SBPE :: Volume #16

#9804: Chapter 9804

Not is only snake Ji in field, the people who the ringside observes give birth to inexplicable trembling, as if oneself have become by the antelope that the beast of prey stares , the next second will be knocked down momentarily, was then cut by biting the trachea by one. 不仅是场上的蛇姬,就连场边观战的众人都生出一股莫名的战栗,仿佛自己已经成了被猛兽盯上的羚羊,下一秒随时都会被扑倒在地,然后被一口咬断气管。 Snake Ji smiles in giggle as before tenderly: girl is so ominous may no one want.” 蛇姬依旧在咯咯娇笑:“女孩子这么凶可没人要哦。” Bang! 轰! During under the speeches lifts suddenly spreads out high the clear beautiful leg, clashes with the autumn three mothers' big long legs loudly, the domain strength follows to collide in this flash comprehensively, in an instant the surroundings ground exudes the giant and neat being chapped cracks. 说话间猛然抬起高开叉之下的圆润美腿,与秋三娘的大长腿轰然对撞,领域力量在这一瞬间跟着全面碰撞,刹那间周围地面泛起一圈圈巨大而整齐的皲裂纹。 Everyone simultaneous/uniform Qiyan saliva. 所有人齐齐咽了口口水。 Two Older Sis Beauty's long legs clash, although is truly pleasant, the terrifying shock-wave that but this flash swings actually in the thought of that fluttering flags everyone mind erases sufficiently cleanly. 大美女的长腿对撞虽然确实赏心悦目,但这一瞬间荡开的恐怖冲击波却足以将所有人脑海中那点旖旎的念头抹除得干干净净。 Perhaps this strength, changed them to come up dead. 这种力量,换他们上去恐怕都已经死了。 Realizing that until under this moment field the people lag behind finally, these two, although is the woman, will let the woman who all male lifeform instinct secrete the hormone excessively, but also is the out-and-out powerhouse. 直到此刻场下众人才终于后知后觉的意识到,这俩虽然是女人,是会让所有雄性生物本能过量分泌荷尔蒙的女人,但同时也是不折不扣的强者。 Snake Ji needless saying that giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert. 蛇姬自不必说,巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手 Fall three mother seem like some Commoner giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, is an out-and-out high-end strength, even in the high-end strength, is very strong that grade! 就连秋三娘这个看似平民一些的巨头大圆满中期巅峰,也都是一个不折不扣的高端战力,甚至即便在高端战力之中,都算是很强的那一档! At least just this foot, on the scene can shoulder, extremely rare. 至少刚刚这一脚,在场能够扛下来的,凤毛麟角。 The field Mid-Autumn Festival three mothers deeply looked at opposite party one eyes: You look softly, if the appearance of boneless, the leg and foot is actually very hard.” 场中秋三娘深深看了对方一眼:“你看着柔若无骨的样子,腿脚倒是挺硬。” Other did not say, single view the leg merit she has the absolute self-confidence, opposite this snake Ji unexpectedly is not never expected that inferior in her, even if this point is really rare regarding giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert. 其他不说,单论腿功她可是有着绝对的自信,没想到对面这个蛇姬竟丝毫不逊色于她,这一点哪怕对于巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手来说都实属难得。 Snake Ji returns to smile tenderly: Man most the appearance that likes the woman raising legs, little sister you do not know?” 蛇姬回以娇笑:“男人最喜欢女人抬腿的样子,小妹妹你难道不知道吗?” This bored matter, why do I need to know?” “这种无聊的事情,我为什么需要知道?” Fall three mother cold snort/hum, start immediately again. 秋三娘冷哼一声,当即再次启动。 But this she does not prepare to give the opposite party time obviously again the least bit time to regroup, a domain condenses the later pale nitrogen to faint extremely binds quietly above her both legs, the place visited, all thing of complete disintegrations impediment become the powder! 而这一次她显然已不准备再给对方半点喘息机会,一股领域极度凝缩之后淡淡气晕悄然裹在她的双腿之上,所过之处,一切阻挡之物全部崩碎成粉末! Aggressive foot. 霸气脚。 Ringside people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stares dumbfounded again, was renovated three views by the autumn three mothers' aggressive performance again, one group of people who just also the color center budded back down as if by prior agreement, does not dare to regard the autumn three mothers with the color air/Qi look. 场边众人齐齐再度瞠目结舌,再一次被秋三娘的凶悍表现刷新了三观,刚刚还色心萌动的一群人不约而同打起了退堂鼓,再也不敢用色气的眼神看待秋三娘。 This woman is really not their these mediocre generations can enjoy. 这个女人真不是他们这些平庸之辈能够消受得起的。 Has this good fortune, perhaps also only then that? 有这个福气的,恐怕也只有那位了吧? The accident/surprise becomes a key concern of man, a Lin Yi face inexplicable pinched holding one's nose, but he does not have the thoughts actually to pay attention to psychological activity of this fellows actually, but closely is paying attention to the fight in field. 意外成为一众男人的关注焦点,林逸一脸莫名的捏了捏鼻子,不过他倒是没心思却关注这帮家伙的心理活动,而是紧紧关注着场上的战斗。 Before two rounds, strict Central Plain also good, no matter what day two also good, has assurance that must win, he does not need to be worried about anything, so long as sat in the ringside watches the fun casually on the line. 之前两轮,严中原也好任天二也好,都是有着必胜的把握,他根本无需担心什么,只要坐在场边随便看看热闹就行。 But at present this difference, opposite that snake Ji to the autumn three mothers absolutely is the out-and-out powerful enemy, single Lunying strength actually also above the autumn three mothers! 但眼下这一场不同,对面那个蛇姬对秋三娘而言绝对是不折不扣的强敌,单论硬实力其实还在秋三娘之上! To be honest, these sends the last autumn three mothers to be somewhat adventurous. 说实话,这一场派上秋三娘还是有些冒险的。 The adventurous place does not lie in losing a game of score, but lies in the safety of autumn three mother. 冒险的地方不在于会输掉一局比分,而在于秋三娘本人的安危。 After all this is not internal training, will not select, but really must see the life and death. 毕竟这不是自己内部的对练,不会点到为止,而是真的要见生死的。 Even if some Lin Yi look at the scene , the not possible complete danger not to have, if really life and death flash, even Lin Yi does not dare saying that the percentage hundred can save her. 哪怕有林逸在现场看着,也不可能完全一点危险都没有,真要是生死一瞬间,即便林逸也不敢说百分百能够将她救下来。 But this is the autumn three mother own choices, does not experience the polish of this type of bloody wind and rain, she will never possibly become the true top strength, as the female her ambition is actually exactly the same as Shen Yifan people. 但这是秋三娘自己的选择,不经历这种血腥风雨的打磨,她永远不可能成为真正的顶级战力,身为女性她的野心却跟沈一凡众人如出一辙。 Keeps up with the Lin Yi's footsteps, do not fall behind, that is all! 跟上林逸的脚步,不要掉队,仅此而已! Regarding this choice, Lin Yi as the partner as a teammate, only has to give the respect. 对于这个选择,林逸身为伙伴身为队友,唯有给予尊重。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The contest of leg and leg is still continuing, the loud sound resounds by extremely high frequency each region on the scene repeatedly unceasingly, simultaneously along with dense hemp being chapped crack one after another. 腿与腿的较量还在继续,连声巨响不断以极高的频率在场中各地响起,同时伴随着一地又一地的密麻皲裂纹。 On the snake Ji's leg the flood aliquation level black air/Qi, shares half and half with the autumn three mothers' aggressive feet unexpectedly, each other both sides do not lose the slightest. 蛇姬的腿上泛起层层黑气,竟与秋三娘的霸气脚平分秋色,彼此双方谁也不输分毫。 The ringside people have looked thoroughly stupidly. 场边众人已经彻底看傻了。 No one has thought, today the most hot blooded showdown, the lead unexpectedly is two women. 谁也没有想到,今天最热血的一场对决,主角竟然是两个女人。 Wait! The autumn three mother imposing manners are not a little right, how to feel that a little seems like must be on site to break through?” “等等!秋三娘这个气势有点不对啊,怎么感觉有点像是要临场突破?” Some ringside people take the lead to discover that finally is not right. 场边终于有人率先发现不对劲了。 Response that the increasing number of people also start to lag behind. 紧接着,越来越多的人也开始后知后觉的反应过来。 As showdown gradually turns red-hot, the aura of autumn three mother whole bodies are obviously rising by an unusual condition fast, at this moment had exceeded the giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak expert limit standard completely. 随着对决的逐渐白热化,秋三娘周身的气息明显在以一种非正常的状态快速上涨,此刻已经完全超过了巨头大圆满中期巅峰高手的极限标准。 Opposite, but giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, she wants with the opposite party as entering the step springboard unexpectedly, was this woman courage too far greatly?” “对面可是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手啊,她居然想拿对方作为进阶跳板,这个女人胆子有点大过头了吧?” Yes, the breakthrough sounds like crisp, but ten have nine dead, at this time broke through forcefully is really not the wise action!” “是啊,临阵突破听起来是爽,但十个有九个都是死,这种时候强行突破真不是明智之举!” I, if she admits defeat on own initiative, having this feeling fate to flush, perhaps several extension meetings, moreover does not have the danger!” “我要是她就主动认输,带着这种感觉下场去冲一冲,也许还有几分机会,而且还没有危险!” The scene and network look at the numerous to whoop. 现场和网络看众议论纷纷。 Not only in fact they, under Lin Yi the group of people on one's own side also worry for the autumn three mothers, although stemming from the Lin Yi's absolute trust, they believes even has what accident/surprise, the autumn three mothers will not have life-threatening. 事实上不仅他们,就连林逸麾下的这帮自己人也都纷纷替秋三娘捏了一把冷汗,虽然出于对林逸的绝对信任,他们相信即便有什么意外,秋三娘不会有生命危险 The breakthrough was but difficult saying that if this were broken by the midway, was very likely to be unable to recover henceforth, and even the life can not the little advance. 可是临阵突破就难说了,这要是被中途打断,极有可能从此一蹶不振,乃至一生都不得寸进。 This did not say things just to frighten people. 这不是危言耸听。 Said as Boss' Lin Yi: This is her own choice, we can only respect her idea, as for other, gives me.” 身为老大的林逸却道:“这是她自己的选择,我们只能尊重她的想法,至于其他的,就交给我吧。” Although does not have 100% assurances, but the hand grasps the time and space two big regular strengths, he had enough energy to speak these words. 虽然没有百分之百的把握,但手握时间和空间两大规则力量,他还是有足够底气说这句话的。 But the autumn three mothers in this moment field, had entered quite the same as the absorbed condition. 而此刻场中的秋三娘,已经进入了浑然忘我的状态。 In the aggressive foot integrated extremely pure freezing aura gradually, this freezes manifestation of domain. 霸气脚中渐渐融入了极其纯粹的冰冻气息,这是冰冻领域的体现。 At each other boundary disparity, she wants to depend to freeze the domain to defeat opposite snake Ji, that radically is the not possible matter, is not only hard to play the effect even also to be able by the seizing the chance back pressure. 以彼此的境界差距,她想要靠冰冻领域战胜对面的蛇姬,那根本是不可能的事情,非但难以起到效果甚至还会被趁机反压。 Only has will freeze the domain strength to integrate in the aggressive foot completely, can play the might truly. 唯有将冰冻领域力量完全融入霸气脚之中,才能真正发挥威力。 Then, autumn three mothers' kicking techniques except for as always swift and violent enchanting beside, increased two fatal characteristics additionally. 如此一来,秋三娘的踢技除了一如既往的迅猛炫丽之外,额外又增加了两条致命的特性。 collapse to extinguish, freezes. 崩灭,冰冻。 Not only some killing and has the limit, although is also insufficient to use force or high-handed methods the non-solution the situation, but without a doubt, the present autumn three mothers have started to become a school of system, has gone out was her own way alone. 既有杀伤又有限制,虽然还不至于到硬霸无解的地步,但是毫无疑问,如今的秋三娘已经开始自成一派体系,已经走出了独属于她自己的路径。
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