SBPE :: Volume #16

#9805: Chapter 9805

Any can arrive at the peak finally expert, does not blindly follow suit to follow inevitably others' footsteps, the person who can only imitate, cannot enjoy the scenery of highest place forever. 任何一个能够最终走到顶峰的高手,必然都不是亦步亦趋跟着别人的脚步,只会模仿的人,永远领略不到最高处的风光。 From this point, the autumn three mothers has only the potential of growing into the top strength. 单从这一点来说,秋三娘已经具备了成长为顶级战力的潜质。 Naturally, so far is also only the potential, from cashing is also missing a quite remote distance. 当然,目前为止也还只是潜质,距离兑现还差着一段相当遥远的距离。 But this is enough. 可这就已经足够了。 How others think not to know, but at least snake Ji is actually very clear, oneself have started soon to envy goes crazy! 别人怎么想不知道,但至少蛇姬却是很清楚,自己已经开始嫉妒得快要发狂了! Her present hard strength is stronger than the autumn three mothers, this many people on the scene look at come out, only if Zhao Rikun spares nothing to conduct Third doing abhiseka to change for her to assign/life, otherwise this is her upper limit ceiling. 她眼下的硬实力比秋三娘更强,这一点在场很多人都看得出来,可是除非赵日坤不惜代价替她进行第三次灌顶改命,否则这就已经是她的上限天花板了。 Comparing the upper limit is nearly infinite the high autumn three mothers, this without doubt is a huge pitifulness, in the final analysis, the person must die. 相比起上限近乎无穷高的秋三娘,这无疑是一种巨大的可悲,说到底,人比人得死。 She was compared that dies. 她就是被比死的那一个。 little sister you do that let big sister my very difficult office.” 小妹妹你这么做,让姐姐我很难办呢。” A snake Ji face attracts licked the lip: big sister I, am the jealousy very strong woman.” 蛇姬一脸魅惑的舔了舔嘴唇:“姐姐我啊,可是个嫉妒心很强的女人呢。” Trading to do is masculine cultivator, light/only this movement at least can reduce 30% fighting wills, what a pity the opposite is the autumn three mothers, moreover enters quite the same as the absorbed condition autumn three mothers, she said that done all, is doomed wastes the sentiment. 换做是男性修炼者,光她这个动作就至少能削减30%战斗意志,可惜对面是秋三娘,而且是进入浑然忘我状态的秋三娘,她所说所做的一切,都注定只是浪费感情。 Saw with own eyes that the autumn three mother whole body aura increase successively, aggressively with freezing also to start to complete the depth fusion gradually, snake Ji cannot endure patiently finally again, immediately gave up to spelling with the autumn three mothers' kicking techniques. 眼见秋三娘周身气息节节攀升,霸气与冰冻也渐渐开始完成深度融合,蛇姬终于再也忍耐不住,当即放弃了与秋三娘的踢技对拼。 In fact, her kicking technique, although is strong, but also in can share half and half with the autumn three mothers from the beginning. 事实上,她的踢技虽强,但也就在一开始能与秋三娘平分秋色。 Until has actually fallen at this moment faintly leeward, with she wants to prove itself for the female, showed that looks to everyone on the scene, she can all -around steamroll autumn three mothers, domain that even if most excels in the autumn three mothers! 直到此刻其实已经隐隐落入下风,同为女性她是很想证明自己,证明给在场的所有人看,她能够全方位碾压秋三娘,哪怕是在秋三娘最擅长的领域! What a pity she cannot achieve. 可惜她做不到。 Continues to support by hard and stubborn effort to fall dirty with it forcefully, might as well open simply directly hangs, although, opens the ugly shape of hanging to make her feel nauseating from the bottom of the heart. 与其继续强行硬撑下去落一个灰头土脸,索性不如直接开挂,虽然,开挂的丑恶形态令她从心底里觉得恶心 Sees with own eyes the snake Ji Shenzhou domain Energy crazy gathering, gradually forms a shape of giant beast. 眼见蛇姬身周领域能量疯狂汇聚,逐渐形成一头巨兽的形状。 The ringside people and networks looked that numerous simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform calls out in alarm. 场边众人和网络看众不由齐齐惊呼。 Domain shape! 领域化形! Has experienced a moment ago the hell three dogs of dog king, even if nothing strength underlying network looks at the numerous, has certain concept under an anchor's illustration to the domain shape. 见识过刚才狗王的地狱三头犬,哪怕是没什么实力的底层网络看众,在一众主播的解说下也都已经对领域化形有了一定的概念。 This is actually the True Qi entering step version. 这其实就是真气化形的进阶版。 But True Qi shape, because True Qi is limited, even if finally the shape has presently come out, will still be doomed to have the obvious upper limit, the might will be impossible is too big. 只不过真气化形因为真气有限,最终即便化形具现出来,也注定会有着显而易见的上限,威力不可能太大。 But the domain shape is different, because the domain has characteristics that can adjust to take space Spiritual Qi continuously, might be considered as the nuclear power to be generally inexhaustible on the Energy supply side only. 可是领域化形不同,由于领域本身有着可以源源不断调取空间灵气的特性,单就能量供应方面堪称是核动力一般无穷无尽。 Decided that its upper limit, then turned into cultivator comprehensive talent. 决定其上限的,转而变成了修炼者本身的综合天赋。 Cultivation Manual, perception and blood relationship, any can have the decisive effect on the domain shape come out ultimate shape. 功法、悟性、血缘,任何一项都能对领域化形出来的终极形态有着决定性影响。 Just like the dog king, he can melt the shape to have the hell three dog such fierce great antiquity variation , because his Family older generation some people had once obtained the bloodlines of hell three dogs, his family/home core younger generation has several points of related blood relationship. 正如狗王,他能化形出地狱三头犬这样凶恶的洪荒异种,就是因为他的家族先辈曾有人获得过地狱三头犬的血统,以致于他家核心子弟都带有几分相关血缘。 As for Lin Yi, five lines of earth element Titan big buddhas extremely are also the domain shapes, but is actually not the bloodline decided that but depends on his own abnormal perception, the view wants to deduce come out forcefully. 至于林逸,五行化极的土系泰坦大佛也是领域化形,不过却不是血统决定,而是靠着他自己的变态悟性,强行观想推演出来的。 This move, even/including Luoban the division looked was only full of praise. 单就这一招,连洛半师看了都赞不绝口。 Perception type of thing said that the threshold is not high, the probably casual average person can have the good perception, but really must achieve Lin Yi this degree, does not have a precious bloodline to be rarer than these ten million/countless. 悟性这种东西说起来门槛没那么高,好像随便一个普通人都能有不错的悟性,但真要达到林逸这种程度的,远比那些千万中无一的珍贵血统都要少见。 After all, in the world can let half th division type of character surprised thing, are not really many. 毕竟,天底下能让洛半师这种人物都惊讶的东西,真的已是不多了。 However on this moment field, snake Ji shows the come out domain shape, the shape fierce fearsome is the oppression results in the audience everyone collective to be out of sorts unexpectedly. 然而此刻场上,蛇姬展现出来的领域化形,形态之狰狞可怖竟是压迫得全场所有人集体失神。 Eight giant snake heads, eight huge brittle stars. 八个巨大的蛇头,八条巨大的蛇尾。 The place visited, represents in the black arrogance of disaster shoots up to the sky, making wish of person instinct flee. 所过之处,代表在灾难的黑色气焰冲天而起,令人本能的想要逃离。 This clearly from foreign land ancient variation, eight Qi Dashe! 这分明是来自异域的古老异种,八岐大蛇! bi dog! How can this make three mothers play?” “哔了狗!这可让三娘怎么玩?” The field sinks every people to worry for the autumn three mothers. 场下沈一凡众人不禁为秋三娘捏了一把冷汗。 The breakthrough the risk was extremely high, if can like a moment ago to kicking, the autumn three mother perhaps also over 50% opportunities can be promoted smoothly, after all seems like the momentum to be good. 临阵突破本就风险极高,若是能像刚才那样一直对踢下去,秋三娘也许还有五成以上的机会能够顺利晋级,毕竟看起来势头不错。 Now but the opponent turns into eight Qi Dashe suddenly, other did not say, only each other vast gap in build, made the might of her aggressive foot sell at a discount sufficiently greatly. 可是如今对手突然变成了八岐大蛇,其他不说,单是彼此体型上的巨大差距,就足以令她霸气脚的威力大打折扣。 The key is, eight Qi Dashe savage really did not say, the terrifying of this gadget is not under the hell three dogs, even still has had it! 关键是,八岐大蛇的凶残真不是说说的,这玩意儿的恐怖丝毫不在地狱三头犬之下,甚至犹有过之! With making the shouting sound of person scalp tingles, eight giant fierce snake heads from pounce upon suddenly in all directions, but. 伴随着令人头皮发麻的嘶吼声,八个巨大狰狞的蛇头从四面八方猛扑而至。 By the autumn three mothers' build, insufficiently gives them to work as the dessert radically. 以秋三娘的体型,根本不够给它们当点心的。 Run!” “快跑啊!” The ringside audience calls out in alarm the reminder in abundance, if a moment ago two Older Sis Beauty's to war, they based on neutral stand of enjoying a treat for the eyes, then naturally all stood this side the autumn three mothers at this moment. 场边观众纷纷惊呼提醒,如果说刚才两大美女对战,他们还是本着饱眼福的中立立场,那么此刻自然全都站在了秋三娘这一边。 After all no one is willing to see such a beautiful woman by eight Qi Dashe face to face swallow alive. 毕竟谁也不愿意看到这么一个美女被八岐大蛇当面生吞。 However the autumn three mothers actually resembled had lost the reason, facing so dangerous situation, not only did not run, instead moves forward to meet somebody unexpectedly on own initiative. 然而秋三娘却似已经失去了理智,面对如此险恶的情形,非但不跑,竟是反而主动迎了上去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The first even/including eight bangs, eight giant fierce snake heads were kicked by the upfront unexpectedly, the autumn three mothers in this moment, overflow aggressively! 一连八声巨响,八个巨大狰狞蛇头竟被正面踢飞,秋三娘在这一刻,霸气四溢! The audience collective is dumbfounded. 全场集体目瞪口呆。 Fall three mother's beforehand performance already enough fierce, has not thought that unexpectedly is only the appetizer, at present is she truly aggressive side. 秋三娘之前的表现就已经够猛的了,没想到那居然才只是开胃菜,眼前才是她真正生猛的一面。 This far more than is aggressive, simply is the draft animal! 这何止是生猛,简直就是牲口啊! Really the draft animal will infect.” “果然牲口是会传染的。” Shen Yifan people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks as if by prior agreement to Lin Yi, in the people, if said the draft animal, if this goods say Second, no one dares to call First absolutely. 沈一凡众人不约而同齐齐看向林逸,众人之中若说牲口,这货如果自称第二,绝对没人敢称第一 If they have not met Lin Yi, admittedly will blossom in radiant splendor, after all talent strength is placed there, regardless of the gold always has the illumination to where time. 他们这些人如果没有遇上林逸,固然还是会大放异彩,毕竟天赋实力摆在那里,金子无论到哪里总有发光的时候。 However, they certainly not crazy growth like the present, one by one abnormal, one by one draft animal! 但是,他们绝不会像眼下这样疯狂成长,一个比一个变态,一个比一个牲口! All these are Lin Yi take to their change. 这一切都是林逸带给他们的变化。 Rushes like the long-distance race suddenly a top expert, to pursue his step, for was not fallen by him too and even by the ferrule, everyone was forced to mention the limit the rhythm, even broke through own limit. 就像长跑忽然闯进来一个顶级好手,为了追赶他的步伐,为了不被他落下太多乃至被套圈,所有人都被迫将节奏提到了极限,甚至突破了自己的极限。 Therefore, ran originally radically not the unimaginable circle fast. 于是,一个个都跑出了原来根本无法想象的圈速。 But all these fall in others eyes, was they by Lin Yi assimilating, no longer worked as the person, but was the whole staff became the abnormal draft animal! 而这一切落在旁人眼中,就是他们一个个都被林逸给同化了,一个个都不再当人,而是全员都成了变态牲口! Now, the autumn three mothers in field are in them the typical representative. 如今,场上的秋三娘就是他们中的典型代表。
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