SBPE :: Volume #16

#9787: Chapter 9787

Although Li Songzhang has had the flaming ambition, although has wanted to press Jianghai Institute, but at least at present also by far insufficient, this self-knowledge he had. 李诵章虽然一直有着熊熊野心,虽然一直想要压过江海学院,但至少眼下还远远不够,这点自知之明他还是有的。 A Lin Yi face confident nod: I from the head, the words that spoke naturally am also the truth, if the city main Sirs also had the doubts, presently can call the eyewitness.” 林逸一脸坦然的点头:“我是来自首的,说的话自然也都是真话,城主大人如果还有疑惑,现在就可以把目击证人叫过来。” „......” “……” Long time, Li Songzhang emits one spookily: „ Young Hero Lin possibly has not to know, the legal regulation of city main mansion is only effective to the Jianghai city range, your Jianghai Institute does not belong to the city main mansion to govern, even if did anything, the legal regulation will not manage to your heads. 良久,李诵章幽幽冒出一句:“林少侠可能有所不知,城主府的法例只对江海城范围有效,你们江海学院并不属于城主府治下,就算做了什么事,法例也不会管到你们的头上。 Especially your failing a grade fresh institute five great, the character of your rank, has the right of immunity naturally. ” 尤其你还是留级生院五巨,你这种级别的人物,天然是有豁免权的。” If these words place secular world, stirs the controversy ready ready, after all the equal concept has struck root in the hearts of the people, even if in the reality also has the matters of many non- equalities, but at the scene, some extremely few people have at least dared to open historical wheel blatantly. 这番话要是放在世俗界,妥妥引起轩然大波,毕竟平等观念早已经深入人心,就算现实之中还有许多不平等之事,但至少场面上,已经极少有人敢公然开历史倒车了。 Let alone, this is representing a city main Sir of city law highest vanguard! 何况,这位还是代表着一城法度最高捍卫者的城主大人! But he said that is in front of everyone, is in front of entire network live broadcast, the key also no one was thinking unexpectedly has any incorrect place. 可他就是这么说了,当着现场所有人的面,当着整个网络直播的面,关键居然还没什么人觉得有什么不对的地方。 In this strength supreme World, powerhouse originally privileged, this is the concept in their inherent bone. 在这个实力至上的世界,强者本来就是有特权的,这是他们与生俱来骨子里的观念。 Even if the secular world science and technology spreads now, helping their many people live the modern life, but this strong and weak high and low concept, actually as before deep-rooted. 哪怕如今世俗界科技流传过来,让他们很多人过上了现代生活,可这种强弱尊卑的观念,却依旧根深蒂固。 Right?” “是吗?” Lin Yi is actually strange smiling of: Therefore even if I kill is your city main mansion person, can exempt?” 林逸却是奇怪的笑了笑:“所以哪怕我杀的是你们城主府的人,也可以豁免吗?” Li Songzhang immediately face one black. 李诵章顿时脸一黑。 This saying to be really poking his lung pipe, being defeated of Sky King herd god not to mention, the group of Qin and god of death squad extinguishes, to him and entire city main mansion absolutely is a huge blow. 这话是真的在戳他肺管子了,天王牧神的落败且不说,秦人杰和死神小队的团灭,对他和整个城主府来说绝对是一次巨大的打击。 He in the meat pain, the strength of god of death squad such level, is really not casual pile resources can train until now after all! 他至今都在肉痛,毕竟死神小队这样层次的战力,真不是随便堆一下资源就能培养起来的! If Ok, he 10,000 reasons kills Lin Yi to give vent to indignation today. 如果可以,他今天有一万个理由杀林逸泄愤。 But the brutal reality is actually, he must discover the First 10,001 reasons to convince itself, meanwhile must convince everyone! 可残酷的现实却是,他必须找出第一万零一个理由说服自己,同时还要说服所有人! He must endure, endures that day to arrive, can find the opportunity to reckon up all old debt, takes to his huge humiliation including today's Lin Yi! 他必须忍,忍到那一天到来,才能找到机会将一切旧账算清楚,包括今天林逸带给他的巨大屈辱! Law of the jungle is the cultivate custom, they die on Young Hero Lin, is their learning not fine, could not blame anybody, my city main mansion will not naturally idle, for over their personal gratitude and resentment.” “弱肉强食是修炼界规矩,他们死在林少侠手上,是他们自己学艺不精,怪不了任何人,我城主府自然也不会闲到为了他们的私人恩怨出头。” Li Songzhang depresses the anger forcefully, the look tranquil say/way: Killing is the cultivate routine matter, so long as is not the wounds and general public, Young Hero Lin is not necessary extremely to be offended.” 李诵章强行压下怒火,神色平静道:“打打杀杀是修炼界常事,只要不是伤及普通民众,林少侠大可不必太过介怀。” Good to endure humiliation! 好一个忍辱负重! This even Lin Yi has to approve one secretly, as the city main Sir, the solemn Jianghai city First person, Li Songzhang can endure in this share came as a surprise to his greatly. 这回连林逸都不得不暗赞一句,身为城主大人,堂堂的江海城第一人,李诵章能够忍到这个份上真是大大出乎了他的意料。 His also having a mind violent opposite party acted, takes the opportunity to probe the city main mansion genuine card in a hand, to prepare in the future. 他本来还有心激对方出手,借机试探一下城主府真正的底牌,为日后做准备。 However presently looks like, this abacus must fail. 不过现在看来,这个算盘是要落空了。 On this subject, even he has no way to continue the hard resentment to get down, immediately takes advantage of opportunity the nod saying: Such being the case, that many thanks the city main Sirs dispelled doubt for me, otherwise continuously with trepidation, sleeps does not rest steadfastly.” 话说到这个份上,即便是他也没法继续硬怼下去,当即顺势点头道:“既然如此,那就多谢城主大人替我解惑了,要不然一直提心吊胆,睡觉都睡不踏实。” „......” “……” Li Songzhang is really a heart that spat this son of a bitch had, you special compelled in Father the dead end, did manages this call to sleep not to rest steadfastly? 李诵章真是一口啐死这个王八蛋的心都有,你特么把老子都逼绝路上了,管这叫睡觉睡不踏实? How do you rest steadfastly? Let Father kneel down to you? 那你怎么样睡踏实?让老子给你跪下? But finally, all anger must change smile: Young Hero Lin is really a good humorous person.” 但最终,所有怒气还是得化作一笑:“林少侠果然是个好诙谐的人。” Thought that he compromises for the general interest, Lin Yi ought to know when to stop, should end the farce to this. 满以为他都这么委曲求全,林逸总该适可而止,闹剧到这就该结束了。 However, Li Songzhang wants. 然而,李诵章还是想多了。 Lin Yi a few words made him are the eyelid jump: My own private affair finished talking, an official business, hopes that the city main Sirs can one and help solve.” 林逸紧接着一句话就令他又是眼皮一跳:“我自己的私事谈完了,还有一桩公事,希望城主大人能够一并帮忙解决。” Li Songzhang forced to grin to squeeze out a curve of smile: Does not know that what matter Young Hero Lin also has, so long as is in my city main mansion within the job duty, so long as is fair, I told certainly that makes them act accordingly.” 李诵章强行咧了咧嘴挤出一个微笑的弧度:“不知林少侠还有何事,只要是我城主府职权范围之内,只要是合情合理,我一定吩咐下去让他们照办。” Definitely fairly.” “肯定合情合理。” Lin Yi smiled saying with a smile: I in Jianghai city understanding many friends, they in the Jianghai city am also a little family property, likely symbol Wang Family, refined appearance Shen, other Family.” 林逸笑了笑道:“我在江海城认识不少朋友,他们在江海城还都算是有点家业,像阵符王家啊,风神沈家啊,还有其他一些家族。” The anchor who others Li Songzhang, on the scene surrounds continually and online looked that the numerous simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform eyelid jumps. 别人李诵章,连在场围观的主播和网上看众都齐齐眼皮直跳。 Symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen...... 阵符王家、风神沈家…… You manage these Family to be called is a little family property, what under that these are, what our these ordinary Family are, being alone in the world vagrant? 你管这些家族叫做算是有点家业,那底下这些算什么,我们这些普通家族算什么,孑然一身的流浪汉吗? Under Li Songzhang heart is surges immediately anger. 李诵章心下顿时又是涌起一股怒意。 These Family are the vegetables/dishes in his plate, even if including having two big giant ultimate grand perfection expert symbol Wang Family, if not the Lin Yi midway meddles, he also had confidence that compels him to shear the meat, when the time even can also annex appropriately at one fell swoop. 这些家族本来都是他盘里的菜,哪怕包括坐拥两大巨头终极大圆满高手的阵符王家,如果不是林逸中途插手,他也有把握逼其割肉,等到时机合适甚至还能一举吞并。 Symbol Wang Family is so, other Family not to mention. 阵符王家都是如此,其他家族就更不用说了。 But Lin Yi come out, he conceived the good excellent plan to be all chaotic. 林逸出来,他本来设想好的大好计划全都乱了。 Symbol Wang Family needless saying that Qin and god of death squad fold there, refined appearance Shen who typical going for wool and coming back shorn, is settled was also separated from the control. 阵符王家自不必说,秦人杰和死神小队都折在那里,典型的偷鸡不成蚀把米,就连板上钉钉的风神沈家也都脱离了掌控。 Now is to hear the wind sound/rumor, even these second-class Family also gather together, wants to borrow the will resistance of Lin Yi's reputation with his city main mansion, boiled Boytoy must fly away shortly! 如今更是听到风声,连那些二流家族也都聚在一起,想要借林逸的名头与他城主府的意志对抗,眼看着煮熟的鸭子全都要飞走! May endure what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍孰不可忍! The matter related to the city main mansion face, he as the solemn city lord, endured also to endure, disposition that as long as fierce and ambitious which has not steeled oneself for revenge, was major Family, this direct matter Guan Cheng lord the mansion benefit, he did not make concessions possibly! 刚才的事情只是关系到城主府的面子,他身为堂堂城主,忍了也就忍了,但凡枭雄哪一个没有卧薪尝胆的心性,可是各大家族,这直接事关城主府的利益,他绝不容许退让! „? Does not know that Young Hero Lin raised them, what prepared to discuss with me?” “哦?不知林少侠提起他们,是准备跟我谈些什么?” Li Songzhang attitude starts to weaken, a pressure of top high-rank dissipates spontaneously, immediately presses the people on the scene not to gasp for breath, even if these has no strength surrounding anchors, looked dangerous meteorology that the becoming an official rain of wants. 李诵章的态度开始淡漠下来,一身顶级上位者的威压自发逸散,顿时压得在场众人喘不过气来,哪怕是那些没什么实力的围观主播们,也都看出了山雨欲来的危险气象。 Lin Yi is actually slightly not affected, is easely free: Actually also has nothing, they as the Jianghai City People being law-abiding, received problem-making of city main mansion recently, the day did not feel better very much, therefore held me to come with the city main Sirs to say one, knew when to stop troublesome.” 林逸却是丝毫不受影响,悠然自若道:“其实也没什么,他们作为奉公守法的江海城民众,近来都受到了城主府的刁难,日子很是不好过,所以托我来跟城主大人说一声,麻烦适可而止。” This matter?” “还有这种事?” Li Songzhang selected the eyebrow, said lightly: How doesn't my city main know?” 李诵章挑了挑眉毛,淡淡道:“我这个城主怎么不知道?” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: My presently said that the city main Sirs know that is not late, naturally after city main mansion how should do, my bystander naturally does not have the qualifications to butt, but is the friend face, is helping belt/bring words.” 林逸笑笑:“我现在说了,城主大人知道也不算晚,当然至于城主府之后该怎么做,我一个外人自然是没资格置喙的,只是出于朋友情面,帮着带句话罢了。” Li Songzhang nods: Good, since the words bring, if Young Hero Lin does not have other matter, can please, I also probably process some urgent business.” 李诵章点点头:“好,既然话已带到,林少侠如果没别的事的话,可以请回了,我还要处理一些紧急公务。”
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