SBPE :: Volume #16

#9809: Chapter 9809

Some people said looking pensive: „ Also will say, was ordered to be forced to use the domain strength by Zhao Rikun a moment ago, might as well said that was he withdrew from this blade say/way showdown taking advantage of this by own initiative. 有人若有所思道:“也就会说,刚才与其说是被赵日坤命令着被迫动用领域力量,还不如说是他借着这个由头主动退出了这场刀道对决。 Only currently speaking, health/guard Jingchen has lost. ” 单从这一点来看,卫惊尘就已经输了。” Regarding the explanation of outside, health/guard Jingchen this litigant listens completely in the ear, but in the surface does not have the slight expression. 对于场外的这一番解读,卫惊尘这个当事人完全听在耳中,但面上却没有丝毫表情。 However, the scary offensive of blade hell in this flickers speeds up suddenly! 不过,刀地狱的骇人攻势在这一瞬骤然加快! hold/container less/small swam withstood less than the times of three breaths merely, a giant Guan's broadsword cut flying upside down, the giant meat grinder operated crazily, hold/container less/small swam each at least dozens giant Guan's broadswords that arrived at to fall, blocked each dead angle completely! 包少游仅仅顶住了不到三息的工夫,就被其中一柄巨型关刀斩得倒飞而出,紧接着巨型绞肉机疯狂运作,包少游所到的每一处都至少有数十把巨型关刀落下,完全封死了他每一个死角! If nothing else, is only the terrifying weight of this giant Guan's broadsword, type that cannot the upfront shoulder absolutely hardly. 别的不说,光是这巨型关刀的恐怖重量,就绝对不是能够正面硬扛的类型。 Not young girl nature looked that the numerous called out in alarm in abundance was closing the eye, did not endure to see that hold/container Shaoyou was chopped the hashed meat, If nothing else, hold/container less/small swam this image actually quite to have the female personal connection. 少女性看众纷纷惊呼着闭上了眼睛,不忍看到包少游被剁成碎肉的一幕,别的不说,包少游这形象其实还是颇有女人缘的。 Especially blind this point, placing on the average person is the irreparable flaw, but places hold/container less/small to swim, this tied up to focus on the appearance of belt/bring instead adding several points of fatal seduction. 尤其眼瞎这一点,放在普通人身上是无法弥补的缺陷,可是放在包少游身上,这副绑着眼带的模样反而平添了几分致命的诱惑。 This goods have to become the potential of friend of woman ready ready.” “这货妥妥有成为妇女之友的潜质。” The review of Lin Yi very objective and fair, the people laughed in abundance. 林逸很是客观公正的点评了一句,众人纷纷哄笑。 Regarding situation that package few tours are surrounded by perils, meaning that they have not actually been worried about slightly, is not concern hold/container Shaoyou, but really does not need to be worried for him in the method of this fellow. 对于包少游险象环生的处境,他们却是丝毫没有担心的意思,不是不关心包少游,而是以这家伙的手段实在没必要替他担心。 Some people have counted, the card in a hand killing move quantity of this goods is almost flush with Lin Yi, moreover is homemade, does not know when suddenly pulls out one in a big way. 有人统计过,这货的底牌杀招数量几乎与林逸齐平,而且全是自创,不知道什么时候就又突然掏出一把大的。 This could be said as the general character of talent player. 这可以说是天赋型选手的共性了。 Therefore even his present boundary is giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, but regardless of what situation, hold/container Shaoyou most lets that the person is free from worry throughout. 所以即便他如今的境界才是巨头大圆满中期巅峰,但无论何种处境,包少游始终都是最让人省心的那一个。 Just like the present, 99% looks at the numerous to look at his situation, had thought that he must die without doubt. 正如眼下,90%九的看众看着他这副处境,都已觉得他必死无疑。 In the final analysis, he is missing two boundaries with opposite health/guard Jing dust, but before the opposite party is not, such parallel import, once uses the full power, the so disparate disparity was really not casual can the cross past. 说到底,他跟对面的卫惊尘到底差着两个境界,而对方又不是之前那样的水货,一旦动用全力,如此悬殊的差距真不是随便就能跨过去的。 Even if peerless genius is also the same! 哪怕绝世天才也一样! Until package few tours were being minced by the blade hell finally flickers, the entire body changes to one group of colorless flame suddenly, scatters in the wind. 直至包少游在被刀地狱剁碎的最后一瞬,整个身体突然化作一团无色火焰,在风中飘散。 „......” “……” The audience compel ignorant. 全场懵逼。 Not is only these looks at the numerous ordinary, even tyrants and flame pond these two five great, revealed the shocking vision. 不仅是那些普通看众,甚至就连暴君和炎池这两位五巨,都不禁露出了震惊的目光。 In the network a piece calls out in alarm: Incarnation domain? Is this incarnation domain in Legend?” 网络上一片惊呼:“化身领域?这是传说中的化身领域?” This is opposite with the domain shape, the domain shape huge domain strength substantializing, transfers the entity Energy, but the incarnation domain just does things the other way round, oneself entity transformation will be Energy. 这跟领域化形恰好相反,领域化形是将庞大的领域力量实质化,将能量转为实体,而化身领域则刚好反其道而行,将自身实体转化为能量 Misses probably on first hearing are not quite many, but both's difficulty is completely difference between heaven and earth! 乍听起来好像差不太多,但两者的难度完全是天差地别 The difficulty of domain regarding certainly large number cultivator is extremely high, but if its difficulty is one, then the difficulty of incarnation domain at least is 100! 领域化形的难度对于绝大数修炼者而言就已是极高,可如果说它的难度是一,那么化身领域的难度至少是一百! Once grasped the incarnation domain, means the mortal body to be able the immunity certainly large number Physics attack. 一旦掌握了化身领域,就意味着肉身可以免疫绝大数物理攻击。 To a certain extent, this is invincible. 某种程度上,这就是无敌。 Saw that hold/container less/small swim perfect recover human shaped again, the people and networks looked the numerous could not have spoken thoroughly, a female emits the color of admiration in abundance. 眼看包少游完好无损的重新恢复人形,现场众人和网络看众已经彻底说不出话来了,一众女性更是纷纷冒出倾慕之色。 Delicate and pretty, mysterious, powerful. 俊美,神秘,强大。 hold/container less/small swim each special characteristics to having fatal the attraction to them, can foresee, after today , just like in the network much autumn three mother such goddesses , will also be shao many hold/container to swim this male gods who are charmed myriad females. 包少游身上每一点特质对她们对有着致命的吸引力,可以预见,今日之后正如网络上将会多出秋三娘这么一位女神,同样也将多出包少游这位迷倒万千女子的男神。 Invisible, after such a network grand occasion, Lin Yi Group will attract a big wave popularity in the entire Jianghai city. 无形之间,经过这么一场网络盛事之后,林逸集团在整个江海城将会吸引到一大波人气。 This is an out-and-out unexpected happiness. 这是不折不扣的意外之喜。 In this strength is to revere cultivate, popularity thing does not have important that at first sight, just like but the city lord Li Songzhang to the full Internet public opinion bow, with the comprehensive invasion of secular world technology product, people will discover a matter will happen one day. 在这实力为尊的修炼界,人气这东西乍看起来没那么重要,但正如城主李诵章都要向铺天盖地的网络舆情低头,随着世俗界科技产品的全面入侵,终有一天人们会发现一件事。 Sir, the time changed. 大人,时代变了。 With the emergence of incarnation domain, on the field the situation turns over again. 随着化身领域的出现,场上局势再度翻转。 health/guard Jingchen blade hell again how fearful, how again is the giant meat grinder, may in the face of the incarnation domain, all these be doomed is not studious. 卫惊尘的刀地狱再怎么可怕,再怎么是巨型绞肉机,可在化身领域面前,这一切注定都是无用功。 Facing this Physics invincible aloof method, let alone cutting 100 blade 1000 blades, even if cuts 10,000 blade 1 million blades simultaneously, is still eventually unproductive. 面对这种物理无敌的超然手段,别说砍上一百刀一千刀,就算同时砍上一万刀一百万刀,终究也还是徒劳。 At least in the large number person eyes, hold/container Shaoyou has been in an impregnable position certainly, even if he lowered two boundaries compared with the opposite party! 至少在绝大数人眼里,包少游已经立于不败之地了,哪怕他比对方低了两个境界! Only wants to overturn by such a , looked down upon the old man?” “只靠这么一手就想翻盘,是不是也太看不起老夫了?” On health/guard Jingchen the face the faint expression suddenly becomes fierce, the intention moves, all giant Guan's broadsword all disruption that towers densely, turn into the tiny powder dust that the innumerable naked eyes are unable to distinguish, looks to be similar to one group of surging black tornado from afar. 卫惊尘脸上淡漠的表情陡然变得狰狞,心念一动,森然耸立的所有巨型关刀全体碎裂,化成无数肉眼无法分辨的细小碎末,远远看去如同一团涌动的黑色龙卷 Each tiny powder dust is together the sharp bit, this is the genuine super meat grinder!” “每一点细小的碎末都是一块锋利的刀片,这才是真正的超级绞肉机!” The people are dumbfounded. 众人目瞪口呆。 However along with, even if some people raised the question: But the incarnation domain can immunity all Physics attack, even his bit again how slight, doesn't injure less than the package of few roaming iotas in the final analysis?” 不过随即便有人提出疑问:“可是化身领域能够免疫一切物理攻击,就算他的刀片再怎么细微,说到底不还是伤不到包少游分毫?” Theoretically truly so, but the theory eventually is only the theory, has the disparity with the reality.” “理论上确实如此,但理论终究只是理论,跟现实还是有差距的。” Some discerning people explained: „ Incarnation domain has the limit, true immunity all Physics attacks only exist in the theory. 有明眼人代为解释道:“化身领域是有极限的,真正的免疫一切物理攻击只存在于理论之中。 But in fact as a result of the cultivator control degree, the incarnation domain actually not really changes into the domain strength from the entity, but became the innumerable smaller entities from a big entity incarnation. 而事实上由于修炼者的掌控程度,化身领域其实并非真的从实体化为领域力量,而是从一个大的实体化身成了无数个更小的实体。 These entities can what degree, all look which step small cultivator can practice. 这些实体能够微小到什么程度,全看修炼者能练到哪一步。 Although hold/container Shaoyou natural talent truly shocking peerless, but is young, perhaps has not arrived can disregard at present the degree of this attack. ” 包少游的天资虽然确实惊艳绝伦,但毕竟年纪尚轻,恐怕还没到能够无视眼下这种攻击的程度。” Some people could not bear ask one: How if can't disregard to be able?” 有人忍不住问了一句:“如果不能无视会怎么样?” Will die.” “会死。” The so obvious answer, actually everyone knows fairly well. 如此显而易见的答案,其实所有人都心中有数。 If this wave, hold/container Shaoyou will not very appear before the people, at the appointed time let alone the corpse, stump residual limb hashed meat will not stay behind, at best will only leave behind the dust that a place powder dust is not even. 要是挺不过这一波,包少游再也不会在众人面前出现,到时别说尸体,根本连一点残肢碎肉都不会留下,充其量只会留下一地连碎末都算不上的尘土。 This chapter of bonus is Shen Yifan people also starts is not calm. 这回饶是沈一凡众人也都开始不淡定了。 Other did not say, at least opposite health/guard Jingchen this old man shows the come out fight accomplishment, has far exceeded the beforehand three people, this instantaneous decision did not say the absolutely correct, but to hold/container Shaoyou already enough fatal! 其他不说,至少对面卫惊尘这个老头展现出来的战斗素养,已经远远超出了之前的三人,这个瞬间决策不说绝对正确,但对包少游而言已经足够致命! Only Lin Yi, the look is still calm, meaning that do not intend to save others. 唯独林逸,依旧神色从容,没有丝毫要出手救人的意思。 It is not his makes Boss' to stand by, but really does not need. 不是他这个做老大的袖手旁观,而是真的没有必要。 Sure enough, when everyone thinks hold/container Shaoyou stops, one group of colorless flame no indications suddenly explodes in health/guard Jingchen within the body! 果不其然,就在所有人都以为包少游到此为止的时候,一团无色火焰毫无征兆的忽然在卫惊尘体内爆开!
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