SBPE :: Volume #16

#9786: Chapter 9786

Comes to the city main mansion office, Jiang Yuntian decent to report, this let Lin Yi and behind anchors. 来至城主府办公室,姜云天像模像样的禀报了一声,这才将林逸和身后的一众主播让进去。 wait a moment, I process on hand official business slightly, immediately good.” “稍等一下,我处理一下手头公务,马上好。” Li Songzhang did intentionally said busily, sat lifted raised the head after the desk, hinted Lin Yi several people first to sit. 李诵章故作繁忙的说了一句,坐在办公桌后只是抬了抬头,示意林逸几人先坐。 Lin Yi Xiaoxiao, pouring is not anxious, sits down to drink tea in the one side slowly. 林逸笑笑,倒也不急,慢悠悠在一旁坐下喝茶。 To be honest, at Li Songzhang this level, was the pattern is a little really small with the small repertoire of this being annoying frame of mind. 说实话,处在李诵章这个层次,用这种磨人心气的小套路着实是格局有点小了。 However he does not worry in any case, since others want to rub, here is the person Patriarch field, his guest does as the host pleases accompanies is rubbing slowly, his patience is always good. 不过反正他也不着急,既然人家想磨,这里又是人家主场,他就客随主便陪着慢慢磨呗,他的耐心一向不错。 Lin Yi does not worry, side together with several anchors have not actually stopped. 林逸不着急,旁边一起跟进来的几个主播却没停下。 Although is not at all Li Songzhang surface speech, but is actually flies with the water friend interaction, online rhythm wave after wave. 虽然不敢当着李诵章的面说话,但跟水友互动却是飞起,网上节奏一波接着一波。 Was reasonable, their behaviors came to see a little to do really according to the normal person vision, the city main mansion could not tidy up Lin Yi even, couldn't have tidied up them? 讲道理,他们这种行为按正常人眼光来看着实有点作死,城主府就算收拾不了林逸,难道还收拾不了他们? But artificial wealth dead birds die in pursuit of food, like them, if the ready-made swayed does not even wrestle in front opportunity, later was to also be doomed unable to have this bowl of food. 可人为财死鸟为食亡,像他们这些人,如果连这样现成摆在面前的机会都不搏一把,以后也是注定吃不了这碗饭了。 Let alone, they make admittedly offend the city main mansion, but is showing good will to Lin Yi simultaneously? 何况,他们这么做固然是得罪城主府,可同时又何尝不是在向林逸示好? So long as on them also has the heat degree, even if Li Songzhang to have scruples own image, will not start to them rashly, to recall public opinion image, even especially is possibly tolerant to them, so long as then does not continue to do. 只要他们身上还有热度,李诵章哪怕只是为了顾忌自己的形象,也不会冒然对他们下手,为了挽回舆论形象,甚至可能对他们格外宽容,只要接下来不继续作死。 And all sorts, they have planned to understand. 其中种种,他们早已算计明白了。 They are the unimportant people, that the ants before Li Songzhang is not even, but the unimportant person has planning of unimportant person, the unimportant person also has the survival wisdom of unimportant person. 他们是小人物,那点在李诵章面前连蝼蚁都算不上,可小人物有小人物的算计,小人物也有小人物的生存智慧。 However at present, with online popular feelings fermentation one after another, the situation regarding the city main mansion in the rapid deterioration, the sign that slightly do not bottom! 不过眼下,随着网上舆情一波又一波的发酵,对于城主府而言局势仍在快速恶化,丝毫没有要见底的迹象! The time drags for a long time, image of city main mansion in peoples heart is blacker, washes washes not white! 时间拖得越久,城主府在广大民众心中的形象就越黑,洗都洗不白! After the assistant passed through the gate to put one's mouth close to another's ear this situation in a hurry said to Li Songzhang, this always wrist vicious city main Sir, this changed color finally, he took a rash step. 当助手匆匆进门附耳将这个情况说给李诵章之后,这位一向手腕老辣的城主大人,这才终于变色,他失策了。 He did one to lift the stone to pound the foolish matter of foot! 他干了一件搬起石头砸自己脚的蠢事! Lin Yi looks that this smiles not to speak. 林逸看着这一幕笑而不语。 The Internet public opinion cannot put absolutely, no matter, once ferments to press such as to ascend to heaven again radically difficultly, but this secular world general knowledge to Li Songzhang, was is a little really advanced. 网络舆情绝对不能放着不管,一旦发酵起来再想摁下去根本难如登天,只不过这种世俗界的常识对李诵章来说,实在是有点过于超前了。 After all, his cellphone uses barely, the network does not look basically. 毕竟,他连手机都用得很少,网络更是基本不看。 To a certain extent, this ate owing that does not have the culture. 某种程度上,这就是吃了没文化的亏。 Excuse me, the official business was busy, making Young Hero Lin wait for a long time.” “不好意思,公务繁忙,让林少侠久等了。” Li Songzhang sets out finally with a smile. 李诵章终于笑着起身。 Lin Yi indifferent shaking the head: Doesn't matter, city main Sirs, if also has other important official business, can first process, my here no important matter, does not worry.” 林逸无所谓的摇摇头:“没关系,城主大人要是还有其他要紧的公务,可以先处理完,我这边没什么大事,不着急。” „......” “……” Li Songzhang looks at his sincere expression, as standing in Jianghai city pyramid most peak a few individuals, to broken was almost guarded by a few words resentment obstinately. 李诵章看着他这个诚恳的表情,作为站在江海城金字塔最顶端的少数几个人,愣是差点被一句话怼到破防。 However is working as the webcast, he must maintain as the city main demeanor, said with a smile pale: I am good, said again Young Hero Lin as the failing a grade fresh institute five great, comes my city main mansion is also an honored guest, your matter priority is highest.” 不过当着网络直播,他还是得保持住身为城主的风度,淡笑道:“我已经好了,再说林少侠身为留级生院五巨,来我城主府也是贵客,你的事优先级是最高的。” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Yi nods, then said to spread at this moment in network Upper Class, even had been made funny expression package of individual famous sayings by the busybody: I come from the head.” 林逸点点头,然后说出了此刻已经在网络上流传开来,甚至都已经被好事者做成了滑稽表情包的个人名言:“我是来自首的。” Li Songzhang is without turning a hair, maintains the smile as before: Young Hero Lin chatted, is actually only the misunderstanding of underlings, they mistakenly recognize Young Hero Lin a criminal who the monitoring recorded, I had told that they cancelled the warrant for arrest.” 李诵章面不改色,依旧保持微笑:“林少侠说笑了,其实只是底下人的一场误会,他们把监控录下来的一个罪犯错认成了林少侠,我已经吩咐他们将通缉令取消了。” Right? Said my came in vain one?” “是吗?这么说我白来一趟了?” Lin Yi faint smile selected the eyebrow, immediately a thread of conversation road for grain shipment: „The city main Sirs possibly misunderstood, surrendering that I said that is not because I got up the city main mansion warrant for arrest.” 林逸似笑非笑的挑了挑眉,随即话锋一转道:“不过城主大人可能误会了,我说的自首,并不是因为我上了城主府的通缉令。” Li Songzhang eyelid jumps, immediately has to plant the extremely not wonderful premonition: „? Is that for what?” 李诵章眼皮一跳,顿时有种极其不妙的预感:“哦?那是为了什么?” Lin Yi said lightly: I come from the head , because before me, killed city main mansion one team of patrol leaders , the Qin named a god of death squad that leads outstandingly, these two things have the eyewitness, according to the legal regulation of your city main mansion, the delinquent account is clear.” 林逸淡淡道:“我来自首,是因为我之前杀了城主府一队巡逻队,哦,还有一个叫秦人杰的带领的死神小队,这两件事情都有目击证人,按照你们城主府的法例,犯罪事实清晰确凿。” The audience in an uproar. 全场哗然。 Li Songzhang stiffens at the scene. 李诵章更是当场僵住。 Thinking that all of them take for granted, Lin Yi so-called surrendering definitely for warrant for arrest matter, city main mansion this has slapped one's own face to choose lowered the head in the presence of everyone, matter also stopped mostly. 他们所有人都想当然的以为,林逸所谓的自首肯定是为了通缉令这事儿,城主府这都已经自打嘴巴选择了当众低头,事情多半也就到此为止了。 Has not thought that others said is not this, but solid delinquent account! 万万没想到,人家说的根本就不是这一茬,而是实实在在的犯罪事实! Everyone is waiting for Li Songzhang response. 所有人都在等着李诵章的反应。 Lin Yi spoke in the words this share, that may not be a misunderstanding can uncover in the past, key according to this stance, even if your city main mansion wanted to turn a blind eye is not good, because others also had the personal testimony. 林逸把话都说到这个份上了,那可就不是一句误会能够揭过去的了,关键照这架势,就算你城主府想要睁一只眼闭一只眼都不行,因为人家还有人证。 Suddenly, in the network exploded. 一时间,网络上更是炸了。 This also is really the for all eternity marvelous sight, others are the official do everything possible to look for the evidence to determine guilt to the suspect, at present is booing, turning into the suspect submitted the evidence to prove on own initiative oneself are guilty, the official must rack brains to give him on the contrary a reasonable offending explanation. 这也真是千古奇观,人家都是官方想方设法找证据给嫌疑犯定罪,眼下倒好,变成了嫌疑人主动提交证据证明自己有罪,官方反倒得绞尽脑汁给他一个合理的开罪解释。 Even if at this moment, is this unimportant people who surround the live broadcast, knows that Li Songzhang sat the wax. 此时此刻,哪怕是这位围观直播的小人物们,也都知道李诵章坐蜡了。 He does not dare to detain Lin Yi. 他根本不敢扣押林逸 At their levels, although thinks that does not understand why Li Songzhang as the solemn city main does not have this energy, but if he can, not have the misunderstanding to say. 以他们的层次,虽然想不明白李诵章身为堂堂的城主为啥没有这个底气,但如果他能,就不会有刚才的误会之说了。 „Do Young Hero Lin this words take seriously?” 林少侠此话当真?” Li Songzhang complexion sank, he had thoroughly clarified the Lin Yi's origin. 李诵章脸色沉了下来,他已经彻底弄清楚了林逸的来历。 This where was surrenders, declared war radically face to face! 这哪里是自首来了,根本就是当面宣战来了! The key is, his not clear this is Lin Yi oneself meaning, is representing the attitude of entire Jianghai Institute. 关键是,他不清楚这是林逸本人的意思,还是代表着整个江海学院的态度。 If were only the former said but actually fortunately, took advantage of opportunity to deduct also deducted, Lin Yi's strength admittedly far exceeded his beforehand estimate, but also was insufficient to be able to select in the entire city main mansion share invincibly only. 如果只是前者倒还好说,顺势扣下也就扣下了,林逸的实力固然远远超出了他之前的预估,但还不至于无敌到能单挑整个城主府的份上。 Even if Lin Yi defeated the Sky King herd god in the presence of everyone, one-to-one, his Li Songzhang has ample to grasp it as before takes! 哪怕林逸当众打败了天王牧神,一对一,他李诵章依旧有十足把握将其拿下! But if this is the attitude of Jianghai Institute, if he dares face to face following, then the Jianghai city may really probably cloud over! 可如果这是江海学院的态度,那他要是敢当面接下来,接下来江海城可就真的要变天了! After these days plundering, his subordinate city main mansion strength admittedly rose suddenly much, may with Jianghai Institute this sacred place that gathered numerous monsters compares, has vast gap that is unable to attain. 经过这段时间的掠夺,他麾下的城主府实力固然暴涨了不少,可跟江海学院这种聚集了众多怪物的圣地相比,还是有着无法企及的巨大差距。 Let alone, his two big trump card squad were extinguished to the group by Lin Yi, a leader by Lin Yi being defeated. 何况,他的两大王牌小队一个被林逸给团灭了,一个领头人被林逸给打败了。 Once makes war comprehensively, by the city main mansion present condition, crashes instantaneously is big probability incident. 一旦全面开战,以城主府如今的状态,瞬间崩盘是大概率事件
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