SBPE :: Volume #16

#9801: Chapter 9801

However dragon scale does not represent invincibly. 但是龙鳞并不代表无敌。 At least according to the conventional cognition, the dragon scale has nearly perfect resistance regarding the Physics attack, may not have the abnormal that defensive power regarding various set attribute attacks. 至少按照常规认知,龙鳞对于物理攻击有着近乎完美的抗性,可对于各系属性攻击却没有那么变态的防护力。 The previous time lets Tianyuan to project on the reincarnation , because cannot withstand the Lin Yi's five lines to burn the day enormously. 上次任天元之所以被打到转世,就是因为顶不住林逸的五行化极大焚天。 Now hell three dogs the fire of purgatory, does not compare by the might burns day of difference many greatly, has even also still had it by the cruel degree, theoretically, no matter what day two even if not day to subdue|grams, that absolutely is still effective. 如今地狱三头犬的炼狱之火,论起来威力并不比大焚天差多少,论残忍程度甚至还犹有过之,理论上对任天二即便不是天克,那也绝对有效。 However looks no matter what at this moment day two performance, this where has the appearance of least bit effect? 然而看此刻任天二的表现,这哪里是有半点效果的样子? Ringside Hong Baxian said with a smile: This goods also turn misfortune into a blessing one time, are reincarnated, not only the immunity Physics attack, including also drew full level to the fire element style resistance, if this has not selected other pressure bottom attribute killing move, to he estimated the heart that wants dead had.” 场边洪霸先笑道:“这货也是因祸得福,转世一次不仅免疫物理攻击,连对火系招式的抗性也都拉到了满级,这要是没点其他压箱底的属性杀招,对上他估计想死的心都有。” He is together the inborn crafty hooligan.” “他就是一块天生的滚刀肉啊。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao, he sends specially, no matter what the day two went on stage calculates this point. 林逸笑笑,他特意派任天二上场就是算准了这一点。 Opposite hell three dogs look truly are very ominous, truly is not bad by hard strength, his here dares to say can win the opposite party steadily cannot discover several, is only, no matter what the day two are the natural enemy of this goods! 对面的这头地狱三头犬看着确实是很凶,论硬实力也确实不差,他这边敢说能够稳胜对方的也找不出几个来,可是唯独,任天二就是这货的天敌! The dog king does not believe in evil doctrines obviously. 狗王显然还是不信邪。 Immediately opens the crazy pattern, big hell three dogs immediately incarnation mad dog, toward, no matter what the day two throw is one bites insanely, simultaneously various might scary fire element style frequencies leave, fired a rock stuff chest the entire scene. 当即开启疯狂模式,偌大的地狱三头犬顿时化身疯狗,朝着任天二扑过来就是一顿疯咬,同时各种威力骇人的火系招式频出,生生将整个现场都烧成了一座岩浆池。 strength is slightly poor, absolutely the qualifications in side watching the fun does not have continually, spreads out. 实力稍差一点的,根本连在旁边看个热闹的资格都没有,纷纷拉开距离。 However looks again, no matter what day two, appearance that does not care about muddily, taking advantage of opportunity that even also has a relish took the bath in the rock stuff chest, with opposite clearly two styles. 然而再看任天二,还是一副浑不在意的模样,甚至还饶有兴致的顺势在岩浆池中泡起了澡,跟对面截然两个画风。 Then gives the major anchors to illustrate that really gave entire cannot. 这下着实给各大主播解说都给整不会了。 Hell three dog extremely devils, this little while some people in that had shouted perhaps really false match, the damn false match still good and evil must put on an act even, is insufficient to make such false? 要不是地狱三头犬着实太过凶神恶煞,这会儿恐怕早就有人在那喊假赛了,尼玛就算是假赛也好歹要装装样子啊,不至于弄得这么假吧? In fact, has the anchor who raises one's head to wrestle the current capacity wholeheartedly to say. 事实上,已经有一心出头搏流量的主播在这么说了。 „Is this false? That simple, saw the fresh magma of this full pool, you jumped to swim, we believe that was fake.” “这样还假?那简单啊,看到这满池子的新鲜岩浆了吧,你跳进去游一圈,那我们就相信是假的。” This anchor is dumbfounded immediately. 这位主播顿时哑口无言。 He gains the current capacity the courage that seizes attention has, but must say that really makes him be in front of numerous top strength to jump come out to question, kills him not to dare. 他赚流量搏取关注度的胆子是有,可要说真的让他当着一众顶级战力的面跳出来质疑,打死他也不敢啊。 In fact even if he has that courage, still without that qualifications, without that strength. 事实上就算他有那个胆子,也没那个资格,更没那个实力 Until now, is really not the casual what people can speak in front of Lin Yi, particularly this symbolic significance strong public occasions. 时至今日,真不是随便什么人都能在林逸面前说话的,尤其是这种象征意味浓厚的公开场合。 13 outstanding numerous Boss of failing a grade fresh institute can only obediently stand in the ringside continually, under is implicated the qualifications not to have, many human eyes look anxiously Lin Yi wants to meet rudeness with a smile, however even this opportunity cannot turn, let alone the bystander of these no foundation. 连留级生院的十三杰一众老大都只能乖乖站在场边,连坐下的资格都没有,其中多少人眼巴巴看着林逸就想陪个笑脸,然而连这点机会都轮不着,更何况这些毫无根底的外人。 Waste! Also is the waste!” “废物!又是废物!” At this time Zhao Rikun has exploded with rage again, he thought that the dog king can retrieve face for him, looked that after the assuming the post day two overreach oneself enters the stage, has recognized to be able preparation next. 此时赵日坤已是再度气炸,他满以为狗王能替他找回面子,看到任天二不自量力出场之后,更是已经认定可以准备下一场了。 Has not actually thought that unexpectedly is such damn expansion. 却没想到,竟是这么个见鬼的展开。 Nearby under the hand | subordinate collects the comfort saying: Head Zhao actually does not need pissed, the boy, although somewhat is truly strange, ability of old dog a little cannot do to him, but he cannot do to the old dog similarly, consumes the old dog to be in the upper hand finally, inferiorly is also a tie.” 旁边手下凑过来安慰道:“赵总其实也不必生气,那小子虽然确实有些古怪,老狗的能力有点奈何不了他,可他同样也奈何不了老狗,耗到最后还是老狗占上风,最次也是一个平局。” Tie enough disgraced!” “平局就够丢人的了!” Zhao Rikun cold snort/hum one, the complexion was actually slightly attractive several points, one loss and one draw opening admittedly was ugly, but always compared is the two losses in a row is much better. 赵日坤冷哼一声,脸色却是稍微好看了几分,一负一平的开局固然还是难看,但总比上来就是两连败要好一些。 However him finishes barely the words, in the field then suddenly has the change. 然而他这边话音未落,场中便又突然出现变化。 No matter what day two as in being calm and composed even in press of work is soaking the magma bath, but the hell three dogs of dog king incarnation are sudden, along with, even if wails the figure to twist on the ground sways back and forth crazily, evidently unexpectedly is extremely painful. 任天二依旧在好整以暇的泡着岩浆浴,而狗王化身的地狱三头犬却突然一顿,随即便哀嚎着身形扭曲在地上疯狂打滚,看样子竟是极度痛苦。 What ghost? Did oneself play oneself?” “什么鬼?自己把自己玩死了?” The audience look at each other in blank dismay. 全场面面相觑。 From beginning to end they have not seen, no matter what the day two make a move, throughout is the dog king attacks in that crazily, finally suddenly makes into this, can only be he himself plays oneself, can't be the leg and foot cramp? 从头到尾他们都没见过任天二出手,始终都是狗王在那疯狂进攻,结果突然弄成这样,只能是他自己把自己玩死了,总不能是腿脚抽筋吧? Let alone these people, autumn three mother numerous are bewildered: How can like this?” 别说这些人,就连秋三娘一众都莫名其妙:“怎么会这样?” They know certainly that this inevitably is no matter what day two hands, is when he below hand, their these observer traces have not detected unexpectedly obstinately. 他们当然知道这必然是任天二下的手,可是他什么时候下的手,他们这些旁观者居然愣是一点痕迹都没有察觉到。 homicide in invisible, moreover giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert that kills, was this fellow so when invincible? 杀人于无形,而且杀的还是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,这家伙什么时候这么无敌了? Was reasonable, no matter what admittedly of day two strength under Lin Yi were among the best, actually did not ride to be above mundane thoughts like small alone king Duanshe by far, the people did not say that can win him, but at least hit to have to return is the issue is not big. 讲道理,任天二的实力林逸麾下固然是名列前茅,却远远不像小独王断舍那样一骑绝尘,众人不说能赢他,但至少打个有来有回还是问题不大的。 But presently, this goods were as deep as a well in their eyes suddenly. 可是现在,这货在他们眼里突然高深莫测了起来。 At least trades to be them to go on stage, is not possible to play the hell three dogs tidies up, how the key could not have understood him to achieve. 至少换做他们上场,是绝不可能这么玩似的就把地狱三头犬给这么收拾掉的,关键还让人根本看不懂他是怎么做到的。 Until a Lin Yi face speechless selected one: Still remembers that nose excrement from the beginning?” 直至林逸一脸无语的点了一句:“还记得一开始的那颗鼻屎吗?” The people thought for quite a while, this recalled this goods go on stage from the beginning, truly made one to have the insulting provocative act, nose excrement ball to the opposite party mouth. 众人想了半天,这才回想起来这货一开始上场的时候,确实做了一个极具侮辱性的挑衅动作,把鼻屎弹到对方嘴巴里。 Did not speak Wu De very much. 很是不讲武德。 „Does that nose excrement have the issue? Gave to make into the dyspepsia such big dog?” “难道那颗鼻屎有问题?把这么大一条狗都给弄成消化不良了?” The people stare dumbfounded, that gadget nauseating was truly nauseating, may be also insufficient is so exaggerating, your did frequently eat the dog of person also to fear this? 众人不由瞠目结舌,那玩意儿恶心是确实恶心了点,可也不至于这么夸张吧,你一条动辄吃人的狗难道还怕这个? The dirty thing in person belly may be more than this. 人肚子里的脏东西可比这多了去了啊。 Shen Yifan is indicated that under said looking pensive: This goods ball at all is not the nose excrement, but is his own dragon Yuan, he forced in others bellies to go the dragon Yuan, damn this move was really...... enough damages.” 沈一凡却是点拨之下若有所思道:“这货弹的根本不是鼻屎,而是他自己身上的龙元,他把龙元塞进人家肚子里去了,尼玛这招真是……够损。” dragon Yuan is the dragon clan bloodline is succinct, is in this world the thing of absolute cherishing, spirit jade many have no way to buy again. 龙元乃是龙族血统精粹,也是这世上绝对的稀罕之物,灵玉再多都没法买到。 If can its refine, even if also profits infinitely regarding expert of giant grand perfection this level, but the issue contradictory place is, except for the dragon clan bloodline, the known any method is unable to refine it at present truly. 若是能够将其炼化,哪怕是对于巨头大圆满这个层次的高手来说也都受益无穷,但问题矛盾的地方就在于,除了龙族血统,目前已知的任何手段都无法将其真正炼化。 No matter what once it enters within the body is not actually able to refine, that this thing in any poison the world must be fatal , the complete life vitality of its rapid suck dry goal within the body will expand itself. 而一旦任其进入体内却又无法炼化,那这玩意就会比世上任何一种毒物都要更加致命,它会迅速吸干目标体内的全部生命元气来壮大自身。 Not having the medicine is solvable, is unable to be solvable. 无药可解,无法可解。 Therefore dragon Yuan regarding carrying cultivator and Spirit Beast of dragon clan bloodline, that is the unsurpassed sacred object without a doubt, may regarding others actually be ready the thing of proper rope life. 故而龙元对于身负龙族血统的修炼者灵兽来说,那是毋庸置疑的无上圣物,可对于其他人来说却是妥妥的索命之物。 And naturally includes the present hell three dogs. 其中自然包括眼前的地狱三头犬。 Although enters dragon Yuan nose excrement that small Little Yi in his mouth, may from entering that moment of his within the body, this is the First dominoes of dropping down. 虽然进入他口中的龙元只有鼻屎那么小小一颗,可从进入他体内的那一刻开始,这就是倒下的第一张多米诺骨牌。
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