SBPE :: Volume #16

#9797: Chapter 9797

As freshman, the boundary of strict Central Plain to the breakthrough horizon, had taken a broad view at this freshman without a doubt exaggeratingly, the advancement quick same monster Wei Bai fights to be able with him to place on a par. 作为一个新生而言,严中原的境界毫无疑问已经夸张到了突破天际,放眼本届新生,进境之快只有同样怪物的韦百战能与他相提并论。 Other even Lin Yi oneself, still am giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, naturally Lin Yi this draft animal, strength cannot by the boundary weight. 其他就算是林逸本人,也都才不过是巨头大圆满中期巅峰而已,当然林逸这种牲口,实力不能以境界衡量。 Even takes a broad view at the entire school history, the strict Central Plain and Wei Bai fight this type might be considered as is alone grade of existence, monster in the proper monster. 即便放眼整个学院历史,严中原和韦百战这种都堪称是独一档的存在,妥妥怪物中的怪物。 The boundary is the monster, strength is the monster. 境界是怪物,实力更是怪物。 This point called the nickname of strict Central Plain to see the clue from the surroundings person, strict God. 这一点从周围人称呼严中原的外号就能看出端倪,严神。 Under Lin Yi this group of freshman, which is not the supercilious lord, can let their heartfelt name god, besides Lin Yi oneself, perhaps also on the strict Central Plain. 林逸麾下这帮新生,哪个不是心高气傲的主,能够让他们由衷称一声神的,除了林逸本人之外,恐怕也就严中原了。 Because breaks shed these people of existences, present strict Central Plain not necessarily Lin Yi subordinate Second strength, awareness that but is clear about including Lin Yi everyone, the position of Second strength will fall in the future eventually returns to his head. 由于断舍这几人的存在,眼下的严中原未必还是林逸麾下的第二战力,但包括林逸在内的所有人都清楚的知道,未来第二战力的位置终究还是会落回到他的头上。 This point, they even oneself believe firmly compared with the strict Central Plain. 这一点,他们甚至比严中原本人都更加确信。 Seven games of four victories, such athletic competition system was doomed a first game of victory and defeat to closing important, opens up the winner of beginning not only to obtain the head/number of people advantage, can the enormous boost morale, reduce the psychological pressure for the companion who behind went on stage essential, established the psychological advantage. 七局四胜,这样的赛制注定了头一局的胜负至关重要,首开先河的胜者将不仅获得人头优势,更关键是能够极大的提振士气,为后面上场的同伴减轻心理包袱,建立心理优势。 expert contests, gambling of psychological level often has the decisive effect regarding the final outcome, a pressure smaller side, a psychological advantage bigger side, is often easier to laugh last under the same strength level. 高手过招,心理层面的博弈往往对于最终结果有着决定性的影响,压力更小的一方,心理优势更大的一方,在同等实力层次下往往更容易笑到最后。 Also therefore, Lin Yi will be sending out the strict Central Plain. 也正因此,林逸才会派出严中原。 He at present is not under Lin Yi strongest that but, he absolutely is under Lin Yi steadiest that! 他眼下不是林逸麾下最强的那一个,但是,他绝对是林逸麾下最稳的那一个! Also feels all right to send come out on this ground beetle same goods?” “就这种土鳖一样的货色也好意思派出来?” Zhao Rikun laughs at one, caused a meaningful glance to under the hand | subordinate, along with, even if saw a height five meters great man (Han) to stand from it behind. 赵日坤嗤笑一声,给手下使了一个眼色,随即便见一个身高五米的巨汉从其身后站了起来。 Five breakthrough growth shackles! 五次突破生长枷锁! Only this terrifying build has pressed the audience everyone eyelid crazily to jump, but with the person's of being able to judge the quality of goods review explanation in network, the people are simultaneous/uniform Qiwei the strict Central Plain worries. 单是这个恐怖的体型就已压得全场所有人眼皮狂跳,而随着识货之人在网络上的点评讲解,众人更是齐齐为严中原捏了一把冷汗。 The failing a grade fresh institute has the same precedent only has two people, one is the alone king, one is the entire luck. 留级生院有着同样先例的只有两人,一个是独王,一个是全福。 Such character without exception absolutely is top existence, even if the boundary of this person is giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, actual strength that but begins truly, perhaps is as good general giant ultimate grand perfection expert! 这样的人物无一例外都绝对是顶尖的存在,哪怕此人的境界是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,但真正动起手来的实际战力,恐怕都不逊于一般的巨头终极大圆满高手 My name was mountain king, later went to the hell registration time, do not remember incorrectly the name that killed your person.” “我叫山王,待会去地府报到的时候,可别记错了杀你的人的名字。” Unexpected, the voice of this five meters great man (Han) actually exceptionally high-pitched and fine, really has the huge contrast with its aggressive fearsome image, making one have a strange absurd feeling. 出乎意料,这个五米巨汉的声音却是异常的尖细,与其凶悍可怖的形象着实有着巨大的反差,令人不由生出一种诡异的荒谬感。 strict Zhongyuan looked at him, without speaking, lifting the hand is an attraction burst. 严中原看了看他,没有吭声,抬手就是一记引力震爆。 Duimianshan king Jiaoxia caves in immediately loudly, the huge body was actually suppressed by invisible naked eye obvious great strength an obviously at the scene, looks that its week was pressed the powder instantaneously the marble floor. 对面山王脚下顿时轰然塌陷,庞大的身躯被一股明明无形却肉眼可见的巨力当场镇压,看着其身周被瞬间压成粉末的大理石地板。 The audience everyone eyelid jumps crazily. 全场所有人眼皮狂跳。 „The domain of strict Central Plain is the earth element variant attraction domain, is very rare and powerful ability, but looks at his move of performance, how to feel that a little fused with is the earth element variant earthquake domain meaning?” “严中原的领域是土系变种引力领域,是一种非常罕见且强大的能力,但是看他这一招的表现,怎么感觉有点融合了同为土系变种的地震领域的意思?” In the network has the insider live broadcast illustration. 网络上有内行人士直播解说。 Can see this point, is the extremely insightful person. 能够看出这一点,已是极有见地之人。 Strict Central Plain attraction burst truly initially after winning dragon confrontation, unified the eruption skill of opposite party earthquake domain, then ponders over to study the come out new style. 严中原这一手引力震爆确实是当初跟赢龙对阵之后,结合了对方地震领域的爆发技巧,进而琢磨研究出来的新招式。 An obvious change is, compared the past attraction style, this move of instantaneous killing obviously strove to excel above a rank! 一个显而易见的变化是,相比以往的引力招式,这一招的瞬间杀伤明显要强出一个级别以上! The tall and sturdy mountain king was suppressed shortly in the ground, even is deeper and deeper, in the network immediately is mystifying. 眼看着人高马大的山王被生生压制在地面,甚至越陷越深,网络上顿时就是一阵阴阳怪气。 It is fortunate that he does not have the scene to brush cellphone, otherwise it is estimated that can be mad the hypertension to erupt by these all kinds of Yin-Yang words at the scene, does not do well must come a sudden stroke. 得亏他没有现场刷手机,否则估计能被这些五花八门的阴阳话气得当场高血压爆发,弄不好还得来个突发脑溢血。 No matter when or where, adore/admire strong are the instinct of human, will never change. 无论何时何地,慕强都是人类的天性,永远都不会改变。 Zhao Rikun sees that cursed: Mountain king your waste, I goes through all the complications to you are enlightened twice, to not let your First comes up to lose face to me!” 赵日坤见状大骂:“山王你个废物,我费尽周折给你两次醍醐灌顶,不是为了让你第一个上去给我丢脸的!” Relax Head Zhao, I am prompted by a sudden impulse to try strength of this fellow.” “放心吧赵总,我只是心血来潮想要试试这家伙的实力而已。” The mountain Wangjian thin voice conveys from the place, then withstand/top is exerting in its huge attraction, since the single-handed brace crawls from the ground slowly: Imagines me wants to be stronger, but, that insignificant a wee bit.” 山王尖细的声音从地底下传来,而后顶着施加在其身上的巨大引力,单手撑地缓缓从地上爬起:“比我想象中要强一些,不过,也就那么微不足道的一丁点而已。” Then, five meters high giant catches up suddenly, the figure in same place vanishes unexpectedly instantaneously! 说完,五米高的巨人猛然发力,身形竟是在原地瞬间消失! The audience in an uproar. 全场哗然。 Saw that the mountain king figure vanishes, appears in the strict Central Plain behind, this type nearly flickered to move to the general movement to renovate the scene and entire net really looks at the numerous cognition. 眼看着山王身形消失,紧接着又在严中原身后出现,这种近乎瞬移一般的身法着实刷新了现场和全网看众的认知。 Before then, they have thought flickers to move is only the style in Legend, this god only general ability cannot and should not appear on human cultivator absolutely. 在此之前,他们一直以为瞬移只是传说中的招式,这种神祇一般的能力绝对不会也不应该在人类修炼者身上出现。 However at this moment, they only felt full shock, fear of the heart! 然而此刻,他们只感受到了满满的震撼,还有发自内心的畏惧! Actually this does not flicker to move, but was the speed is about to break through the naked eye of large number person to catch ability too certainly, one visual false appearance that then formed. 其实这根本就不是瞬移,只不过是速度太快突破了绝大数人的肉眼捕捉能力,进而形成的一种视觉假象。 Naturally even so, the speed can quickly to this in even in Jianghai Institute is still extremely rare, but this matter regarding the monsters of five breakthrough growth shackles, can only be the elementary operation eo. 当然即便如此,速度能够快到这份上的即便在江海学院也是凤毛麟角,只不过这种事情对于五次突破生长枷锁的怪物来说,只能算是基本操作。 In fact, has the so terrifying mortal body, any sloppy ordinary every action and every movement fell on them become startled will explode the eyeball, oppresses strength ample! 事实上,坐拥如此恐怖的肉身,任何原本稀松平常的一举一动落在他们身上都会变得惊爆眼球,压迫力十足 A fist that just like the eye descending the mountain king wields conveniently. 正如眼下山王随手挥出的一拳。 With grating sonic boom air-splitting, mountain king the fist has suffered a relapse again on the strict Central Plain, the strict Central Plain was rumbled to fly beyond at the scene hundred meters. 伴随着一声刺耳的破空音爆,山王的拳头已经重重落在严中原身上,严中原当场被轰飞百米之外。 „Is this one puts in an appearance second to kill? Does put down for A seconds to kill?” “这是一个照面秒杀?还是一记平A秒杀?” In the network a piece calls out in alarm. 网络上一片惊呼。 As these years the technology product invasion of secular world, the modern culture also follows rapidly to infiltrate, the network terminology started the viral dissemination here. 这些年随着世俗界的科技产品入侵,现代文化也跟着快速渗透过来,连带网络用语都在这边开启了病毒式传播。 „The strict Central Plain is is very probably strong, may before this mountain king, insufficiently looks radically.” “严中原是好像很强,可在这个山王面前,还是根本不够看啊。” The live broadcast lens give on the strict Central Plain that could not fall to the ground, just a that terrifying fist, even/including Pangren looked at scalp tingles, trades to make general giant grand perfection Late Phase expert, fought with the fists dead directly is big probability incident! 直播镜头给到了倒地不起的严中原身上,刚刚那恐怖一拳,连旁人看了都头皮发麻,换做一般的巨头大圆满后期高手,直接被一拳打死是大概率事件 Although the strict Central Plain has not died probably, but also is evidently similar. 严中原虽然好像还没死,但看样子也已经差不多了。 However, expression that on the stand Lin Yi people have not actually been worried about, looks that this look is calm, even is also merry. 然而,看台上林逸一众人却没有丝毫担心的表情,看着这一幕一个个都神色从容,甚至还有说有笑。 Pushed aside of strict Central Plain under Lin Yi?” “难道严中原在林逸麾下是被排挤的那一个?” Some people discovered the gossip | eight trigrams news immediately: Looks at the Kubi appearance of strict Central Plain that face honest and good-natured person, knows in the team most receives a bully kind of person absolutely, this time was used by First, should be regarded the cannon fodder.” 有人顿时就发现了八卦新闻:“看严中原那一脸老实人的苦逼模样,就知道在团队中绝对是最受欺负的一类人,这次被第一个派上场,应该就是被当成炮灰了。”
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