SBPE :: Volume #16

#9812: Chapter 9812

Shocking of movement speed, brings in audience one piece to call out in alarm immediately, discussed the absolute speed is not perhaps quicker than the mountain kings of First bureau five breakthrough growth shackles only, but on the mysterious degree, halved the minutes second to kill mountain king certainly. 身法速度之惊艳,顿时引来全场一片惊呼,单论绝对速度也许不比第一局五次突破生长枷锁的山王更快,但就玄妙程度而言,绝对分分钟秒杀山王。 Regardless of what situation can shocking peerless, this is the platoon surface of wind element variable step. 无论什么场合都能让人惊艳绝伦,这就是风系无常步的排面。 Zhao Rikun was actually selected the eyebrow that disdained: Is giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak? Hehe, solemn five great under really do not have the talent, before several games made your luck good to win, I can only say that was really the God is helping you.” 赵日坤却是不屑的挑了挑眉:“又是巨头大圆满中期巅峰?呵呵,堂堂五巨麾下也真是没人才,之前几局让你运气好赢了,我只能说真是老天爷在帮你。” Audience hiss. 全场嘘声。 This saying really said is nothing energy, the autumn three mothers and hold/container Shaoyou are giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak expert, but smiled finally, the people do not have the temperament to Zhao Rikun facial skin. 这话说得实在是没什么底气,秋三娘和包少游都是巨头大圆满中期巅峰高手,可是都笑到了最后,众人已经对赵日坤的脸皮没脾气了。 However said one, at present this red cape man, only truly be worth dreading compared with beforehand several from the aura. 不过有一句说一句,眼前这个红色斗篷男子,单从气息来看确实要比之前几个更加值得忌惮。 Especially secret also spooky review: This person in the limit edge, one step has possibly entered into giant ultimate grand perfection momentarily.” 尤其天机还幽幽点评了一句:“这人已经在极限边缘,随时可能一步迈入巨头终极大圆满。” It is well known, the secret are extremely few speaks in public places, but he said that come out each few words, is the recognized authorities! 众所周知,天机极少在公众场合说话,但他说出来的每一句话,都是公认的权威! This, Shen Yifan prospect cast a shadow directly. 这一下,沈一凡的前景直接蒙上了一片阴影。 Indeed, he two Leader as Lin Yi Group, even if absolute strength does not arrange at Second, that also absolutely is existence of being among the best, will not at least compare the package of few roaming Heqiu three mothers to be bad. 诚然,他身为林逸集团的二当家,哪怕绝对实力不是排在第二,那也绝对是名列前茅的存在,至少不会比包少游和秋三娘差。 If the opposite party is only giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, according to precedent, even if more two-level challenges him also to have hits, instead the odds of success is quite high! 如果对方只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,照着刚才的先例,哪怕越两级挑战他也不是没得打,反而胜算颇高! But once the opposite party is promoted giant ultimate grand perfection, that anything suspense did not have. 可一旦对方晋级巨头终极大圆满,那就什么悬念都没了。 And under the natural moat gap between boundaries by giant ultimate grand perfection, let alone Shen Yifan this giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, even he now is giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, similarly does not have any odds of success. 以巨头终极大圆满和底下境界之间的天堑鸿沟,别说沈一凡这个巨头大圆满中期巅峰,就算他如今是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,同样没有任何胜算。 At least in certainly the cognition of large number person, giant ultimate grand perfection expert is the threshold of top strength, but the top strength is called the top strength , because they regarding the under high-end strength have dominant strength that is unable to overstep! 至少在绝大数人的认知中,巨头终极大圆满高手就是顶级战力的门槛,而顶级战力之所以被称为是顶级战力,就是因为他们对于底下的高端战力有着无法逾越的统治力! So far breaks this law only only has one person. 目前为止唯一打破这个定律的就只有一人。 Lin Yi. 林逸 But the explanation that in the work places gives is, Lin Yi has the unprecedented perfect five lines of domains, general domain expert naturally cannot place on a par with him, his giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak cannot keep a promise, can directly to sign giant ultimate grand perfection. 而坊间对此给出的解释是,林逸坐拥史无前例的完美五行领域,一般的领域高手自然不能与他相提并论,他这个巨头大圆满中期巅峰根本不能算数,直接就能对标巨头终极大圆满 Shen Yifan even again strong, but he is not Lin Yi. 沈一凡即便再强,可他也不是林逸啊。 both sides on the scene remote confront. 双方在场中遥相对峙。 Opposite red cape man is exceptionally quiet, is hands tied and vertical, is quiet makes the person palpitation. 对面的红色斗篷男子异常平静,束手而立,平静得令人心悸。 Perhaps however tranquil under actually surges saying that unclear crazy, felt in surface uneventful, actually under the water surface the undercurrent is turbulent, even has curled up the exceedingly high vortex. 然而平静之下却涌动着一股说不定道不明的疯狂,给人感觉表面上风平浪静,其实水面底下却已暗流汹涌,甚至已经卷起通天漩涡了。 Shen Yifan offers a sacrifice to the long bow without delay, directly is an arrow. 沈一凡二话不说祭出长弓,直接就是一箭。 The sharp sound air-splitting resounds through the audience in an instant, is startled everyone scalp tingles! 尖锐的破空声刹那间响彻全场,惊得所有人一阵头皮发麻! Even if numerous high-end strengths under field, saw this arrow also to look in abundance with amazement, by their eyesight and divine sense, is unable to lock the path of this arrow unexpectedly! 哪怕是场下的一众高端战力,见了这一箭也都纷纷面露骇然,以他们的眼力和神识,竟然都无法锁定这一箭的轨迹! It is not able to lock the path, this means they are unable to make accurately sentences in advance. 无法锁定轨迹,这就意味着他们无法做出准确的预判。 In other words, if at this moment trades to be them to stand in Shen Yifan opposite, wants to avoid this arrow only to depend on ignorant/veiled to depend to blindly guess, to put it bluntly is the pure gambling luck. 换而言之,此刻如果换做他们站在沈一凡的对面,想要躲避这一箭就只能靠蒙靠瞎猜,说白了就是纯赌运气。 To expert of their level, will want to repose in the luck, actually has been equal to the life and death hands over in the opposite party hand. 对他们这个层次的高手来说,将希望寄托于运气本身,其实就已经等同于将生死交到对方手上了。 No matter this who loses who wins, is a little at least certain. 不管这一场谁输谁赢,至少有一点可以肯定。 After today, Shen Yifan bow and arrow will enter all high-end strengths the fields of vision, any with Lin Yi Group for the person of enemy, must guard frequently does not know where shoots the come out long arrow. 今日之后,沈一凡的弓箭将会进入所有高端战力的视野,任何与林逸集团为敌的人,都必须时刻提防不知从哪里射出来的长箭。 Just like sniper's deterrent force in modern warfare, one to the archer of Shen Yifan this rank, similarly is existence that everyone must guard against specially! 正如狙击手在现代战争中的威慑力,一个到了沈一凡这种级别的弓箭手,同样是所有人都必须特别提防的存在! „!” “中了!” Fall three mothers and the others looked the happy expression. 秋三娘等人面露喜色。 From beginning to end the red cape man seemed to be daunted generally, did not have the least bit movement unexpectedly, or he responded radically without enough time, when the sound has air-splitting time, the long arrow has poked to his face on. 从头到尾红色斗篷男子似乎被吓住了一般,竟是没有半点动作,亦或者他是根本来不及反应,等到破空声响起的时候,长箭都已经杵到他的脸上了。 However, not. 然而,并没有。 red cape man as before also in same place, air-splitting however to the long arrow actually crosses from his head directly, is perfect. 红色斗篷男子依旧还在原地,破空而至的长箭却直接从他的头部横穿而过,却完好无损。 The audience collective compels ignorant. 全场集体懵逼。 An numerous high-end strength is perplexed: Is the imaginary technique? But not like?” 连带一众高端战力都不明所以:“难道是幻术?可是不像啊?” The truly wise imaginary technique does not have the flaw, such as the Lin Yi's five lines of extremely water element day mirrors, as well as enter in the step later picture the person, is that type, even if told you clearly is the imaginary technique, you will still fall into masterstroke/divine skill that is unable to extricate oneself. 真正高明的幻术毫无破绽,就如林逸的五行化极水系天镜,以及进阶之后的画中人,都是那种哪怕明白告诉你就是幻术,你都依然会陷入其中无法自拔的神技。 Lin Yi shakes the head to explain: „It is not the imaginary technique, he just leaning under one, speed too you distinguish not come out quickly.” 林逸摇头解释道:“不是幻术,他刚刚偏了一下头,速度太快你们分辨不出来而已。” The people are astonished however. 众人讶然。 This may solely not be the speed quick issue, but is this person clearly can lock Shen Yifan bow and arrow path ahead of time, can therefore so maintain composure actually the easy circumvention. 这可就不单单是速度快的问题了,而是此人分明能够提前锁定沈一凡的弓箭轨迹,所以才能如此不动声色却又轻而易举的规避掉。 Otherwise only depends on the last minute temporary response, let alone he at this moment is also not giant ultimate grand perfection expert, even is really, was impossible so easily the calm circumvention in the past. 否则只靠最后一刻的临时反应,别说他此刻还不是巨头终极大圆满高手,就算真的是,都不可能如此轻易从容的规避过去。 Said that Shen Big Housekeeper situation isn't wonderful?” “这么说沈大管家岂不是处境不妙?” The autumn three mother people worry for Shen Yifan. 秋三娘众人不由替沈一凡捏了一把冷汗。 The marksmen are terrifying, lies in no one can lock the bow and arrow path ahead of time, without the means easily avoids, once otherwise were locked ahead of time, then the deterrent force of bow and arrow will suffer a disastrous decline directly. 神箭手之所以恐怖,就在于没人能够提前锁定弓箭轨迹,没办法轻易避开,反之一旦被提前锁定,那么弓箭的威慑力直接就会一落千丈。 Although Shen Yifan near body strength is not bad, but the people know, he has arranged the way now, regardless of the present or in the future, core strength on bow and arrow. 沈一凡本人的近身实力虽说不差,但众人都知道,他如今已经定好了路径,无论眼下还是未来,一身核心实力都在弓箭上面。 Once the bow and arrow loses the deterrent force, he was also uncertain on the odds of success. 一旦弓箭失去威慑力,他也就胜算渺茫了。 In the field Shen Yifan does not have many unusual performance, sees that lifts the hand directly again, these is time three arrows is continuous! 场中沈一凡本人却没多少异样的表现,见状直接再次抬手,这一次则是三箭连珠! The howling sound gets up, three long arrows then do not divide had/left in front of the presently opposite party simultaneously. 呼啸声起,三支长箭便已不分先后同时出现在对方面前。 An arrow head! An arrow throat! An arrow heart! 一箭头颅!一箭咽喉!一箭心脏! The audience people collective looks at the heart to send coldly, they are unable to lock the bow and arrow path, if at this moment changes into them, ready ready is a corpse. 全场众人集体看得心底发寒,他们还是无法锁定弓箭轨迹,此刻要是换成他们,妥妥都已经是一具尸体了。 After all the luck good also only to hide an arrow, how possibly one evades three arrows! 毕竟运气好也只能躲掉一箭,怎么可能一下躲过三箭! However, three arrows fail completely. 然而,三箭全部落空。 The red cape man comes across is the mark silk has not moved as before, but lifted raised the head slightly, resembles is sending out the silent taunt. 红色斗篷男子给人的感觉依旧是纹丝未动,只是微微抬了抬头,似在发出无声的嘲讽。 Under the field Zhao Rikun scoffs to say with a smile: This? The stance very installs actually full, but your strength also really a little had diarrhea, boy this was the life and death showdown, did not help you cross each family's place, you think that makes the movie?” 场下赵日坤嗤笑道:“就这?架势倒是装得挺足,可你这实力也实在有点太拉稀了吧,小子这可是生死对决,不是让你过家家的地方,你以为是拍电影啊?” „......” “……” Surrounding to look that the numerous are in abundance speechless. 围观看众纷纷无语。 The face turns over to the face to be thick-skinned thick-skinnedly, by mystifying, this goods have one set. 脸皮厚归脸皮厚,论阴阳怪气,这货还是有一套的。
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