SBPE :: Volume #16

#9799: Chapter 9799

Did not say that is a worthy opponent with strict Central Plain such monster, is compares with him same level, these most common giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert was also well below. 都不说跟严中原这样的怪物匹敌,就是相比起跟他同级的,那些最普通的巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手也都远远不如。 At best, but is equivalent to general giant grand perfection Mid Phase expert. 充其量,只是相当于一般的巨头大圆满中期高手 Although in the account missed three small boundaries, but abandons hard strength not to discuss even if, solely on the fight consciousness and fight detail custom such foundation accomplishment, each other is also difference between heaven and earth, the disparity even is bigger than the King and bronze by far. 虽然账面上只是差了三个小境界,但哪怕抛开硬实力不谈,单单就战斗意识和战斗细节习惯这样的基础素养,彼此也都是天差地别,差距甚至远远大过王者和青铜。 This point, he himself does not have the determination, but spoke Zhao Rikun who behind the truth supervised combat to look at come out. 这一点,他自己没有自觉,但是讲道理后方督战的赵日坤是能够看得出来的。 After all this is real giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 毕竟这可是货真价实的巨头终极大圆满高手 However not. 然而并没有。 The mountain kings in Zhao Rikun with being in bureau is the same, has not looked at the come out least bit difference, therefore Lin Yi will have a moment ago that strangely asked. 赵日坤跟身在局中的山王一样,根本就没看出来半点异样,所以林逸刚才才会有那么古怪的一问。 Not only the fight accomplishment of under the hand | subordinate person lowers make the blood boil, his fight accomplishment is also worrying, this strange combination can think unexpectedly rules the failing a grade fresh institute, even wants to dominate the entire Jianghai Institute. 不仅手下人的战斗素养低得令人发指,就连他本人的战斗素养也都堪忧,这种奇怪的组合居然会想着君临留级生院,甚至想要称霸整个江海学院。 Lin Yi does not know that should say they are simple-hearted, was silly lovely! 林逸已经不知道该说他们到底是天真无邪,还是傻的可爱了! Waste! All is the waste!” “废物!全是废物!” Zhao Rikun has not known where the issue leaves, but also thinks that is the mountain king extremely having a low opinion of the enemy general idea/careless causes to be struck instead kills. 赵日坤还不知道问题出在哪里,还以为是山王太过轻敌大意才导致被一击反杀。 At least in his understanding cognition, does abhiseka twice changes to assign/life, the mountain kings of five breakthrough growth shackles, does not have any reason will lose to only new promote soon giant grand perfection Late Phase expert! 至少在他的理解认知之中,两次灌顶改命,五次突破生长枷锁的山王,没有任何理由会输给区区一个新晋不久的巨头大圆满后期高手 The strong and weak is so distinct, the only reasonable explanation is the having a low opinion of the enemy general idea/careless. 强弱如此分明,唯一合理的解释就是轻敌大意。 As everyone knows, in the eyes of Lin Yi these top strengths also truly is sharply divided, the strong and weak that but they understand is opposite with the strong and weak that this Zhao Rikun understands. 殊不知,在林逸这几位顶级战力的眼中也确实是强弱分明,只不过他们理解的强弱跟这位赵日坤理解的强弱恰好相反。 Is mountain Wangtai is waste in Zhao Rikun eyes, has the strength advantage actually accidentally/surprisingly to be instead killed absolutely, but in Lin Yi these person of eyes, scene from beginning to end in steamroll. 在赵日坤眼中是山王太废,坐拥绝对实力优势却被意外反杀,而在林逸这些人眼中,场面从头到尾都是在碾压。 But is in turn, in a steamroll side always controlled the entire war strict Central Plain. 只不过是反过来,处于碾压一方的始终都是掌控了整个战局的严中原。 On next you! Dog king!” “下一个你上!狗王!” Zhao Rikun looks the expression that Lin Yi and an numerous five ponder greatly, becomes angry out of shame at the scene, but he conquers Jianghai Institute, rather than deliver to look at the joke. 赵日坤看着林逸和一众五巨玩味的表情,当场恼羞成怒,他可是来征服江海学院的,而不是自己送上门来让人看笑话的。 No matter who comes up, I want you to tear into shreds him ruthlessly, calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks he to suffer dead!” “不管谁上来,我要你狠狠把他撕碎,一点点将他折磨到死!” Zhao Rikun hissing exclaimed lowly: I must make them open the eye to look well, daring to anger me is what fate!” 赵日坤嘶声低吼道:“我要让他们所有人睁大眼睛好好看着,胆敢惹怒我是个什么下场!” Nearby wild nature ample young men Jie smiles: Suits me, said, I have not eaten the person for a long time.” 旁边一个野性十足的青年男子桀笑而起:“正合我意,说起来,我已经好久没吃人了呢。” Next second, body advantage of terrain already in presently field. 下一秒,身形便已出现在场中。 The audience all looked that the numerous are the eyelid jumps immediately, apart from anything else, a moment ago mountain king that speed quickly to subverting their cognition, has not thought that this is unexpectedly quicker than the mountain king! 全场所有看众顿时又是眼皮直跳,抛开别的不说,就刚才山王那速度就已经快到颠覆他们认知了,没想到这位竟然比山王更快! Moreover, was about to plan incessantly. 而且,快出了不止一筹。 Giant grand perfection Late Phase peak. 巨头大圆满后期巅峰 The expert who an numerous are responsible for illustrating nods in abundance: World Martial Art only quickly broken, without other prominent advantages, only speed, under giant ultimate grand perfection no matter what sufficiently he walked sideways.” 一众负责解说的行家纷纷点头:“天下武功唯快不破,哪怕没有其他突出的优势,单是速度这一项,巨头终极大圆满之下就足以任他横着走了。” Although they were mistaken a moment ago, but these words, obtained looked at the belief of numerous. 虽说刚才他们都看走了眼,但这番话,还是得到了许多看众的信服。 Even if also knows again unprofessionally, once the speed drew near pinnacle, that really can have completely the advantage in the showdown, at least can control the initiative firmly. 哪怕再外行也知道,一旦速度快到了极致,在对决中那真是能够占尽优势的,至少可以牢牢掌控住主动权。 Key, but also is not limited to this. 关键,还不止于此。 After approach apron, dog king complete domain strength crazy substantializing condenses, finally works as the audience to look at the numerous surface unexpectedly, wraps to be one of them his oneself, the incarnation is an extremely fierce fearsome fierce great dog, one, only then the great dogs of three heads. 进入场中之后,狗王身上全部领域力量疯狂实质化凝聚,最终竟是当着全场看众的面,将其本人包裹在其中,化身为一头极度狰狞可怖的凶恶巨犬,一只有着三个头颅的巨犬。 Hell three dogs!” “地狱三头犬!” At this moment almost all illustrations with one voice, this image clearly is the great antiquity in ancient Legend variation, hell three dogs! 这一刻几乎所有解说都异口同声,这副形象分明就是上古传说中的洪荒异种,地狱三头犬! Even if dog king anything does not do, is only the Jingjing(quietly) stand on the scene, everyone on that share of top predator's the fierce aura oppression by him must unable to raise the head, the yellowbelly has even wanted turn tail. 哪怕狗王什么都不做,只是静静的站在场中,所有人就已被他身上那股顶级掠食者的凶恶气息压迫得抬不起头来,胆小者甚至已经想要转身逃跑。 After all no one can guarantee that this thing cannot lose control suddenly, looks at numerous full Shi with their these scenes, comes a buffet grand feast. 毕竟谁也不敢保证这玩意不会突然失控,拿他们这些现场看众饱食一顿,来一场自助餐盛宴。 Zhao Rikun and the others were recover the self-confidence of keeping aloof, the dog king is not under him is strongest, was actually under him most can blow the gathering place absolutely, most can show his team makings that. 赵日坤等人却是恢复了高高在上的自信,狗王不是他麾下最强,却绝对是他麾下最能镇住场子,最能展现出他团队气质的那一个。 He must make everyone feel this predator's bloodlines suppression to the prey, he must make everyone realize profoundly, even if under him a dog, can stir Jianghai Institute to be earth-shaking! 他要让所有人都感受到这种掠食者对猎物的血脉压制,他要让所有人都深刻的体会到,他麾下哪怕一条狗,都能搅得江海学院天翻地覆! Whom Lin Yi will send to come up?” 林逸这边会派谁上去?” Who bumps into this monster to dare to come up, can this come up also not score minutes to be eaten wipes dry/does only?” “碰上这种怪物谁敢上去,这要上去还不得分分钟被吃干抹净啊?” Just that mountain king met the sewer to capsize truly unexpectedly, is this dog king, obviously is much more ominous than the mountain king, are the people who cannot come up each time so lucky can turn defeat into victory?” “刚刚那个山王会阴沟翻船确实让人意想不到,可是这个狗王,明显比山王要凶得多啊,总不能每次上去的人都这么幸运能够反败为胜吧?” During the people speeches, Lin Yi some people have been eager to try, most jumps for joy unexpectedly is not others, but is the autumn three mothers. 众人说话间,林逸这边有人已经跃跃欲试,最雀跃的居然不是别人,而是秋三娘。 Your this beautiful woman and wild animal? Was the style a little elegant?” “你这美女与野兽吗?画风有点清奇了吧?” Looks at this appearance Lin Yi is also speechless, finally actually listens to opposite party two shining returning saying: „Don't you feel this dog very lovely?” 看她这副样子就连林逸也是无语,结果却听对方两眼放光的回道:“你们不觉得这狗很可爱吗?” „......” “……” Ok, then everyone knows autumn three mothers aesthetic was also very elegant. 好了,这下所有人都知道秋三娘的审美也很清奇了。 Finally, Lin Yi pressed the autumn three mothers of being eager to try, then sent out similarly full of enthusiasm, no matter what day two. 最终,林逸还是摁住了跃跃欲试的秋三娘,转而派出了同样兴致勃勃的任天二。 Actually untrustworthy autumn three mothers' strength, after indication of half th division, this woman present strength of were very not in fact simple, said that was in a numerous core strength shed the mortal body and exchange the bones most obvious one is not overrated. 倒不是信不过秋三娘的实力,事实上经过洛半师的点拨,这个女人如今的实力很不简单,说是一众核心战力之中脱胎换骨最明显的一个都不为过。 In fact, only her giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak boundary is very exaggerating. 事实上,单是她巨头大圆满中期巅峰的境界就已经很夸张了。 Although fights this school regulations alone grade of monster to have no way to compare with the strict Central Plain and Wei Bai, but has also left behind a character absolutely sufficiently, let alone her strength progress looks like in Lin Yi, must be more exaggerating compared with the boundary! 虽然跟严中原和韦百战这种校史独一档的怪物没法比,可也绝对已经是足以留下一笔的人物,何况她本身的战力进步在林逸看来,比起境界还要更加夸张! Reason that the faction taking office day two rather than send her, reason, no matter what the day two gather compared with her the nature. 之所以派上任天二而不是派她,原因就还有一个,任天二比她的相性更合。 Hello puppy dog.” “你好啊小狗狗。” No matter what the day two jumped in carelessly., immediately initiates the audience in an uproar, in the network is one piece calls out in alarm 任天二大大咧咧的跳进了场中,顿时引发全场哗然,网络上更是一片惊呼。 Child? Does Lin Yi send a child unexpectedly?” “小孩?林逸居然派上来一个小孩?” „Is this must give the hell three dogs to work as the dog grain? Is damn this inhumane?” “这是要送给地狱三头犬当狗粮吗?尼玛这也太不人道了吧?” I misread him, he was never so expected that cruel, resorts to all means even the children to deliver toward the opposite party mouth in unexpectedly, has he to mix this, exchanged pieces with a child?” “我真是看错他了,没想到他这么残忍,不择手段居然连小孩都往对方口里送,他难道就是为了混过这一场,拿一个小孩来兑子吗?” In the network scolded sound one piece. 网络上骂声一片。 Actually not the strange public opinion is excited, lord who no matter what the day two and break shed these two reincarnation rebirths, although the strength boundary promotion is swift and violent, now already recover to giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, but the body does not have to be long that quickly. 其实也不怪舆论如此激动,任天二和断舍这两位转世重生的主,虽然实力境界提升迅猛,如今都已恢复到了巨头大圆满后期巅峰,可身体却没长得那么快。 Now seems like, is equivalent to the appearance of ten -year-old child. 如今看起来,也就相当于十岁孩童的模样。
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