SBPE :: Volume #16

#9790: Chapter 9790

During he estimates, even if oneself are not , no matter what the day that but there is an alone king to be reincarnated the breaking shed that and lets Tianyuan to be reincarnated two, strict Zhongyuan and other numerous core strength assumes personal command, in addition Hong Tyrant first it is still expert that have several, even if enterprising insufficient, but the failing a grade fresh institute definitely is still being the self-preservation has. 在他预想之中,就算自己不在,但有独王转世的断舍和任天元转世的任天二,还有严中原等一众核心战力坐镇,加上洪霸先本身也是有数的高手,就算进取不足,但在留级生院绝对也算是自保有余了。 Only if, other five great visit personally. 除非,其他五巨亲自上门。 However has threatening of homicide dropping dragon before, the secret is on good terms with him, remaining the tyrant or the flame pond, do not seem like like causing trouble to find not the happy person, only if, they are much deeper with the dropping dragon relations relative surface. 但是有他杀堕龙的威吓在前,天机又跟他交好,剩下无论是暴君还是炎池,都不像是喜欢生事找不痛快的人,除非,他们跟堕龙关系比表面上要深厚得多。 Hong Baxian smiles bitterly saying: „ Recently does not know where emits one group of odd people, strength is one by one intrepid, is hitting for the name of dropping dragon revenge unceasingly to our east district infiltration attack. 洪霸先苦笑道:“最近不知从哪儿冒出一群怪人,实力一个比一个强悍,打着为堕龙复仇的名义不断向咱们东区渗透进攻。 From the beginning can also withstand, but the time grew, breaks continually abandons on them to start to hang out colored streamers, our guard strengths are beset with problems. ” 一开始还能顶住,可是时间长了,连断舍他们身上都开始挂彩,咱们的守卫力量已经捉襟见肘了。” Lin Yi is not accidental/surprised. 林逸对此倒不意外。 As five great, holds the big domain in east district, his under the hand | subordinate population were not many, even if a freshman alliance numerous backbone moves, wanted to defend the east district such big domain is still futile attempt. 身为五巨,占据着东区的偌大地盘,他手下的人数一直不多,哪怕新生联盟一众骨干都调过来,想要守住东区这么大的地盘仍是杯水车薪。 Also considered this point, Lin Yi will comply to accept that to help the Family influence core younger generation join. 也正是考虑到了这一点,林逸才会答应接受那帮家族势力的核心子弟加入。 Not to mention strength of this group of people how, but as reserve forces of major Family careful training, even if has no way to become the backbone core strength, at least imitates the facade issue is not always big. 且不说这帮人的实力如何,但作为各大家族精心培养的后备力量,哪怕没法上来就成为顶梁柱般的核心战力,至少充一下门面总是问题不大的。 Just, slow aid will not help in an emergency, tentative plan again good that is also the later matter, the present difficult problem is solved personally. 只不过,远水解不了近渴,设想再好那也是以后的事情,眼下的难题还是得亲手解决。 Lin Yi thinks to ask: What attitude several other are five great?” 林逸想了想问道:“其他几位五巨什么态度?” Silent, the tyrant, the flame pond and secret, their three completely remained silent, moreover their subordinate troops days also reduced activity, hardly had/left the respective domain.” “沉默,暴君、炎池和天机,他们三位全部都保持了沉默,而且他们麾下的人马这段日子也都减少了活动,几乎不出各自地盘。” Hong Baxian sinking sound said: I suspected that they should smell some flavor , should knows if as expected the status of this group of people.” 洪霸先沉声道:“我怀疑他们应该是嗅到了某种味道,不出意外的话,应该是知道这帮人的身份。” I go to a secret pavilion.” “我去一趟天机阁。” Lin Yi said that then rips open the space empty seam directly, next second then already the entrance of presently secret pavilion. 林逸说完便直接撕开空间虚缝,下一秒便已出现在天机阁的门口。 Hong Baxian looks dumbfoundedly, spoke the truth his level vision not to calculate to lower, the action that but had words at fingertips and wrote with facility by Lin Yi this renovated three views instantaneously. 洪霸先看得目瞪口呆,讲道理他的层次眼界都不算低了,可还是被林逸这信手拈来的举动瞬间刷新了三观。 Rips open the space empty seam conveniently, this might be called god exclusive ability only, unexpectedly is living presently at present, must know , even before , was known as that the alone king of king of new generation space, could not achieve such with ease. 随手撕开空间虚缝,这等堪称神祇的专属能力,居然活生生出现在了眼前,要知道就算是之前号称新一代空间之王的独王,也做不到这么轻松啊。 Actually, this is also because the particularity of failing a grade fresh institute, if trades in other places, Lin Yi has no way to play. 其实,这也是因为留级生院的特殊性,如果换在其他地方,林逸也没法这么玩。 May failing a grade fresh institute space, is the mystical place that greatly degenerates, space barrier lord World to be much weaker than essentially normally, therefore he can easily rip open. 可留级生院这片空间,本质上就是一个巨大堕落的秘境,空间壁障远比正常主世界要薄弱得多,所以他才能轻易撕开。 Forest five great, we met.” “林五巨,我们又见面了。” The secret pavilion Elder word dust goes forward to cup one hand in the other across the chest with a smile, when is waits for a long time to be many evidently. 天机阁长老言尘笑着上前拱手,看样子已是久候多时。 Said dust Elder.” “言尘长老久违。” Lin Yi nods, if the secret cannot figure out itself to come, that did not call the secret. 林逸点点头,天机若是算不出自己会来,那就不叫天机了。 Said the dust to say with a smile: Pavilion Lord known forest five great purposes in coming, making me pass on to a few words.” 言尘笑道:“阁主已知林五巨的来意,让我代为转告一句话。” What words?” “什么话?” Lin Yi listens in reverent attention, he knows the secret, although shows good will to oneself repeatedly, but deliberately is always avoiding with meets, does not have/leave the accident/surprise should not to involve with too deeply, so that can completely understand in the past the future existence discovery by some type similarly. 林逸洗耳恭听,他知道天机虽然多次对自己示好,但始终都在刻意回避与自己见面,不出意外应该是不想与自己牵扯太深,以致被某种同样能够看透过去未来的存在发现。 Played chess on the time and causes and effects of checkerboard past future, half th division and secret were chess players, opposite that existed is also a chess player. 在过去未来的时间和因果棋盘上下棋,洛半师和天机都是棋手,对面的那个存在也是棋手。 Between the chess players and chess players the king do not see the king. 棋手与棋手之间王不见王。 But Lin Yi, although is not under the secret by strength, even surpasses especially, but the list gambles this on the time causes and effects, he is like other these top strengths, is only the board game pieces of Qipanshan. 林逸自己,虽然论实力已经不在天机之下,甚至尤有超出,但是单就时间因果博弈这一块,他和其他那些顶级战力一样,都只是棋盘山的棋子而已。 After all, he is also good, other these top strengths are also good, without that ability completely understands the overall situation, can only say that is the technique industry studies. 毕竟,他也好,其他那些顶级战力也好,都没那个能力看透全局,只能说是术业有专攻。 He has actually been able to guess correctly probably that exists inevitably is the dark demon beast camp, once its were paid attention ahead of time, regardless of oneself secret will suffer the giant crisis, even was strangled the die young ahead of time. 他其实大概已经能猜到,那个存在必然是黑暗魔兽阵营,一旦提前被其关注到,无论自己还是天机都会遭遇巨大危机,甚至提前被扼杀夭折。 That is the aspect that no one is willing to see. 那是谁都不愿看到的局面。 Said the dust sincere saying: This time enemy is unusual, regardless of my secret pavilion, is the tyrants and flame pond that two five great, under the tacit understanding will not step , can only stand by.” 言尘正色说道:“这次的敌人非同寻常,无论我天机阁,还是暴君、炎池那两位五巨,默契之下都不会出面干涉,只能袖手旁观。” Lin Yi asked suddenly: Comes the person to be related with the general affairs office?” 林逸忽然问道:“来人跟总务处有关?” Said the dust to stare, has not waited for him to reply, Lin Yi also asked one: Is the general affairs office chief in that Legend?” 言尘一愣,没等他回答,林逸又问了一句:“是不是那位传说中的总务处长?” „......” “……” Said the dust not to know that should say anything, under the heart regarding the judgment of secret even more startled was the Celestial. 言尘已经不知道该说什么了,心下对于天机的判断愈发惊为天人。 The general affairs at the failing a grade fresh institute are existence of legend, if Jianghai Institute is sacred place of Jianghai city, then the general affairs office is sacred place of failing a grade fresh institute. 总务处在留级生院是一个传奇的存在,如果是江海学院是江海城的圣地,那么总务处就是留级生院的圣地。 Until now lives to the rain including the sea king, including an numerous five excluding Lin Yi great, is completely once the members of general affairs office. 迄今为止包括海王向雨生,包括除林逸之外的一众五巨,全部都是曾经总务处的成员。 But can command existence of such a group of powerful monsters, that mysterious general affairs office chief should be powerful, the average man was unable to imagine! 而能够统领这么一帮强悍怪物的存在,那位神秘的总务处长该是何等强大,常人已经根本无法想象! The failing a grade fresh institute has a causing a clamor view, the general affairs office chief of that hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, had thoroughly broken through the giant ultimate grand perfection boundary, has reached all cultivator long-awaited brand-new levels! 留级生院有一个甚嚣尘上的说法,那位神龙见首不见尾的总务处长,早已彻底突破了巨头终极大圆满的境界,已经达到了所有修炼者梦寐以求的全新层次! However such existence had gone to outside the territory inevitably the place , to continue to stay in Jianghai Institute, to him is nothing significance. 不过那样的存在必然已经去了域外之地,继续留在江海学院,对他已是没什么意义了。 Jianghai Institute is sacred place right, but to that and other existences of boundary, actually is also a small pond, even is only one with half isolation dry well, remains, even if lords it over, that still sits the well view day, the pattern was true is small. 江海学院是圣地没错,但对那等境界的存在来说,却也就是一口小小池塘,甚至只是一口与外界半隔绝的枯井而已,留下来即便称王称霸,那也只是坐井观天,格局属实是小了。 Naturally, in these work places without foundation guessed. 当然,这些都只是毫无根据的坊间猜测。 Actually in the genuine high-level eye, this general affairs office chief bigger possibility had actually fallen from the sky, that step is not eventually good to step. 其实在真正的高层眼里,这位总务处长更大的可能性其实是已经陨落了,那一步终究不是那么好跨出去的。 Even the natural talent such as the class/flow of half th division, still still paces back and forth in the giant ultimate grand perfection boundary vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered now, but compares other giant ultimate grand perfection expert, their advantage is too big, to even gives the person to feel not existence of boundary. 即便天资纵横如洛半师之流,如今也都还在巨头终极大圆满境界徘徊,只不过相比起其他巨头终极大圆满高手,他们优势太大,大到甚至给人感觉都不是一个境界的存在。 Said the dust silent quite a while, the forced smile said: These that the following I said were not Pavilion Lord said that but was an obsolete own guess, the forest five great considered to listen to several idle talks, but was good?” 言尘沉默半天,苦笑道:“以下我说的这些并非阁主所说,而是老朽自己的一点揣测,林五巨就当是听几句闲话,可好?” Lin Yi sincere nod: Listens in reverent attention.” 林逸正色点头:“洗耳恭听。” This time braves come out the group of people suddenly, truly is the members who the failing a grade fresh institute registers, this point is without a doubt.” “这次突然冒出来的这帮人,确实都是留级生院登记在册的成员,这一点毋庸置疑。” Said the dust to say in a low voice: „ But any in these people, had at least vanished above Twenty-years, for a long time never makes an appearance on any public occasions, once was considered that had died. 言尘低声道:“可是这些人中的任何一个,至少都已消失了二十年以上,这么长时间从未在任何公开场合露面,一度都被认为已经死亡。 Also, these people in the past when the failing a grade fresh institute strength was not prominent, let alone five great ranks, even close to 13 outstanding thresholds did not have, having the feeling was extremely low, is the solid borderline person. ” 还有,这些人当年在留级生院的时候实力并不突出,别说五巨级别,甚至连一个接近十三杰门槛的都没有,存在感极低,属于实实在在的边缘人物。”
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