SBPE :: Volume #16

#9806: Chapter 9806

The illegal aliens fight are still continuing. 人蛇大战还在继续。 The autumn three mothers' aggressive foot might have obviously presented the sign of qualitative change, may want to cause heavy losses to skin coarse meat thick eight Qi Dashe truly, actually missed much. 秋三娘的霸气脚威力明显已呈现出质变的迹象,可想要真正重创到皮糙肉厚的八岐大蛇,却还是差了不少。 that tyrant air/Qi ample several foot admittedly were shocking a moment ago, may to snake Ji incarnation eight Qi Dashe, also injure to a body at most, was far from having a fracture truly the situation that. 刚才那霸气十足的几脚固然惊艳,可对蛇姬化身的八岐大蛇而言,顶多也就是伤到一点皮肉,远没到真正伤筋动骨的地步。 However, she had been enraged obviously. 但是,她显然已经被激怒了。 The person shape was suppressed faintly also even, now turns into eight Qi Dashe shape that she most loathed, if were suppressed, her might as well kills simply is a spouse. 人身形态被隐隐压制也就算了,如今变成了她自己最厌恶的八岐大蛇形态,如果还是被压制,那她还不如索性一头撞死算逑。 Eight snake head insane alienations bite, eight snake tail insane alienations fling. 八个蛇头疯狂乱咬,八条蛇尾疯狂乱甩。 Eight Qi Dashe who this moment violent walks just like a giant war machine, shortly the audience plows repeatedly, the destruction that it will create only compared with beforehand two will even have put together must fearsomer. 此刻暴走的八岐大蛇俨然就是一台巨型战争机器,顷刻之间就已将全场犁了一遍又一遍,单它造成的破坏甚至远比之前两场加在一起还要更加可怖。 Also has Lin Yi and tyrant these top strengths assumes personal command at the scene, otherwise to/clashes its this terrifying to eat the sinister aspect of person, estimated on the spot no one dares to remain to observe radically. 也就是有林逸和暴君这几位顶级战力在现场坐镇,否则就冲它这副恐怖吃人的凶相,现场估计根本没人敢留下来观战。 Watching the fun is a person of instinct, but if to watch the fun sends off oneself, that is not too worthwhile. 看热闹是人之天性,可要是为了看热闹把自己送走,那就太不值当了。 The autumn three mothers in field are involved, just like a small boat to place oneself in the dreadful tsunami, any storm will hit to make her be buried in in the sea. 场中的秋三娘置身其中,犹如一叶扁舟置身于滔天海啸,其中任何一点风浪打过来都会令她葬身于大海之中。 Judged from the rational angle, probability that the autumn three mothers can live, minimal. 从理性的角度判断,秋三娘能够活下来的几率,微乎其微。 After all can evade this, does not evade next, can evade next, does not evade one after next to return. 毕竟能躲过这一回,躲不过下一回,躲得过下一回,躲不过下下回。 However the autumn three mothers were still insisting, the complete body and mind immerses in her who breaks through the condition, as before does not have any movement of dodging, eight snake heads are crazy fiercely attacking of eight brittle stars, completely by aggressive foot response. 然而秋三娘还在坚持,全部身心沉浸于临阵突破状态的她,依旧没有任何闪躲的动作,无论是八个蛇头还是八条蛇尾的疯狂猛攻,全部都以霸气脚回应。 The lingering on faintly collision sound, hears audience people scalp tingles by fits and starts. 不绝于耳的碰撞声,听得全场众人一阵又一阵的头皮发麻。 Ate her! Grinds her to me! I must make them notice that with fate that we oppose!” “吃了她!给我碾碎她!我要让他们所有人看到跟我们作对的下场!” Zhao Rikun bellowed excitedly, encountered the two losses in a row day of being possible be called the great shame collapsed the opening, him needs to come a shot to raise the morale. 赵日坤兴奋大吼,遭遇了堪称奇耻大辱的两连败天崩开局,他这边太需要来一记强心针提提士气了。 Eight Qi Dashe wild invincible image, happen to conforms to him at present the most urgent demand. 八岐大蛇狂暴无敌的形象,正好符合他眼下最迫切的需求。 At this moment, he actually does not even hope that the autumn three mothers too died quickly, after all such is unable to show eight Qi Dashe savage completely. 这一刻,他甚至其实都不希望秋三娘太快死去,毕竟那样就无法完整的展现出八岐大蛇的凶残。 He wants may not only draws a game of score, what he wants uses this showdown, wipes out Lin Yi all frame of mind, casts the trauma that dreads infinitely to them. 他要的可不仅仅是扳回一局比分,他要的是就用这一场对决,打掉林逸这边所有的心气,给他们留下无限畏惧的心理阴影。 He must let following Lin Yi each game of going on stage person, two fight the war, even does not dare to mount the stage! 他要让接下来林逸这边每一局上场的人,都两股战战,甚至不敢上台! Snake Ji responded to his order. 蛇姬回应了他的命令。 The offensive goes crazy fiercely fearsome, If nothing else, at least regarding watching the large number average person of certainly live broadcast, today this will truly become their lifetime unforgettable trauma, will be has a dream the awaked with a start that type. 现场攻势愈发狂猛可怖,别的不说,至少对于观看了直播的绝大数普通人来说,今天这一幕确实会成为他们毕生难忘的心理阴影,而且是做梦都会被吓醒的那一种。 However, the body autumn three mothers in imminent danger on the scene, have not actually dropped down. 然而,身在场中岌岌可危的秋三娘,却始终没有倒下。 The aggressive script is the pure attack style, but presently was used to defend, is against is actually watertight, even defense at the same time gave back to the opposite party to cause a big damage. 霸气脚本是纯粹的进攻招式,不过现在被用来防守,却也是防得滴水不漏,甚至防守的同时还给对方造成了不小的伤害。 Eight snake heads, eight brittle stars, crazy fiercely attacking from 16 directions, continued the entire quarter of an hour, cannot the autumn three mothers who looking to be surrounded by perils gnawing obstinately. 八个蛇头,八个蛇尾,来自十六个方向的疯狂猛攻,持续了整整一刻钟,愣是没能将看着险象环生的秋三娘给啃下来。 The audience are silly. 全场已经傻了。 Let alone makes them be involved, such distant looks in the nearby, looked at such a long time heart unable to bear, they are unable to imagine autumn three mother women, what the willpower became to be able very to arrive at presently tenaciously. 别说让他们置身其中,就只是这么远远的在边上看着,看了这么长时间心脏都受不了,他们根本无法想象秋三娘一个女人,意志力得坚韧成什么样才能挺到现在 In fact, in the field occupied driving snake Ji also quick to be absolutely insane. 事实上,就连场中占据绝对主动的蛇姬也都快疯了。 Incarnation eight Qi Dashe has the price, once enters this condition, solely will not be the appearance ugly fierce issue, the key eight Qi Dashe will recover on her gradually, the beastly nature will occupy her knowledge sea slowly. 化身八岐大蛇不是没有代价的,一旦进入这个状态,不单单是样子丑陋凶恶的问题,关键八岐大蛇的意志会渐渐在她身上复苏,兽性会慢慢占据她的识海。 Once this shape duration is too long, she not only has because of consuming too the risk that but greatly the strength uses up, meanwhile has by eight Qi Dashe will is controlled thoroughly, then degenerates into the puppet dependency the risk. 一旦这个形态持续时间太长,她不仅有着因为消耗太大而力竭的风险,同时还有着被八岐大蛇意志彻底掌控,进而沦为傀儡附庸的风险。 By that time, she was not snake Ji, but will become eight Qi Dashe clone. 到那个时候,她就不是蛇姬了,而将成为八岐大蛇的一个分身 When some as if made by Heaven offered sacrifices oneself for the sacrificial offering, recovered for true eight Qi Dashe, contributes one point of due efforts. 等到某一天成为祭品把自己献祭出去,为真正的八岐大蛇复苏,贡献一分微薄之力。 But if cannot give to kill by mistreatment the autumn three mothers at the scene, she does not dare to withdraw from this shape, if even/including Baqi the big snake shape could not have killed the autumn three mothers, traded to be her unable to do to the autumn three mothers. 可若是不能当场把秋三娘给虐杀,她又根本不敢退出这个形态,如果连八岐大蛇形态都已经杀不死秋三娘,换做她本人就更加奈何不了秋三娘了。 Even, the big probability must be instead killed by the autumn three mothers. 甚至,大概率还要被秋三娘反杀。 Snake Ji has been unable to back down at this moment, saw with own eyes that eight Qi Dashe will is getting stronger and stronger, starts most limit that approaches her to control gradually, she is nearer to the collapse edge. 蛇姬此刻已是骑虎难下,眼见八岐大蛇的意志越来越强,渐渐开始逼近她所能掌控的最极限,她就离崩溃边缘越近。 Until finally, together the strange and familiar powerful aura on the scene shoots up to the sky, to/clashes the collapse to scatter in all directions eight Qi Dashe disaster black air/Qi. 直至最终,一道陌生而熟悉的强大气息在场中冲天而起,将八岐大蛇的灾难黑气冲得崩溃四散。 A snake Ji heart sank finally most valley. 蛇姬一颗心终于沉到了最谷底。 „Was this breaks through successfully? Really really has this matter? Who special told me to break through the risk to be very big?” “这是临阵突破成功了?竟然真有这种事?谁特么告诉我临阵突破风险很大的?” Looks that in the field has become the giant grand perfection Late Phase expert autumn three mothers impressively, was renovated the people of three view cognition to call out in alarm loses one's voice, in the network is a school of ebullition. 看着场中赫然已经成为巨头大圆满后期高手的秋三娘,被刷新了三观认知的众人不由惊呼失声,网络上更是一派沸腾。 The scene witnesses a birth of truly high-end strength, regarding certainly the large number person, this perhaps was subject for a lifetime. 现场见证一位真正高端战力的诞生,对于绝大数人来说,这恐怕就是一辈子的谈资了。 Especially, autumn three mother such have individual characteristics beautiful woman high-end strength, can foresee, after today , she popularity in network will certainly ride to be above mundane thoughts, she will become the goddess level character who the entire Jianghai city everybody exalt together! 尤其,还是秋三娘这么一位极具个人特色的美女高端战力,可以预见,今日之后她在网络上的人气必将一骑绝尘,她将成为整个江海城男女老少共同追捧的女神级人物! That stops.” “那就到此为止吧。” On the autumn three mother faces revealed smiling expression, as is promoted successfully, her aggressive foot might realized a qualitative change directly, freezes with aggressively, two entirely different effect seamless compatibility! 秋三娘脸上露出了一丝笑意,随着晋级成功,她的霸气脚威力直接实现了一次质变,冰冻与霸气,两种截然不同的效果完美兼容! Saw with own eyes that the autumn three mothers promote the rhythm on own initiative, had been losing the snake Ji following thorough violent of wisdom edge to walk finally. 眼见秋三娘主动提升节奏,本就已经在失智边缘的蛇姬终于跟着彻底暴走。 After the quarter of an hour . 一刻钟后。 Everyone looks eight Qi Dashe who in the field degenerates into the ice sculpture, was done collapse to extinguish by the autumn three mothers easily, the audience also falls into collectively dies the general silence. 所有人愣愣看着场中沦为冰雕的八岐大蛇,被秋三娘轻而易举一脚干到崩灭,全场随之集体陷入死一般的寂静。 This woman, to is not fiercely good. 这个女人,猛到不行啊。 Looks that the autumn three mothers turned back with the stance of victor to the Lin Yi camp slowly, Zhao Rikun do not have the sound thoroughly. 看着秋三娘以胜利者的姿态缓缓走回到林逸阵营,赵日坤这边已经彻底没了声音。 0 : 3! 零比三! Showdown that seven games four win, even if he does not have the concept again, knows leeway that this has almost not overturned, even if him remains each one is the strongest strengths, but that side Lin Yi is? 一场七局四胜的对决,哪怕是他再没有概念,也知道到这一步已经几乎没有翻盘的余地了,就算他这边留下来的个个都是最强战力,可林逸那边又何尝不是? Small alone king Duanshe, Shen Yifan these people may also sit have not moved. 小独王断舍、沈一凡这些人可都还坐着没动呢。 Three latter four such big overturn scripts, are first almost impossible certainly in the presently reality, in other words, regardless of looks like in anyone, today a Zhao Rikun side is loses. 先三后四这样的绝地大翻盘剧本,几乎不可能出现在现实之中,换而言之,无论在什么人看来,今天赵日坤一方都已是输定了。 This seven pairs of seven showdowns, but had not defined that the presence candidate, Lin Yi oneself can also go on stage in other words! 要知道,这场七对七对决可是没有限定出场人选的,也就是说林逸本人也是可以上场的!
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