SBPE :: Volume #16

#9802: Chapter 9802

This nose excrement big miniature dragon Yuan, once starts to absorb the life vitality of his within the body, will rapidly form the making a snowman effect. 这颗鼻屎大的微型龙元,一旦开始吸取他体内的生命元气,就会迅速形成滚雪球效应。 Initial he also has no feeling, life vitality also insufficiently he who that loses sneezes, but snowball, once after rolling, a crazy outflow speed let alone his domain shape come out fake dog king who that gets stronger and stronger, is the bloodline pure true hell three dogs. 初始他还没什么感觉,那点丢失的生命元气还不够他打一个喷嚏的,可雪球一旦滚起来之后,那愈演愈烈的疯狂流失速度别说他一个领域化形出来的假狗王,就是血统纯正的真正地狱三头犬都遭不住。 After all, dragon clan existence regarding other certainly large number lifeform, throughout is the dimensionality reduction attack. 毕竟,龙族的存在对于其他绝大数生物来说,始终都是降维打击。 Even if these ominous dreadful great antiquity variation are no exception. 哪怕那些凶名滔天的洪荒异种也不例外。 In everyone's dumbfoundedness, the huge hell three dogs struggled in the pain a moment later, dropped down finally loudly, the internal energy did not have. 在所有人的目瞪口呆之中,庞大的地狱三头犬在痛苦挣扎了片刻之后,最终轰然倒下,气机全无。 Obviously is dies again cannot die. 显然已是死得不能再死了。 „Didn't this have? Even can't the false match be so false?” “这就没了?就算假赛也不能这么假吧?” The crowds of understanding the true situation questioned, pouring does not blame them being so excited, as long as attention such high showdown, in the work places will start out the plate mouth inevitably. 不明真相的围观群众纷纷质疑,倒也不怪他们这么激动,但凡关注度如此之高的对决,坊间必然都是会开出盘口的。 Looks at the beforehand that stance, as long as the intelligent normal people are impossible to buy, no matter what the day two win, now presents this unexpected reverse suddenly, is really makes one shock. 就看之前那个架势,但凡神智正常的人都不可能买任天二赢,如今骤然出现这种出人意料的反转,实在是令人大跌眼镜。 Meanwhile, made many gambling nature heavy people lose everything. 同时,也令许多赌性重的人倾家荡产。 No matter what the day two this wave of pit dies may not only be a dog king, meanwhile the big ticket gambler, one pile was also vowing solemnly that while convenient he must die the expert illustration without doubt. 任天二这一波坑死的可不仅是一个狗王,同时还有一大票赌徒,顺带着还有一堆信誓旦旦他必死无疑的专家解说。 Under attention of audience unusual vision, no matter what the day two however arrive at side the dog king leisurely, pulled out that dragon Yuan from his within the body. 在全场异样目光的瞩目下,任天二施施然走到狗王身旁,从他体内掏出了那颗龙元。 In the middle throws is nose excrement big, presently actually became the fingernail to be big, turned several times. 之间扔进去的时候是鼻屎点大,现在却是成了指甲盖大,足足翻了好几倍。 From beginning to end his has not acted, white fish a victory did not say, also gained dragon Yuan while convenient, simply life winner. 从头到尾他这一场没出过手,白捞一场胜利不说,顺带还赚了龙元,简直人生赢家。 Has a look at opposite Zhao Rikun of flying into a rage, has a look at one again bored sluggish, no matter what the day two, Lin Yi subordinate numerous core strength simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform look at each other in blank dismay. 看看对面暴跳如雷的赵日坤,再看看一身无聊懒散的任天二,林逸麾下一众核心战力不由齐齐面面相觑。 This way of the world really must change, even Old Second turned into the plans dog, how did this also make one live?” “这世道真是要变了,连老二都变成心机狗了,这还让人怎么活啊?” Spoke the truth in the past, no matter what day two that may ready ready be the boorish fellow representative, his ability was inborn boorish fellow ability, even if facing breaking the shed also to/clashes one stubbornness, even if could not win, that must highlight an iron. 讲道理以往的任天二那可妥妥是莽夫代表,他一身能力就是天生的莽夫能力,哪怕面对断舍也都是冲上来就一顿莽,就算赢不了,那也必须突出一个头铁。 However this repertoire played a moment ago, let alone their unclear sleep/felt is severe, saw that from the beginning Lin Yi of tail feels shockingly. 然而刚才这一场套路玩得,别说他们这些人不明觉厉,就是从头看到尾的林逸都觉着惊艳。 Zhang Fei embroiders, never expected that the boorish fellow also has plays the plans the time. 张飞绣花,没想到莽夫也有玩心机的时候。 You plans dog! Your family is the plans dog!” “你们才心机狗!你们全家都是心机狗!” No matter what the day two full were despised people that disdained, from obtaining enlightenment: Father this named strategy, what you can't understand to be called the strategy? The thirty six strategies have looked, one group of illiterate people!” 任天二满是不屑的鄙视了众人一圈,自得道:“老子这个叫做智谋,你们懂不懂什么叫做智谋?三十六计有没有看过,一群文盲!” „......” “……” The people choked the long time, finally simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns the head to look to the shed: Alone king your lived.” 众人噎了半晌,最终齐齐转头看向断舍:“独王你的活来了。” Breaks shed towards oneself to look shortly, no matter what the day two cry out strangely to rush to another side hastily, a face little darling shrank the neck. 眼看断舍朝自己看过来,任天二怪叫一声连忙跑到另一边,一脸乖宝宝的缩起了脖子。 In people he no one feared, after all no one can do to him, but small alone king Duanshe can give dozen of come out his excrement only each time, before that time period two people were all right train daily, he is been oppressive the trauma to come. 众人之中他谁都不怕,毕竟谁也奈何不了他,可是唯独小独王断舍每次都能把他屎都给打出来,之前那阵子两人没事天天对练,他都已经被虐出心理阴影来了。 his here, Lin Yi arranges Boss, breaks shed platoon Old Second, he arranged Old Third, Sky King Father ranked fourth. 在他这里,林逸老大,断舍排老二,他排老三,天王老子排第四。 Compares Lin Yi laughing, opposite Zhao Rikun numerous atmosphere may be more dignified, under the hand | subordinate numerous lil bro atmosphere does not dare to breathe previous, on Zhao Rikun this face was cloudier the quick drop water leakage to come. 相比起林逸这边的嘻嘻哈哈,对面赵日坤一众的气氛可就凝重多了,手下一众小弟大气都不敢喘上一口,赵日坤本人脸上更是阴沉得都快滴出水来了。 Two losses in a row. 两连败。 Regarding showdown that seven games four win, such opening can only collapse two characters to describe with the day, if trades to do is the professional sports competition of secular world, this did not say that sentenced the death penalty directly, finally the winning percentage has also fallen the freezing point inevitably. 对于一场七局四胜的对决来说,这样的开局只能用天崩两个字来形容,如果换做是世俗界的职业体育比赛,这不说直接宣判了死刑,最终胜率也必然已经降到了冰点。 If then loses, then a Lin Yi side will attain the match directly, but Zhao Rikun will lose all fault-tolerant rates, when the time comes wants to turn defeat into victory again is difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 如果接下来再输一场,那么林逸一方将会直接拿到赛点,而赵日坤则会失去所有的容错率,到时候再想反败为胜将是难如登天。 First loses three, then wins four, completes hopeless situation to overturn a time. 先输三场,再赢四场,完成一次绝境翻盘。 This matter said simply, however really must fall to the realistic level, feasibility that there is no. 这种事情说起来简单,然而真要落到现实层面,根本没有任何的可行性可言。 A very simple truth, you must really have strength that can win one after another four hopeless situations to overturn, before will lose one game after another three, can't turn on the water for the program effect intentionally? 很简单的一个道理,你要真有能连赢四场绝境翻盘的实力,之前又怎么会连输三场,总不能是为了节目效果故意放水吧? Made also incessantly this point that Zhao Rikun choked with rage, the key was this dog king Shu must be really bewildered a moment ago, he by presently could not pay off Chu Mingming to occupy at the scene absolutely the driving dog king, how dead a violent death suddenly? 更令赵日坤窝火的还不止这一点,关键是刚才这一场狗王输得实在莫名其妙,他到现在为止都还不清楚明明占据着场面上绝对主动的狗王,怎么就会突然暴毙了? „It is not right! Definitely you moved what hands and feet secretly!” “不对!肯定你是偷偷动了什么手脚!” Zhao Rikun sticks out suddenly at the scene points at Lin Yi to say. 赵日坤当场暴起指着林逸道。 A Lin Yi face strange referred to itself: I? Attempts to pervert? Are you earnest?” 林逸一脸古怪的指了指自己:“我?做手脚?你认真的?” Zhao Rikun cold -ly snorted and said: I know that your strength is good, very some unusual method, although not necessarily can amount to something, but hides below makes some suspicious petty action, makes some schemes and tricks to come about the victory and defeat trend in field, this conforms to your makings very much.” 赵日坤冷哼道:“我知道你实力不错,很有些不寻常的手段,虽然未必上得了台面,但是躲在下面搞一些偷偷摸摸的小动作,弄一些阴谋诡计来左右场上的胜负走向,这很符合你的气质。” Such remarks, an audience hiss piece. 此话一出,全场嘘声一片。 Shen Yifan people set out in abundance, the main shame feudal official dies, the opposite party falsely accuses to insult Lin Yi face to face, that is hitting their faces in the presence of everyone, if like this can also endure, later cannot mix in Jianghai Institute. 沈一凡众人更是纷纷起身,主辱臣死,对方当面诬陷侮辱林逸,那就是当众在打他们所有人的脸,这样要是还能忍下去,以后就不能在江海学院混了。 Even if in fact is presents these to look at the numerous, stands this side Lin Yi. 事实上哪怕是在场这些看众,也都纷纷站在林逸这一边。 Although the similarly unclear sleep/felt is severe, has not understood these exactly had anything a moment ago, but they actually believes regarding Lin Yi oneself strength. 他们虽然同样不明觉厉,也是没看懂刚才这一场到底发生了什么,但是对于林逸本人的实力他们却还是信服的。 Wipes out the alone king Heduo dragon one after another, Lin Yi can be called absolutely is failing a grade of mounting the stage way most hard core lives the institute five greatly, the gold content high no one can with it placing on a par. 接连打掉独王和堕龙,林逸绝对称得上是上台途径最硬核的留级生院五巨,含金量之高没有任何人能与之相提并论。 Such character, has been representing the facade of entire failing a grade fresh institute without a doubt. 这样的人物,毫无疑问已经是代表着整个留级生院的门面了。 Questioned the Lin Yi's moral behavior, questions the moral behavior of entire failing a grade fresh institute! 质疑林逸的人品,就是质疑整个留级生院的人品! Even if different from the scientific theory can with the School Director meeting, in the failing a grade fresh institute and has no explicit about subordination relations, but general failing a grade fresh institute expert gave birth to the heart of sharing a common hatred. 哪怕不同于学理会和校董会,在留级生院并没有任何明确的上下统属关系,可广大留级生院高手还是生出了同仇敌忾之心。 In the final analysis, to them Lin Yi is a person on one's own side, but Zhao Rikun is actually the solid bystander! 说到底,对他们来说林逸怎么也算是自己人,而赵日坤却是实实在在的外人! This? Does solemn failing a grade live the institute to link a reasonable question unable to withstand?” “就这?堂堂的留级生院连一句合理的质疑都经不起?” Zhao Rikun returns to laugh, has one pile of high-end strengths, him overall strength proper showing disdain for audience, aspect, once is chaotic he absolutely is strongest that. 赵日坤回以嗤笑,坐拥一堆高端战力,他这边的整体实力妥妥的傲视全场,局面一旦乱起来他绝对是最强势的那一个。 In fact, so the two losses in a row opening of shame, his presently looks forward to the scene chaos, this happen to can let present everyone with strength to shut up absolutely together! 事实上,如此耻辱的两连败开局,他现在巴不得场面大乱,这样正好可以用绝对实力让在场所有人一起闭嘴! Naturally, the premise is the tyrant, the flame pond and secret these three five great does not meddle. 当然,前提是暴君、炎池和天机这三位五巨不来插手。 Otherwise even high-end strength quantity again many again astonishing, could not make up for the top strength level disparity as before, as long as in three people any collaborated with Lin Yi, him was impossible to endure. 否则就算高端战力数量再多再惊人,依旧弥补不了顶级战力层面的差距,三人之中但凡任何一个与林逸联手,他这边就不可能吃得消。
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