SBPE :: Volume #16

#9796: Chapter 9796

Father, can this Zhao Rikun what background, handle Lin Yi?” “老爹,这个赵日坤到底什么来头,能不能搞定林逸啊?” Li Muyang asked in the one side. 李沐阳在一旁问道。 Li Songzhang sinking sound said: View person of conduct technique, I can guess that probably a come out point, with our non- friend also not enemy, making him confuse a Jianghai Institute is not the misdemeanor, worst, can make the huge trouble to Lin Yi.” 李诵章沉声道:“观此人行事手法,我大概能够猜出来一点,跟我们既非友亦非敌,让他去搅乱一番江海学院不是坏事,最不济,也能给林逸造成巨大的麻烦。” Li Muyang is stunned: Said that he couldn't tidy up Lin Yi?” 李沐阳愕然:“这么说他还是收拾不了林逸?” Li Songzhang said lightly: Does not arrive settles down finally, what result was very difficult saying that a point that but is certain was, even if Lin Yi this time can pass through by luck, still lost the serious damaging severely vitality inevitably, then wants to conform with the failing a grade fresh institute is dream of a fool.” 李诵章淡淡道:“不到最后尘埃落定,什么结果都还很难说,但可以肯定的一点是,林逸这次即便能够侥幸过关,也必然损失惨重大伤元气,接下来再想整合留级生院就是痴人说梦了。” Wall that in the world has not ventilated. 天底下没有不透风的墙。 Lin Yi wants to conform with the news of failing a grade fresh institute in the major top influences, has not been what was secret, in fact this is also Lin Yi intends to show the wind sound/rumor. 林逸想要整合留级生院的消息在各大顶级势力之间,已经算不上是什么机密了,事实上这也是林逸有意让人透出风声。 After all this matter, must always make the litigant a little preparation good, cannot do one to attack directly suddenly, comes to compel in person column fragrance to make the choice. 毕竟这种事情,总还是要让当事人有点心理准备才行,总不能直接搞一个突然袭击,上门逼着人一柱香内做出抉择吧。 Since must work as high-rank, must appear the pattern and breadth of spirit of high-rank. 既然要当上位者,就必须显出上位者的格局和气魄。 The plot planned only to calculate for a while, cannot go to the large table-board eventually, only had open and aboveboard, can a true achievement side meteorology! 阴谋算计只能算一时,终究上不了大台面,唯有堂堂正正,才能真正成就一方气象! This challenge match, to cope with Zhao Rikun, rather is Lin Yi takes the opportunity to conquer other three five great stages, this is also five great summit meeting most important in-depth meaning! 这次擂台赛,与其说是为了对付赵日坤,倒不如说是林逸借机征服其他三家五巨的舞台,这也正是五巨峰会最重要的深层意涵! Lin Yi five greets with other three pale with a smile greatly, the secret needless saying that the tyrant and flame pond also nod with him. 林逸淡笑着跟其他三位五巨打了个招呼,天机自不必说,暴君和炎池也都跟他点头致意。 Did not say that has what idea in secret, but at least in surface, even they must give Lin Yi enough respect, no one wants to become next by the goal that Lin Yi stares at with emphasis. 不说私底下有什么想法,但至少在面上,即便他们也必须给予林逸足够的尊重,谁也不想成为下一个被林逸重点盯上的目标。 After all learning from another's mistakes of alone king Heduo dragon places there, is beyond control they is not serious. 毕竟独王和堕龙的前车之鉴放在那里,由不得他们不当一回事。 As the Lin Yi people take a seat, presses intentionally is trying to appear lead halo Zhao Rikun then to lead under an numerous finally the long in coming, along with, even if causes the audience to clamor. 随着林逸众人落座,故意压在最后试图显出自己主角光环的赵日坤这才带着一众麾下姗姗来迟,随即便又引起全场喧哗。 Even is away from all big shot of screen, holds breath a cold air/Qi. 甚至就连隔着屏幕的各方大佬,也都纷纷倒吸一口冷气。 Puts together completely, entire 40 giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert and giant grand perfection Late Phase expert, population such many high-end strengths, gave to press the audience directly! 全部加在一起,整整四十位巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手和巨头大圆满后期高手,人数如此之多的高端战力,直接把全场都给压了下去! Let alone other influences, even Li Songzhang and the others look absolutely terrifiedly, must know, even if his entire city main mansion adds, does not have so many high-end strengths. 别说其他势力,甚至就连李诵章等人都看得毛骨悚然,要知道就算他整个城主府加起来,也都没有这么多的高端战力啊。 Such exaggerating luxurious lineup, perhaps also only then as overall Jianghai Institute can constant voltage its, but in fact, unified Jianghai Institute is a red herring. 这样夸张奢华的阵容,恐怕也只有作为整体的江海学院才能稳压其一头了,可事实上,统一的江海学院本身就是一个伪命题。 If Jianghai Institute really the complete body, why the day makes Lin Yi conform with the failing a grade fresh institute toward the sun, why also drags in lots of people to do the school summit meeting! 江海学院真要是完整一体,天向阳又何必让林逸整合留级生院,又何必兴师动众搞学院峰会! Suddenly, online public opinion wind direction big change. 一时间,网上舆论风向大变。 Before favored the Lin Yi's community to shift in abundance, without the means that they do not think that hit the face, was the situation compared with person, under so exaggerating the lineup by Zhao Rikun, judged with the vision of average man, even if put a dog to come up not to know how should lose. 之前看好林逸的群体纷纷转向,没办法,他们也不想自己打自己脸,可是形势比人强,以赵日坤麾下如此夸张的阵容,以常人的眼光来判断,就算放条狗上去都不知道该怎么输。 Let alone, Zhao Rikun is also giant ultimate grand perfection expert, top strength without a doubt! 何况,赵日坤本人也是巨头终极大圆满高手,毋庸置疑的顶级战力! „The Lin Yi danger, it seems like later the failing a grade fresh institute must cloud over!” 林逸危险了,看来以后留级生院要变天了!” Far more than is the failing a grade fresh institute, in my opinion the entire Jianghai Institute must cloud over continually, whether the day family/home could continue to hold on to the position of leader to be difficult to say!” “何止是留级生院,依我看连整个江海学院都要变天了,天家能否继续坐稳领头人的位置都难说!” Is listening to all sorts of discussions under field, Zhao Rikun shows a self-satisfied smile. 听着场下的种种议论,赵日坤不由露出一个得意的笑容。 This group of floors, although anything does not know, but this saying has not really spoken incorrectly actually, his ambition truly is not only restricted in the failing a grade fresh institute, the entire Jianghai Institute is his goal. 这帮底层喽啰虽然什么都不知道,但这话倒是真没说错,他的野心确实不仅限于留级生院,整个江海学院才是他的目标。 Today is Lin Yi, next is day Xiangyang! 今天是林逸,下一个就是天向阳! Zhao Rikun swept already numerous five great that takes a seat lightly, full was arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest that was perfunctory casually, then since attended to having a under the hand | subordinate numerous high-end strength to take a seat another side of the arena. 赵日坤淡淡扫了早已入席的一众五巨一圈,满是敷衍的随便拱了拱手,便自顾带着手下一众高端战力在擂台另一侧落座。 Tyrant several people knit the brows slightly. 暴君几人微微皱眉。 Although they do not care about the person of section, but at least the etiquette on this scene will do, this is the minimum custom. 他们虽然都不是在意小节之人,可至少这种场面上的礼仪还是会做的,这是起码的规矩。 Today this seven pairs of seven challenge matches, to put it bluntly, their three are the Zhao Rikun common guarantors, looks on their face, Lin Yi will not respond. 今天这场七对七的擂台赛,说白了,他们三个是赵日坤的共同保人,要不是看在他们的面子上,林逸根本都不会搭理。 But now Zhao Rikun on the contrary to them unexpectedly is this attitude, as long as can the fire be big personally, let alone they solemn five great! 可如今赵日坤反倒对他们竟是这副态度,但凡是个人都会火大,何况他们堂堂五巨! However remembers the status of this person, three people finally simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform chose bearing patiently. 不过想起此人的身份,三人最终还是齐齐选择了隐忍。 Does not dread this person, does not dread this person, but regarding the respect of past that general affairs office chief, this face they must give. 并非忌惮此人,更不是畏惧此人,而是对于当年那位总务处长的敬意,这点面子他们必须得给。 Naturally, favor useful time completely. 当然,人情都有用尽的时候。 After today, Zhao Rikun how, that will be unrelated with them, even after all the general affairs office chief comes back not to have the qualifications to order them to make anything truly. 今天之后赵日坤会怎么样,那就与他们不相干了,毕竟就算是总务处长回来也没资格真正命令他们一定要做些什么。 Because of that oblique relations, face gives in this share, is enough. 因为那一点拐弯抹角的关系,面子给到这个份上,已经足够了。 Zhao Rikun looked, knits the brows: „Hasn't sea king come?” 赵日坤看了一圈,皱了皱眉道:“海王没来?” „......” “……” An numerous five looked greatly he immediately is a look that looks at retard. 一众五巨看他顿时就是一副看白痴的眼神。 In the past the general affairs office chief to the sea king to the rain lived, although also some help, but the sea king was the general affairs office deputy office chief, two people were the person of the same generation discuss the junction completely, even if that person came back is still polite, where you oblique skirt belt goods did come such big energy? 当年总务处长对海王向雨生虽说也有一些帮助,可海王是总务处副处长,两人完全是平辈论交,就算那人回来也都要客客气气,你一个拐弯抹角的裙带货哪来这么大的底气? Also is the sea king lives to the rain has not appeared, otherwise really on the scene, the a slap fan had passed to the attitude estimate of this goods, really thinks that everybody will be used to you! 也就是海王向雨生没有出现,否则真要在场,就冲着这货的态度估计已经一巴掌扇过去了,真以为谁都会惯着你啊! The violent temper of sea king, that is obvious to all. 海王的暴脾气,那可是有目共睹的。 Swept a people strange expression, Zhao Rikun is sneering curling the lip of: Since like this that do not waste the time, hurries to start, waited for here to finish up I also to have other arrangements.” 扫了一眼众人古怪的表情,赵日坤冷笑着撇了撇嘴:“既然这样那就别浪费时间了,赶紧开始吧,等这里完了事我还有其他安排呢。” Suffices to be crazy! 够狂! In the scene and network are bustling immediately, did not say how Lin Yi this litigants and other these five are great thinks, their these floor characters naturally watch the fun do not dislike the matter to be big. 现场和网络上顿时又是一片沸腾,不说林逸这位当事人和其他那些位五巨怎么想,他们这些底层人物自然是看热闹不嫌事大。 Especially regarding these anchors, Zhao Rikun is crazier, today's topic are more, naturally takes to their current capacity is also bigger, wishes for earnestly! 尤其对于这些主播来说,赵日坤越狂,今天的话题点就越多,自然带给他们的流量也就越大,求之不得! Rule is one-to-one, seven games of four victories, either one before on the scene admitted defeat on own initiative or the death, anybody can not meddle the showdown, otherwise the audience struck it.” “规则一对一,七局四胜,在场中任何一方主动认输或者死亡之前,任何人不得插手对决,否则全场共击之。” The tyrants carried the cask to speak thoughtlessly a rule, along with, even if from attending to with beautiful woman amusement, the beautiful woman with the good wine, the proper world enjoyed simply supremely, looked at audience men eyes to straighten. 暴君拎着酒桶随口说了一遍规则,随即便自顾跟身边的美人玩乐,美人配美酒,简直妥妥人间至尊享受,看得全场男人一阵眼睛发直。 In many people to them, one day must be able to mix in this, that even life grand perfection! 对他们中很多人来说,有一天要能混到这份上,那就算是人生大圆满了! The voice falls, the First participant who Lin Yi here sends out has then arrived, is the quiet strict Central Plain. 话音落下,林逸这边派出的第一位参赛者便已登场,正是沉默寡言的严中原。 Giant grand perfection Late Phase. 巨头大圆满后期
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