SBPE :: Volume #16

#9788: Chapter 9788

The meaning of this saying to be obvious. 这话的意思显而易见。 Your Lin Yi calculates the root chicken feather! 林逸算根鸡毛啊! Really thinks that you spoke words casually, can my solemn Jianghai city First person support to give in to you? 真以为你随便说句话,我堂堂江海城第一人就要来捧场迁就你? Nothing but depends the power and prestige of Jianghai Institute to bully the weak by relying on powerful connections, thing of relying on the power of the master, but also really worked as itself the dish? 无非仗着江海学院的威风狐假虎威而已,狗仗人势的东西,还真把自己当盘菜了? Since the city main Sir official business is busy, I do not disturb.” “既然城主大人公务繁忙,那我就不打搅了。” Lin Yi is with good intention actually especially, sets out then to walk toward out of the door with a smile, depressed that has not run into a wall slightly. 林逸倒是格外善解人意,笑着起身便往门外走,丝毫没有碰壁的沮丧。 Li Songzhang looks at his back indifferently, sneers secretly, being adaptable to the situation, pouring is also a not allow to neglect role, but has not selected self-knowledge pitifully! 李诵章冷眼看着他的背影,暗暗冷笑,能屈能伸,倒也是个不容忽视的角色,不过可惜就是没有点自知之明! Finally Lin Yi before arriving at the entrance, lives in the footsteps suddenly, then smiles: I forgot to raise, these Family that I just said had signed the cooperation agreement with our Jianghai Institute, just those words, were day of family/home Sir make me help pass on.” 结果林逸临到门口,忽然顿住脚步,回头一笑:“哦我忘了提了,我刚说的这些家族都已经跟我们江海学院签了合作协议,刚刚那句话,是天家大爷让我帮忙转述的。” „......” “……” Li Songzhang stiffens immediately, heart 10,000 damn galloping. 李诵章顿时僵住,心头一万匹草泥马奔腾而过。 The Lin Yi's words he can regard talks nonsense, is day words toward the sun, saying that is the will of entire Jianghai Institute, he must really have this boldness to ignore, a moment ago how to go so far as to from falling the status slapped city main mansion in front of Lin Yi! 林逸的话他可以当成是放屁,可是天向阳的话,说出口那就是整个江海学院的意志,他要真有这个魄力置之不理,刚才何至于自降身份在林逸面前自己打城主府的耳光! As the city lord, Li Songzhang may has a city mansion person, may in this flash, perform a colorful complexion change under glare of the public eye obstinately. 身为城主,李诵章可算是相当有城府的一个人了,可在这一瞬之间,愣是在众目睽睽之下上演了一出精彩纷呈的脸色变化。 A moment later, the expression hold/container Huobian entire net of city main Sir, being possible be called the year is best. 片刻之后,城主大人的表情包火遍全网,堪称年度最佳。 If the city main Sirs have no words to need me to pass on, my said goodbye, stay.” “如果城主大人没什么话需要我传一下的话,我这就告辞了,留步。” Lin Yi very decisive turning head walks. 林逸很是果断的扭头就走。 Just although this saying was not day original words personally toward the sun, but also was really not he makes out of whole cloth. 刚刚这话虽然不是天向阳的亲口原话,但也还真不是他瞎编的。 Jianghai city these Family are the super fat that made all parties covet, the ordinary time no one dares easily to upset the balance, these Family then can be free and unrestrained, sent for the riches and honor numerous flower magnificent scenes everywhere. 江海城这些家族一直都是一块令各方都觊觎的超级肥肉,平常时候没人敢轻易打破平衡,这些家族便能逍遥自在,处处都是一派人间富贵的繁花盛景。 But once the time changes, will stare at immediately by these true super influences, who wants to nip one, moreover must bite biggest even completely hold/container Yuan! 可一旦时代变动,立马就会被那些真正的超级势力盯上,谁都想要咬上一口,而且还都要咬到最大的甚至全部包圆! The city main mansion is so, Jianghai Institute similarly is also so. 城主府是如此,江海学院同样也是如此。 In fact before then, the day has been making the preparation in this aspect early toward the sun, sooner or later will have such a day, but Lin Yi's presented accelerate this advancement. 事实上早在这之前,天向阳就已经在做这方面的准备,迟早都会有这么一天,只不过林逸的出现加速了这个进程罢了。 Said truly, both biggest difference, nothing but is former's table manners extremely annoys the person to be repugnant ugly, but the latter has the sacred place aloof stance table manners to restrain many relatively, in comparison is also naturally easier to accept. 真正说起来,两者最大的区别,无非是前者的吃相太过难看惹人反感,而后者有着圣地般的超然姿态吃相相对收敛许多,相比之下自然也就更容易让人接受。 Saw that Lin Yi was being crowded around going out, on Li Songzhang face Yin clear uncertain, opens mouth actually unable to say the words finally. 眼看着林逸被人簇拥着出门,李诵章脸上阴晴不定,张了张嘴最终却没能说出话来。 What was in the glare of the public eye he to say, is in front of webcast, did oneself hit one again oneself face? 众目睽睽他能说什么,当着网络直播的面,再自己打一回自己的脸? He is the city lords, he is the Jianghai city First person! 他可是城主啊,他可是江海城第一人啊! Everyone thinks that the matter stopped, finally goes out of that moment of city main mansion front door in Lin Yi, resounds the city to advocate Li Songzhang voice suddenly. 所有人都以为事情到此为止了,结果就在林逸走出城主府大门的那一刻,身后忽然响起城主李诵章的声音。 Troubles Young Hero Lin to pass on to day of family/home Sir for me, said that his words I received, the significance that the city main mansion has protects the borders and sets people's minds at ease, so long as these Family do not make some actions of breaking the law, so long as my Li Songzhang reigns for day, will not make anybody harass them.” “麻烦林少侠替我转告天家大爷,就说他的话我收到了,城主府存在的意义就是保境安民,只要这些家族不做一些违法乱纪之举,只要我李诵章在位一天,就不会让任何人去骚扰他们。” Then, Li Songzhang stopping does not have, the form disappears swiftly does not see. 说完,李诵章连停顿一下都没有,身影倏然消失不见。 Lin Yi looks at a face surprise, even this type nearly flickered the method of moving to take come out, it seems like that this city main Sir was really a being concerned about face person. 林逸看得一脸诧异,连这种近乎瞬移的手段都拿出来了,看来这位城主大人果然是个要脸的人呐。 In the crowds eye of unclear details, Li Songzhang this face that displays that naturally as the Jianghai city First person lost completely, is simply huge with the arrogant contrast of a period of time city main mansion. 在不明底细的围观群众眼中,李诵章这副表现那自然是把身为江海城第一人的脸都丢尽了,跟近段时间城主府的趾高气扬简直反差巨大。 With a proverb, a little collapse Renshe. 用一句老话来说,有点崩人设。 May in the eyes of person with high aspirations, Li Songzhang so not want the performance of face instead to make them dread. 可在有心人的眼里,李诵章如此不要脸面的表现却反而令他们更加忌惮。 Being adaptable to the situation, this is the typical fierce and ambitious meteorology! 能屈能伸,这是典型的枭雄气象! Especially had arrived at Li Songzhang this level, under big crowd of people, works as the entire net live broadcast also to endure the average man unable to endure, can only say that big of this person of ambition has been above the imagination, a dynasty erupts, that scene inevitably unimaginable. 尤其已经到了李诵章这个层次,大庭广众之下,当着全网直播还能忍常人所不能忍,只能说此人野心之大已经超乎想象,一朝爆发,那场面必然不可想象。 However this moment Lin Yi thinks that is actually not the former, is not the latter. 不过此刻林逸想的,却既不是前者,也不是后者。 Li Songzhang admittedly is the rare fierce and ambitious, this point is undeniable, but if only this, he actually did not worry, said accurately will be half th division they will not be worried. 李诵章固然是难得一见的枭雄,这一点不可否认,但如果只是这样,他其实都不担心,准确的说是洛半师他们都不会担心。 They worried truly, is this person can bear patiently, can compromise for the general interest. 他们真正担心的,是此人太会隐忍,太会委曲求全。 At crucial moment, perhaps will lose the political integrity! 关键时候,恐怕会失了大节! If the ordinary time, Li Songzhang is being disloyal has limited impact, at least cannot affect the general situation, Jianghai Institute is also disinclined multi- meddle. 若是平常时候,李诵章是不是失节影响有限,至少影响不到大局,江海学院也根本懒得多管闲事 But once the real great misfortune approaches, if Li Songzhang is disloyal, that may open on the real joke in a big way. 可一旦真的大劫来临,李诵章若是失节,那可就真的玩笑开大了。 Regardless of half th division, is the secret, school other have to understand clearly in the future the situation ability top character, was stressing as if by prior agreement same matter, some following great misfortune not household can shoulder alone. 无论洛半师,还是天机,还是学院其他有着洞悉未来大势能力的顶层人物,不约而同都在强调同一件事,接下来的这场大劫绝不是某一家某一户能够独自扛过去的。 Even if better than Jianghai Institute, is not good. 即便强如江海学院,也不行。 Passed this unprecedented great misfortune the only means that is Jianghai all influences unites, the united front cooperated wholeheartedly, such had a slim chance of survival that passed the great misfortune. 度过这场前所未有大劫的唯一办法,就是江海所有势力团结起来,统一战线竭诚合作,那样才有度过大劫的一线生机。 But once Li Songzhang draws the hip. 可一旦李诵章这边拉胯。 That means that should as the Jianghai city of huge strategic depth, in a short time crash instantaneously, even treachery, when the time comes all pressures unretentive falls in torrents completely on Jianghai Institute. 那就意味着本该作为巨大战略纵深的江海城,将在极短的时间内瞬间崩盘,甚至倒戈,到时候所有的压力将毫无保留的全部倾泄到江海学院头上。 Even if by the background of Jianghai Institute, once falls to that and other positions, should still certainly be in imminent danger! 即便以江海学院的底蕴,一旦落到那等境地,也必将岌岌可危! This Lin Yi's most deep layer intention, to a Li Songzhang warning, making him then have to dread about major Family, does not dare easily to start again, rather one time is regarding the limit probe of this person of character. 这次林逸的最深层意图,与其说是给李诵章一个警告,让他接下来对各大家族心存忌惮,不敢再轻易下手,倒不如说是一次对于此人性格的极限试探。 But from the probe result, is not quite obviously optimistic. 而从试探结果来看,显然不太乐观。 To the Kaesong main mansion, the Lin Yi First time made a phone call to the day with half th division toward the sun respectively, gave two attainment report of trip. 离开城主府,林逸第一时间给天向阳和洛半师各自打了一个电话,将此行的心得汇报给了两位。 Sure enough, regardless of the day half th division, fell into toward the sun as if by prior agreement silent. 果不其然,无论天向阳还是洛半师,都不约而同陷入了沉默。 These two big shot nearly proposed immediately simultaneously an idea, holds the Jianghai Institute top summit meeting! 这两位大佬随即近乎同时提出了一个想法,召开江海学院顶级峰会! They also think has certain operating space, like raising the gu, Jianghai Institute also has the time that the waiting true gu king is published, therefore day toward the sun when will be sensitive tacitly consented that permits Anshan will initiate the scientific theory battle struggle. 他们本来还认为有着一定的操作空间,如同养蛊,江海学院还有等待真正蛊王问世的时间,所以天向阳才会在如此敏感的时候默许许安山发起学理会战争。 But half th division, no longer hidden world like the past, chose accepted a challenge directly! 而洛半师,也不再像以往那样隐世不出,选择了正面应战! But, detects now Li Songzhang this hidden danger, the school was very obvious does not have the time of calm conformity, what they must do molds the consensus of entire school as soon as possible, constructed the united front of one mind! 可是,如今察觉到了李诵章这个隐患,学院很明显已经没有了从容整合的时间,他们要做的是尽快塑造整个学院的共识,构建上下一心的统一战线! Leaves the time of Jianghai Institute, are not really many. 留给江海学院的时间,真的已经不多了。 However although the words so, the day actually gave Lin Yi extremely special task toward the sun, conformity failing a grade fresh institute! 不过话虽如此,天向阳却还是给了林逸一个极其特别的任务,整合留级生院!
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