SBPE :: Volume #16

#9795: Chapter 9795

Future failing a grade lives the institute, does not need so many fellows of acting as one thinks fit. 未来的留级生院,不需要有那么多自行其是的家伙。 Lin Yi nods: „This actually ready-made good opportunity.” 林逸点点头:“这倒是一个现成的好机会。” Without this by the head, he wants to make tyrant these same places sit to discuss that is really not easy, after all even five great conferences, do not have the compulsory restraint strength to them. 若是没有这个由头,他想让暴君这几位一起坐下来谈还真没那么容易,毕竟就算是五巨会议,对他们来说也没有强制约束力。 If they do not want to attend, who has no way to force them. 他们如果不想出席,谁都没法逼迫他们。 But if on the grounds of this time with Zhao Rikun match, requests them as the testimony, personally the attendance, that was the logical matter. 可要是以这次跟赵日坤的对局为由,要求他们本人作为见证,亲自出席,那就是顺理成章的事情了。 To put it bluntly, they give Zhao Rikun face, Lin Yi have not actually will give them face. 说白了,他们给赵日坤面子,林逸却未必要给他们面子 Wish makes Lin Yi walk according to their paths, naturally must give the corresponding sincerity, otherwise this game had no way to play. 想要让林逸照着他们的路子走,自然就得给出相应的诚意,否则这游戏就没法玩下去了。 As Lin Yi gives the formal response, quick, the reputations of five great summits will spread over the entire failing a grade fresh institute shortly. 随着林逸这边给出正面答复,很快,五巨峰会的名头顷刻之间传遍整个留级生院。 Lin Yi and Zhao Rikun, naturally is this summit meeting most important lead. 林逸和赵日坤,自然是这场峰会最重要的主角。 Simultaneously other three five great also determine attended personally, as for under 13 outstanding and all influence, goes after like ducks, spreads the wind sound/rumor to send the respective Leader person to attend this failing a grade fresh institute unprecedented top grand meeting. 同时其他三位五巨也确定亲自出席,至于底下的十三杰和各方势力,更是趋之若鹜,纷纷放出风声要派各自的当家人出席这场留级生院前所未有的顶级盛会。 Is the unimportant person, often more cares regarding this matter, often is also careful. 越是小人物,对于这种事情往往就越是在意,往往也就越是上心。 Because they are unable to decide oneself destiny, attended this top situation, although will also be doomed not to have any right to speak, but at least can adjudicate the great people of their destiny to these about. 因为他们无法决定自己的命运,出席这种顶级场合虽然也注定不会有任何的发言权,但至少可以离那些能够裁决他们命运的大人物们近一点。 At least, they can the First time know that following wind direction, the Congming/smart one who understands the times then can take advantage of opportunity, but is. 至少,他们可以第一时间知道接下来的风向,聪明识时务者便可以顺势而为。 Did not say that controls the destiny in own hand, but when is doomed to the destiny to compromise to lower the head, at least can lead other same level unimportant person one steps, snatches a good body. 不说将命运掌握在自己的手里,但在注定要向命运妥协低头的时候,起码能够领先其他同级的小人物一步,抢到一个好身位。 In fact, the influence of this five great summit meeting does not stop in the failing a grade fresh institute, the entire Jianghai Institute entire network, is even paying attention to this grand occasion. 事实上,这场五巨峰会的影响力远不止于留级生院内部,整个江海学院甚至全网络,都在关注着这场盛事。 Because of before then, the day has started to catch a chill toward the sun personally, drums up support for the following school all parties top summit meeting preheating. 因为在此之前,天向阳已经亲自开始吹风,为接下来的学院各方顶级峰会造势预热。 To a certain extent, Lin Yi as the five great summit meeting of lead, it can be said that the prologue of school summit meeting, the most grand prologue! 某种程度上,林逸作为主角的这场五巨峰会,可说是学院峰会的一场序幕,一场最隆重的序幕! The summit meeting on the same day, the well-known anchors in entire Jianghai city arrived at the scene to squat early, wear actually originally because of the seal independence, but fame failing a grade not obviously lived institute all parties to create a wave of propaganda well. 峰会当天,整个江海城的知名主播都早早到达现场蹲守,着实为原本因封闭自立而名气不显的留级生院各方好好做了一波宣传。 I go! That was not the new promote 13 outstanding gentleman swords, how the same as squat with us under this, didn't a seat have?” “我去!那不是新晋十三杰的君子剑吗,怎么跟我们一样蹲在这底下,连个位子都没有啊?” Nonsense, today's lead is five great, has 13 outstanding positions in five great front where?” “废话,今天的主角是五巨,在五巨面前哪有十三杰的位置?” Said that presently five great are also vacancy one? Can have 13 to force up outstandingly?” “说起来现在五巨是不是还空缺一个呢?会不会有十三杰顶上去?” You may really be the layman, failing a grade fresh institute so many years, 13 have not been promoted five great precedents outstandingly!” “你们可真是外行人,留级生院这么多年,从来就没有过十三杰晋级五巨的先例!” How that are five great comes?” “那五巨怎么来的?” Naturally is the monster rookie original under five cut to fall greatly, then reaches the sky in a single bound to advance into five greatly, you look at the forest greatly five are not such high-rank?” “当然是怪物新人将原来的五巨斩落马下,然后一步登天跻身五巨呗,你看林五巨不就是这么上位的吗?” Suddenly, after previous city main mansion incident, Lin Yi inevitable and becomes the entire net focus. 一时间,继上次城主府事件之后,林逸不可避免的又成为了全网焦点。 Had the busybody to display him to enter a series of scores of Jianghai Institute, the post searches for First by the top on instantaneously hotly, the Lin Yi two characters become counterattack Holy Bible in everyone mind all of a sudden! 有好事者罗列了他进入江海学院的一系列战绩,帖子瞬间被顶上热搜第一,林逸两个字更是一下子成为了所有人心目中的逆袭圣经! Ten rookie kings, the scientific theory will challenge Du Wuhui, the failing a grade fresh institute cut to kill the alone king Heduo dragon, refined appearance Shen confront the Sky King herd god! 十席新人王,学理会挑战杜无悔,留级生院先后斩杀独王和堕龙,风神沈家对阵天王牧神! Lin Yi's each high-rank follows the iron valiant score, looks at various he most not pleasing to the eyes group of sprayers even if , can only discredit from various fabricated moral behavior angles. 林逸的每一次上位都伴随着铁打的彪悍战绩,以致于哪怕是看他最不顺眼的各路喷子,也都只能从各种莫须有的人品角度进行抹黑。 It is not they do not think that black Lin Yi's strength, is really black motionless. 不是他们不想黑林逸的实力,实在是黑不动啊。 Even if received Li Muyang and money of Jiang Ziheng this group of people, they also can only brace oneself to make oblique charges several, this also meets is submerged by the saliva instantaneously, even was spurted under the shame to broadcast. 哪怕收了李沐阳和姜子衡这帮人的钱,他们也只能硬着头皮含沙射影几句,就这都还会瞬间就被口水淹没,甚至生生被喷到耻辱下播。 After all, looked generally the numerous eyes are not blind. 毕竟,广大看众的眼睛又不是瞎的。 Finally, with the admission of First position five great tyrants, led to the First wave upsurge. 终于,随着第一位五巨暴君的入场,引发了现场的第一波热潮。 Then is the secret and flame pond. 紧接着便是天机和炎池。 In the past because failing a grade fresh institute extremely close reason, even if these stands in the top facade strength, the outside world generally also understood very little, but now with the huge exposure that Lin Yi has, these five great were also becoming the focus center of entire network. 以往由于留级生院太过封闭的缘故,哪怕是这几位站在顶层的门面战力,外界普遍也都知之甚少,而如今随着林逸带起来的巨大曝光量,连带着这几位五巨也都成了全网络的聚焦中心。 Suddenly, in the network analyzes to discuss that several five great and post of respective subordinate high-end strength emits in abundance, although overwhelming majorities are the conjecture ingredient are in the majority, but pours is not solid stuff does not have. 一时间,网络上分析讨论几位五巨及其各自麾下高端战力的帖子纷纷冒出,虽然这其中绝大多数都是臆想成分居多,不过倒也不是一点干货都没有。 The following not being able to go round topic is, now these five great whose are strength stronger? 随之而来一个绕不开的话题就是,如今这几位五巨到底谁的实力更强? Station Lin Yi's naturally is the mainstream. 林逸的自然是主流。 Did not say that his huge topic halo, is only that a series of score becomes the ironclad proof sufficiently, especially loses in his under the hand | subordinate has alone king Heduo dragon these two five great! 不说他本身的巨大话题光环,光是那一系列战绩就足以成为铁证,尤其折戟在他手下的就有独王和堕龙这两位五巨! However also has the opponent. 不过也有反对者。 The reason is also very compelling, to their ranks, the passing score and so on can only be the embellishment, only has fights truly full power has been able to know that who is high who lowers. 理由也很充分,到了他们这个级别,过往战绩之类只能算是点缀,彼此之间唯有真正全力交手过才能知道谁高谁低。 The secret that is good at deducing not to mention, the tyrants and flame pond these more than two years do not act senior five great, once makes a move to have the possibility to be earth-shaking extremely. 擅长推演的天机且不说,暴君和炎池这两位多年不出手的资深五巨,一旦出手就极有可能石破天惊。 After all they became five greatly are many year ago matters, so many years passed by, who dares saying that they certainly without progress, who dares saying that they would have no to suppress super big killing move silently? 毕竟他们成为五巨已是很多年之前的事了,这么多年过去,谁敢说他们就一定没有进步,谁敢说他们就没有默默憋着一个超级大杀招 Great controversy in the adjoint network, Lin Yi has subordinate numerous core strength to have in the presently lens finally. 伴随着网络上的巨大争议,林逸带着麾下一众核心战力终于出现在镜头之中。 At this moment, not only surrounds the lively network water friend, the head of all big influence also showed the serious expression. 这一刻,不仅是围观热闹的网络水友,各方大势力的头头脑脑也都纷纷露出了郑重的表情。 Day family/home Sir day Xiangyang who these include the school leaders, the Jianghai city First person, the city lord Li Songzhang. 这其中就包括学院领头人的天家大爷天向阳,还有江海城第一人,城主李诵章。 Might be called shame one of the life black history after before, Li Songzhang has hated to the marrow of the bones about Lin Yi, however was so, under the heart more dreaded to Lin Yi. 经过之前堪称一生黑历史的耻辱一幕,李诵章对林逸已是恨之入骨,然而越是如此,心下对林逸就越是忌惮。 This is his instinct is doomed. 这是他的天性注定。 To was inferior that own opponent, he can play 100 patterns to play the opposite party, moreover swallows, could not say him is not. 对上不如自己的对手,他可以玩出一百种花样将对方生生玩死,而且还有苦难言,说不出一句他的不是。 But if meets compared with he also domineering enemy, actually meets the choice of instinct to bear patiently, even if has occasionally hot blooded above wants the upfront to spell hardly, still by his reason forcefully is pressed. 可要是遇上比他还强势的敌人,却会本能的选择隐忍,即便偶有热血上头想要正面硬拼的时候,也会被他的理智强行压下去。 I must endure, endure true Jianghai First, this is almost Li Songzhang lifetime creed. 我要忍,忍成真正的江海第一,这几乎就是李诵章的毕生信条。 Let alone is away from the screen, even if now Lin Yi oneself stand in his front, his big probability still at most is only cold snort/hum one, even cold face will not suspend come out, instead can stylization adopts a big shot soft stance, making anybody select not to make a mistake. 别说隔着屏幕,如今就算林逸本人就站在他的面前,他大概率也顶多只是冷哼一声,甚至连个冷脸都不会摆出来,反而会程式化的摆出一副大佬温和姿态,让任何人都挑不出错来。
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