SBPE :: Volume #16

#9791: Chapter 9791

Lin Yi knits the brows: One group of unknown borderline people brave come out suddenly collectively, moreover strength are not weak, this back article was a little deep.” 林逸不由皱眉:“一群名不见经传的边缘人物突然集体冒出来,而且一个个实力都还不弱,这背后的文章可是有点深了。” Although he has not contacted this group of people, but from can make small alone king Duanshe they suffer a loss, strength is inevitably weak not, the outstanding person can also reach 13 outstanding levels at least. 他虽然没有接触过这帮人,但从能够让小独王断舍他们都吃亏来看,实力必然弱不到哪里去,其中佼佼者最起码也能达到十三杰的水准。 Even, but may also dominate above 13! 甚至,还有可能凌驾于十三杰之上! Said the dust to continue saying: „ This situation actually with some time quite similarities of five great rises, the tyrant, the flame pond, the dropping dragon and alone king also had our Pavilion Lord secrets long ago, in the past joined the general affairs office time, strength was not outstanding. 言尘继续说道:“这个情形其实跟早年五巨崛起的时候颇有些相似之处,暴君、炎池、堕龙、独王还有我们的阁主天机,当年加入总务处的时候,实力也都并不出众。 Even lives to the rain including the sea king, at that time the failing a grade fresh institute was not being to be many to select, reluctantly is also 13 outstanding levels. 甚至包括海王向雨生,当时在留级生院也算不上有多出挑,勉强也就是十三杰的层次。 However later in just several years, strength of everyone starts shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, rapidly grows into the top strength of failing a grade fresh institute, the general affairs office of nameless all of a sudden was rising, does not have any influence can follow again. ” 但是之后在短短几年时间内,每一个人的实力都开始脱胎换骨,迅速成长为留级生院的顶级战力,以致于原本籍籍无名的总务处一下子如日中天,再没有任何势力能够望其项背。” Lin Yi said with amazement: Is it possible that all these are the writing skill of that general affairs office chief?” 林逸惊讶道:“莫非这一切都是那位总务处长的手笔?” On proselytizing dispels doubt, half th division is he has seen for these years the First person, at least is directing the cultivate aspect, said that may really be the least bit is not exaggerating for the world master. 论传道解惑,洛半师是他这么多年来所见过的第一人,至少在指点修炼方面,说一句可为天下师真是半点都不夸张。 Compared with the general affairs office chief who this mysterious measures not, has the obvious disparity. 可是跟这位神秘莫测的总务处长一比,却还是有着显而易见的差距。 At least, half th division not possible casual the obscure individual to train five great such top strengths even, let alone, nearly lives to the rain with his same level sea king! 至少,就算洛半师也不可能随随便便就将无名之辈调教成五巨这样的顶级战力,更别说,其中还有一个近乎跟他同级的海王向雨生! Saying the dust is actually shakes the head saying: „ That but actually also is not completely. 言尘却是摇头道:“那倒也并不完全是。 Regardless of the sea king returns alive to the rain is five great, they can rise, what is most essential is their powerful talents, perhaps without the writing skill of that general affairs office chief, they will also continue to waste time several years or several Ten-year, but the gold will shine eventually. ” 无论海王向雨生还是五巨,他们能够崛起,最关键的还是他们本人的强悍天赋,如果没有那位总务处长的手笔,他们也许还会继续蹉跎几年或者几十年,但是金子终究还是会发光的。” Lin Yi nods. 林逸点头。 The sea king lives needless to say to the rain, he five great has also met face to face with several other, executed the dropping dragon personally. 海王向雨生自不必说,他跟其他几位五巨也都打过照面,更是亲手格杀了堕龙。 The character of this rank is the shocking peerless unusual generation, at all is not the mediocre material indicates slightly several, can place on a par with them, the flamboyant character cannot achieve this point, Divine Immortal is not good. 这种级别的人物本身都是惊艳绝伦的超凡之辈,根本不是什么平庸之材稍微点拨几下,就能与他们相提并论的,再牛逼的人物也做不到这一点,神仙也不行。 But said no matter how that truly has the mental perception to know the extraordinary eyesight, in the meantime, has the fast help/gang people to unearth the talent, cashes in the extraordinary talent for the powerful strength mysterious method fast.” “但不管怎么说,那位确实有着慧眼识才的超绝眼力,同时,也有着快速帮人挖掘天赋,将超绝天赋快速兑现为强大实力的神奇手段。” Said the dust taking advantage of opportunity review: „ He with half th divisions is Grandmaster that the present age highest level direction practices, but the difference is, half th division favors teaching all comers without discrimination, whoever arrives at his there to benefit greatly. 言尘顺势点评了一句:“他跟洛半师都是当世最顶级的指点修行的宗师,但区别在于,洛半师更倾向于有教无类,无论谁到他那里都能受益匪浅。 But this mysterious general affairs office chief, is good at unearthing peerless genius, its method favors the talent realization. 而这位神秘的总务处长,则更擅长挖掘绝世天才,其手段更倾向于将天赋变现。 both sides are each has its strong points. ” 双方算是各有所长。” Some Lin Yi actually strange say/way: That photo said, his presently unearths a number of new extraordinary genius come out? Difficult to be inadequate, can this group of people grow to five great ranks immediately?” 林逸却有些奇怪道:“那照这么说,他现在是挖掘出了一批新的超绝天才出来了?难不成,这帮人马上又能成长到五巨级别?” Is impossible.” “不可能的。” Said the dust to overrule this guess decisively: My in the dark has observed this group of people, although takes a broad view at present failing a grade to live the institute also to be strength to be outstanding, five great under basically can walk sideways, but their talent limits also arrived at this, was impossible again on.” 言尘果断否决了这种猜测:“我暗中观察过这帮人,虽然放眼如今的留级生院也算得上是实力出众,五巨之下基本都能横着走,可他们的天赋极限也就到这了,不可能再更上一层。” Lin Yi surprise: Such sure?” 林逸诧异:“这么肯定?” Said the dust to smile: Five great are not the cabbages in roadside, casual can pick, really wants to cause a ticket top strength easily to come, let alone failing a grade fresh institute, was the entire Jianghai Institute also has been his world, why can also toss about so many petty actions?” 言尘笑了:“五巨又不是路边上的大白菜,随随便便都能捡得到,真要轻而易举就能弄出一票顶级战力来,别说留级生院,就是整个江海学院也早就是他的天下了,何必还要折腾这么多小动作?” This is actually not false. 这点倒是不假。 Like five great this levels, even if several failing a grade fresh institutes are also very difficult to discover next, otherwise so many years, have cropped up. 像五巨这种层次的,哪怕数遍留级生院也很难找出下一个来,要不然这么多年,早就已经冒头了。 Said the dust return subject saying: Because of this point, therefore I basically can conclude, this time secretly person not that general affairs office chief!” 言尘回归正题道:“正因为这一点,所以我基本可以断定,这次的幕后之人绝非那位总务处长!” Actually, can look at come out from tyrant these five great attitudes. 其实,从暴君这几位五巨的态度也能看得出来 If really once that came back, not to mention has steamroll everyone's extraordinary strength inevitably, only to past years's that awe, they were not only all remains silent so will be simple. 真要是曾经的那位回来,且不说必然有着碾压所有人的超绝实力,单是冲着当年的那份敬畏,他们也绝不会只是全体保持沉默这么简单。 Worst, must meet is right. 最不济,也总要去见个面才对。 However besides as if by prior agreement remains silent, the tyrant, the flame pond and secret, that sea king live to the rain, simply has not given any other statements, let alone shows good will for its platform directly. 然而除了不约而同保持沉默之外,暴君、炎池和天机,还有那位海王向雨生,根本没有给出任何其他的表态,更别说直接替其站台示好。 The only explanation, is they knows that this person is not their general affairs office chief, but has someone else. 唯一的解释,就是他们知道此人绝非他们的那位总务处长,而是另有其人。 If Lin Yi has institute thinking said: Even but if was not that general affairs office chief of past years, but this person with its still has had the connection inevitably, otherwise flaunted that banner to do these things, did not say several five greatly, will be that side the sea king will not stand by.” 林逸如有所思道:“可就算不是当年的那位总务处长,可此人也必然与其有过关联,要不然打着那位的旗号搞这些事情,不说几位五巨,就是海王那边也不会袖手旁观。” Truly, therefore I speculated that this person may be later generation younger generation of that general affairs office chief, naturally, may be being in direct line disciple who passes on one's buddhist robe and begging bowl to a disciple.” “确实,所以我推测此人极有可能是那位总务处长的后辈子弟,当然,也有可能是传了衣钵的嫡传弟子。” Said the dust nod to approve. 言尘点头表示认可。 The sea king lives also well to the rain, tyrant these five great also good, although received the direction of that general affairs office chief, but said strictly does not transit the discipling from the relations. 海王向雨生也好,暴君这几位五巨也好,虽然都受了那位总务处长的指点,但严格说起来都并非是师承关系。 The relations with half th division is at most similar to Lin Yi at present, each other regardless of Cultivation Manual or the cultivate path, is entirely different, is more like modern concept Teacher and student. 顶多就跟林逸眼下与洛半师的关系差不多,彼此无论功法还是修炼路子,都截然不同,更像是现代观念老师学生 Half th division gives the directive direction with his experience and vision, but will actually not transit the discipling from the disciple like the tradition, leads Lin Yi to go to his path hand in hand. 洛半师以他的经验和眼光给予方向性指点,但却不会像传统师承弟子那样,手把手领着林逸去走他的路子。 But presently braves come out the obviously differently. 可是现在出来的这位明显不同。 His ability path was exactly the same as that general affairs office chief of past years obviously, even if the level had been inferior, looked like in the person of Lin Yi this rank somewhat is rather nondescript, but, he is at least illuminating that path to walk. 他的能力路子显然都跟当年的那位总务处长如出一辙,即便层次有所不如,在林逸这种级别的人看来未免有些不伦不类,但至少,他是在照着那位的路子在走。 Also therefore, sea kings and several five great, although remained silent, but that is all, a few words have not even put come out, has not stood come out to take a stand blatantly. 也正因此,海王和几位五巨虽然都保持了沉默,但也就仅此而已,连一句话都没放出来,更没有站出来公然表态。 The overall felt, face seemed like, but has not given completely. 总体感觉下来就是,面子好像是给了,但又没有完全给。 The words speaking of this step, Lin Yi have thoroughly understood numerous five great standpoints, to put it bluntly is four characters, stands by. 话说到这一步,林逸已经彻底明白了一众五巨的立场,说白了就是四个字,袖手旁观。 Lin Yi said with a smile: You said, I was interested in that actually.” 林逸笑道:“你这么说下来,我倒是对那位更感兴趣了。” That of his mouth, is this incident secretly the person, is that legendary common general affairs office chief, has not stated clearly. 他嘴里的这个那位,到底是此次事件的幕后之人,还是那位传奇一般的总务处长,却是没有明说。 Said the dust to remind: This person of threatening . Moreover the card in this sensitive time node, I speculated that the purpose in coming is not five is great you to struggle a five great position with the forest is so simple, the back must have the profound meaning.” 言尘提醒道:“此人来势汹汹,而且卡在这个敏感的时间节点,我推测来意绝非是同林五巨你争一个五巨位置这么简单,背后必有深意。” Lin Yi sincere cups one hand in the other across the chest: Many thanks said Elder to indicate.” 林逸正色拱手:“多谢言长老点拨。” Is only some my indulging in flights of fancy, perhaps to is not perhaps right, the hope cannot only disturb the forest five great judgments.” “只是一些我个人的胡思乱想罢了,也许对也许不对,只希望不会干扰到林五巨的判断。” Said the dust to return salute with a smile. 言尘笑着还礼。
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