SBPE :: Volume #16

#9800: Chapter 9800

The dog kings of incarnation hell three dogs the build was huge, the height at least exceeded ten meters, two contrast, immediately seems at this moment, no matter what day two even more frail tiny, let alone one makes the opposite party eat to the full, perhaps the stops up gap between teeth is unqualified. 化身地狱三头犬的狗王本就体型巨大,身高至少超过了十米,两相一对比,顿时显得此刻的任天二愈发单薄渺小,别说一顿让对方吃个饱,恐怕连塞牙缝都不够格。 I go on stage with great difficulty, sends your such tiny tot to bring death?” “我好不容易上场一回,就派你这么个小不点来送死?” The dog king felt the greatest insult immediately, each incarnation hell three dogs, must release killing and ominous, will otherwise be known the sea also to assimilate by the beastly nature corrosion of three dogs, when the time comes he may solely not be is called the dog king, but really turned into a beastly nature not to have the humane mad dog as soon as possible. 狗王顿时就感受到了莫大的侮辱,他每一次化身地狱三头犬,都必须尽快释放杀性和凶性,否则就会被三头犬的兽性侵蚀识海并且同化,到时候他可就不单单是叫做狗王,而是真的变成一条只有兽性没有人性的疯狗了。 Release killing and ominous only style, fight! 释放杀性和凶性的唯一方式,就是战斗! The opponents are stronger, the fight is more intense, his killing and ominous releases thoroughly, turns around also to mean that his control to hell three dog shapes is also stronger, when the time comes strength will be more terrifying! 对手越强,战斗越激烈,他身上的杀性和凶性就释放得越彻底,转过身来也就意味着他对地狱三头犬这个形态的掌控度也就更强,到时候实力将会更加恐怖! This is his cultivate style. 这就是他的修炼方式 Who wants to obtain the Lin Yi unexpectedly pointed faction such bean sprouts, this was doomed his killing and ominous nowhere release, even if can win this, but he will actually fall into to the cultivation deviation edge. 谁想得到林逸竟然针对性的派上来这么一个豆芽菜,这就注定了他的杀性和凶性将会无处释放,哪怕能够赢下这一场,可他本人却会陷入到走火入魔的边缘。 When the time comes will be forced to presenting others acts, once he loses the reason, was strangled to death by the audience jointly absolutely is the matter of being settled. 到时候将被迫对在场其他人出手,而一旦他失去理智,被全场联手绞杀绝对是板上钉钉的事情。 Even Zhao Rikun could not save him! 就算赵日坤也救不了他! This is compelling him dead! 这是在逼他死! Finally no matter what the day two are actually a face leisurely and carefree is pulling out the nose excrement, then a ball, the nose excrement crosses ten meters altitude gently unexpectedly directly, without bias and without favor happen to falls in the mouth of dog king. 结果任天二却是一脸悠闲的掏着鼻屎,然后轻轻一弹,鼻屎竟是直接越过十米高度,不偏不倚正好落在狗王的口中。 This, was happen to patted by the live broadcast lens. 这一幕,正好被直播镜头拍个正着。 Audience collective speechless. 全场集体哑然 „Is this child brain not quite a little normal? Did not hurry to admit defeat to maintain life also even, unexpectedly also provoked others with the nose excrement?” “这小孩脑子有点不太正常吧?不赶紧认输保命也就算了,居然还用鼻屎挑衅人家?” Dog king had not detected, was then tasted by their such reminder, immediately the air/Qi results in the three evil spirits violent to jump, is roaring a slap then toward, no matter what the day two pat. 狗王本来还没察觉,被他们这么一提醒这才回过味来,当即气得三尸神暴跳,怒吼着一巴掌便朝任天二拍下来。 The audience looked that numerous simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform calls out in alarm. 全场看众不由齐齐惊呼。 Today this situation is doomed the deceased person, this point they have the preparation early, like a moment ago mountain king suddenly was instead killed dead a violent death, they turn over to surprisedly surprisedly, has not actually given birth to many to be ill. 今天这种场合注定是要死人的,这一点他们早有心理准备,就像刚才山王的突然被反杀暴毙,他们惊讶归惊讶,却没有生出多少不适。 After all to their ranks, no matter what who were used to the life and death cultivate ecology early, who hasn't seen how many deceased people? 毕竟到了他们这个级别,任谁都早早习惯了你死我活的修炼界生态,谁还没见过几个死人的? But, watches the life and death of expert showdown to slaughter is a matter, looks helplessly a child was patted into the meat sauce, is actually a different matter. 可是,观看高手对决的生死厮杀是一回事,眼睁睁看着一个小孩被拍成肉酱,却是另一回事。 The people the heart like the rock, have persevered in the human nature of heart even, reminded their anything in the time as before is being as the bottom line of human. 众人即便早已心如磐石,坚守在内心深处的人性,依旧在时刻提醒着他们什么是作为人类的底线。 Many people do not endure to witness this, closed the eye. 许多人不忍目睹这一幕,纷纷闭上了眼睛。 No matter what until the sound that the day two teased on the scene resounds: This? Your this dog dog looks very looks like that a matter, the strength is so how weak, even my against can't break?” 直至任天二戏谑的声音在场中响起:“就这?你这狗狗看着挺像那么回事,怎么力量这么弱啊,连我的防都破不了?” The audience compel ignorant. 全场懵逼。 Everyone looks under the great claws of three dogs, that as before perfect small form. 所有人愣愣的看着三头犬的巨爪之下,那个依旧完好无损的小小的身影。 Lin Yi looks that this laughs in spite of trying not to: Initially I with this goods First bumping into time, was this bird welldoing, presently is reincarnated had not changed.” 林逸看着这一幕不由失笑:“当初我跟这货第一次碰上的时候,就是这副鸟德行,现在都转世了还是一点都没变。” Broke the shed silently in side with one: This called the dog unable to change to eat the excrement.” 断舍默默在旁边跟了一句:“这叫狗改不了吃屎。” The people laugh. 众人不由哄笑。 In Lin Yi Group this group of core strengths, most silent has two people, one is the strict Central Plain, another is to break the shed. 林逸集团这帮核心战力之中,最沉默的有两个人,一个是严中原,另一个就是断舍。 However both's difference is, although the former too did not speak but opens the mouth often is gold/metal Ju, was the typical doing one -man show robust man, but the latter was the truly inherent aloof. 不过两者的区别在于,前者虽然不太说话但一开口往往就是金句,属于典型的闷骚型壮汉,而后者则是真正与生俱来的高冷。 Even if did not speak with Lin Yi, for a long time added that has said even not over ten to the people. 哪怕是跟林逸都不怎么说话,这么长时间加起来,跟众人说过的话甚至都不超过十句。 According to no matter what the day two explanations actually compared before this have not been reincarnated the alone king to be much better, before that alone king, was the real silent Zen, regardless to anyone were silent, wants to hear a few words compared with buying the lottery ticket from his mouth draws a prize-winning ticket also cherishes. 据任天二解释就这其实都比没转世前的独王好多了,以前那独王,才是真的闭口禅,无论对谁都是沉默,想从他嘴里听到一句话比买彩票中大奖还稀罕。 Never expected that today, this aloof small alone Royal Capital opens the precious words unexpectedly continually, made the people surprise. 没想到今天,竟是连这位高冷小独王都开了金口,着实令众人诧异。 At this time the strict Central Plain also emitted one suddenly: They who is the excrement?” 这时严中原也突然冒出一句:“他俩谁是屎啊?” The people collective silent moment, smiles to spurt immediately at the scene. 众人集体沉默片刻,随即当场笑喷。 Suddenly, no matter what in this moment field, looks emits dragon scale the day two, the dog king looked one bone fracture claw, First time had shown the prudent expression finally. 此刻场中,看着突然冒出一身龙鳞的任天二,狗王看了看自己已经骨折的爪子,终于第一次露出了慎重的表情。 Just this admittedly was not his full power, may not have 50% also 30%, the 30% strength under hell three dog shapes, he second had easily killed giant grand perfection Late Phase expert. 刚刚这一下固然远不是他的全力,可没有50%也有30%了,地狱三头犬形态下的30%力,他可是曾经轻易秒杀过巨头大圆满后期高手的。 Has not thought that bumps into such kid, the racket has not refused stubbornly to say at the scene, instead also ate to owe stuffily! 没想到碰上这么个小屁孩,没当场拍死不说,反而还吃了个闷亏! No matter what the day two raise head to visit him carelessly: Comes again several, although your strength difference, but dog's paw flexure is very but actually comfortable, multipurpose point strength.” 任天二大大咧咧仰头看着他:“再来几下,你这力道虽然差了点,不过狗爪子挠着倒还挺舒服的,多用点力啊。” „......” “……” Dog king explodes with rage immediately, three dog-headed spout together the fire of purgatory without delay simultaneously, the instantaneous gathering forms the giant flame vortex no matter what the day two will bind to be one of them. 狗王当即气炸,三个狗头二话不说同时喷出一道炼狱之火,瞬间汇聚形成巨型火焰漩涡将任天二裹在其中。 The ringside has the person of solution being able to judge the quality of goods to say hastily: „ The fire of this purgatory is not the ordinary flame, not only the temperature is much higher than the common flame, will also burn the eclipse soul, making one die in the terrifying suffering that living to might as well die little. 场边有识货之人连忙解说道:“这炼狱之火可不是普通的火焰,不仅温度远比寻常火焰高得多,而且会灼蚀灵魂,让人在生不如死的恐怖煎熬中一点点死去。 Once some people occupied fire of the purgatory, that a wee bit hot planetesimal, were burnt eclipse entire one month dead finally, that was miserably howling I only to listen to be life's unforgettable one time, is unable to be solvable. 曾经有人占到一点炼狱之火,就那么一丁点火星子,被灼蚀了整整一个月才终于死掉,哇那惨嚎我只听过一次就毕生难忘,根本无法可解。 The terrifying of this thing, far exceeded your imagination! ” 这东西的恐怖,远远超出了你们所有人的想象!” Hundreds of thousands in network look at the numerous to hear collective scalp tingles. 网络上的数十万看众听得集体头皮发麻。 Only moistens to suffers entire one month that an ignition planetesimal lives to might as well die, that at present this simply by flame vortex swallowing, what that does the pain become? 只沾到一点火星子就生不如死的折磨整整一个月,那眼前这位干脆被火焰漩涡给吞了,那得痛苦成什么样? Zhao Rikun looks that this happily sneers: Good, should call a type with this style them, making frog in a well that this group does not enlarge ones vision take a good look, keeping off in me in front and others is what pitiful fate!” 赵日坤看着这一幕得意冷笑:“不错,就该用这种方式给他们打个样,让这帮不开眼的井底之蛙好好看看,挡在我等面前是个什么可悲下场!” Finally him finishes speaking, no matter what in the field the day two smiled: What pitiful fate? Nice and warm is very comfortable, if you do not shut out me in this to wash for a year, does not know that the puppy dog can support.” 结果他这边话音刚落,场中任天二就笑了起来:“什么可悲下场?暖烘烘的很舒服啊,你们要是不嫌弃我可以在这洗一年,就不知道小狗狗能不能撑得住哦。” The audience compel collectively ignorant. 全场又是集体懵逼。 That that especially just illustrated, looks questioned crazily own live broadcast barrage, swallows, chokes the half of the day unable to say a few words. 尤其刚刚解说的那位,看着疯狂质疑自己的直播弹幕,更是有苦难言,噎得半天说不出一句话来。 This obviously is the fire of purgatory, how to this goods function? 这明明是炼狱之火啊,怎么对这货一点作用都没有? At this moment as in dog king heart of litigant is the difficult situation, the opposite party body emits dragon scale, his many have been able to guess correctly, no matter what day two ability were anything, his body has the purity quite high dragon clan bloodline inevitably. 此刻身为当事人的狗王心中更是惊涛骇浪,对方身上冒出龙鳞,他多少已经能够猜到任天二的能力是什么了,其身上必然有着纯度颇高的龙族血统。 dragon Linke counter-balances certainly the large number Physics attack, therefore dragon clan most did not fear directly was hard just race with the opponent. 龙鳞可抵消绝大数物理攻击,故而龙族是最不怕跟对手正面硬刚的种族。 Shoulders to punch ability by Physics only, does not have the dead angle from top to bottom is dragon scale, no matter what day two, even takes a broad view at the entire Jianghai Institute perhaps is ready proper first grade of existence, this point must be able not hold a candle Lin Yi. 单论物理扛揍能力,浑身上下无死角全是龙鳞的任天二,即便放眼整个江海学院恐怕都是妥妥头一档的存在,这一点连林逸都要望尘莫及。
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