SBPE :: Volume #16

#9792: Chapter 9792

These that he said that also said no in first hearing is secret, as without is so essential, but is no different Lin Yi restores justice, did not say is enlightened, how at least regarding then should walk, had an explicit mentality. 他说的这些,乍听起来也说不上多么隐秘,似乎没那么关键,但于林逸而言无异于拨云见日,不说是醍醐灌顶,至少对于接下来该怎么走,却是有了一个明确的思路。 This is timely rain, this favor, he must remember. 这就是一场及时雨,这个人情,他必须记下。 Let alone, those who said the dust to cultivate/repair was the causes and effects, he said these not pure disclosed some secrets were so simple, but took a big risk, it can be said that pressed the heavy note on Lin Yi. 何况,言尘修的是因果,他说这些并非是单纯的透露一些秘闻这么简单,而是承担了不小的风险,可说是在林逸身上压了重注。 If Lin Yi can laugh last, that naturally is happy, but once the Lin Yi unfavorable situation, he cannot run away similarly by the causes and effects revoke settling of accounts. 林逸若能笑到最后,那自然是皆大欢喜,可一旦林逸失利,他同样逃不了被因果倒算。 Comes back from the secret pavilion, the Lin Yi First time convened subordinate core strength. 从天机阁回来,林逸第一时间将麾下的核心战力召集了起来。 Swept a people present boundary , the bonus is his makes Boss', for a while some secret hearts are startled unexpectedly. 扫了一眼众人如今的境界,饶是他这个做老大的,一时竟都有些暗暗心惊。 Small alone king Duanshe, giant grand perfection Late Phase peak. 小独王断舍,巨头大圆满后期巅峰 No matter what day two, giant grand perfection Late Phase peak. 任天二,巨头大圆满后期巅峰 Hong Baxian, giant grand perfection Late Phase. 洪霸先,巨头大圆满后期 Strict Central Plain, giant grand perfection Late Phase. 严中原,巨头大圆满后期 Wei Baizhan, giant grand perfection Late Phase. 韦百战,巨头大圆满后期 Shen Yifan, giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak. 沈一凡,巨头大圆满中期巅峰 hold/container Shaoyou, giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak. 包少游,巨头大圆满中期巅峰 Fall three mothers, giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak. 秋三娘,巨头大圆满中期巅峰 In addition, Yue Jian and other giant grand perfection Mid Phase expert, in addition ticket expert of Overlord pavilion, his subordinate this ticket person has just like become a side meteorology now, synthesizes strength, even if compares the tyrant such established five great, is still not the least bit off. 除此之外,还有岳渐等一批巨头大圆满中期高手,再加上霸王阁的一票高手,如今他麾下这票人俨然已经成了一方气象,综合实力即便相比暴君那样的老牌五巨,也都丝毫不差。 To be honest, the people can grow such rapidness, even Lin Yi are surprised. 说实话,众人能够成长如此之快,连林逸自己都大感意外。 Although regarding subordinate these people on one's own side, he always does not hide contraband, the team resources are completely the unretentive open-ended supply, reviews his Boss to take on the contrary not many. 虽然对于麾下这些自己人,他从来都不藏私,团队资源全部都是毫无保留的敞开供应,反观他自己这个老大反倒占用得不多。 Even so, the resources are many, can promote the boundary in such short time to this degree, finally depends their talent and payout. 但即便如此,资源再多,能够在如此之短的时间内将境界提升到这个程度,最终靠的还是他们自己的天赋和付出。 According to this trend develops, Lin Yi even has a feeling faintly, oneself under the hand | subordinate this fellows will perhaps grow into like five great such top strengths, they have the monster potential! 照这个趋势发展下去,林逸甚至隐隐有一种感觉,自己手下这帮家伙说不定都会成长为像五巨那样的顶级战力,他们不是没有这样的怪物潜质! Naturally in the people, breaks the shed, no matter what the fellows of day two these two reincarnations are the exceptions. 当然在众人之中,断舍和任天二这两个转世的家伙是例外。 These two day of abnormal that breaks through a boundary, grows to this situation rapidly is completely the accordance with expectation. 这俩一天突破一个境界的变态,快速成长到这个地步完全是意料中事。 If not giant grand perfection Late Phase peak and between giant ultimate grand perfection is away from the natural moat gap, the breaking shed that the alone king is reincarnated reaches one's goal instantly even, bridges over these step possibly to have directly! 若非巨头大圆满后期巅峰跟巨头终极大圆满之间隔着天堑鸿沟,独王转世的断舍就算一步到位,直接跨过这一步都不是没有可能! When the time comes, is only Lin Yi this camp, is not half th division, symbol Wang Family such enters with drawing back the ally, will at least have two big top strengths, becomes the failing a grade fresh institute sufficiently true one extremely! 到时候,光是林逸自己这个阵营,不算洛半师、阵符王家那样同进同退的盟友,就将至少坐拥两大顶级战力,足以成为留级生院的真正一极! Moreover that day, being doomed is not remote. 而且那个日子,注定不会遥远。 Breaks the shed, no matter what the day two projected on to be forced to be reincarnated comes again, admittedly is a risky enormous death tribulation, if some people seize the chance to start to them during this period, two people will be beyond redemption. 断舍和任天二被打到被迫转世重来,固然是一次危险性极大的死劫,若是有人在这期间趁机对他们下手,两人都将万劫不复。 May have the Lin Yi's asylum, not only gives the time that they grew calmly and steadily, simultaneously gave back to their all needs resources, even also includes flesh sandbag that is lining up to use to temper strength to shake the solid boundary. 可有了林逸的庇护,不仅给了他们安稳成长起来的时间,同时还给了他们一切需要的资源,甚至还包括排着队的人肉沙包用以锤炼实力撼实境界。 This reincarnation to them is not only not the disaster, became a more further turning point on the contrary, after all is no one has opportunity this to come one again! 这次转世对他们而言非但不是劫难,反倒成了更进一步的契机,毕竟可不是谁都有机会这样重来一遍的! Not only breaks the shed to be able steadily reaching giant ultimate grand perfection, previous generation, only then giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, no matter what the day two, left giant ultimate grand perfection to be nearer imperceptibly one step. 不仅断舍能够稳稳登顶巨头终极大圆满,就连前世只有巨头大圆满后期巅峰的任天二,无形中也都离巨头终极大圆满更近了一步。 According to his own view, breaking through that is the issue of time. 照他自己的说法,突破那一步已是时间的问题。 After all before had not been reincarnated time, he is outstanding person in the giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, from that step also on the final one pace, seizes the opportunity now is the logical matter! 毕竟之前还没转世的时候,他就已是一众巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手中的佼佼者,距离那一步也就最后的一步之遥,如今抓住机会自是顺理成章的事情! For a long time does not see, everyone many.” “许久不见,大家都强了不少啊。” Lin Yi notifies the people with a smile, trades laughter. 林逸笑着跟众人打了个招呼,换来一片笑声。 Fall three mother giggle said with a smile: Where you these days hid to go to ramble, when Boss' keeps a person's shadow not to see one, we also think that which rich and powerful family large clan you by were picked, was grasped, when visited son-in-law!” 秋三娘咯咯笑道:“你这些日子都躲去哪里逍遥了,当老大的留个人影都不见一个,我们还以为你被哪家豪门大族相中,被抓去当上门女婿了呢!” The people laugh. 众人哈哈大笑。 Yue Jian teased: Boss this strength which family/home has the qualifications to let him, when visits son-in-law, gives instead of taking also almost, words saying that three mothers your such anxious Boss do do? Difficult to be inadequate you also to have a liking for Boss?” 岳渐打趣道:“老大实力谁家有资格让他当上门女婿啊,倒贴还差不多,话说三娘你这么紧张老大干嘛?难不成你还看上老大了?” How had a liking, Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field, can't understand you?” “看上了又怎么样,肥水不流外人田,懂不懂啊你?” Fall three mother graceful pulling of live in Lin Yi, trades an audience hiss, she is not only not angry, instead smiled happily. 秋三娘落落大方的挽住林逸,换来全场一阵嘘声,她非但不恼,反而笑得更开心了。 At this time remained silent the strict Central Plain of non- throat to open the mouth suddenly: Who you with Old Lin are Fei Shui who is the field?” 这时闷声不吭的严中原忽然开口:“你跟老林谁是肥水谁是田啊?” „......” “……” The audience laugh loudly. 全场轰然大笑。 The bonus is the autumn three mothers blushes for a while, speechless is pointing at the strict Central Plain: Is good your strict God, usually does not utter a word, has not thought that does one -man show!” 饶是秋三娘一时都红了脸,无语的指着严中原:“好你个严神,平常一声不吭的,没想到这么闷骚!” People joke, Lin Yi then returns to the subject, said to the speculation of word dust him. 众人玩笑一阵,林逸这才回归正题,将他跟言尘的推测说了一遍。 Shen Yifan sinking sound said: Such being the case, we cannot the passive defense, my suggestion be hit constantly, compels come out that person secretly!” 沈一凡沉声道:“既然如此,我们不能一味被动防守,我的建议是打过去,把那幕后之人逼出来!” Good, the long time defends to lose, by our current manpower, wants to defend the east district such big domain thoroughly, really lacks the ability to do what one would like.” “不错,久守必失,以咱们目前的人力,想要彻底守住东区这么大的地盘,实在力不从心。” What opens the mouth is white Yuxuan, this Du Wuhui second in command, has once become Shen Yifan assistant now, is playing the role of staff officer brain truster in Lin Yi Group. 开口的是白雨轩,这位曾经杜无悔的二把手,如今已成了沈一凡的副手,在林逸集团中扮演着参谋智囊的角色。 Lin Yi not in the days, a numerous core strength can look back worry-free wholly-absorbed to promote strength, Shen Yifan to handle in good order, his staff officer brain truster strives much. 林逸不在的这段日子,一众核心战力能够后顾无忧的专心提升实力,沈一凡能够将上上下下打理得井井有条,他这位参谋智囊出力不少。 Hong Baxian follows to nod saying: Hits a fist to open, so as to avoid hundred fists, if the passive defense, suffered a loss constantly did not say, perhaps will also cause coveting of other influences.” 洪霸先跟着点头道:“打得一拳开,免得百拳来,如果一味被动防守下去,吃亏不说,恐怕还会引起其他势力的觊觎。” The nature that he said is not under these small influences, but is several other five great. 他说的自然不是底下那些小势力,而是其他几位五巨。 Do not look that they now remain silent, adopts a having no immediate concern to oneself close-door stance, but eventually is the fierce and ambitious dispositions, once Lin Yi Group really reveals the declining tendency, they will throw to nip one absolutely ruthlessly. 别看他们如今一个个都保持沉默,摆出一副事不关己的闭门姿态,可终究都是枭雄心性,一旦林逸集团真的露出颓势,他们绝对会扑上来狠咬一口。 This is the normal state of failing a grade fresh institute, without a doubt. 这就是留级生院的常态,毋庸置疑。 Other numerous core strengths also follow to respond, this group of people are the talent extraordinary monsters, as long as this kind of character basically does not have one to like the honest passive defense. 其余一众核心战力也跟着纷纷响应,这帮人都是天赋超绝的怪物,而但凡此类人物基本就没有一个会是喜欢老老实实被动防守的。 Said that they anxioused to stir up trouble perhaps are, but must say that in the bone was the militant lords, this was not absolutely exaggerating. 说他们唯恐天下不乱也许是过了点,可要说骨子里都是好战的主,这绝对一点都不夸张。 Even if quiet strict Central Plain, is bumps into the powerful enemy on the lord who the eyes shine. 哪怕沉默寡言的严中原,也都是碰上强敌就双眼放光的主。 Lin Yi nods: Comes under attack passively truly is not our attitude, then changes the strategy, attacks comprehensively, even if turns the entire failing a grade fresh institute upside down, even if digs three chi (0.33 m), must dig come out that fellows to me!” 林逸点点头:“被动挨打确实不是我们的作风,接下来改变策略,全面出击,就算把整个留级生院翻个底朝天,就算是掘地三尺,也要把那帮家伙给我挖出来!”
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