SBPE :: Volume #16

#9808: Chapter 9808

expert is lonely, especially is nearly alone in the sabreplay domain like his type asks existence of defeat this solitary one, has unbearable chill in a high position. 高手都是寂寞的,尤其像他这种在刀术领域近乎独孤求败的存在,更是高处不胜寒。 In fact, initially saw right in front of one Lin Yi to offer a sacrifice to the demon bites the sword the time with the Lin Yi photo, his really happy, after all the sword to a certain extent was interlinked. 事实上,当初跟林逸照面见林逸祭出魔噬剑的时候,他还着实高兴了一阵,毕竟刀剑在某种程度上是相通的。 Other tyrants and the others, although strength is also very strong, may only have with the person of same belief in the person can make him retrieve the fervor and hot blooded to the war, does not present several nice Challenger, he may really probably degenerate into obsolete. 其他暴君等人虽然实力也很强,可唯有跟同道中人的对战才能令他找回久违的激情和热血,再不出现几个像样的挑战者,他可就真要沦为老朽了。 Only pitifully, Lin Yi, although with sword, but is actually not a standard swordsman. 只可惜,林逸虽然用剑,但却不是一个标准的剑客。 The sword in Lin Yi's is only a weapon, but is used for the carrying/sustaining his strength medium, but does not treat as own life the sword like the pure swordsman, therefore is doomed to be only towering at crucial moments occasionally presently. 剑在林逸的手里只是一柄武器,只是用来承载他一身实力的媒介,而绝非像纯正的剑客那样把剑当做自己的生命,所以注定只会在关键时刻峥嵘偶现。 Therefore although the flame pond sent out to Lin Yi invitation that discussed the sword, but regarding this was quite disappointed. 故而炎池虽然对林逸发出了论剑的邀请,但对此还是颇为失望。 Hope can have a slightly nice point.” “希望能有一个稍微像样一点的吧。” While the flame pond has the anticipation, in the field both sides have begun impressively. 就在炎池心生期待的同时,场中双方赫然已经动手。 Regardless of hold/container less/small swim or health/guard Jingchen, extremely tacit has not used the domain strength, chose as if by prior agreement conducted the positive/direct showdown with the sabreplay! 无论包少游还是卫惊尘,都极其默契的没有动用领域力量,不约而同选择了用刀术进行正面对决! This pride as blade guest, regardless of which once cannot withstand to take the lead to use the domain, regarding his entire frame of mind will be a huge blow!” “这就是身为刀客的骄傲,无论哪方一旦承受不住率先动用领域,对于他整个心气都将是一次巨大的打击!” The solution that some anchors pretend to be serious said. 有主播煞有介事的解说道。 This saying said a little dangerous, but obtained an approval of numerous expert. 这话说得有点悬,但还是得到了一众高手的认可。 Frame of mind type of thing, without many practical significance, may regarding true expert actually to closing important on first hearing. 心气这种东西,乍听起来没多少实际意义,可对于真正的高手而言却是至关重要 This solely is not relates to the self-confidence, meanwhile was deciding his road can walk far, once tumbled, is can also crawl. 这可不单单是关系到自信心,同时还决定着他的路到底能走多远,一旦跌倒了,是不是还能重新爬起来。 Did not say exaggeratingly, once this showdown both sides some people cannot withstand to take the lead to use the domain, did not say that his blade say/way stops, but the entire future will at least cast a shadow. 毫不夸张的说,这场对决双方一旦有人承受不住率先动用领域,不说他的刀道到此为止,但至少整个未来都将蒙上一层阴影。 Before comparing, frequently the great antiquity variation magnificent scene, this round both sides showdown, at least in the visual impact strength was weak, regarding looked ordinary the numerous no longer the bloodlines spurted to open. 相比起之前动辄洪荒异种的大场面,这一轮的双方对决,至少在视觉冲击力上是弱了许多,对于普通看众来说不再那么血脉喷张。 But regarding true expert, the gold content of this showdown, the second kills the beforehand three rounds of putting together sum totals absolutely! 可是对于真正的高手而言,这一场对决的含金量,绝对秒杀之前三轮加在一起的总和! Two people show the come out blade say/way ideal condition, even if regarding Lin Yi, has a big model value. 两人展现出来的刀道意境,哪怕对于林逸,都有不小的借鉴价值。 Ideal condition, itself not absolutely strict high and low division, so long as this, the spring snow is the ideal condition, the Song of the Rustic Poor is also the ideal condition, under who on no one said, only looked which is more suitable, which can walk. 意境,本身并没有绝对严格的高低之分,只要到了这一层,阳春白雪是意境,下里巴人也是意境,没有谁上谁下之说,只看哪个更加适合,哪个就能走得更远。 One gets down, looks at the numerous except for unclear sleep/felt severe general, numerous expert all benefits greatly. 一场下来,除了不明觉厉的广大看众,一众高手全都受益匪浅。 Even if they do not use the blade, can absorb many nutrition. 哪怕他们不用刀,也能从中汲取不少营养。 Difficult minute/share high and low.” “难分上下啊。” Even in flame pond absolute blade say/way Grandmaster eye, in field two people are still on a par. 即便在炎池这位绝对的刀道宗师眼里,场中两人也都是不分伯仲。 In comparison, old man health/guard Jingchen blade intent obviously firm vicious, but hold/container Shaoyou shows the come out blade intent to reveal the powerful and unconstrained style, just like the antelope to hang the corner/horn, that inherent extraordinary intelligence almost must overflow the screen. 相比之下,老头卫惊尘的刀意更显刚硬老辣,而包少游展现出来的刀意则更显天马行空,犹如羚羊挂角,那种与生俱来的超绝灵性几乎要溢出屏幕。 Even if were flame pond see, gave birth for several points to feel inferior, and even had to admire. 哪怕是炎池见了,都不禁生出几分自惭形秽,乃至心生艳羡。 This person, is really the God bestows food eats. 这种人,真的是老天爷赏饭吃。 Others look with great interest, but ringside Zhao Rikun actually could not sit still, shouted coldly: Also in rubbing gently makes anything, I make you mount the stage go to homicide, does not make you go to exchange the theory saying that being clear about own position!” 其他人看得津津有味,但场边赵日坤却是坐不住了,冷喝道:“还在磨磨蹭蹭的做什么,我让你上台是去杀人的,不是让你去跟人交流论道的,记清楚自己的位置!” „......” “……” health/guard Jingchen the complexion stagnates slightly, finally helpless opened his domain, suddenly, appears the giant Guan's broadsword innumerably baseless, covers entirely the entire location instantaneously, everywhere is the dense/woods cold fearsome murderous intentions. 卫惊尘脸色微微一滞,最终无奈的张开了他的领域,一时间,无数把巨型关刀凭空浮现,瞬间布满整个场地,处处都是森寒可怖的杀机。 Blade hell. 刀地狱。 So long as his intention moves, this all Guan's broadswords will also brandish, the entire location degenerates into an ultra giant meat grinder directly, even if the great antiquity variation falls into, can perhaps divide minutes to be chopped the meat sauce. 只要他心念一动,这所有的关刀都会随之挥舞起来,整个场地直接沦为一架超巨型绞肉机,哪怕是洪荒异种陷入其中,恐怕都会分分钟被剁成肉酱。 Entire network silence. 整个网络一片肃静。 All looked at the numerous shaking by this sudden magnificent scene, because just also the unclear sleep/felt severe and even thought that somewhat depressed they, then lost one's voice panic-strickenly, unsurprisingly, this will become their shadows and subjects for a lifetime. 所有看众都被这突如其来的大场面给震住了,刚刚还因为不明觉厉乃至觉得有些沉闷的他们,这下纷纷惊骇失声,不出意外,这又将成为他们一辈子的阴影和谈资。 Felt his state of mind about the bread few roaming minds, slightly somewhat was regrettable. 对面包少游心眼感受到了他的心绪,不由微微有些遗憾。 This rare blade say/way showdown, to hold/container Shaoyou is also a rare informed and experienced opportunity. 这一场难得的刀道对决,对包少游而言也是一次难得的历练机会。 How again is peerless genius, is impossible to divorce oneself from reality, needs various types to come their extraordinary talents to cash in informed and experienced. 再怎么是绝世天才,也不可能闭门造车,也还是需要各种历练来将他们的超绝天赋兑现。 The difference of genius and average person is, they can fully unearth each informed and experienced value, even if the same experience, perhaps they informed and experienced effect is equivalent to the average person 100 times time, and even 1000 times. 天才跟普通人的区别在于,他们能够充分挖掘每一次历练的价值,哪怕是相同的历练,他们历练一次的效果也许相当于普通人一百次,乃至一千次。 Just if such high-quality blade say/way showdown continued, hold/container Shaoyou did not say that broke through like the autumn three mothers, will at least also obtain blade say/way advancement a qualitative change of time! 刚刚这样高质量的刀道对决如果继续下去,包少游不说像秋三娘那样临阵突破,至少也会得到一次刀道进境的质变! What a pity, was broken to the midway by Zhao Rikun. 可惜,被赵日坤给中途打断了。 health/guard Jingchen is forced to take the lead to open the domain, how the result of this blade say/way showdown calculates, is he loses?” “卫惊尘被迫率先开启领域,这一场刀道对决的结果怎么算,算是他输吗?” Some people cannot bear ask. 有人忍不住问道。 The similar issue also passed to the ear of flame pond. 同样的问题也传到了炎池的耳中。 The flame pond shakes the head to say slightly: In surface does not have the victory and loss, but was actually health/guard Jingchen lost the half a point in fact, if he later also wants to continue to have an advancement in a blade say/way way, today this closes will be he will have needed the trauma.” 炎池微微摇头道:“面上没有输赢,但实质上却是卫惊尘输了半分,他以后若还想在刀道一途继续有所进境,今天这一关将是他必须要过的心理阴影。” Why? Was broken by the external force obviously, he himself should not want to open this domain on own initiative?” “为什么?明明是被外力打断,他自己应该也不想主动开这个领域的吧?” Yes, just at the scene seemed like shared half and half, but the obvious health/guard Jingchen offensive was fiercer, although did not have the true wound to package few tours, but at least also had the initiative?” “是啊,刚刚场面上看起来是平分秋色,但明显卫惊尘的攻势更猛,虽然没有真正伤到包少游,但至少也是掌握了主动权的吧?” Facing such unprofessional question, the flame pond will not reply normally, but saw that Lin Yi and the others are also looking, the hesitation moment gave his explanation slightly. 面对这样外行的疑问,炎池正常根本不会回答,不过看到林逸等人也在看过来,微微沉吟片刻还是给出了他的解读。 Blade say/way showdown, although also contends in martial arts, although also divides the victory and defeat, but is slightly different from the conventional showdown. “刀道对决虽然也是比武,虽然也分胜负,但跟常规的对决还是略有不同。 Their showdowns were life and death preying, rather was the dialogue of a blade intent and blade intent, but dialogue this exchange, whom was not divided more initiative who was more passive. 他们刚才的对决与其说是生死搏杀,倒不如说是一场刀意与刀意的对话,而对话这种交流,是不分谁更主动谁更被动的。 The key is, who can justify oneself to speak of the words finally. ” 关键在于,谁能自圆其说把话说到最后。” The point arrived here, a little perception people have awakened slightly. 点到这里,稍微有点悟性的人都已经醒悟过来了。 This actually with discussing without doing almost, on victory and defeat must argue down the opposite party outwardly, however in fact, the truly essential place does not lie in arguing down the opposite party, but lies in tempering own say/way during this process unceasingly, firm, until impregnable. 这其实就跟坐而论道差不多,明面上的胜负是要把对方驳倒,然而事实上,真正关键的地方并不在于驳倒对方,而在于在此过程中不断锤炼自己的道,坚定信念,直至无懈可击。 The flame pond continues saying: In health/guard Jingchen the scene occupied a moment ago on own initiative, has appeared several points of urgent shape actually, explained that his say/way heart has faltered.” 炎池继续说道:“刚才卫惊尘场面上是占了主动,实则已经显出了几分急迫之象,说明他的道心已经出现动摇了。” The people nod in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 Debated like both sides, that side who always takes the lead unable to calm down falls leeward, after all when only then even he himself starts to own faith has the vacillation, meets on the mood, otherwise inevitably is calm. 如同双方辩论,总是率先沉不住气的那一方落入下风,毕竟只有连他自己都开始对自己的信念产生动摇之时,才会情绪上头,否则必然是气定神闲。 No matter what he he, the cool breeze strokes the hump. 他强任他强,清风拂山岗。
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