结果今天这一场对决看下来,怎么好像巨头终极大圆满这样的顶级战力也挺常见的? However sees this, tyrant several five great are actually simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform the eyelid jumps. 不过看到这一幕,暴君几位五巨却又是齐齐眼皮一跳。
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