SBPE :: Volume #16

#9793: Chapter 9793

The people are eager to try immediately. 众人顿时跃跃欲试。 This days they may go bad aggrievedly, although each upfront fights not necessarily drops the wind, but because has scruples the tremendous defense pressure, the distressed feeling of really a little being tired out from the press. 这段日子他们可都憋屈坏了,虽说每一次正面交手未必就落下风,可因为顾忌到巨大的防卫压力,着实有点疲于奔命的狼狈感。 presently, had Lin Yi these words to suspend here, can give it all finally! 现在,有林逸这句话摆在这里,总算可以放手一搏了! Shen Yifan reminded: „Was east district unexpected?” 沈一凡提醒道:“东区不防了?” The east district is their present bases, it can be said that supreme headquarters general existence, once gives up defending, that is similar to the family/home the portal to open greatly, sleeps continually do not want to rest steadfastly. 东区是他们如今的根据地,也可说是大本营一般的存在,一旦放弃防守,那就如同家里洞门大开,连睡觉都别想睡得踏实。 Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: I.” 林逸笑笑:“我在呢。” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stares, immediately remembers this goods abnormal ability, in abundance suddenly. 众人齐齐一愣,随即想起这货变态能力,不由纷纷恍然。 Own this Boss is called new generation the king of clone, he does not need to leave alone king hall, so long as sits drinks a tea to brush a video here, has countless clone to run about to work outside. 自家这位老大可是被称为新一代的分身之王啊,他本人根本都不需要离开独王殿,只要坐在这里喝个茶刷个视频,就有不计其数的分身在外面跑腿干活。 Key these clone also all are domain clone, is casual strength to be intrepid makes one want to cry but have no tears, really must discuss, Lin Yi own defense efficiency all arrives on the scene! 关键这些分身还全是领域分身,其中随便一个都实力强悍得令人欲哭无泪,真要论起来,林逸自己一个人的防守效率就抵得过在场全部! Really the goods must throw compared with the goods, the person must die. 真是货比货得扔,人比人得死。 Especially to Lin Yi this boundary, branched out some clone is not to him consumed, after all the domain has the continuous characteristics, only if surpasses withstands the limit, otherwise natural does not fear the consumption. 尤其到了林逸这个境界,分出些许分身对他来说已经算不上消耗了,毕竟领域本身就有着源源不断的特点,除非超出承受限度,否则天然就不怕消耗。 This is also domain expert compares other cultivator decisive superiorities! 这也是领域高手相比其他修炼者的决定性优势! Major Family younger generation will come several days later, makes them relieve a garrison, happen to practices training, making them wear in as soon as possible.” “等过几天各大家族子弟过来了,就让他们换防,正好练一练兵,让他们尽快磨合。” Lin Yi complies to take over including symbol Wang Family this group of Family younger generation, solely is not a business, is the sincerity preparation picks up a group of people to train from them. 林逸之所以答应接手包括阵符王家在内这帮家族子弟,可不单单是一桩生意,同时也是真心准备从他们中间挑出一批人培养一下。 Although this group of Family younger generation boundary generally is inferior to student of Jianghai Institute, but the Family background is placed there after all, the background will not miss on the whole are too many, is the ideal candidate strength. 虽然这帮家族子弟的境界普遍不如江海学院的学生,但毕竟家族底蕴摆在那里,底子大体上都不会差太多,算是理想的候补力量。 The people go accordingly. 众人应声而去。 Following days, as all of Lin Yi Group core strength send out, the entire failing a grade fresh institute falls into the tight atmosphere that a mountain rain wanted. 接下来的这段日子,随着林逸集团核心战力的全体出动,整个留级生院都陷入了一种山雨欲来的紧张氛围之中。 Not is only several other five great, other 13 outstanding and all influence, chose the contraction defense wisely, even the everywhere junkmen were few. 不仅是其他几位五巨,其他十三杰和各方势力,也都纷纷明智的选择了收缩防守,甚至就连无处不在的拾荒者们都少了。 Unless it is absolutely essential, no longer come out activity. 不到万不得已,一个个都不再出来活动 The entire failing a grade fresh institute fell into a strange tranquility. 整个留级生院陷入了一种诡异的平静。 However everyone understands, this is only tranquility before the storm gather, as Lin Yi Group and that helps the front impact of mysterious regiment, the failing a grade fresh institute will certainly welcome an unprecedented war. 不过所有人都明白,这只是暴风雨来临之前的平静,随着林逸集团和那帮神秘军团的正面碰撞,留级生院必将迎来一场前所未有的大战。 Some people even had a premonition, the scale of this war will not even be smaller than beforehand Lin Yi and five great wars between dropping dragons! 有人甚至预感,这场大战的规模甚至不会小于之前林逸与堕龙之间的五巨战争! This war is doomed prolonged, if that helps the mysterious regiment unable to go into hiding, Lin Yi Group wants, in big failing a grade lives in the institute to clutch come out them, big of difficulty did not say that is difficult such as to ascend to heaven, is the sea fishes the sand. 这场战争注定旷日持久,如果那帮神秘军团隐匿不出,林逸集团想要在偌大的留级生院中把他们揪出来,难度之大不说是难如登天,也是大海捞沙。 However quick, everyone discovered oneself underestimated Lin Yi Group strength by far. 然而很快,所有人就发现自己还是远远低估了林逸集团实力 Before had not felt, these moved time , the entire failing a grade fresh institute was raised one unexpectedly shortly upside down. 之前还没觉得,这一次动起真格,整个留级生院竟是顷刻之间就被掀了一个底朝天。 Under Lin Yi the group of core strengths, may have the pure boorish fellow of brain, they excel may not only fight, by find someone, they have 100 means. 林逸麾下的这帮核心战力,可不是没有脑子的纯莽夫,他们擅长的可不仅仅是打架,论找人,他们有一百种办法。 This group of mysterious regiments the hiding place was blown out, but this, was one's turn them unable to attend to one thing without losing track of another thing. 这帮神秘军团的藏身之地一个一个被爆出,而这一回,轮到他们顾此失彼了。 During this period, they were also once attempting wide scope surprise attack that organized several times to the east district. 在这期间,他们也曾尝试着组织了几次对东区的大范围突袭。 When the enemy turning out in full strength military is void, destroys Yellow Dragon to capture the opposite party den, this mentality cannot miscalculate absolutely, only their ran upon the Lin Yi's clone army pitifully. 趁着敌人倾巢而出兵力空虚之时,直捣黄龙攻取对方老巢,这个思路绝对不能算错,只可惜他们一头撞上了林逸的分身大军。 Then, was exploded a crispness. 然后,被炸了个爽。 Everyone thinks that Lin Yi these clone most fearful places, lies in bringing the domain, as everyone knows, these clone true fearful places lie from exploding. 所有人都以为林逸这些分身最可怕的地方,在于一个个都自带领域,殊不知,这些分身真正的可怕之处在于自爆。 Maximum might from exploding, even is threatening to general giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 最大威力的自爆,就算是对一般的巨头终极大圆满高手都有威胁。 After all explodes, is the art. 毕竟爆炸,就是艺术。 Therefore the aspect develops rapidly after a sudden turn to this group of mysterious regiments immediately, attacks, cannot attack, as long as presently many of them see the Lin Yi's appearance on the neurasthenia, for fear that comes to the field , after without delay modern explosion art. 于是局面对这帮神秘军团而言顿时急转直下,攻,攻不进去,现在他们中的许多人但凡看到林逸的模样就神经衰弱,生怕二话不说就来场后现代的爆炸艺术。 All with returning to their heads that as for the defense, Lin Yi Group the group of core strength really extremely draft animals, initially these method moves that uses not to fall them did not say, but also developed all kinds of new trick. 至于防守,林逸集团的这帮核心战力又实在太过牲口,把他们当初用的那些手段一招不落的全部用回到了他们自己头上不说,还开发出了五花八门的新花样。 For several days, had presented many casualties. 短短几天时间,就已出现了多人伤亡。 Although Lin Yi Group also must pay the price, but as occupying absolutely initiative attack side, so long as is not does, extremely advances recklessly rashly, this casualties are completely controllable. 虽说林逸集团这边也必然要付出代价,但作为占据绝对主动的进攻方,只要不是自己作死,太过莽撞冒进,这种伤亡是完全可控的。 Let alone Lin Yi has five lines of wood element great powers extremely, not only can the self-recovery, be able to be used to treat the wounded person. 何况林逸有着五行化极的木系回天,不仅能够自愈,同时也能用来治疗伤员。 Strict Central Plain group of people are injured even, even if seems like mortal wound awfully, so long as did not die at the scene, returns to is treating side Lin Yi to east district alone king hall, was vivid in less than two days, even strength will also become stronger! 严中原这帮人就算受了伤,哪怕是看起来要命的致命伤,只要不是当场死亡,送回到东区独王殿在林逸身边待着,用不了两天就又生龙活虎了,甚至实力还会变得更强! Reviews this group of mysterious regiments, in the event of the buckle, that was the real buckle. 反观这帮神秘军团,一旦出现折损,那就是真的折损了。 Under is in inverse proportion, both sides morale already completely not in a level. 此消彼长之下,双方士气已经完全不在一个层级。 Everyone thinks this is an unrivalled war, finally is advocating both sides has not entered the stage, has exhibited the one-sided situation, Lin Yi Group just caught up, the opposite felt must lie down. 原本所有人都以为这将是一场旷世之战,结果连双方正主都还没有出场,就已经呈现出了一边倒的态势,林逸集团这边刚一发力,对面给人的感觉就已经要躺下了。 Failing a grade fresh institute somewhere secret base. 留级生院某处隐秘基地。 The young men who is gripping the dirty pigtail is breathless, is pointing at front numerous under the hand | subordinate crack cursed: Waste! All especially is the waste!” 一个扎着脏辫的青年男子气急败坏,指着面前的一众手下破口大骂:“废物!全特么都是废物!” His front, is standing enough more than ten giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, meanwhile has twenty giant grand perfection Late Phase expert. 他的面前,站着足足十几个巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,同时还有二十几个巨头大圆满后期高手 Discussed the quantity of high-end strength only, proper excelled by far the entire failing a grade fresh institute. 单论高端战力的数量,妥妥的冠绝整个留级生院。 Perhaps even if all five great high-end strengths add, cannot compare his here is so exaggerating! 恐怕就算是所有五巨的高端战力加起来,都比不上他这里这么夸张! The dirty pigtail man 's name is Zhao Rikun, is at present the absolute head of this mysterious regiment, front so luxurious lineup, is created come out by him single-handedly! 脏辫男子名叫赵日坤,正是眼前这个神秘军团的绝对首脑,面前如此豪华的阵容,也都是由他一手创造出来 Before then, front these people have one are, existence of failing a grade fresh institute nameless lowest level. 在此之前,面前这些人有一个算一个,都只是留级生院籍籍无名最底层的存在。 In fact talent, like that also the slight outstanding place, the foreword dust has not been speculating, their paths with past five ** was entirely different. 事实上就连天赋,也都没有丝毫的出众之处,正如之前言尘所推测的,他们这个路子跟当年的五**本截然不同。 Five great essences are it have the abnormal talent, is only under the direction of that general affairs office chief, ahead of time talent realization. 五巨的本质是本身就有着变态的天赋,只是在那位总务处长的指点之下,提前将天赋变现罢了。 But in front of reviewing these high-end strengths, itself simply does not have such strong talent, but was used some secret technique by Zhao Rikun, spoils by trying is too helpful to expedite today's situation them forcefully. 而反观面前这些高端战力,本身根本没有这么强的天赋,只是被赵日坤用了某种秘术,强行拔苗助长将他们催生到了今日的地步。 On the method, Bole who Zhao Rikun this fabricated even compares to that general affairs office chief knows the horse also to be more mysterious only, after all this to a certain extent, is heaven defying changes to assign/life! 单就手段而言,赵日坤这一手无中生有甚至比起那位总务处长的伯乐识马还要更加神奇,毕竟这在某种程度上,已经算是给人逆天改命了!
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