SBPE :: Volume #16

#9785: Chapter 9785

However Lin Yi said: „ I come from open and aboveboard, no must not exposed to up, I do not fear to lose face, the city main mansion also has no worry? 然而林逸却道:“我来自首堂堂正正,没什么见不得光的,连我本人都不怕丢面子,想必城主府也没什么好担心的吧? Has a word to call the transparent law enforcement, the city main mansion as the imperator in Jianghai city, should keep pace with the times is. ” 有个词叫透明执法,城主府身为江海城的最高统治者,也该与时俱进才是。” One crowd watches the fun does not dislike the matter big crowds to echo. 门外一群看热闹不嫌事大的围观群众纷纷附和。 Jiang Yuntian sat the wax. 姜云天坐蜡了。 Do not look that at present Lin Yi is really the good residential appearance that a knowledge wrong changes, he actually fully realizes the terrifying of this person. 别看眼下林逸真是一副知错就改的良好市民模样,他却深知此人的恐怖。 Before one move of second kills the elite patrol leader not to raise, Qin and god of death squad were annihilated in its, the Sky King herd gods acknowledged that admitted defeat personally in its under the hand | subordinate. 之前一招秒杀精英巡逻队就不提了,秦人杰和死神小队在其手上全军覆没,就连天王牧神都亲口承认在其手下吃瘪。 Regardless of the credibility of these words has many, at least can prove a point, front new promote soon failing a grade fresh institute five great, absolutely is the extreme dangerous character who cannot be provoked! 无论这句话的可信度有多少,至少可以证明一点,面前这位新晋不久留级生院五巨,绝对是一个不可招惹的极度危险人物! Only if the city main mansion prepares to use the full power today, does not hesitate to battle against with Jianghai Institute must take this person, otherwise front is solid Sir, he really cannot provoke. 除非今天城主府准备动用全力,不惜与江海学院开战也要将此人拿下,否则面前这位就是实实在在的大爷,他真的招惹不起。 It is not good, makes Lin Yi at the scene to get angry, his vice- city main must become immediately is a scapegoat the hero, on the quilt cover that person removes from office! 一个不好,闹得林逸当场翻脸,他这个副城主立马就得成为背锅侠,被头上那人就地免职! A city main mansion numerous guard looks to clear/pain Yuntian. 城主府一众守卫纷纷看向楚云天。 clear/pain Yuntian puzzled moment, helpless finally waving of makes them draw back, looks at indifferent free Lin Yi, under the heart gives birth to not being able to ventilate being incapable. 楚云天纠结片刻,最终无奈挥了挥手让他们退下,看着淡然自若的林逸,心下不由生出一股透不过气来的无力。 As the matter stands, the aspect is unable to tidy up. 只是这样一来,局面就更加无法收拾了。 Lin Yi looked at him, is with good intention saying: You, if processing, can ask the leader to act, the leadership used at this time.” 林逸看了看他,善解人意道:“你要是处理不了,可以找领导出面,领导就是这个时候用的。” I understood.” “我明白了。” clear/pain Yuntian squeezes out a ratio to cry also the ugly smile, he knows certainly that at this time can only ask Li Songzhang personally to act, very obvious Lin Yi has not been serious his vice- city lord. 楚云天挤出一个比哭还难看的笑容,他当然知道这个时候只能找李诵章亲自出面,很明显林逸根本就没把他这个副城主当一回事。 In fact, his so-called vice- city lord, in this genuine top strength character eyes, truly is also that a matter. 事实上,他这个所谓的副城主,在这种真正的顶级战力人物眼里,确实也就是那么一回事。 In the final analysis, this way of the world or strength are to revere, who makes him be only giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, since were not stands giant ultimate grand perfection expert of Jianghai city pyramid peak, he must have such consciousness. 说到底,这个世道还是实力为尊的,谁让他只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰呢,既然不是站到了江海城金字塔顶端的巨头终极大圆满高手,他就必须有这样的觉悟。 But, really must play to return to Li Songzhang under foot the rubber ball, his vice- city main big probability also did to the end. 可是,真要把皮球踢回到李诵章的脚下,他这个副城主大概率也就干到头了。 At crucial moment cannot keep off the blade for the leadership, wants your what to use?! 关键时候不能为领导挡刀,要你何用?! Looks at the Lin Yi light look, clear/pain Yuntian thinks very much unyielding, returning to one, since you were actually come from of head to be disrespectful. 看着林逸平淡的神色,楚云天很想硬气一回,回一句既然你是来自首的那就却之不恭了。 What a pity he does not dare. 可惜他不敢。 Such makes the scene to be only more embarrassed, because Lin Yi, once manifests suddenly, his very clear city main mansion will certainly not reveal for him, instead with him, when the scapegoat gives vent to indignation to Lin Yi. 那样做场面只会更加难堪,因为林逸一旦发作,他很清楚城主府一定不会替他兜底,反而会拿他当替罪羊给林逸泄愤。 When the time comes he let alone detains the city main mansion dignity, cannot do well must be condemned to be jailed, unloads the grinding to kill the donkey! 到时候他别说留住城主府的体面,搞不好还得被问罪下狱,卸磨杀驴! By Li Songzhang disposition, this matter does not do not come out. 以李诵章的心性,这种事情不是干不出来 Under the balance, Jiang Yuntian must call to ask for instructions Li Songzhang, ultimately obtains a light reply. 权衡之下,姜云天只得给李诵章打电话请示,最终得到一句淡淡的回复。 Makes him come up.” “让他上来吧。” Hangs up the telephone, Jiang Yuntian compensates to say with a smile to Lin Yi: Forest five great, the city main above you, I guides to you.” 挂断电话,姜云天给林逸赔笑道:“林五巨,城主在上面等您,我给您带路。” Good.” “好。” Lin Yi sets out immediately, the crowds that an numerous watch the fun shouted in confusion immediately must follow to go upstairs together, anchor who especially these are gaining the current capacity, was the public sentiment is more excited. 林逸当即起身,一众看热闹的围观群众顿时吵嚷着要跟着一起上楼,尤其那些在赚流量的主播,更是群情激动。 Trades to make the ordinary time, the Lin Yi this status great person they sees radically continually could not see, now emits a flash news, key Lin Yi did not oppose, so food chance of a lifetime exactly, how they possibly easily let off! 换做平常时候,林逸这种身份的大人物他们根本连见都见不到,如今冒出一个大新闻,关键林逸自己也不反对,如此千载难逢的恰饭机会,他们怎么可能轻易放过! Jiang Yuntian just about to stops, in the crowd some people have shouted the behind-the-scenes plotting ahead of time. 姜云天这边刚要阻拦,人群中就已经有人提前喊起了黑幕。 In the network ferments a wave of big tide instantaneously, the city main mansion frames the failing a grade fresh institute five great titles to start to brush the screen blatantly directly, various negative reports of past city main mansion, including recent all sorts of movements, starts to be turned come out. 紧接着,网络上瞬间酝酿出一波大浪潮,城主府公然陷害留级生院五巨的标题直接开始刷屏,连带着以往城主府的各种负面新闻,包括近期的种种动作,也都开始被翻出来 If Lin Yi is even unexpected, the reputation of city main mansion because of such a impulsive decision, will develop rapidly after a sudden turn unexpectedly unexpectedly, presented the potential of unprecedented crashing! 若是连林逸都意想不到,城主府的口碑竟会因为自己这么一个心血来潮的决定,居然急转直下,呈现出了前所未有的崩盘之势! Actually, this wave of sudden popular feelings his admittedly is a blasting fuse, but will evolve this scene in such short time, but also is really not his merit. 其实,这波突如其来的舆情他固然是导火索,但会在如此之短的时间内演变成这副景象,还真不是他一个人的功劳。 Has the promoter to add fuel to the flames secretly. 幕后是有推手在推波助澜的。 The city main mansion the table manners are so ugly these days, the offended influence far more than is two families. 城主府这段时间吃相如此难看,得罪的势力何止是一家两家 Including just achieved that numerous Family influence of cooperation with Lin Yi, perhaps visible does not dare to defy the city main mansion the ominous prestige, may still also lack the regulatory in network type the new domain belt/bring city main mansion rhythm, that courage has, and is very big! 包括刚刚与林逸达成合作的那一众家族势力,明着也许不敢违抗城主府的凶威,可在网络这种尚还缺乏监管的新领域带城主府的节奏,那胆子还是有的,而且很大! The tide same place, various types are out to the influence that the city main mansion feels discontented, back promoter far more than two families! 浪潮一起,各种对城主府心怀不满的势力纷纷下场,背后的推手何止一家两家 The Jianghai city Internet public opinion was detonated instantaneously, is seemingly sudden, is actually logical. 江海城网络舆情被瞬间引爆,看似突然,实则顺理成章。 Jiang Yuntian until had not realized the gravity that at this moment matter, must wave to drive away immediately: Above is in the city main mansion the office, the irrelevant bystander can not enter!” 姜云天直到此刻都还没意识到事情的严重性,当即就要挥手驱赶:“上面是城主府内部办公场所,无关外人一律不得进入!” Cracks a joke, Lin Yi then must see Li Songzhang, makes this group of people also follow to push to the city main office? 开玩笑,林逸接下来是要去见李诵章的,难道让这帮人也跟着挤到城主办公室去? Li Songzhang can not kill him! 那李诵章不得杀了他! Finally on his these words, the online behind-the-scenes plotting causes a clamor immediately, ten heat search for eight are the city main mansion persecution failing a grade fresh institute five great, provokes the friction with Jianghai Institute deliberately! 结果就他这一句话,网上黑幕顿时甚嚣尘上,十条热搜八条都是城主府迫害留级生院五巨,蓄意挑起与江海学院的摩擦! As for remaining two, is the other black materials of city main mansion compiles. 至于剩下的两条,则是城主府的其他黑料汇总。 Suddenly, the city main mansion also calculates positive/direct public opinion image crashes thoroughly, results in black cannot be black, simply became the malignant tumor of Jianghai city. 一时间,城主府原本还算正面的舆论形象彻底崩盘,黑得不能再黑,简直都成了江海城的毒瘤。 In fact, these words also right, the Jianghai city joint performance changes the present situation but actually, the city main mansion is truly eminent. 事实上,这句话倒也没错,江海城会演变如今的情形,城主府确实居功至伟。 Then, the city main mansion flustered. 这下,城主府上上下下都慌了。 Although network type of emerging thing, the city main mansion had not cared, nothing but is the placebo that floor Commoner entertains, what can affect to result in? 虽然网络这种新兴玩意,城主府一直都没怎么放在心上,无非是底层平民自娱自乐的安慰剂罢了,能影响得了什么? This who can come up to scold two, the back is person of a thing that is the dog does not know, can represent the public opinion? 就这谁都能上去骂两句,连背后是人是狗都不知道的玩意,能代表得了民意? Also can affect to result in the general situation on this, can control the city main mansion the policy-making trend? 就这难道还能影响得了大局,能左右城主府的决策走向? Joke! 笑话! However today, city main mansion First time experienced the strength of network truly, that full public opinion clip compelled, was not only the online virtual network, the zone lines of key under adding fuel to the flames of all influence is even brought. 但是今天,城主府第一次真正见识到了网络的力量,那种铺天盖地的舆论夹逼,不仅仅是线上的虚拟网络,关键在各方势力的推波助澜之下连带线下都被带了起来。 Other did not say, the light was Li Songzhang office telephone is hit to explode, this public opinion pressure in all directions, even if were Li Songzhang. 其他不说,光是李诵章的办公室电话都已经被打爆了,这种四面八方的舆论压力,哪怕是李诵章也遭不住。 After all, his city lord may probably continue to rule in the Jianghai city. 毕竟,他这个城主可还是要继续在江海城统治下去的。 Finally absolutely cannot be helped, Li Songzhang must give Jiang Yuntian to instruct again, making him mention by name several influence quite big anchors to follow to go upstairs together, the entire journey witnesses him and Lin Yi's this meeting. 最终万般无奈,李诵章只得再次给姜云天指示,让他点名几个影响力比较大的主播跟着一起上楼,全程见证他与林逸的这场会面。 This is Jianghai city in history unprecedented first time! 这是江海城有史以来破天荒的头一遭!
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