SBPE :: Volume #16

#9811: Chapter 9811

Zhao Rikun choked the moment, has a mind to be unreasonable, but finally maintained the reason. 赵日坤噎了片刻,有心耍横但最终还是保持了理智。 Although his subordinate high-end strength are many, just like but the performance on field generally had the moisture content a moment ago, even has the absolute population advantage, really hits even to Lin Yi one, was difficult to say many advantages. 他麾下高端战力虽多,但正如刚才在场上的表现普遍都有水分,就算有着绝对的人数优势,真打起来就算只是对上林逸一家,都难说有多少优势。 If compelled the tyrant, the flame pond and secret these three established five great stands the opposite, he died ready ready does not know how dead. 要是逼得暴君、炎池和天机这三位老牌五巨都站到了对立面,他妥妥连死都不知道怎么死的。 I had saying that can act shamelessly?” “我有说要耍赖吗?” Zhao Rikun cold snort/hum: I just want to ask opposite of one, then irrelevant audience victory and defeat, but also dares to continue to hit!” 赵日坤冷哼一声:“我只不过想问一句对面,接下来无关全场胜负,还敢不敢继续打下去!” The people are astonished however. 众人讶然。 After the moment, tastes in abundance, as one agreed the showdown that seven games four won, the victory and defeat had ended, a Lin Yi side ending victory without a doubt. 片刻后才纷纷回过味来,作为一场约定七局四胜的对决,胜负到此就已经结束了,林逸一方是毫无疑问的完胜。 From the normal logical judgement , to continue to hit to be not meaningful. 从正常逻辑判断,继续打下去已经是没有任何意义。 May to Zhao Rikun obviously different. 可对赵日坤而言显然不一样。 He also wants to recover the gathering place taking the remaining opportunities! 他还想借着剩下的机会找回场子! So long as following three games of him can take one to two games, although loses, but at the scene will not at least seem like shaved clean is so embarrassed, if really hit to win one after another three, perhaps can also fall a glorious defeat appraisal! 只要接下来的三局他这边能够拿下其中一到两局,虽然还是输,但至少场面上不会像被剃光头这么难堪,真要是打好了连赢三场,说不定还能落个虽败犹荣的评价! When the time comes, the public opinion wind direction will perhaps turn into a Lin Yi side to win, all depends on the advantage that Early Phase deploys troops and forms lines, can win luckily. 到时候,舆论风向也许就会变成林逸一方能够获胜,全是靠着前期排兵布阵的优势,能赢只是侥幸。 On true overall strength, but must be Zhao Rikun side big is in the upper hand! 论真正的整体实力,还得是赵日坤一方大占上风! Lin Yi smiled: Giant ultimate grand perfection expert also has such simple idea, is really rare, ok, satisfies you.” 林逸笑了:“巨头终极大圆满高手还有这么朴素的想法,真是难得,行吧,满足你。” The people in an uproar. 众人哗然。 Trading to do is they, quits when you're ahead facing aspect that this type wins ready ready, after all hit not to have the significance again. 换做是他们,面对这种完胜的局面那妥妥是见好就收,毕竟再打下去已经毫无意义了。 Only the risk does not have the income, this foolish matter fool talent. 只有风险没有收益,这种蠢事傻子才干呢。 Has not thought that Lin Yi unexpectedly is that fool. 万万没想到林逸居然就是那个傻子。 „The expert conduct is really without restraint of style!” 高人行事果然就是不拘一格!” If not Lin Yi, in the network this little while estimate has spurted the dog, is facing the Lin Yi such invincible halo, does not have the black mole of brain not to dare to shoot off the mouth again. 如果不是林逸,网络上这会儿估计早已经喷成狗了,可是面对林逸这么无敌的光环,就是再无脑的黑子也不敢乱喷。 Does not have him, so long as spurted, divides minutes being drown to death by the saliva of entire net. 无他,只要喷了,分分钟被全网的口水给淹死。 Only if you are also giant ultimate grand perfection expert such top strength, that speech also somewhat persuasive power, regardless of otherwise said that anything is the gold/metal hoe of emperor family/home, summarizing is four characters. 除非你本人也是巨头终极大圆满高手这样的顶级战力,那说话还有几分说服力,否则无论说什么都是皇帝家的金锄头,总结起来就是四个字。 You do not understand. 你懂个屁。 Forest five great this is wants homicide to execute the heart!” “林五巨这是要杀人诛心啊!” This is in the final network receives the acceptance highest one explanation. 这是最终网络上受认同度最高的一种解读。 To Lin Yi, wins this seven pairs of seven showdowns actually not to have important that without Zhao Rikun is his most important option, therefore is only 4 : 0 wins also insufficiently, he wants 7 : 0! 林逸来说,赢这场七对七对决其实没那么重要,没有赵日坤才是他最重要的选项,所以只是四比零完胜还不够,他想要七比零! 4 : 0, although had attacked Zhao Rikun self-confidence heavily, but did not have to defeat him thoroughly, therefore he also has the courage of acting shamelessly. 四比零,虽然已经沉重打击了赵日坤的自信心,但还没有彻底把他打垮,所以他还有耍赖的勇气。 But if thwarts homicide to execute 7 : 0 of heart, but by that time without a doubt, Zhao Rikun psychology withstands ability also to collapse again inevitably at the scene. 可要是将计就计来一场杀人诛心的七比零,到那时候可就毫无疑问,赵日坤心理承受能力再强也都必然当场崩溃。 If the Lin Yi heart is ruthless, demonstrates the fierce and ambitious true colors, takes advantage of opportunity a wave to utterly destroy. 要是林逸心再狠一点,展现一下枭雄本色,顺势来一波斩尽杀绝。 That is real death ends all troubles! 那才是真的一了百了! As top character of domineering rise, even if in the Lin Yi surface displays the human and animals to be harmless again, but that savage score is placed there, was doomed, regardless of he makes anything, will be made up the explanation by countless people toward the high deep place brain. 作为强势崛起的顶级人物,哪怕林逸面上表现得再人畜无害,可那凶残的战绩摆在那里,注定了无论他做什么,都会被无数人往高深处脑补解读。 Because in people's eyes, anything can deceive people, but the only score will not deceive people. 因为在众人眼里,什么都可以骗人,但唯独战绩是不会骗人的。 As everyone knows, Lin Yi complies really not to think so many, is under the hand | subordinate this group of goods hands is purely itchy, has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing. 殊不知,林逸答应下来还真没有想那么多,纯粹就是手下这帮货一个个手痒得不行,见猎心喜罢了。 The under the hand | subordinate person so, he himself is so. 手下人如此,他自己又何尝不是如此。 Although Zhao Rikun seemed like the water, but the good and evil was also giant ultimate grand perfection expert, hitting the feel should not be bad! 赵日坤虽然看起来水了点,但好歹也是巨头终极大圆满高手,打起来手感应该不会太差! Let alone, his today's true intention, basic, not only for Zhao Rikun. 何况,他今天的真正意图,根本不只是为了一个赵日坤。 This was yourself says!” “这可是你自己的说的!” Zhao Rikun is also quite accidental/surprised, what is done cannot be undone, the situation compared with person, he had prepared to be forced to accept fate, never expected that Lin Yi will also really comply unexpectedly. 赵日坤也是颇为意外,原本木已成舟,形势比人强,他都已经准备被迫认命了,没想到林逸居然还真会答应。 Lin Yi shows a faint smile: My small conditions, do last you want to go on stage personally, do dare?” 林逸微微一笑:“不过我有一个小小的条件,最后一场你要亲自上场,敢不敢?” „......” “……” Zhao Rikun has food stuck in the throat immediately again. 赵日坤顿时再度噎住。 If there is an opportunity to go on stage acting cool, he will certainly not mind, but if the being doomed situation is not wonderful, that discussed separately, as can existence of lot manufacturing high-end strength, regardless of his ability or the disposition, were doomed more suitable to hide is controlling remotely secretly. 如果有机会上场装逼,他当然不会介意,可如果注定形势不妙,那就另说了,身为可以批量制造高端战力的存在,无论他的能力还是心性,都注定了更适合躲在幕后遥控。 Lin Yi visits him to stir up one: „If not dare, to be no interesting even.” 林逸看着他激了一句:“如果不敢就算了,没什么意思。” An audience hiss piece. 全场嘘声一片。 Zhao Rikun complexion became the bottom of the pot at the scene black, the words speaking of this situation, he as act shamelessly one of the on own initiative finding fault if not dare to accept a challenge, that may really lose the face to the grandmother family/home. 赵日坤脸色当场又黑成了锅底,话说到这个地步,他身为主动耍赖挑刺的一方要是都不敢应战,那可就真的把脸丢到姥姥家了。 After today, he let alone bases in Jianghai Institute, including will degenerate into the laughingstock in the entire Jianghai city. 今日之后他别说在江海学院立足,连在整个江海城都将沦为笑柄。 Perhaps the Zhao Rikun three characters, really degenerated into an stem in ordinary population. 赵日坤三个字,说不定真就沦为普通人口中的一个梗了。 In fact at this moment besides the classical expression package, has his stem to transfer in net Upper Class. 事实上此刻除了经典表情包之外,就已经有他的梗在网上流转开来了。 Cultivates the behavior cannot too Zhao Rikun! 做人不能太赵日坤! Zhao Rikun facial skin cannot to that degree, brace oneself to clench teeth eventually to say thick: Snort, even if you did not say, my seventh still prepares to go on stage personally, does not know that certain people are five great, dared one game to decide the victory and loss!” 赵日坤的脸皮终究还是没能厚到那种程度,硬着头皮咬了咬牙道:“哼,就算你不说,我第七场也准备亲自上场,就不知道某些人身为五巨,是不是敢一局定输赢了!” „A fine situation to decide the victory and loss!” “好一个一局定输赢!” People again by this goods is startled shameless dumbfoundedly. 众人再一次被这货的无耻惊得目瞪口呆。 Had lost obviously, presently gives him a point to save the face the opportunity, unexpectedly can also say one game to decide victory and loss words, is really Zhao Rikun this Yin principle!” “明明都已经输了,现在只是给他一点挽回颜面的机会而已,居然还能说出一局定输赢这种话,果然是赵日坤本坤啊!” Abacus hits flip-flop the sound, hehe, does not know that he did have strength that pulled to revere!” “算盘打得噼啪响,呵呵,就不知道他本人有没有那个挽尊的实力了!” Pulls to revere? Pulls! How on his bird welldoing possibly is the forest five great opponents, waits to look that erratically loses later miserably!” “挽尊?挽个屁!就他这副鸟德行怎么可能是林五巨的对手,等着看吧,待会儿不定输得有多惨呢!” Online also scolds sound one piece. 网上又是骂声一片。 Before Zhao Rikun , some interests pay attention to the public opinion in network to respond, but presently actually does not look thoroughly. 赵日坤之前还很有兴趣关注网络上的舆论反应,不过现在却是彻底不看了。 The indigenous outcastes that one crowd has not seen the world, do not understand! 一群没见过世面的土著贱民,懂个屁! I have no opinion actually, that continues.” “我倒是没什么意见,那就继续吧。” Lin Yi oneself am smiling of thinking little, the victory and loss really am actually not meaningful him, the key is able to be solved once and for all troublesome. 林逸本人却是不以为意的笑了笑,输赢本身于他而言真没有什么意义,关键在于能够一劳永逸的解决麻烦。 Zhao Rikun sneers: Later do not regret.” 赵日坤冷笑一声:“待会儿可别后悔。” Said that then hints one to cover the form under red cape behind goes on stage, no one can see clearly this person of appearance, the red cape as if also has to isolate the divine sense effect, even the divine sense survey is useless. 说完便示意身后一个笼罩在红色斗篷之下的身影上场,没人看得清这人的模样,红色斗篷似乎还有隔绝神识的效果,连神识探测都没用。 Only can purely judge from a about two meters high build, this should be a male, in addition does not know totally. 只能单纯从将近两米高的体型判断,这应该是一个男性,除此之外一概不知。 Lin Yi selects the eyebrow slightly: This person of a little positive result, careful.” 林逸微微挑眉:“这人有点名堂,小心一点。” Small alone king Duanshe prepares to set out immediately, actually by Shen Yifan first step: I on first, the alone king you remain to make the next to last act.” 小独王断舍当即准备起身,却被沈一凡抢先一步:“还是我先上吧,独王你留下来做压轴。” The figure flashes, person already in presently field. 说完身形一闪,人就已经出现在场中。
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