SBPE :: Volume #16

#9810: Chapter 9810

Bang! 轰! Just also occupies absolute winning side health/guard Jingchen, unexpectedly is even on the throat without enough time throat one, suddenly was melted cleanly, including the minimum residual cannot remaining. 刚刚还占据着绝对上风的卫惊尘,竟是连吭都来不及吭上一声,眨眼之间就被熔得干干净净,连一点起码的残渣都没能剩下。 An audience deathly stillness. 全场一片死寂。 Under mother's that goods is this monster? Does not give people the means of livelihood.” “妈的那货手底下怎么都是这种怪物?不给人活路啊。” Tyrants drinks wine to make music, smacking the lips of while dreads. 暴君一边饮酒作乐,一边不无忌惮的咂了咂嘴。 Numerous high-end strength also following of his under the hand | subordinate looks the forced smile. 手下的一众高端战力也都跟着面露苦笑。 As failing a grade fresh institute nearly default strongest five great, as Lin Yi steps on the head/number of people of alone king Heduo dragon to rise strongly, tyrant here must say that an idea does not have, that is not realistic. 作为留级生院近乎默认的最强五巨,随着林逸踩着独王和堕龙的人头强势崛起,暴君这边要说一点想法都没有,那根本不现实。 Even if tyrant does not care, under his hand these high-end strengths definitely will still have all sorts of ideas, at least their interior has a unified consensus, that cannot surrender something submissively the positions of five great heads. 就算暴君本人不甚在意,他手底下的这些高端战力们也必然会有种种想法,至少他们内部是有一个统一共识的,那就是绝不能将五巨之首的位置拱手让人。 Even if, this five great head has not obtained several other five great acknowledgments, even tyrant have not cared. 哪怕,这个五巨之首从来没有得到过其他几位五巨的承认,甚至连暴君自己也都没放在心上。 But this reputation, cannot easily discard. 但这个名头,绝不能轻易扔掉。 After all this on behalf of failing a grade fresh institute alone grade of deterrent force, but in place of the chaotic order, the deterrent force is often representing the huge interests. 毕竟这代表着留级生院独一档的威慑力,而在秩序混乱之地,威慑力本身往往就代表着巨大的利益。 Cites a simplest example, the chamber of commerce alliance to five great junction protection money, gives natural of tyrant compared with several other five great many, but regarding astronomical figures, even if were many this wee bit is also the enormous benefit that the average man does not dare to imagine! 举个最简单的例子,商会联盟给五巨交保护费,交给暴君的天然就要比其他几位五巨多一点,而对于一个天文数字,哪怕多这一丁点也都已是常人不敢想象的巨大利益了! This benefit, naturally no one will dislike many. 这种利益,当然没有人会嫌多。 Therefore even if tyrant do not die the idea of Lin Yi knocking, however for the respective Group benefit, both sides eventually is inevitable will move toward the opposition. 故而哪怕暴君本人没有要跟林逸死磕的想法,但是为了各自集团的利益,双方终究还是不可避免的会走向对立。 After all, the failing a grade fresh institute returns to parental home after being divorced in a big way, but the cake is eventually limited. 毕竟,留级生院大归大,可蛋糕终究是有限的。 Now with the rapid rise of Lin Yi Group, will take many points of some inevitably, this is the inevitable situation, the Lin Yi individual will is the shift, because this is not his matter. 如今随着林逸集团的迅速崛起,势必要多分一些,这是不可避免的大势,不由林逸自己个人的意志为转移,因为这不是他一个人的事情。 Lin Yi Group eats, several other five great Group including tyrant, naturally must little eat. 林逸集团多吃一点,包括暴君在内的其他几位五巨集团,自然就要少吃一点。 At present because of falling from the sky of dropping dragon, caused to present the big piece power vacuum, various are eating the dropping dragon Group corpse, temporarily can also suppress the symptom of conflict. 眼下因为堕龙的陨落,导致出现了大片的权力真空,各家都在分食堕龙集团的尸体,暂时还能压制住冲突的苗头。 Once will be the benefit of dropping dragon to carve up cleanly, will then present massive friction inevitably, until moving toward new five great wars. 一旦将原本属于堕龙的利益瓜分干净,接下来势必就会出现大量的摩擦,直至走向新的五巨战争。 This is the general trend. 这是大势所趋。 In fact, even if has with for the camp fetters of general affairs office member, original five great between still experienced the every large or small innumerable friction and bleeding war found each other boundary balance gradually, then forms the tacit pattern. 事实上,即便有着同为总务处成员的阵营羁绊,原五巨之间也是经历了大大小小无数次摩擦和流血战争才渐渐找到彼此的边界平衡,进而形成默契的格局。 Now with the rise of Lin Yi Group, this process must come inevitably again, no one is able to prevent. 如今随着林逸集团的崛起,这个过程势必要再来一遍,谁都无法阻止。 Seven pairs of seven life and death struggles that this Zhao Rikun requests, tyrant several people will push the boat along, besides to once face of that general affairs office chief, might as well be wants to take the opportunity to look at the Lin Yi Group true background. 这场赵日坤要求的七对七生死战,暴君几人之所以会顺水推舟,除了是给曾经那位总务处长的面子之外,未尝不是想要借机看一看林逸集团的真正底蕴。 Today strict Central Plain people's mounting the stage performance, to them to closing the important information. 今天严中原众人的上台表现,对于他们来说都是至关重要的情报。 After all, Lin Yi Group today is Zhao Rikun opponent, perhaps but will turn into their opponents tomorrow. 毕竟,林逸集团今天是赵日坤的对手,但也许明天就变成他们的对手了。 This unilateral information is transparent, to them is in itself an enormous superiority, but as now a strict Central Plain people match domineering performance, actually formed a psychological shock to them in turn! 这种单方面的情报透明,对他们而言本身是一项巨大优势,可如今随着严中原众人一个赛一个的强势表现,却反过来对他们形成了一种心理震慑! Advantage that this psychological shock brings, even goes far beyond the unidirectional transparent information disadvantage! 这种心理震慑带来的优势,甚至远远超过单向透明的情报劣势! Tyrant and the others who do not raise five senses mixed Chen, this time Zhao Rikun, thorough has stupidly lived. 不提五味杂陈的暴君等人,此时的赵日坤,已经彻底傻住了。 4 : 0! 四比零! This truly is he estimates the score, but each other position counter-, during he estimates under to have such powerful high-end strength, can form the unilateral steamroll to Lin Yi under inevitably. 这确实是他预想中的比分,只不过彼此位置反了,在他预想之中自己麾下有着如此之多强悍的高端战力,必然能对林逸麾下形成单方面的碾压。 Regardless how to see, on the boundaries of Lin Yi subordinate these people, really said no on domineering. 无论怎么看,就林逸麾下这些人的境界,实在说不上有多强势。 Finally, shot first with one hand and then the other to pull out four big mouth female genitals by the brutal reality directly. 结果,被残酷的现实左右开弓直接抽了四个大嘴巴子。 This damn is working as the surface of entire failing a grade fresh institute and entire net live broadcast, changes anyone unable to stretch. 尼玛还是当着整个留级生院和全网直播的面,换谁也绷不住啊。 Everyone is looking at Zhao Rikun response, according to the stipulation, had ended this showdown today, the disastrous defeat becomes this welldoing, even couldn't the facial skin find the excuse again thick? 所有人都在看着赵日坤的反应,按照规定,今天这场对决到此已是结束,惨败成这副德行,就算脸皮再厚也找不出借口了吧? Then, the people are quite somewhat are disappointed. 说起来,众人对此还是颇有些失望的。 They thought that under Zhao Rikun so many high-end strengths, before these at best were also little played, the true magnificent scene inevitably still in behind, without thinking did not pass through unexpectedly hit, this 4 : 0 was held to put on directly! 他们满以为赵日坤麾下这么多高端战力,之前这些充其量也就是一点点前戏,真正的大场面必然还在后面,没想到居然这么不经打了,就这直接就被四比零捅穿了! Trades to make the secular world occupation competition, perhaps some people have shouted the false match in that. 换做世俗界职业比赛,恐怕早已有人在那喊假赛了。 Also thinks that can see the forest five great make a move personally, mother's Zhao Rikun looks serious in an affected way, has not thought of such weak chicken!” “还以为能够看到林五巨亲自出手呢,娘的这个赵日坤看着人五人六的,没想到这么弱鸡!” In the network a piece ridicules the sound. 网络上一片奚落声。 Traded to make the past, even if anonymous speech in network, who dares saying that solemn giant ultimate grand perfection expert was the weak chicken, saying come out cannot be spurted while still alive? 换做以往,哪怕就是在网络上匿名发言,谁敢说堂堂巨头终极大圆满高手是弱鸡,说出来不得被人活活喷死? But actually reaches the consensus today immediately. 可今天却是立马形成了共识。 Zhao Rikun and his group of under the hand | subordinate, are one flock of good to look at but of no use weak chickens. 赵日坤和他的这帮手下,就是一群中看不中用的弱鸡。 Before heard that Lin Yi with city main mansion Sky King herd god at the refined appearance Shen peak showdown, the people had not noticed that the web cast was quite regrettable, but also thinks that today finally can understand the top strength the elegant demeanor. 之前听说林逸跟城主府的天王牧神在风神沈家巅峰对决,众人没看到网上直播还颇为遗憾,还以为今天终于能够领略一下顶级战力的风采了。 Finally, this? 结果,就这? Looks oneself were classified as the given name of head of weak chicken to search for First by the top on rapidly hotly, clenched jaws Zhao Rikun could not stretch thoroughly. 看着自己被冠以弱鸡之首的名号迅速被顶上热搜第一,本就已经咬牙切齿的赵日坤彻底绷不住了。 Zhao Rikun sets out to say immediately: I acknowledged that today was the general idea/careless, but this was the personnel does not observe for a while, was picked up a bargain by you by luck, other happy was too early!” 赵日坤当即起身道:“我承认今天是大意了,但这也不过是一时用人不察,被你侥幸捡了便宜而已,别高兴太早!” Lucky...... 4 : 0 lucky......” “侥幸……四比零的侥幸么……” This saying does not need Lin Yi to complain, entire online under has become happy sea. 这话都不用林逸吐槽,全网上下就已经成了一片欢乐的海洋。 The named lucky expression package also starts to brush the screen in each live broadcasts. 名为侥幸的表情包随之开始在各个直播间刷屏。 The Lin Yi look visits him lightly: Listens to Your Excellency this meaning, probably isn't convinced?” 林逸神色淡淡的看着他:“听阁下这个意思,好像还是不太服气?” At this time the tyrant hit the liquor belch to open the mouth saying: Is willing to bet to concede, several of us five sacrifice the face to be a guarantor to work as the witness to you greatly, if this lost acted shamelessly to be possible not to have the meaning.” 这时暴君打了个酒嗝开口道:“愿赌服输,我们几个五巨豁出脸面给你作保当见证人,这要是输了耍赖可就太没意思了。” Meanwhile, the flame pond and secret vision also fell on Zhao Rikun body. 与此同时,炎池和天机的目光也都落在了赵日坤的身上。 Although has not opened the mouth, but warned that means obviously. 虽然没有开口,但警告意味显而易见。 Even if there is face of general affairs office chief to be placed there, but they achieve this to show extreme tolerance, is impossible to favor in him again blatantly. 就算有总务处长的面子摆在那儿,可他们做到这一步已是仁至义尽,绝不可能再公然偏袒于他。 In the final analysis, Zhao Rikun also has an origin with that is not that oneself. 说到底,赵日坤与那位也只是有一段渊源而已,又不是那位本人。 Naturally if really that oneself, why want to handle anything through their these people, even now the Lin Yi rise momentum is very fierce, the domineering to making their these established five great feels the palpitation, may with that as before not in a level. 当然真要是那位本人,想做点什么事情又何必通过他们这几人,即便如今林逸崛起势头很猛,强势到令他们这几位老牌五巨都感到心悸,可跟那位依旧不在一个层面。 At least so far, both sides are also far from being able to put together the situation of placing on a par. 至少目前为止,双方还远没到能够放在一起相提并论的地步。
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