SBPE :: Volume #16

#9813: Chapter 9813

Shen Yifan naturally cannot respond this static from outside, sees that say/way tranquil form from afar, shouted foul air lightly, the next arrow slightly crossed all probe stages without hesitation directly, really moved directly. 沈一凡自然不会搭理这种来自场外的杂音,远远看着那道平静的身影,轻呼一口浊气,下一箭毫不犹豫直接略过所有试探阶段,直接动起了真格。 The arrow of refined appearance! 风神之箭! Gentle breeze, the wind results from azure duckweed end. 微风拂面,风起于青萍之末。 Resembling feels the crisis, at this moment the opposite party moved finally. 似是感受到了危机,这一刻对方终于动了。 Quite quick!” “好快!” Ringside simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform calls out in alarm. 场边齐齐惊呼。 Just like they just could not catch the path of Shen Yifan bow and arrow, the figure path that at this moment they also cannot catch this person, can only see fuzzily one group of red shadows on the scene flash before. 正如他们刚刚捕捉不到沈一凡弓箭的轨迹,这一刻他们同样捕捉不到此人的身形轨迹,只能模糊看到一团红色影子在场中闪现。 This grade of terrifying speed, compares the mountain kings of First bureau also to want exaggerating several times! 这等恐怖的速度,相比起第一局的山王还要夸张数倍! „To hit a target this abnormal with the arrow, at all not possible?” “想要用箭射中这种变态,根本不可能的吧?” An numerous high-end strength had sentenced the death penalty to Shen Yifan as if by prior agreement, is not they deliberately looks to fade Shen Yifan, but looks like opposite party speed quickly to the make the blood boil fellow, is in itself the natural enemies of all marksmen! 一众高端战力不约而同已经给沈一凡宣判了死刑,不是他们刻意看衰沈一凡,而是像对方这种速度快到令人发指的家伙,本身就是所有神箭手的天敌! If they have in the presently battlefield, absolutely is the nightmares of all marksmen, their First first task also hunts and kills the enemy most threatening single body goal inevitably, particularly marksman like Shen Yifan. 他们如果出现在战场上,绝对是所有神箭手的噩梦,他们的第一优先任务也必然是猎杀敌方最具威胁的单体目标,尤其是像沈一凡这样的神箭手。 „It is not right, had not finished!” “不对,还没结束!” Finally some people discovered is not right. 终于有人发现了不对劲。 In the field that rolls the red form, although arrives quickly impervious, but one group of azure shades are quicker than him behind, the arrow of refined appearance Shen Yifan projects! 场中那团红色身影虽然快到不可理喻,可身后有一团青影却比他更快,正是沈一凡射出的风神之箭! ! 噗! All stop suddenly. 一切戛然而止。 The red cape explodes with a crash, reveals an incomparably ugly fierce face, on the scene saw battle numerous school expert to be but actually good, was slightly some at heart is at most ill. 红色斗篷砰然爆开,露出一张无比丑陋狰狞的脸庞,在场见惯了厮杀的一众学院高手倒还好,顶多就是微微有些心里不适。 But online is watching the Jianghai city general public of this live broadcast, is actually simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform has a scare, courage Little Yi was frightened simply shrieks and howls wildly, perhaps then must have several years of nightmare. 可是网上观看着这场直播的江海城普通民众,却是齐齐被吓了一跳,胆子小一点的更是干脆被吓得鬼哭狼嚎,恐怕接下来要做好几年的噩梦了。 Is much longer is not your mistake, may run come out scary is you are not right, but also there is a public-spirited!” “长得丑不是你的错,可跑出来吓人就是你的不对了,还有没有一点公德心啊!” Some anchors brushed the rotten stem of secular world at the right moment. 有主播适时刷起了世俗界的烂梗。 However does not have many people to respond, because at this moment everyone's attention, as before on this strange ugly incomparable man. 然而却没有多少人搭理,因为此刻所有人的注意力,依旧在这个奇丑无比的男子身上。 His back, emitted a refined appearance empty shadow impressively! 他的背后,赫然冒出了一个风神虚影! The might of arrow of refined appearance is without a doubt, but its most terrifying place, does not lie in the might is astonishing, but lies in not being able to avoid, the movement speed quickly is not again good. 风神之箭的威力毋庸置疑,而它最恐怖之处,却不在于威力惊人,而在于根本无法躲避,身法速度再快都不行。 So long as because has the wind place, it is everywhere, just like the present. 因为只要有风的地方,它就无处不在,正如眼下。 Possibility that even if the ugly face male speed non- human, does not have any function before it, this/should arrow in obediently the arrow, simply has not so hidden as before. 哪怕丑脸男的速度已经如此非人类,在它面前依旧没有任何作用,该中箭还是得乖乖中箭,根本没有躲掉的可能性。 Finished?” “结束了吗?” The Lin Yi subordinate people worry for Shen Yifan, properly speaking by the might of arrow of refined appearance, so long as is under giant ultimate grand perfection expert gives the final word sufficiently. 林逸麾下众人纷纷替沈一凡捏了一把冷汗,照理说以风神之箭的威力,只要是巨头终极大圆满高手之下都足以一锤定音。 The point is that every so often often has this accident/surprise. 可问题是,很多时候往往就是有这种意外。 Sure enough, ugly face male, although sent out extremely painful shouting, because his back also the might of arrow of refined appearance explodes completely, the covered with blood even spinal column revealed outside. 果不其然,丑脸男虽然发出了极度痛苦的嘶吼,他的背后也因为风神之箭的威力全部爆开,血肉模糊甚至连脊柱都露在了外面。 However, he has not dropped down. 但是,他并没有就此倒下。 Just the opposite, was just also suppressed that crazy under tranquility strongly, resembled obtained the signal of liberation, had no strength to contain its debut again. 恰恰相反,刚刚还被竭力压制在平静之下的那股疯狂,似是得到了解放的信号,再也没有任何力量能够遏制它的面世。 Meanwhile, the ugly face male whole body aura also starts uncontrolled crazy sudden rise, under everyone's eyes hid brokethrough the giant grand perfection Late Phase peak final boundary unexpectedly! 与此同时,丑脸男周身气息也开始不受控制的疯狂暴涨,在所有人的眼皮子底下竟是一举突破了巨头大圆满后期巅峰的最后边界! Giant ultimate grand perfection! 巨头终极大圆满 Audience simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform holds breath a cold air/Qi, just experienced the autumn three mothers to break through giant grand perfection Late Phase with own eyes, this is the lifetime a big marvelous sight that is difficult to see. 全场齐齐倒吸一口冷气,刚刚亲眼见识了秋三娘临阵突破巨头大圆满后期,这就已经是毕生难见的一大奇观了。 Who can think that unexpectedly is also only the appetizer, at present this is the full meal! 谁能想到,那居然还只是开胃菜,眼下这个才是正餐! Giant ultimate grand perfection expert, the top strength of this rank takes a broad view at the entire Jianghai Institute not to surpass a pair of ten number, exists in the terrifying that outside the school can walk sideways. 巨头终极大圆满高手,这种级别的顶级战力放眼整个江海学院都不超过双十之数,在学院以外更是能够横着走的恐怖存在。 Has not thought, now unexpectedly the entire net live broadcast witnesses a birth of top strength! 万万没想到,如今居然全网直播见证了一个顶级战力的诞生! Not is under these looks at the numerous ordinary, tyrant these on neutral stand established five great, presented the color of changing countenance one after another. 这下不仅是底下这些普通看众,就连中立看台上的暴君这几位老牌五巨,也都纷纷出现了动容之色。 Suddenly, the people looked that was different to Zhao Rikun look. 一时间,众人看向赵日坤的眼神都不一样了。 If this goods can only below the lot manufacturing giant grand perfection Late Phase peak high-end strength, although said that shocks everybody, but to them is also that a matter. 这货若是只能批量制造巨头大圆满后期巅峰以下的高端战力,虽然说出去还是惊世骇俗,但对他们而言也就是那么回事。 After all just like the first several performance, the background of this group of people places there, even if the boundary raised forcefully is the moisture content is still giant, even if depended on the large group of advantage to the failing a grade fresh institute pattern to have certain impact, but was unable to threaten they several established five great positions truly. 毕竟正如前几场的表现,这帮人的底蕴放在那里,就算境界强行提上来了也是水分巨大,哪怕靠着人数众多的优势能对留级生院格局产生一定的冲击,但还无法真正威胁到他们几位老牌五巨的位置。 Really must make to the situation beyond redemption, give away a benefit greatly, making his high-rank go against the dropping dragon spatial come out position, became after Lin Yi new five great. 真要闹到不可收拾的地步,了不起让出一点利益来,让他上位顶了堕龙空出来的位置,成为继林逸之后的新五巨。 The beforehand experience had shown, five great are the failing a grade fresh institute stablest influence patterns, does not have one. 之前的经验已经证明,五巨是留级生院最稳定的势力格局,没有之一。 If they also want to continue to have the calm and steady life, making Zhao Rikun high-rank be a good choice, at least, Zhao Rikun can form the diversion to rise momentum fierce Lin Yi to a great extent at present. 他们如果还想继续过安稳日子,让赵日坤上位不失为一个不错的选择,至少,赵日坤在很大程度上能对目前崛起势头凶猛的林逸形成牵制。 Regarding this, besides the attitude unclear secret, the tyrant and flame pond is glad to see him succeed. 对此,除了态度不明的天机之外,暴君和炎池都是乐见其成。 Even if they do not like Zhao Rikun this person, but their levels were doomed, as rules a side the fierce and ambitious, this heart pattern does not lack absolutely. 哪怕他们并不喜欢赵日坤这个人,但他们的层次注定了,身为君临一方的枭雄,这点心胸格局是绝对不缺的。 However all these premises are, Zhao Rikun can only the lot manufacturing high-end strength, not threaten their heads! 不过这一切的前提是,赵日坤只能批量制造高端战力,威胁不到他们的头上! But presently, under Zhao Rikun presented giant ultimate grand perfection expert unexpectedly, even if the person of new promote really must hit the big probability by their steamroll, but at least is the same level existence, really must hit them still to feel thorny even. 现在,赵日坤麾下居然出现了巨头终极大圆满高手,哪怕新晋的这人真要打起来大概率还是会被他们碾压,可至少已是同一层级的存在,真要打起来就算他们也会觉得棘手。 Let alone, tyrant several are not single one person, even if they did not fear, but under them these high-end strengths actually fear. 何况,暴君几个都不是独身一人,即便他们自己不怕,可他们麾下这些高端战力却还是怕的。 Again how parallel import giant ultimate grand perfection expert, tidying up an numerous high-end strength is easy, but this also means that once enters the hostile condition, under them everyone's situation will become in imminent danger! 再怎么水货巨头终极大圆满高手,收拾一众高端战力还是轻而易举的,而这也就意味着一旦进入敌对状态,他们麾下所有人的处境都将变得岌岌可危! „It is not right, is not true giant ultimate grand perfection!” “不对,还不是真正的巨头终极大圆满!” After the flame pond carefully observes the moment shakes the head, in the surface relaxes slightly, but under the heart actually saves for several points to dread faintly. 炎池仔细观察片刻后摇了摇头,面上微微松一口气,不过心下却还是隐隐存着几分忌惮。 The ugly face male in field truly is also not giant grand perfection expert in the true sense. 场上的丑脸男确实还不是真正意义上的巨头大圆满高手 His aura has spanned this right, but on him does not have the sign that the regular strength surges, but the regular strength, is giant ultimate grand perfection expert can easily under the steamroll the keys of all high-end strengths! 他的气息已经跨越这一步没错,但他身上并没有规则力量涌动的迹象,而规则力量,才是巨头终极大圆满高手能够轻易碾压底下一切高端战力的关键! This is the disparity of strength level, is unable to make up with any method. 这是力量层次的差距,无法用任何手段弥补。 If Lin Yi did not grasp the part time and space regular strength, even his five lines of perfect domain scratch coats, did not have certainly possibly truly with any giant ultimate grand perfection expert to just, absolutely that qualifications did not even have. 如果林逸不是掌握了部分时间和空间规则力量,就算他有五行完美领域打底,也绝无可能真正与任何一位巨头终极大圆满高手对刚,根本连那个资格都没有。
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