SBPE :: Volume #16

#9814: Chapter 9814

Ugly face male at this moment, but has the giant ultimate grand perfection expert facade spatially, does not have the corresponding essence. 此刻的丑脸男,只是空有巨头终极大圆满高手的门面,却没有相应的实质。 It can be said that this is a from head to tail parallel import! 可以说,这是一个彻头彻尾的水货! But the Lin Yi people worry for Shen Yifan, even if again is the from head to tail parallel import, that also eventually giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 林逸众人还是为沈一凡捏了一把冷汗,哪怕再是彻头彻尾的水货,那也终究还是巨头终极大圆满高手 Each other both sides disparate boundary disparity was doomed, the ugly face male copes with Shen Yifan not to need the regular strength, pure is only the boundary advantage in facade, crashes all sufficiently! 彼此双方悬殊的境界差距注定了,丑脸男对付沈一凡根本就不需要规则力量,单纯只是门面上的境界优势,就足以压垮一切! Sure enough, when Shen Yifan smells there is something wrong prepares to make up arrow of the refined appearance again the time, the ugly face male is actually the figure in a flash, was direct presently Shen Yifan front. 果不其然,等到沈一凡见势不妙准备再补上一记风神之箭的时候,丑脸男却已是身形一晃,直接出现在了沈一凡的面前。 The rapidness of speed, an numerous five great look at the eyelid to jump. 速度之快,就连一众五巨都看得眼皮直跳。 Did not discuss regardless the regular strength, only on speed, this goods, even if highest level exists in giant ultimate grand perfection expert ready ready, before mountain king with of five breakthrough growth shackles he, as soon as compares, is simply slow is like the old woman of street, radically indecently. 抛开规则力量不谈,单就速度而言,这货即便在巨头终极大圆满高手之中都妥妥是最顶级存在,之前五次突破生长枷锁的山王跟他一比,简直慢得跟过马路的老太太一样,根本不堪入目。 Shen Yifan danger!” “沈一凡危!” Among the network major live broadcasts four characters of water brush the screen immediately. 网络各大直播间顿时一水的四字刷屏。 The beforehand ugly face male to Shen Yifan this marksman is day to subdue|grams, but now rises suddenly far more than a level, strength of Shen Yifan the least bit resistance before him will not have! 之前的丑脸男对沈一凡这种神箭手就已是天克,而如今暴涨了何止一个层次,沈一凡在他面前根本连半点抵抗之力都不会有! Shen Yifan has not truly revolted against the opportunity, even if he had opened the variable step, actually cannot as before the throwing away opposite party. 沈一凡确实没有反抗机会,哪怕他已开启了无常步,却依旧没能甩脱对方。 By the opposite party was then knocked down in the wink of an eye. 瞬息之间便被对方扑倒在地。 Then, then sees the opposite party lunatic the same as throw to nip, on the face no least bit popularity, instead fully is the violent walks the wild nature of ominous beast! 而后,便见对方疯子一样扑咬过来,脸上毫无半点人气,反而满满都是暴走凶兽的野性! Is listening to lingering on faintly scoffing the sound, even if turning away from the lens, Shen Yifan body by the ugly face male body blocking, the situation that may scatter from the blood is judged, he is inevitably suffering the inhuman great suffering at this moment. 听着不绝于耳的嗤啦声,哪怕背对着镜头,沈一凡的身上被丑脸男的身体遮挡,可从鲜血四溅的情形判断,他此刻必然在遭受着非人的巨大痛苦。 Opens up the stomach, the ugly face male is pulling out the intestines. 开膛破肚,丑脸男在掏肠子。 The ringside autumn three mothers' people do not endure to look straight ahead, but Lin Yi has not actually broken through for Shen Yifan to the admission, is not he does not think, but is Shen Yifan does not let! 场边秋三娘的人已不忍直视,可林逸却没有冲入场中替沈一凡解围,不是他不想,而是沈一凡本人不让! This lunatic!” “这个疯子!” The Lin Yi frown tight wrinkle, does not know that is saying that ugly face male, is saying Shen Yifan. 林逸双眉紧皱,不知是在说那个丑脸男,还是在说沈一凡。 He knows that Shen Yifan wants to make anything, this fellow recently to promoting strength holds to read is very deep, just experienced the stimulation of autumn three mother breakthroughs, must take the opportunity then to stand broken. 他知道沈一凡想做什么,这家伙最近对提升实力的执念很深,刚刚经历了秋三娘临阵突破的刺激,很明显是要借机破而后立。 But, broken then sets up this move is not really fun, even the slightest misstep, that really died. 可是,破而后立这一招真不是好玩的,稍有不慎,那就真的死了。 When the time comes the Lin Yi's great power did not even rescue. 到时候连林逸的回天都救不了。 Death! Death! Death!” “死吧!死吧!死吧!” After the ugly face male saw the blood, is even more excited, on the mouth endlessly is repeating the homicide manifesto, pulls out the intestines to pull out the emerging place even no longer to satisfy both hands, but throws to gnaw to nip directly. 丑脸男见了鲜血之后愈发兴奋,嘴上不断重复着杀人宣言,掏肠子掏到兴起处甚至都已不再满足于双手,而是直接扑上去啃咬。 All sorts of behavior signs, are the person, rather is the from head to tail wild animal. 种种行为迹象,与其说是人,倒不如说是彻头彻尾的野兽。 Zhao Rikun regarding this is actually extremely satisfaction: Right, is this, making them experience the cruelty of outside World well!” 赵日坤对此却是十分满意:“没错,就是该这样,让他们好好见识一下外面世界的残忍!” If solely wins a game of score, could not scrub by the shames of 4 : 0 steamroll, was bloody and slaughters, only then became everyone's nightmare, can redeem the dignity that he lost! 如果单单只是赢回一局比分,根本洗刷不了被四比零碾压的耻辱,只有血腥和杀戮,只有成为所有人的噩梦,才能挽回他失去的尊严! old Shen quickly to limit.” “老沈快到极限了。” On the stand the strict Central Plain opens the mouth suddenly, even his quiet temper could not endure, obviously this moment Shen Yifan situation already danger to what situation. 看台上严中原忽然开口,连他这种沉默寡言的性子都耐不住了,可见此刻沈一凡的处境已经危险到了什么地步。 Five...... four...... three......” “五……四……三……” Lin Yi also in silent Shushen every final limit, once really arrived that step, even if goes against Shen Yifan will, he must make a move to rescue it. 林逸也在默数沈一凡的最后极限,一旦真到了那一步,哪怕违背沈一凡本人的意志,他也必须出手将其救下。 As brother, he respects Shen Yifan choice, but also takes brother, he cannot look helplessly Shen Yifan plays he himself. 作为兄弟,他尊重沈一凡的选择,但同样作为兄弟,他不能眼睁睁看着沈一凡把他自己玩死。 However when Lin Yi silent number/count to one, a huge strength fluctuation gushes out from the Shen Yifan torn to pieces body suddenly, penetrates the close ugly face male whole body instantaneously. 不过就在林逸默数到一的时候,一股庞大的力量波动忽然从沈一凡支离破碎的身体中涌出,瞬间穿透近在咫尺的丑脸男周身。 Casual, is actually the dignified god only empty shadow arrives in its back together transparently. 随便,便是一道透明却威严的神祇虚影在其背后降临。 The refined appearance has presently! 风神具现! At this moment the ugly face male as if felt the death threat finally, letting loose Shen Yifan of instinct, turned the head then to run away at the maximum speed, suddenly had then run out of outside the location. 这一刻丑脸男似乎终于感受到了死亡威胁,本能的放开沈一凡,转头便以最大速度逃窜,眨眼便已冲出了场地之外。 Audience speechless. 全场哑然 According to rule that before set, escaped from the location then to mean that admitted defeat on own initiative! 按照之前定下来的规则,逃出场地便意味着主动认输! Zhao Rikun explodes with rage at the scene: What scoundrel do you run? A giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak waste, can he injure to obtain you? The idiots, the face of Father was lost completely by you!” 赵日坤当场气炸:“混账你跑什么?一个巨头大圆满中期巅峰的废物而已,他能伤得到你吗?蠢货,老子的脸都被你丢尽了!” But before without the means that the ugly face male from the beginning on not many reason, was covering the red cape the time also reluctantly can understand the criticism/human language, now this crazy condition, even if his Zhao Rikun did not order. 可是没办法,丑脸男从一开始就似没多少理智,之前罩着红色斗篷的时候还勉强能听懂人言,如今这种疯狂状态,哪怕他赵日坤也命令不了。 Ringside numerous failing a grade fresh institute expert becomes one group immediately. 场边一众留级生院高手顿时慌成一团。 This terrifying they just watched, even if looks on the competition to be fearful and apprehensive, now suddenly such as the wild animal emerge flees to them side, changes someone is not afraid? 这位的恐怖他们刚刚都看在眼里,哪怕只是旁观比赛都心惊胆战,如今突然如野兽出笼般窜到他们身边,换谁谁不害怕? According to this uncontrolled ominous, regarding keeping off will perhaps slaughter in his front person directly. 照这位不受控制的凶性,对于挡在他前面的人恐怕直接会大开杀戒。 Although is only one has parallel import giant ultimate grand perfection expert of reputation spatially, who can present to be his enemy of gathering? 虽然只是一个空有名头的水货巨头终极大圆满高手,可在场谁能是他的一合之敌? Especially at this scary speed, once slaughters, harvesting the head people came simply should not be too quick, perhaps has no need for the hemiprism fragrant time, the people must be annihilated! 尤其以这位的骇人速度,一旦大开杀戒,收割起人头来简直不要太快,说不定根本都用不着半柱香时间,现场众人就得全军覆没! Looks that the audience people scatter in all directions the flurried scene of escaping, in the network is also bustling. 看着全场众人四散而逃的慌乱场面,网络上也是一片沸腾。 Before many people were also regretting that did not have the opportunity to arrive at the scene, without the means short distance understood these high-end strengths the showdown elegant demeanors, but presently actually turned in abundance rejoiced, it is fortunate that not at the scene! 之前还有许多人在惋惜没有机会亲临现场,没办法近距离领略这些高端战力的对决风采,不过现在却是纷纷变成了庆幸,得亏没在现场啊! In the school at least is giant grand perfection expert, was actually frightened so distressedly, traded to make their these boundaries badly the general public of long distance, perhaps even the excrement must frighten come out at the scene. 学院内至少都是巨头大圆满高手,却还是被吓得如此狼狈,换做他们这些境界差了十万八千里的普通民众,恐怕当场连屎都得吓出来 Frightens scared shitless light, the key escapes continually has no way to escape, meets this situation, can only take as bad luck that waits for death. 吓得屁滚尿流都还是轻的,关键连逃都没法逃,遇上这种情况,只能自认倒霉等死。 „It is not good! We must remove, the fellow seems like a not sane lunatic, if kills on the trouble......” “不行了!我们得撤了,那家伙看起来就是个没有理智的疯子,万一杀过来就麻烦……” Anchor words have not said, in his behind lens emitted one is too quick because of the speed impressively the twisted form, initiated the audience chaotic chief criminal, ugly face male. 一位主播话还没有说完,他身后的镜头中就赫然冒出了一道因速度太快而被扭曲的身影,正是引发全场混乱的罪魁祸首,丑脸男。 Anchor danger!” “主播危!” Among the live broadcasts people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform calls out in alarm, is listening to the anchor behind shouting sound, even if away from the screen, that terrifying constriction made to look at the numerous to be fearful and apprehensive as before. 直播间众人齐齐惊呼,听着主播身后的嘶吼声,哪怕隔着屏幕,那股恐怖的压迫感依旧令得所有看众心惊肉跳。 Courage slightly Little Yi point, even was frightened intentionally the stem at the scene, this may watching the secular world horror film is more frightened than! 胆子稍小一点的,甚至当场被吓成心梗,这可比看世俗界的恐怖片惊悚多了! The ugly face male hand claw comes, the anchor has giant grand perfection Initial Phase peak strength, placing Jianghai city that is also strength excellent existed, may in this moment actually be scalp tingles, a brain blank. 丑脸男的手爪呼啸而至,主播本身有着巨头大圆满初期巅峰实力,放在江海城那也是实力上乘的存在了,可在这一刻却是头皮发麻,大脑一片空白。 What escapes the movement to make not come out, can only be like the average person, remains same place stupidly waits for death. 什么逃命动作都做不出来,只能跟普通人一样,留在原地傻傻等死。 Until, the Lin Yi light sound resounds suddenly: Rolls.” 直至,林逸淡淡的声音忽然响起:“滚回去。” Ugly face male along with, even if were kicked, dropped down returned., happen to Shen Yifan front 丑脸男随即便被一脚踢飞,直直落回到了场中,正好在沈一凡的面前。
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