SBPE :: Volume #16

#9803: Chapter 9803

Although Zhao Rikun is arrogant, but this minimum self-knowledge had. 赵日坤虽然自大,但这点起码的自知之明还是有的。 However has that matter origin of general affairs office chief , the tyrant three people naturally not possible to act to him, badly is also remains neutral, making him decide the victory and defeat with Lin Yi, simultaneously the big probability will also prevent other failing a grade fresh institute influences on his besieging. 不过有着总务处长的那层渊源在,暴君三人自然不可能对他出手,最差也就是保持中立,让他跟林逸自行决出胜负,同时大概率还会阻止留级生院其他势力对他的围攻。 In fact do not look that this moment people share a common hatred, but really must begin, perhaps few individuals really will also be helping Lin Yi. 事实上别看此刻众人同仇敌忾,但真要动起手来,恐怕也没几个人会真的帮着林逸 This is the reality of failing a grade fresh institute. 这就是留级生院的现实。 In any case whatever, so long as the scene is chaotic, he does not owe absolutely. 反正无论怎么样,只要场面乱起来,他都绝对不亏。 However at this moment, the secret opens the mouth to say suddenly: Competition has the tyrant and flame pond and I am staring, anybody thinks that in the attempting to pervert interference field the showdown is not that easy, only if he has far exceeded our levels, but did that not have the significance.” 不过就在这时,天机忽然开口道:“比赛有暴君、炎池和我盯着,任何人想做手脚干涉场中对决都不是那么容易的,除非他已经远远超出了我们这个层次,不过那样就更没意义了。” „......” “……” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform nods, the Lin Yi's level really wanted to far exceed their these five great levels, that direct hand steamroll got down on proper, ate to the full supporting attended this showdown! 众人齐齐点头,林逸的层次真要已经远远超出了他们这几位五巨的层次,那直接一只手碾压下来就妥妥的了,吃饱了撑的来参加这种对决! Zhao Rikun complexion sinks: „Can you determine?” 赵日坤脸色一沉:“你能确定?” The secret said lightly: secular world has words, since the choice plays the game, that must believe the ball card, Your Excellency, if our three witness do not believe that this competition did not have the significance.” 天机淡淡道:“世俗界有句话,既然选择上场踢球,那就要相信球证,阁下如果连我们三位见证人都不相信,那这场比赛就毫无意义了。” Tyrants and flame ponds, although has not opened the mouth, but the attitude is obvious. 暴君和炎池虽然没有开口,但态度显而易见。 Their these five great usually are also each one is, but at least at this matter, is actually the same standpoint, the step is unified. 他们这几位五巨平常也是各自为阵,可至少在这件事上,却是同一个立场,步调统一。 Zhao Rikun choked the long time, on this subject , he if also continues to quibble, becomes the audience public enemies inevitably. 赵日坤噎了半晌,话说到这个份上,他要是还继续强词夺理下去,必然成为全场公敌。 Looked that the expression of other these failing a grade fresh institute influence head knows, making them raise one's head perhaps does not have that courage, but if above has five greatly to take the lead jointly, they follow to step on a courage of foot behind the buttocks to have inevitably, and is very big! 看其他这些留级生院势力首脑的表情就知道,让他们出头也许没那个胆子,可要是上面有五巨联手带头,他们跟在屁股后面踩上一脚的胆子必然还是有的,而且还很大! Good, that continues.” “好,那就继续。” Zhao Rikun cold snort/hum, pouted to refer to nearby figure enchanting woman: Snake Ji on you, this cannot lose again.” 赵日坤冷哼一声,努嘴指了指旁边一个身形妖娆的女人:“蛇姬你上,这一场不能再输。” The woman who is called snake Ji stretched out long tongue to lick the lip, the sound charming crisp bone: Head Zhao, is we sends people on first a little to suffer a loss each time probably, or also makes them first send one?” 被叫做蛇姬的女人伸出长长的舌头舔了舔嘴唇,声音娇媚酥骨:“赵总,每次都是我们派人先上好像有点吃亏呢,要不也让他们先派一个?” Zhao Rikun slight nod. 赵日坤微微点头。 This point truly is his taking a rash step, because extremely neglected this self-confidently, not to mention the First field mountain king loses to the strict Central Plain, at least the dog king in Second field was obviously aims at very much. 这一点确实是他的失策,因为太过自信忽略了这一茬,且不说第一场山王输给严中原,至少第二场的狗王是很明显被针对了。 The autumn three mothers look at each other with Lin Yi, plunges into the field with a smile on own initiative: How hits one with me, this snake fine big sister?” 秋三娘同林逸相视一眼,笑着主动跳入场中:“跟我打一场怎么样,这位蛇精姐姐?” Giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak. 巨头大圆满中期巅峰 On Zhao Rikun face reveals to sneer again, beforehand, no matter what the day two did not know with what method, but the good and evil was giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, even if the strict Central Plain also good and evil were giant grand perfection Late Phase, by this their counterattack went well, although surprised him, but many can also be passable. 赵日坤脸上不由再度露出冷笑,之前的任天二不知用了什么手段,但好歹是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,哪怕严中原也好歹是巨头大圆满后期,被这俩人逆袭得手虽然令他意外,可多少还能说得过去。 Energy that your giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak women, where come?” “你一个巨头大圆满中期巅峰的女流,哪里来的底气?” Curling the lip of a Zhao Rikun face occupies a commanding position: Is long actually good, since cannot look on the bright side of thing to be inferior simply considers as finished with me, so long as served me, If nothing else, making you promote giant grand perfection Late Phase peak is relaxed.” 赵日坤一脸居高临下的撇了撇嘴:“长得倒是还行,既然这么想不开索性不如过来跟我算了,只要把我伺候好了,别的不说,让你晋升巨头大圆满后期巅峰还是轻轻松松的。” If this saying regarding others, is a little attraction. 这话若是对于其他人,还是很有点吸引力的。 Giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak to giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, although the boundary was only bad two-level, may regarding certainly large number person on the scene, even if they can come here to represent their talent to be outstanding, but wanted to bridge over this two-level is still not easy. 巨头大圆满中期巅峰到巨头大圆满后期巅峰,虽然境界只是差了两级,可对于在场绝大数人来说,哪怕他们能够进来这里本身就已代表了他们天赋卓绝,但想要跨过这两级依旧不容易。 In fact, only if there is a situation that the special chance also or is the real talent as outstanding as Thousand-year, even if other again how diligently, giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak is certainly the end point of large number person. 事实上,除非有特别的机缘亦或者是真的天赋卓绝到千年不出的地步,其他哪怕再怎么努力,巨头大圆满中期巅峰就已是绝大数人的终点了。 Also, the Jianghai Institute high-end strength takes giant grand perfection Late Phase as the dividing line for this reason, can only be hereunder the ordinary cannon fodder. 也正是因为这个原因,江海学院高端战力以巨头大圆满后期为分界,在此之下都只能算是普通的炮灰喽啰。 The high-end strength is high-end , because can arrive at this step person, very few. 高端战力之所以是高端,就是因为能够走到这一步的人,少之又少。 Perhaps by this Zhao Rikun subordinate lineup, his saying has really not spoken thoughtlessly the boasting ratio, he really has the ability lot manufacturing high-end strength mostly! 以这位赵日坤麾下的阵容来看,他这话恐怕还真不是随口吹牛比,他多半是真的有能力批量制造高端战力! Otherwise, his under the hand | subordinate this group of not wonderful fellows grew to this situation averagely suddenly collectively, is indecipherable. 要不然,他手下这群原本平平无奇的家伙突然集体成长到这个地步,根本无法解释。 Really has this recommending for admission to school opportunity, 99% people on the scene will palpitate with excitement, even does not hesitate to pay at all costs for this reason! 真有这种保送机会,在场90%九的人都会怦然心动,甚至不惜为此付出一切代价! The autumn three mothers looked at his one eyes, suddenly emits one: „Were you very long have not gone to bathroom?” 秋三娘看了他一眼,忽然冒出一句:“你是不是很久没上厕所了?” Ha?” “哈?” A Zhao Rikun face compels ignorant, cultivate to their levels could Inedia, naturally not have the demand of going to bathroom, even if eats a thing still to digest cleanly, which also needs to drain. 赵日坤一脸懵逼,修炼到了他们这个层次早就已经能够辟谷,自然也早就没有了上厕所的需求,就算吃点东西也能消化得干干净净,哪还需要排泄啊。 Fall three mother faces said earnestly: Finds time to urinate, according to oneself anything welldoing, avoid the self-sensation is extremely good, running come out nauseating others is not right.” 秋三娘一脸认真道:“抽空还是去撒泡尿吧,照一照自己什么德行,省得自我感觉太过良好,跑出来恶心别人就不对了。” „......” “……” Under the vision gaze of audience people difference, Zhao Rikun complexion becomes flushed at the visible speed rapidly, immediately becomes angry out of shame: Snake Ji killed her to me! I must make this reckless woman regret on this World!” 在全场众人异样的目光注视下,赵日坤的脸色以肉眼可见的速度迅速涨红,当即恼羞成怒:“蛇姬给我杀了她!我要让这个不知死活的女人后悔来都这个世界上!” Is willing to work for Head Zhao.” “愿意为赵总效劳。” The named snake Ji's woman sets out gracefully, such as the viperous beauty is swaying from side to side the enchanting physique curve generally, captures the blazing attention of all male lifeform to walk into the field leisurely, confronts with the autumn three mothers directly. 名为蛇姬的女人娉婷起身,如美女蛇一般扭动着妖娆的身姿曲线,吸引着所有雄性生物的炽热目光款款走入场中,与秋三娘正面对峙。 The autumn three mothers look that this appearance knits the brows: I, if the male, you are coquettish also excusable, may to my such female does not need, to dislike the person like this strangely.” 秋三娘看着她这副模样一阵皱眉:“我要是个男的,你这么搔首弄姿还情有可原,可对我这么个女的就没必要这样了吧,怪膈应人的。” Snake Ji giggle covers the mouth to say with a smile tenderly: little sister this is your is not right, one will make an effort for a friend, our women has the biggest significance on this World, isn't makes these smelly men look at our one eyes?” 蛇姬咯咯掩嘴娇笑道:“小妹妹这就是你的不对了,女为悦己者容,我们女人存在于这个世界上的最大意义,不就是让这些臭男人多看我们一眼吗?” That is your significance, is not my.” “那是你的意义,不是我的。” The autumn three mothers frown lightly, but was actually the subconsciousness shot a look at one in the Lin Yi's direction, immediately recover was immediately usual. 秋三娘淡淡蹙眉,不过却是下意识往林逸的方向瞥了一眼,随即立马恢复如常。 Snake Ji sees that to titter smiles: Looks at your shy appearance, has probably not tasted the taste of man, no wonder, or makes big sister I teach you well two moves, guarantees easily by your qualification.” 蛇姬见状噗嗤一笑:“看你这个青涩的样子,好像还没尝过男人的滋味呢,难怪了,要不让姐姐我好好教你两招,以你的本钱保证手到擒来。” The autumn three mothers for the first time blushed red. 秋三娘破天荒脸红了红。 She is not that beautiful woman in the traditional sense, as a child follows older brother to grow up, is always the casual tomboy style, the look is also passing a neutral heroic spirit. 她不是那种传统意义上的美女,从小跟着哥哥长大,一向是大大咧咧的假小子风格,就连相貌也透着一股中性的英气。 Most can show her female charm only, was that perfect curve and that pair of big long leg, even if wrapped solid, annoyed the person infinite daydream as before. 唯一最能展现她女性魅力的,也就是那一身完美曲线和那一双大长腿了,哪怕包裹得严严实实,依旧惹人无限遐想。 „Did idle talk say? If had not said that arrived to say on the belt/bring.” “废话说完了没?如果还没说完的话,就带到地下去说吧。” The autumn three mothers start suddenly. 秋三娘豁然启动。 Although by shocking unable to compare the mountain kings of previous five breakthrough growth shackles, but this moves, made the audience everyone simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform eyelid jump as before. 虽然论震撼比不上之前五次突破生长枷锁的山王,可她这一动,依旧令全场所有人齐齐眼皮一跳。 Quickly to not flickering to move is so scary, but like the super cheetah general extreme speed physique, takes to a person of numerous unequalled constriction. 没有快到瞬移那么吓人,但是如同超级猎豹一般的极速身姿,同样带给人一众无与伦比的压迫感。
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