SBPE :: Volume #16

#9798: Chapter 9798

„, Regardless of really the honest and good-natured person suffers a loss to where.” “啧啧,果然老实人无论到哪里都吃亏啊。” Some people have the rhythm, naturally has a big ticket busybody with the rhythm. 有人带节奏,自然就有一大票好事者跟节奏。 strict Zhongyuan was pushed aside to be forced the news of cannon fodder to get up immediately searched for hotly, looks at the Lin Yi people is really overjoyed, regardless of just Lin Yi good under this group of core strengths also is also good, from the start is disinclined to clarify. 严中原遭排挤被迫成炮灰的消息立马上了热搜,着实把林逸众人看得乐不可支,只不过无论林逸也好还是麾下这帮核心战力也好,压根都懒得出面澄清。 Fall three mother grinning saying of: Waiting a while strict god gets down, we must give him to arrange an interview well, what experience making him chat is pushed aside to work as the cannon fodder is.” 秋三娘笑嘻嘻的说道:“等一会儿严神下来,咱们可得好好给他安排一个专访,让他谈谈被排挤当炮灰是一种什么样的体验。” Shen Yifan laughs in spite of trying not to: With Old Yan that temper, if can suppress one to come that yes fantasy, when he was tired, gave you to come you to say greatly right.” 沈一凡失笑:“以老严那性子,要是能憋出一个屁来那都是活见鬼了,等他烦了,了不起给你来一句你说得对。” The people laugh. 众人哈哈大笑。 This has become a stem, the strict Central Plain looks that remains silent the honest appearance, some people once wanted to wrap/sets of his words, wants to dig out the Lin Yi Group inside story. 这都已经成了一个梗了,严中原看着一副闷声老实的模样,有人曾经想要套他的话,想要挖出林逸集团的内幕。 The result wrapped for quite a while only to obtain four characters finally, you said right. 结果套了半天最后只得到四个字,你说得对。 On this moment field, mountain king a move of accomplishment has not actually called a halt, after all according to the custom, the competition ended, only then two results, a side admits defeat either on own initiative, either a side death. 此刻场上,山王一招建功却没有就此停手,毕竟按照规矩,比赛结束只有两种结果,要么一方主动认输,要么一方死亡。 But the presently strict Central Plain has not admitted defeat on own initiative, had not died at the scene, he naturally must hit! 现在严中原既没有主动认输,也没有当场死去,那他自然还要往死里打! Saw that the mountain king giant figure on the scene flashes before unceasingly, the strict principle became flesh sandbag, from suffers the fatal terrifying to hit hard in all directions unceasingly sufficiently, whole person uncontrolled flying upside down back and forth. 眼看着山王巨大的身形在场中不断闪现,严中原则成了人肉沙包,从四面八方不断遭受足以致命的恐怖重击,整个人不受控制的来回倒飞。 The entire scene, is simply horrible to look. 整个场面,简直惨不忍睹。 Zhao Rikun looked at opposite Lin Yi calm complexion, laughs: Was still putting on airs by this time, no wonder heard you to meet acting cool very much, but also is called the freshman acting cool king, it seems like really has not called the wrong nickname.” 赵日坤看了一眼对面林逸从容的脸色,不由嗤笑:“到了这个时候还在装腔作势,难怪听人说你很会装逼,还被叫做新生装逼王,看来还真是没有叫错的外号。” Lin Yi is actually strange looked at his one eyes: „Do you look at not come out?” 林逸却是古怪的看了他一眼:“你看不出来吗?” Ha?” “哈?” Zhao Rikun looks at each other with about people, a face is inexplicable: Mysterious? Your person was killed quickly, what should I look at come out? If I your little while stood come out to admit defeat on own initiative, this at least can guarantee a lil bro life, perhaps some people will also think that you had the touch of humanity.” 赵日坤跟左右众人相视一眼,一脸莫名:“故弄玄虚是吧?你的人都快被打死了,我该看出来什么?我要是你这会儿就主动站出来认输了,这样至少能保小弟一命,说不定还会有人觉得你有人情味呢。” Lin Yi looked at his moment earnestly: You really look at not come out.” 林逸认真看了他片刻:“你果然看不出来。” Not only Lin Yi, at this moment including in the tyrant, the flame pond and the secret neutral stand, looked that also as if by prior agreement were many several points of unexplained complex meaning to Zhao Rikun vision. 不仅林逸,此刻连在中立看台的暴君、炎池和天机,看向赵日坤的目光也都不约而同多了几分说不清道不明的复杂意味。 Even, Zhao Rikun felt several points of obvious teasing in this! 甚至,赵日坤在这之中感受到了几分不言自明的戏谑! Little gives me to be mysterious in that especially!” “少特么在那给我故弄玄虚!” Zhao Rikun felt inexplicable offending immediately, along with even became angry out of shame: Mountain king, do not open the mouth the opportunity to him admitting defeat, I want you to give the dismemberment him livingly, making the idiot who this group has not seen the world take a good look our strength!” 赵日坤顿时感受到了莫名的冒犯,随即便是恼羞成怒:“山王,不要给他开口认输的机会,我要你活生生把他给肢解,让这帮没见过世面的蠢货好好看看我们的实力!” Good Head Zhao.” “好的赵总。” The field Zhongshan king sped up the rhythm accordingly, compared promoted enough one time a moment ago! 场中山王应声加快了节奏,相比刚才提升了足足一倍有余! Just the people have looked eyes cannot take it all , was the minimum remnant shadow did not see clearly continually, the retransmission picture was fuzzy one piece. 刚刚众人就已看得目不暇接,这下更是连起码的残影都看不清楚了,转播画面更是模糊一片。 After all the secular world precision instrument wants to transmit is not that easy matter, by the quality of here camera, is unable to catch the goal of so high-speed marching forward. 毕竟世俗界的精密仪器想要传输过来也不是那么容易的事情,以这边摄像机的品质,根本无法捕捉到如此高速行进的目标。 Even so, the people felt a heading on terrifying constriction. 但即便如此,众人还是感受到了一股扑面而来的恐怖压迫感。 The name of this constriction is called, bloody. 这股压迫感的名字叫做,血腥。 Everyone knows that the strict Central Plain was being dismembered brutally, although they do not see clearly, absolutely does not have that ability to see clearly, but does not hinder something to eat the person of blood steamed bun. 所有人都知道严中原正在遭受惨无人道的肢解,虽然他们根本就看不清楚,也根本就没那个能力看清楚,但并不妨碍有些东西吃人血馒头。 The Lin Yi subordinate top combat general was dismembered at the scene, this is the living current capacity! 林逸麾下头号战将被当场肢解,这都是活生生的流量啊! Zhao Rikun also showed the self-satisfied expression, as giant ultimate grand perfection expert, he can certainly see clearly the situation in this moment field, knows that the strict Central Plain from was dismembered finally also misses the last step. 赵日坤也露出了得意的表情,身为巨头终极大圆满高手,他当然看得清此刻场中的情况,也知道严中原距离被最终肢解还差最后一步。 However, this does not hinder him to judge the time of death of strict Central Plain. 但是,这并不妨碍他判断严中原的死期。 Until all in field stop suddenly. 直至场中的一切戛然而止。 Bang! 轰! Looks the live broadcast picture that suddenly is clear, all looked the numerous show the expression that compelled ignorant as if by prior agreement, because at this moment, is the strict Central Plain is pressing mountain king the head impressively unexpectedly single-handedly, pressed it stubbornly on the ground. 看着突然重新清晰起来的直播画面,所有看众不约而同露出了懵逼的表情,因为此刻,赫然竟是严中原一手摁着山王的头,将其死死摁在了地上。 Immediately, is an attraction burst of extreme condensability! 随即,便是一记极度凝缩的引力震爆! All burst might invade mountain king the brain instantaneously, suddenly was stirred one group of starch, simultaneously origin spirit was also being rumbled to kill cleanly. 所有的震爆威力瞬间侵入山王的大脑,眨眼之间就被搅成一团浆糊,同时连带着元神也被轰杀得干干净净。 The fight ended. 战斗结束。 Looks lost the mountain king corpses of all vitalities thoroughly, looks the strict Central Plain that sets out slowly, the audience dies the general silence. 看着彻底失去了所有生机的山王尸体,看着缓缓起身的严中原,全场死一般的寂静。 Zhao Rikun opens mouth close to, quite a while could not say a few words. 赵日坤张了张嘴巴,半天说不出一句话来。 What situation? What situation?” “什么情况?什么情况?” How to hit is hitting is overturned suddenly, this also too god transition?” “怎么打着打着突然就被翻盘了,这也太神转折了吧?” Mountain Wang Mingming gets the absolute winning side, how to say definitely to give all of a sudden, this did damn die thoroughly?” “山王明明占据着绝对上风啊,怎么一下子说死就给死了,这尼玛都死透了吧?” These are the doubts of layman, but also is Zhao Rikun doubts, because his giant ultimate grand perfection expert has not even looked at come out, why the one-sided war will turn into this suddenly! 这些都是外行人的疑惑,但同时也是赵日坤的疑惑,因为连他这个巨头终极大圆满高手也都没有看出来,原本一边倒的战局为何会突然变成这样! Lin Yi explained one to the nearby person lightly: „A azure copper bushing was a number of King, found the opportunity to overturn to have something instantaneously strangely?” 林逸淡淡给身边人解释了一句:“一个青铜套了一个王者的号,被人找到机会瞬间翻盘有什么可奇怪的?” The people do not seem to understand, but actually understood. 众人似乎没听懂,但却又都听懂了。 To put it bluntly, is mountain king the fight consciousness does not match with his strength boundary, took like the child the spear/gun, at first sight truly can also homicide, like sinister aspect ample, be possible a moment ago in the genuine expert eyes, actually also that a matter. 说白了,就是山王的战斗意识跟他的实力境界根本不匹配,就像小孩子拿了把枪,乍看起来确实也能杀人,就像刚才凶相十足,可在真正的行家眼里,其实也就那么一回事。 Perhaps this point, under level insufficient expert on the scene has not dared easily to draw a conclusion, but to Lin Yi, is to the tyrant, the flame pond and secret these five great, is really crystal clear, clear. 这一点,也许底下层次不够的在场高手还不敢轻易下结论,可无论是对林逸来说,还是对暴君、炎池和天机这几位五巨来说,实在是洞若观火,一目了然。 In fact is not only they, as long as expert of giant ultimate grand perfection this level, basically can look at come out. 事实上不仅是他们,但凡巨头终极大圆满这个层次的高手,基本都能看得出来 The showdown was mountain king is pressing the strict Central Plain to hit unilaterally, rather was the strict Central Plain arrange/cloth got down an invisible great net, is tempting the opposite party to swallow the bait unceasingly. 刚才的对决与其说是山王在单方面压着严中原打,倒不如说是严中原布下了一张无形巨网,在不断引诱对方上钩。 While all looks at the numerous to feel he incomparably pitiful distressed, he has covered entirely the audience the attraction seed silently, and saw through mountain king the weakness to be at completely. 在所有看众觉得他无比凄惨狼狈的同时,他已默默将引力种子布满全场,并且完全看穿了山王的弱点所在。 Therefore, will have suddenly this strikes instead kills! 所以,才会有这突如其来的一击反杀! Plays the heart of tactic to be dirty.” “玩战术的心都脏。” Yue Jian who advocates the violent esthetics complained one silently, he once thinks that before the strict Central Plain with him is a path, walked to purely just to the positive/direct steamroll class/flow of fierce path. 崇尚暴力美学的岳渐默默吐槽了一句,他之前一度以为严中原跟他是一个路子的,是纯粹走至刚至猛路子的正面碾压流。 Finally, to discovered afterward this fellow not making a sound is entirely opposite with his image, them in anybody are more than in the scheme that in the fight plays, even/including Shen Yifan this type of essence results in cannot fine dog-headed Trusted Adviser his say/way. 结果,到后来才发现这个不声不响的家伙跟他形象完全相反,在战斗中玩的心计比他们之中任何人都多,连沈一凡这种精得不能再精的狗头军师都着过他的道。 Only can say, person not facial expression. 只能说,人不可貌相。 Reviews opposite this tall and sturdy mountain king, in comparison the pure basis does not seem like one to have simply nearly compares favorably with the giant ultimate grand perfection expert powerful strength, more essential is, his fight accomplishment was also well below. 反观对面这个人高马大的山王,相比之下简直单纯的根本不像是一个有着近乎媲美巨头终极大圆满高手的强悍战力,更关键是,他的战斗素养也远远不如。
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