SBPE :: Volume #16

#9807: Chapter 9807

By Lin Yi's strength, once goes on stage personally, who presented to dare saying that can live from his hand, even tyrant these established five great, does not dare to have this warranty. 林逸的实力一旦亲自上场,在场有谁敢说能够从他手中活下来,就算是暴君这几位老牌五巨,都不敢打这个保票。 After all learning from another's mistakes of alone king Heduo dragon may in the past shortly. 毕竟独王和堕龙的前车之鉴可才过去不久。 Indeed, Zhao Rikun is also giant ultimate grand perfection expert, is the top strength without a doubt. 诚然,赵日坤本人也是巨头终极大圆满高手,也是毋庸置疑的顶级战力。 But between the top strengths and top strengths have the difference, this group of people's the performance from him looks at come out, although Zhao Rikun these person of boundaries the terrifying, seems like also truly very one set, but once moving real actual combat, obviously has the moisture content. 但顶级战力跟顶级战力之间也是有差别的,从他底下这帮人的表现就看得出来,赵日坤这些人境界虽然恐怖,看起来也确实很有一套,可一旦动起真格的实战,明显都有水分。 Otherwise, not in the situation of boundary rank comprehensive advantage, by Lin Yi makes a steamroll -type 3 : 0. 否则,也不会在境界等级全面优势的情况下,被林逸这边生生打出一个碾压式的三比零。 Zhao Rikun really wants oneself to Lin Yi, on the scene the discerning person or the layman, will not favor him absolutely. 赵日坤真要本人对上林逸,在场无论是明眼人还是外行人,都绝对不会看好他。 Everyone is waiting for Zhao Rikun response, looked that he can choose itself to go on stage personally, does final life-and-death wrestles. 所有人都在等待着赵日坤的反应,看他会不会选择自己亲自上场,做最后的殊死一搏。 Although even such, the possibility that has almost not overturned, but at least, everyone because he shows the come out courage and uprightness and courage, but looks at one high. 虽然即便那样,也几乎还是没有翻盘的可能性,但至少,大家会因为他展现出来的血性和勇气而高看一眼。 However, not. 然而,并没有。 Zhao Rikun has not gone on stage as before, then stern-faced sent out elderly man. 赵日坤本人依旧没有上场,转而一脸阴沉的派出了一个老者 Giant grand perfection Late Phase peak. 巨头大圆满后期巅峰 From the boundary as before is impeccable, but the appearance compared front several to miss really much, thinks that mountain king, dog king Heshe Ji's pitiful fate, the people to the prospect that this elderly man mounted the stage naturally also optimistic. 从境界来看依旧是无可挑剔,可是卖相相比前面几位着实差了不少,想一想山王、狗王和蛇姬的凄惨下场,众人对这个老者上台的前景自然也就乐观不起来。 „Did this quite therefore admit defeat in disguised form?” “这相当于是变相认输了吧?” Zhao Rikun this choice at least in people opinion, that with has admitted defeat on own initiative no difference. 赵日坤这个选择至少在众人看来,那已经跟主动认输没什么区别了。 Reviews candidate who Lin Yi goes on stage, giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, hold/container Shaoyou. 反观林逸这边上场的人选,巨头大圆满中期巅峰,包少游。 Although the boundary was inferior that the strict Central Plain and Wei Baizhan is so exaggerating, after joining the Lin Yi subordinate, the performance is also inferior to Shen Yifan and the others the bright eye, in core strength that but Lin Yi attaches great importance, always has hold/container Shaoyou a position. 虽然境界不如严中原和韦百战那么夸张,在加入林逸麾下之后,表现也不如沈一凡等人亮眼,但林逸最重视的核心战力之中,始终都有包少游一个位置。 After all, even if in freshman of this golden generation, hold/container Shaoyou the talent is to also recognize existence of First files. 毕竟,哪怕是在这一届黄金世代的新生之中,包少游的天赋也是公认第一档的存在。 This is true peerless genius, high of its natural talent, even/including Luoban the divisions are full of praise. 这是一位真正的绝世天才,其天资之高,连洛半师都赞不绝口。 In fact, if not emit Lin Yi this abnormal draft animal, the lead goat in this freshman should be he and wins the dragon, now wins dragon missing to disappear without a word, but he became under Lin Yi obscure. 事实上,如果不是冒出林逸这个变态牲口,这届新生之中的领头羊应该是他和赢龙,如今赢龙失踪音讯全无,而他则成了林逸麾下默默无闻的一员。 Even so, he as before is under Lin Yi one of the most highly regarded core strengths, will be one of the future ceiling highest core strengths, this point, will be Lin Yi is in front of everyone to acknowledge personally. 但即便如此,他依旧是林逸麾下最不可小觑的核心战力之一,同时也是未来天花板最高的核心战力之一,这一点,乃是林逸当着所有人的面亲口承认。 Therefore no matter, hold/container Shaoyou under Lin Yi, can always gain an extreme important footing. 所以无论何时,包少游在林逸麾下,始终都能占据极为重要的一席之地。 But today, will be the world will understand this peerless genius elegant demeanor one day, after today, hold/container less/small will swim star to raise Jianghai again. 而今天,将是世人重新领略这位绝世天才风采的一天,今日之后,包少游之名将重新名扬江海。 How is a blind person?” “怎么是个瞎子啊?” Has perplexed surrounding to look at the numerous unable to bear curiously. 有不明所以的围观看众忍不住好奇。 Although regarding arriving at expert of this level, looked that the thing has generally been familiar with replace with divine sense, the naked eye can the observed thing after all limited, really to at crucial moment, naked eye actually also with decorating similarly. 虽说对于到了这个层次的高手而言,看东西普遍都已习惯用神识代替,肉眼能够观察到的东西毕竟还是有限,真到了关键时候,肉眼其实也就跟装饰差不多。 But this does not represent the naked eye dispensably. 可这并不代表肉眼就真的可有可无。 Regardless how strength promotes, the human inherent instinct custom will not vanish eventually thoroughly, the naked eye the observed information not necessarily promptly still not necessarily is even accurate every so often, but it constituted a part of intuition. 无论实力怎么提升,人类与生俱来的本能习惯终究是不会彻底消失的,肉眼即便很多时候观察到的信息未必及时也未必准确,可它构成了直觉的一部分。 expert, even if the top strength, the fight must have the intuition as before. 高手,哪怕是顶级战力,战斗也依旧少不了直觉。 Viewed from whichever angle, losing the sight of both eyes regarding package few tours is a huge blow, but in fact, by the Lin Yi present level and ability , to help his recover eye, actually not totally is impossible. 无论从哪个角度看,双目失明对于包少游都是一次巨大打击,而事实上,以林逸如今的层次和能力若想帮他恢复眼睛,其实也并非完全不可能。 However he rejected. 然而他拒绝了。 Because while losing naked eye, he obtained another easier-to-use eye, the mind. 因为在失去了肉眼的同时,他得到了另外一双更加好用的眼睛,心眼。 Right, with the Sky King herd god of city main mansion is with. 没错,跟城主府的天王牧神是同款。 Existence of mind makes him not only be able to see clearly the surrounding all clearly, can see through nearly everyone's thoughts instantaneously, only if hard strength is higher than above his level, otherwise all opponents before him, will not have the secret. 心眼的存在让他不仅能够清晰洞察周围的一切,同时也能瞬间看穿近乎所有人的心思,除非硬实力高出他一个层级以上,否则一切对手在他面前,都将毫无秘密。 In the work places has a rumor, has the mind, is in itself the important target of peerless talent. 坊间有一句传言,有没有心眼,本身就是绝世天赋的一个重要指标。 On this point, Lin Yi actually is not so only qualified, naturally this cannot represent anything, the so-called talent is not always sole linear. 单就这一点来说,就连林逸其实都不那么合格,当然这本身不能代表什么,所谓的天赋从来都不是单一线性的。 Although Lin Yi not mind, but he is unequalled in the advantage of origin spirit level, this counter-balances the advantage that the mind brings sufficiently, let alone besides origin spirit, his perception also ready ready is in Jianghai Institute Thousand-year school regulations alone grade of existence. 林逸虽不会心眼,但他在元神层面的优势无与伦比,这本身就足以抵消掉心眼带来的优势,何况除了元神之外,他的悟性也妥妥是江海学院千年校史中独一档的存在。 Other does not raise, is only five lines of extremely these killing move, once announced that come out made his splendid for all eternity sufficiently, left behind the dark ink serious wound in the annals. 其他的不提,光是五行化极那些杀招,一旦公布出来就足以令他彪炳千古,在史册中留下浓墨重彩的一笔。 Also because has such abnormal perception, background that in addition before these years accumulated, so-called Cultivation Manual Martial Skill the significance is not big regarding present Lin Yi. 也正是因为有着如此变态的悟性,加上之前这些年积累下来的底蕴,所谓的功法武技对于如今的林逸而言都已经意义不大。 Even if reputation again loud, is still makes a reference and confirmation to his hand at most. 就算名头再响,到他手里也顶多就是做个参照和验证。 Arrived his level, took own road compared with cultivate any Cultivation Manual Martial Skill important, only by doing so, can break the ceiling that the predecessor leaves behind step by step, reaches the boundary in that Legend. 到了他这个层次,走出自己的路比修炼任何功法武技都更加重要,也只有这样,才能一步步打破前人留下的天花板,登顶那个传说中的境界。 hold/container Shaoyou mounts the stage, opposite elderly man lifted the eyelid: Old man health/guard Jingchen, please.” 包少游上台,对面老者抬了抬眼皮:“老夫卫惊尘,请。” Said that clothing explodes suddenly, reveals capable fearsome muscle layer upon layer, formed the stark contrast with his obsolete appearance. 说完身上衣服猛然爆裂,露出一身精壮可怖的层层肌肉,跟他老朽的样貌形成了鲜明的反差。 Suddenly when the people are surprised, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns the head to look to the flame pond of neutral stand. 一时间众人惊讶之余,不由齐齐转头看向中立看台的炎池。 These two seem like a way. 这两位看起来是一个路数啊。 Similarly is old man, similarly is the muscle brother is expensive, this striking and stark huge contrast, invisible within builds a powerful meteorology of blowing up for rain unexpectedly, making the people have the anticipation. 同样是老头,同样是肌肉兄贵,这种强烈而鲜明的巨大反差,无形间竟营造出一种山雨欲来风满楼的强大气象,令众人心生期待。 At least the intuition, this named health/guard Jingchen old man has the boundary parallel import to be not quite same as front several probably spatially, should be giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert. 至少直觉来看,这个名为卫惊尘的老头好像跟前面几位空有境界的水货不太一样,应是一个实打实的巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手 Regardless of hard strength, but also the fight experience and accomplishment, with front three perhaps are Heaven and Earth Difference! 无论硬实力,还会战斗经验和素养,跟前面三位恐怕都是天壤之别 Especially in seeing the old man hand, appears baseless after slowly a giant Guan's broadsword, that powerful invincible imposing manner is the oppression results in the audience everyone not to be on the rise. 尤其在看到老头手中,凭空缓缓浮现出一柄巨型关刀之后,那股强悍无敌的气势更是压迫得全场所有人都抬不起头来。 The constriction of good terrifying! 好恐怖的压迫感! Please.” “请。” Is playing blindman's buff the package few tours of belt/bring actually to resemble to all these does not have the least bit to feel quite the same as, said lightly after a character, similarly the long blade comes out of the sheath. 蒙着眼带的包少游却似对这一切浑然没有半点感觉,淡淡的说了一个字后,同样长刀出鞘。 The people until realized at this moment suddenly, this unexpectedly is a showdown of two blade guests! 众人直到此刻才忽然意识到,这竟是一场两个刀客的对决! This actually rare.” “这倒是难得一见。” On the stand the flame pond showed the having a relish expression, by sabreplay he failing a grade fresh institute name Second, no one dares to call First, now emits two all of a sudden with expert of blade, is to make him joyfully. 看台上炎池露出了饶有兴致的表情,论刀术他在留级生院称第二,没人敢称第一,如今一下子冒出两个用刀的高手,自是令他欣喜不已。
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