SBPE :: Volume #16

#9794: Chapter 9794

Also therefore, his ambitious belt/bring person is returning to the Jianghai city, is a series failing a grade fresh institute, in the future even must go a step further, directly reaching entire Jianghai Institute! 也正因此,他雄心勃勃带人重返江海城,就是要一统留级生院,日后甚至还要更进一步,直接登顶整个江海学院! He really has this energy. 他是真有这个底气。 Before the under the hand | subordinate this group of people's performance also truly made him see several points hope, after all the true trump card in the hand did not have in a situation, can press nearly Lin Yi Group cannot breathe, which are really not casual have this ability. 之前手下这帮人的表现也确实让他看到了几分希望,毕竟在手中真正王牌都还没出的情况下,能将林逸集团压得近乎喘不过气来,真不是随便哪家都有这份能耐的。 Who can think, that side Lin Yi just counter-attacked from the beginning, reveals one's true colors immediately. 谁能想到,林逸那边刚一开始反击,立马就原形毕露。 Mud cannot hold the wall! The dog meat cannot take the banquet! You deserve waste for a lifetime exactly! If we had known Father should not be enlightened to you initially will trade the life another day, should fill the excrement to fill the urine to you, that conforms to the true colors of your waste!” “烂泥扶不上墙!狗肉上不了酒席!你们就活该当一辈子的废物!早知道当初老子就不该给你们醍醐灌顶改天换命,应该给你们灌屎灌尿,那才符合你们废物的本色!” Zhao Rikun is pointing at nose crack cursed that presents everyone, the saying words shout abuse in public the vixen are coarser, but must be revolting to the ear. 赵日坤指着在场每一个人的鼻子破口大骂,说出口的话比泼妇骂街还要难听,还要不堪入耳。 Trades to make other giant grand perfection Late Phase peak high-end strengths normally, at this time perhaps had gotten angry, expert has the expert dignity, even if giant ultimate grand perfection expert , must have the insult of bottom line they! 正常换做其他巨头大圆满后期巅峰的高端战力,这个时候恐怕早已翻脸了,高手都有高手的尊严,哪怕是巨头终极大圆满高手,也不能这么没有底线的辱骂他们! This is all high-end strength minimum pride. 这是所有高端战力最起码的骄傲。 However from beginning to end, this group should have the enough energy high-end strength in all person eyes, does not dare on the throat the throat unexpectedly obstinately, is shrinking the head collectively, just like one crowd was scared quail. 然而从头到尾,这帮在所有人眼里都该有着足够底气的高端战力,竟愣是连吭都不敢吭上一声,集体缩着脑袋,犹如一群被吓傻了的鹌鹑。 Scolded for quite a while, Zhao Rikun scolded finally tired. 骂了半天,赵日坤终于骂累了。 At this time a low and deep sound conveyed: Why Head Zhao so loses one's temper, the fellow who their these does abhiseka one time, the itself/Ben is the waste cannon fodder who is used for the clear mixed soldier, is some people have the boundary parallel import in the final analysis, does not need to them too high.” 这时一个低沉的声音传来:“赵总何必如此动怒,他们这些一次灌顶的家伙,本就是用来清杂兵的废物炮灰,说到底都不过是些徒有境界的水货而已,没必要对他们寄望太高。” With voice, one line of six people in front of presently people. 伴随着话音,一行六人出现在众人面前。 Although judged from the boundary aura, these six people are also only giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, and has no difference from the numerous so-called parallel import high-end strength on the scene, but their aura obviously are more valiant. 虽然从境界气息判断,这六人也都只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,跟在场一众所谓的水货高端战力并没有任何区别,可他们的气息明显要彪悍许多。 In them any, in a stand toward the field naturally sends out a vicious pressure, like arriving at the top predator in hunting ground, pressing the people on the scene is trembling, the atmosphere of instinct does not dare to breathe previous. 他们之中的任何一个,往场中一站都自然散发出一股凶狠的威压,如同来到了猎场的顶级掠食者,压得在场一众人战战兢兢,本能的大气都不敢喘上一口。 Zhao Rikun smiled, these six talents are the true trump cards of his trip, changing life of two doing abhiseka! 赵日坤笑了,这六人才是他此行的真正王牌,二次灌顶的改命者! But thinks that recent declining tendency, Zhao Rikun complexion is also immediately cloudy: Their this group of cannon fodders cannot withstand, comes up to press your cards in a hand? If by some chance that Lin Yi prepared what trap, gives us to come to do things in the same way regardless of circumstances, that may not be unamusing.” 可是一想到近期的颓势,赵日坤脸色顿时就又阴沉下来:“他们这帮炮灰顶不住,难道一上来就把你们这些底牌压上去?万一那个林逸准备了什么陷阱,给我们来个一锅烩,那可就不好玩了。” Although he is ambitious, is the heart is also higher than the day. 他虽然野心勃勃,同时也是心比天高。 But all sorts of astonishing scores of Lin Yi near future are placed there, even if he with for giant ultimate grand perfection expert, somewhat is afraid, really must make his presently go with Lin Yi to select to breakneck only, he also really not necessarily has that courage! 林逸近期的种种惊人战绩摆在那里,哪怕他同为巨头终极大圆满高手,也都不禁有些心虚,真要让他现在就去跟林逸单挑玩命,他还真未必有那个胆子! In the final analysis, his strong point does not lie in selecting only, but lies in heaven defying changing to assign/life, lot manufacturing high-end strength! 说到底,他的强项并不在于跟人单挑,而在于给人逆天改命,批量制造高端战力! In fact let alone selects only, even if presents so many high-end strengths on together, really must breakneck by Lin Yi's strength, not necessarily cannot eat. 事实上别说单挑,就算在场这么多高端战力一起上,以林逸的实力真要玩命,也都未必吃不下来。 When the time comes even if not annihilated, their still casualties are inevitably serious. 到时候就算不是全军覆没,他们必然也都伤亡惨重。 This does not conform to him to rule the vast ambition of Jianghai Institute! 这可不符合他统治江海学院的浩大野心! In six people was glasses man of head smiled saying with a smile: Head Zhao, since does not want to do things in the same way regardless of circumstances, that not Tathagata plays a game with them, by you with the origin of that general affairs office chief, the sea kings and several other five should not reject you small request greatly.” 六人之中为首的眼镜男子笑了笑道:“赵总既然不想被一锅烩,那不如来跟他们玩一场游戏,以您跟那位总务处长的渊源,想必海王和其他几位五巨应该不会拒绝您一点小小的要求。” Zhao Rikun came the interest: What plays?” 赵日坤来了兴致:“什么游戏?” The glasses man child tone said spookily: Seven pairs seven selects the game only, seven games of four victories, how?” 眼镜男子语气幽幽道:“七对七的单挑游戏,七局四胜,如何?” Interesting.” “有意思。” Zhao Rikun eyes are greatly bright, this can display him thoroughly the stage of strong point, then can the Lin Yi's personal clout forcing to lowest, after all he even again strong, still takes one game at most, fundamental decision general situation. 赵日坤眼睛大亮,这才是能够彻底发挥他这边强项的舞台,如此一来便能将林逸的个人影响力压到最低,毕竟他就算再强,也顶多拿下一局而已,根本决定不了大局。 Why doesn't decide the population many?” “为何不把人数定得更多一点?” Zhao Rikun has doubts to say immediately. 赵日坤随即又疑惑道。 glasses man shakes the head: Under Lin Yi high-end strength that several, the population are too many they not to comply, let alone really must make the waste that these does abhiseka one time go on stage, if left accidentally/surprisingly is also troublesome, only then our changing life of these two doing abhiseka, were sure of success!” 眼镜男子摇头:“林逸麾下的高端战力就那几个,人数太多他们不会答应的,何况真要让这些一次灌顶的废物上场,万一出了意外也是麻烦,只有我们这几个二次灌顶的改命者,才是稳操胜券!” Zhao Rikun swept front this crowd of quail one, immediately is deep to be so: Good that said that my makes them act accordingly!” 赵日坤扫了面前这群鹌鹑一眼,顿时深以为然:“说的不错,我这就让他们照办!” Quick, then passed to Lin Yi here from another three five great information. 很快,来自另外三位五巨的信息便传到了林逸这里。 Looks at the above content, a Lin Yi face is strange: Seven pairs seven? Seven games of four victories?” 看着上面的内容,林逸一脸古怪:“七对七?七局四胜?” Since arrives at Sky Step Island, he very long has not listened to this fireworks taste strong rule, in his mind will also compete the competition to present this kind of method on the sports and electricity of secular world, has not thought that can have failing a grade that presently here giant grand perfection expert will converge to live the institute unexpectedly. 自从来到天阶岛,他已经很久没听过这种烟火味浓厚的规则了,在他印象中也就世俗界的体育和电竞比赛才会出现这类玩法,没想到竟会出现在这里巨头大圆满高手云集的留级生院。 Zhao Rikun? Has not heard this name.” “赵日坤?没听说过这个名字啊。” Hong Baxian looks at the Proper Inscriptions personal name in information, recalled for quite a while carefully, by him the qualifications of failing a grade fresh institute unexpectedly is being unimpressive. 洪霸先看着信息中的落款人名,仔细回想了半天,以他在留级生院的资历竟是毫无印象。 Shen Yifan knits the brows: This person can persuade the tyrant, the flame pond and secret three simultaneously five great acts for him, face is actually much bigger, is really in the general affairs office chief with that Legend relates closely, won't be own son?” 沈一凡皱眉道:“此人能够同时说动暴君、炎池和天机三位五巨替他出面,面子倒是大得可怕,难道真是跟那位传说中的总务处长关系密切,不会是亲儿子吧?” No matter what the day two said in the one side carelessly: We do not respond, continue to hit, what to do look at him!” 任天二在一旁大大咧咧道:“我们就是不搭理,继续往死里打,看他怎么办!” Yue Jian follows to echo: face, he in face that here has, what before first under evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is he, now suffers a loss wants to trade the game rule? Trades, hits come out his excrement!” 岳渐跟着附和:“面子,他在我们这里有个屁的面子,之前抢先下黑手的是他,如今吃了亏就想换游戏规则?换个屁,把他屎都打出来!” white Yuxuan actually knits the brows to remind: Naturally must hit to this Zhao Rikun, but if then wants to conform with the failing a grade fresh institute, several other five great face actually must give, otherwise had no way to discuss when the time comes.” 白雨轩却皱眉提醒道:“对这个赵日坤自然是要往死里打,可如果接下来想要整合留级生院,其他几位五巨的面子却也不能一点都不给,否则到时候就没法谈了。” The day under gives the Lin Yi's order toward the sun, making him conform with the failing a grade fresh institute. 天向阳下给林逸的命令,让他整合留级生院。 This matter pure by hitting is not possible, not to mention Lin Yi Group does not have to select other three strength at present simultaneously only, really must fall the situation of people's public enemies, only a sea king is born with have no way to process to the rain. 这种事情纯靠打是不可能的,且不说林逸集团眼下还没有同时单挑其他三家的实力,真要落个全民公敌的处境,单是一个海王向雨生就没法处理。 By Lin Yi current strength, lived to the rain to the Shanghai kings did not say that a strength to hit back did not have, but must say that can one to one win, that was a little says. 林逸目前的实力,对上海王向雨生不说一点还手之力都没有,可要说能够一对一战而胜之,那还是有点说说的。 Therefore, the only means of conformity failing a grade fresh institute discussed, naturally the premise sets up enough strength advantage. 所以,整合留级生院的唯一办法就是谈,当然前提是树立起足够的实力优势。 After having the advantage, forces several other to sit the peace talks, even if unable truly about to be, that still at least needs to form a formal offensive and defensive alliance. 有了优势之后再逼迫其他几家坐下来和谈,即便无法真正合为一家,那也至少要形成一个正式的攻守同盟。 And in this foundation, to failing a grade fresh institute boundless many other influences including 13, conducts a large-scale annexation conformity! 并在这个基础上,对留级生院茫茫多的包括十三杰在内的其他势力,进行一场大规模的兼并整合!
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