SBPE :: Volume #16

#9789: Chapter 9789

This saying said come out from day mouth toward the sun, made some Lin Yi surprise. 这话从天向阳的嘴里说出来,着实令林逸有些诧异。 The day family/home creates world Family as Jianghai Institute, the position in the school is always aloof, on the one hand this admittedly is because the day family/home foundation is solid, moreover one generation for the successors is the outstanding person phoenix, has almost not drawn the hip time. 天家作为江海学院创世家族,在学院之中地位一向超然,这一方面固然是因为天家底蕴深厚,而且一代代传人都是人中龙凤,几乎从来没有拉胯的时候。 But important another reason is, besides grasping in the School Director meeting in hand, the day family/home always little meddles the internal affairs of failing a grade fresh institute and scientific theory meeting extremely. 但更重要的另一个原因则是,除了握在手里的校董会之外,天家一向极少插手留级生院和学理会的内部事务。 Even if emperor permits Anshan relates so closely with his family/home, since it enters the scientific theory meets, the day family/home has also never given his any extra help. 哪怕帝王许安山跟他家关系如此密切,自从其进入学理会之后,天家也从未给过他任何额外的帮助。 Also therefore, permits Anshan is initially difficult in situation once extremely of scientific theory meeting. 也正因此,当初许安山在学理会的处境一度十分艰难。 Until the back punctures half th division to go well, this can finally the true high-rank. 直至背刺洛半师得手,这才终于得以真正上位。 Does not meddle the internal strife, is not out to compete for the benefit, can maintain the aloof position, can always have the credibility by own words, at crucial moment can effective and influential word! 不插手内部纷争,不下场争夺利益,才能保住超然地位,才能让自己的话始终具备公信力,关键时候才能一言九鼎! Regarding this strategy, regardless of the day family/home older generation or present day Xiangyang, strictly is always scrupulously following, never overflight. 对于这个策略,无论天家先辈还是如今的天向阳,都始终在严格恪守,从未越线。 However today, the day made an exception toward the sun. 但是今天,天向阳破例了。 Regarding this, day family/home Sir excessively had not explained, should stand with it in the half th division of hostile position on the contrary indicated Lin Yi several with a smile. 对此,天家大爷本人并没有过多解释,反倒本该与其站在敌对立场的洛半师笑着点拨了林逸几句。 Failing a grade fresh institute can be different from School Director with the scientific theory, although latter both are also the mountain top stand in great numbers, but the overall pillar stands there, School Director will have a day of family/home, the scientific theory will have permits Anshan. “留级生院跟学理会和校董会都不一样,后两者虽然也算是山头林立,但总体还是有一根主心骨立在那儿的,校董会有天家,学理会有许安山。 Even if has other different sounds unavoidably, but once to at crucial moment, roughly can guarantee that can mobilize. 就算难免有其他不同的声音,可一旦到了关键时候,大体还是能够确保动员得起来。 However the failing a grade fresh institute is different, in name five greatness, but in fact your five ** this manages less than 13 with other influences, is in a state of disunity in the true sense. ” 但是留级生院不一样,名义上有五巨,可实质上你们这几位五**本管不到十三杰和其他势力,是真正意义上的一盘散沙。” Lin Yi suddenly. 林逸恍然。 Actually let alone five great and between other influences, is five great interior is also who not bird anyone, before also withstood/top general affairs office member's relations are maintaining the peace in surface. 其实别说五巨和其他势力之间,就是五巨内部也都是谁也不鸟谁,之前还顶着一层总务处成员的关系算是维持着面上的和平。 Now with Lin Yi steps on, this only consensus label was also broken, including five great between reaches the agreement difficultly such as to ascend to heaven, let alone integration entire failing a grade fresh institute. 如今随着林逸一脚踩进去,这点唯一的共识标签也都被打破,连五巨之间达成共识都难如登天,更别说统合整个留级生院了。 Some Lin Yi doubts: Why doesn't that look for the sea king to live to the rain?” 林逸还是有些疑惑:“那为何不找海王向雨生?” If said that the failing a grade fresh institute can also discover a person to make all parties obey, particularly lets numerous five great approvals, perhaps also only then the sea king lived to the rain. 若说留级生院还能找出一个人来让各方顺服,尤其是让一众五巨认可,恐怕也只有海王向雨生了。 His strength is powerful enough, although previous time seemingly lost to half th division, but is stands as before failing a grade fresh institute top existence, this point without a doubt. 一则他的实力足够强大,虽然上次貌似输给了洛半师,但依旧是站在留级生院最顶层的存在,这一点毫无疑问。 Two he once was the deputy office chief of general affairs office, five great front has certain prestige in tyrant group naturally, was easier to accept. 二则他曾经是总务处的副处长,在暴君这帮五巨面前天然有着一定的威信,更容易让人接受。 At present this important time, how regardless of wants to be this sea king is more appropriate, how to fall to own head? 眼下这种要紧时候,无论怎么想都是这位海王更加合适,怎么会落到自己头上来? Half th division hears word laughs in spite of trying not to: Sea king once brought to light the slogan to lead the numerous to revolt directly, will the day family/home possibly consider him? Even if the day has this measuring toward the sun, other numerous big shot will not comply.” 洛半师闻言失笑:“海王曾经可是直接挑明口号率众造反的,天家怎么可能会考虑他?就算天向阳有这份度量,其他一众大佬们也不会答应啊。” Lin Yi is puzzled: „The fashionable matter, isn't this strange?” 林逸还是不解:“非常之时行非常之事,这也没那么奇怪吧?” That said right, I was actually consistent with the day family/home view in this point, the sea king was the fierce and ambitious character, but was actually not a qualified leader.” “话是这么说没错,不过在这一点上我倒是跟天家看法一致,海王是个枭雄人物,但却不是一个合格的领袖人物。” Half th division indicated: This person is extremely obstinate, in the past his failure, a large part of reasons lay in the personnel, insisting let the words that I appraised, the sea king was the rare general's talent, was actually not a qualified command ability.” 洛半师点拨道:“此人太过刚愎自用,当年他的失败,很大一部分原因就在于用人上,硬要让我评价的话,海王是难得一见的将才,却不是一个合格的帅才。” Lin Yi then dispels doubt. 林逸这才解惑。 The sea king does not live to the rain good, remaining several other five great each other are general affairs office come out, at first sight is over probably easier, however is just the opposite in fact. 海王向雨生不行,剩下其他几位五巨彼此都是总务处出来,乍看起来好像更容易出头,然而事实上恰恰相反。 Once related closely, each other more will not make the either one high-rank press in own on, in comparison even the Lin Yi high-rank, in anyone of high-rank compared with them can accept. 越是曾经关系密切,彼此就越不会让任何一方上位压在自己头上,相比之下就算林逸上位,都比他们之中的任何一人上位都更能让人接受。 This is the human nature, even if to the giant ultimate grand perfection level, cannot be unconventional. 这就是人性,哪怕到了巨头终极大圆满层次,也都不能免俗。 As the matter stands, on the Lin Yi shoulder is presses strength mountain to be big immediately. 只是这样一来,林逸肩上顿时又是压力山大。 By his present strength, making him cope with any other one five greatly, he has enough energy, but this with the integration failing a grade fresh institute at all is not a matter. 以他如今的实力,让他去对付其他任何一位五巨,他都有着足够的底气,可这跟统合留级生院根本不是一码事。 Defeating a powerful enemy is easy, but if wants to subdue a powerful enemy, that this difficulty far more than multiplies, perhaps increases ten times to continue! 打败一个强敌容易,可若是想收服一个强敌,那这难度何止是倍增,恐怕增加十倍都不止! Let alone, he must subdue is not one five great, but completely five great, includes 13 failing a grade to live the institute all parties' every large or small influence, said that difficult such as to ascend to heaven is not overrated! 更何况,他要收服的不是一个五巨,而是全部五巨,还有包括十三杰在内的留级生院各方大大小小的势力,说一句难如登天都毫不为过! Otherwise really must be so easy, some people had done ahead of time, will also keep presently? 否则真要这么容易,早就有人提前做了,还会留到现在 Leader opens mouth, the subordinate must wear out, I also really am a cruel fate person.” “领导一张嘴,下属就得跑断腿,我还真是一个苦命人啊。” Lin Yi smiles bitterly, if falls in others ear, perhaps became the acting cool suspect who cheap also showed off cleverness. 林逸不由苦笑一声,不过若是落在别人耳朵里,恐怕就成得了便宜还卖乖的装逼犯了。 This is the instruction of personally day of family/home Sir! 这可是天家大爷的亲口指示啊! This on behalf of what? 这代表着什么? On behalf of the position of his integration failing a grade fresh institute, is under the permission of Jianghai Institute topmost level ahead of time, even if this is a bounced check, that is still a priceless bounced check, this many people want to ask unable to strive. 代表着他统合留级生院的地位,已经提前得到了江海学院最高层的许可,就算这是一张空头支票,那也是一张价值连城的空头支票,就这多少人想求还求不来呢。 Person who this endorsement from topmost level, regarding the large number person perhaps practical value, may not regarding having strength certainly, is no different than the imperial edict iron ticket! 这种来自最高层的背书,对于绝大数人也许并没有实用价值,可对于有实力的人,无异于丹书铁券! Lin Yi also prepared to continue to stop over in the Jianghai city ; first, assumes personal command for symbol Wang Family these Family influences, so as to avoid after Li Songzhang comes to have an accident reneges on a promise suddenly, by the facial skin of that city main Sir, this matter not necessarily makes not come out. 林逸原本还准备在江海城继续逗留一阵,一是为阵符王家这些家族势力坐镇,免得李诵章突然来一出事后反悔,以那位城主大人的脸皮,这种事情未必做不出来 Second, to wait for that plant attribute perfect domain original stone. 二是等一等那块植物属性的完美领域原石。 He wants to further let the strength qualitative change at present, except for obtaining the big chance exceeds the boundary, with obtaining beyond more regular strengths, the remaining most ready-made ways go a step further perfect five lines of domains, promote to the ultimate five lines of domains! 他眼下想要进一步让实力质变,除了获得大机缘来一举突破境界,和获得更多规则力量之外,剩下最现成的路径就是将完美五行领域更进一步,提升至终极五行领域! This is the path that anybody has not conceived, but Lin Yi felt oneself need to rush. 这是任何人都未曾设想的道路,但林逸觉得自己有必要去闯一闯。 If by some chance really can rush to come out, perhaps this is he then faces the great misfortune the biggest qualification! 万一真能闯出来,这也许就是他接下来面对大劫的最大本钱! However, his presently did not have the time. 不过,他现在却是没时间等下去了。 Leaves to return to the failing a grade fresh institute, returns to the east district Lin Yi unexpectedly feeling of feeling of another era having not seen you for a long time, leaves here time is not long obviously, the matter of experience are actually many. 动身重回留级生院,回到东区林逸竟有一种恍如隔世的久违之感,明明离开这里的时间也不算久,不过经历的事情倒是不少。 Especially kills the mysterious boundary. 尤其杀神秘境。 As long as the luck is poor, perhaps did not come back. 但凡运气差一点,恐怕都回不来了。 How did not know Yao Yao presently.” “不知道瑶瑶现在怎么样了。” Lin Yi was a little worried for Chu Mengyao, but then thinks, attaches great importance to Chu Mengyao's by that help/gang dark demon beast excessively, even if Chu Mengyao want an accident is not easy. 林逸不禁有点替楚梦瑶担心,但是回头一想,以那帮黑暗魔兽对楚梦瑶的过分重视,楚梦瑶就算自己想出事都没那么容易。 Saw that Lin Yi comes in alone king Diannei suddenly, Hong Baxian and the others first are one startled, along with even great happiness! 见到林逸突然在独王殿内现身,洪霸先等人先是一惊,随即便是大喜! Boss you may be come back!” 老大你可算是回来了!” People like meeting liberator's general emotional reaction, made Lin Yi somewhat accidental/surprised, strange say/way: What's wrong? What matter this meets?” 众人这副如同遇到救星一般的激动反应,着实令林逸有些意外,不由奇怪道:“怎么?这是遇上什么事了?”
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