SBPE :: Volume #16

#9784: Chapter 9784

He remembered half th division to a day appraisal toward the sun. 他想起了洛半师对天向阳的一句评价。 Can have such a guide, is the great good fortune of Jianghai Institute, is actually a big misfortune of careerist. 能有这么一位领路人,是江海学院的大幸,却是一众野心家的大不幸。 Jianghai Institute strong person pours forth, has the ambition to reach even displaces the day family/home, absolutely incessantly two. 江海学院强人辈出,有野心登顶甚至将天家取而代之的,绝对不止一个两个。 So long as has the day toward the sun, Jianghai Institute is doomed randomly, even if half th division from the standpoint is the inborn hostile legendary character, quite respects to the day toward the sun. 然而只要有天向阳在,江海学院就注定乱不起来,哪怕是洛半师这个从立场来看算是天生敌对的传奇人物,对天向阳都颇为敬重。 If this is not the case, in the past he will not choose to make concessions, hiding in the school prison one careless is so many years. 若非如此,当年他也不会选择退让,躲到学院监狱一苟就是这么多年。 Receives cellphone, looks numerous various influence representatives who wait, Lin Yi light nod: „, I will don't worry go to say one with the city main mansion personally.” 收起手机,看着翘首以盼的一众各家势力代表,林逸淡淡点头:“不用担心,我会亲自去跟城主府说一声的。” The people are pleasantly surprised immediately. 众人顿时又惊又喜。 Without experienced to with own eyes a moment ago with that war of Sky King herd god, they do not think that Lin Yi had this ability, but since can fight to have the herd god of city main mansion No. 2 character, even if regretted finally losing, Lin Yi had also proven own strength. 如果没有亲眼见识到刚才与天王牧神的那一战,他们不会认为林逸有这个能耐,可既然能跟城主府二号人物的牧神打得有来有回,哪怕最后遗憾“输”了,林逸也已经证明了自己的实力 In addition the failing a grade fresh institute five great status halo, the endorsement of Jianghai Institute leader, facing the city main mansion, Lin Yi still has the qualifications of equal dialog in addition even! 加上留级生院五巨的身份光环,加上江海学院领头人的背书,就算是面对城主府,林逸也有平等对话的资格! The kings three said certainly grinningly: „Do I accompany you together?” 王三绝笑嘻嘻道:“我陪你一起?” Lin Yi shakes the head: Does not use, I am only give the person to have words, is not fights.” 林逸摇头:“不用,我只是去给人带个话,又不是去打架的。” But Li Songzhang takes risks by some chance, wants to leave behind you forcefully?” “可万一李诵章铤而走险,想要强行留下你呢?” The kings three rare sincere reminded certainly: Li Songzhang this person, although some fashion very instigated, but I still have to acknowledge even, this goods absolutely are an out-and-out fierce and ambitious, does not have in the surface to look that simple certainly.” 王三绝难得正色提醒道:“李诵章这人虽然有时装得挺怂,但就算是我也不得不承认,这货绝对是一个不折不扣的枭雄,绝没有表面上看起来那么简单。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: I understand.” 林逸笑笑:“我明白。” Confessed with Shen Yifan, making him process symbol Wang Family and moving matters concerned of refined appearance Shen, Lin Yi along with, even if leaves to go to the city main mansion. 跟沈一凡交代了一番,让他处理阵符王家和风神沈家的搬迁事宜,林逸随即便动身前往城主府。 Said one, he is frank and upright to walk. 多说一句,他是光明正大一路走过去的。 Lin Yi at least saw five all the way about own warrant for arrest, but also let alone, city main mansion snapshot technique first-class, but also very pats him has the makings, has the elegant demeanor of photographer. 一路上林逸至少看到了五张关于自己的通缉令,还别说,城主府的抓拍技术一流,还把他拍得挺有气质,颇有御用摄影师的风采。 I have potential that is the actor?” “我还有做男主角的潜力?” A Lin Yi face is strange, cranks up this appearance him, let alone the warrant for arrest, taking away secular world said that is some celebrity poster people letter/believes. 林逸一脸古怪,把他拍成这个样子,别说通缉令,拿去世俗界说是明星海报都有人信。 Naturally must have the passer-by surround all the way. 一路上自然少不了路人围观。 Some people chose the warning, telephones to the city main mansion, however city main mansion that side response extremely is desolate, from beginning to end at least more than ten people reported to the police, but the city main mansion no one sent out radically. 有人选择了报警,给城主府打电话,然而城主府那边的反应却十分冷淡,从头到尾至少有十几个人报警,可城主府根本没人出动。 Nonsense, including the Sky King herd god of No. 2 character said oneself defeated, whom remaining can also make send out? 废话,连二号人物的天王牧神都说自己败了,剩下还能让谁出动? Let underlings come out deliver the head/number of people, the city lord Li Songzhang to go into action personally, is in front of Jianghai city everyone, comes an unrivalled showdown with Lin Yi? 让底下人出来送人头,还是城主李诵章亲自出马,当着江海城所有人的面,跟林逸来一场旷世对决? However the city main mansion is motionless, the warm-hearted crowds that comes are actually more and more. 然而城主府不动,一路过来的热心围观群众却是越来越多。 Finally even some people played the live broadcast simply, Jianghai city entire network, even in net of Jianghai Institute followed to start a wave of upsurge, but was plays to understand the current capacity password. 最后甚至干脆有人玩起了现场直播,连带江海城整个网络,甚至连带江海学院的内网都跟着掀起了一波热潮,可算是把流量密码玩明白了。 Under is a focus of public attention, Lin Yi came to the city main mansion, raised the head to read a majestic signboard slowly, chuckle took a step to enter. 万众瞩目之下,林逸缓缓来至城主府,抬头看了一眼大气磅礴的招牌,轻笑一声迈步而入。 What matter do you have?” “请问你有什么事情?” The city main mansion was prepared early, a smile of receptionist face professionalism welcomed, the service attitude was passionate and considerate. 城主府这边早有准备,前台接待员一脸职业化的笑容迎了上来,服务态度热情周到。 Before coming, looked at one, Lin Yi perhaps unexpectedly somewhat is suddenly absent-minded, city main mansion that this where keeps aloof probably, said that is buys some refined appearance Shen 4S branch store people of flying shuttle to believe. 要不是进来之前看了一眼,林逸一时间恐怕竟有些恍惚,这哪里像是高高在上的城主府,说是买飞梭的风神沈家4S分店都有人信。 Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: I come from the head.” 林逸笑笑:“我来自首的。” „......” “……” The reception clerks stiffen immediately, this saying makes him meet downward, hasn't above confessed with him? 接待员顿时僵住,这话让他怎么往下接,上头没跟他交代过啊? As the city main mansion staff, the sensitivity is even bad, flurried still looked at come out from above one piece a moment ago, front person is not absolutely good to provoke. 身为城主府工作人员,就算敏感度再差,从刚才上头的一片慌乱也看得出来,面前这人绝对是不好招惹的。 As the city main mansion staff, the sensitivity is even bad, flurried still looked at come out from above one piece a moment ago, front person is not absolutely good to provoke. 身为城主府工作人员,就算敏感度再差,从刚才上头的一片慌乱也看得出来,面前这人绝对是不好招惹的。 Said surrenders, can the city main mansion be able to bar up him? 说是自首,城主府能关得住他? Even if the city lord Li Songzhang personally to act, can really take this person, but this is the failing a grade fresh institute five great, is representing one of the Jianghai Institute facade top strengths, what attitude when the time comes can Jianghai Institute be? 就算城主李诵章亲自出面,能够真的拿下这人,可这位是留级生院五巨,代表着江海学院门面的顶级战力之一,到时候江海学院会是什么态度? Before must know , let alone is five great this ranks, even ordinary student of Jianghai Institute, the city main mansion still can always not bump does not bump absolutely, in order to avoid causes the two families conflict, let alone is such big shot! 要知道以前别说是五巨这种级别,就算是江海学院的普通学生,城主府也都一向是能不碰就绝对不去碰,以免引起两家冲突,更何况是这么一位大佬 The scene falls into awkwardly. 场面不由陷入尴尬。 At this time a straightforward form from inside come out, said toward Lin Yi with a smile submissively: Forest five come my city main mansion greatly, is really the infrequent visitor.” 这时一个粗豪的身影从里面出来,笑着朝林逸拱手道:“林五巨来我城主府,真是稀客啊。” Lin Yi looked at him: „Are you?” 林逸看了看他:“你是?” My Jiang Yuntian, shame for city main mansion vice- city lord, but has had no result, has no popularity in the outside world, was really makes the forest five be laughed at greatly.” “鄙人姜云天,忝为城主府副城主,不过一直没什么成绩,在外界也没什么知名度,实在是让林五巨见笑了。” The opposite party smile the mold to smile the type, cannot see to treat the acrimony of Wanted Criminal: Does not know that the forest five great this time come my city main mansion to have what important matter, although told that we act certainly accordingly.” 对方笑模笑样,丝毫看不出对待通缉犯的剑拔弩张:“不知林五巨此次来我城主府有何要事,尽管吩咐我们一定照办。” Lin Yi nods, repeated: I come from the head.” 林逸点点头,重复了一遍:“我来自首的。” On Jiang Yuntian face also stiff, compensates to say with a smile: Forest five great really will chat, you are the failing a grade fresh institute five great, is representing the facade of Jianghai Institute, by the close relation of our city main mansion with your school, was impossible to surrender a saying.” 姜云天脸上不由也僵了一下,赔笑道:“林五巨真是会说笑,您是留级生院五巨,代表着江海学院的门面,以我们城主府跟贵学院的密切关系,怎么也不可能有自首一说啊。” A Lin Yi actually face sincere say/way: But I violate the law, the city main mansion presides the Jianghai city, what depended is the law is stern, rather than favor relations?” 林逸却一脸正色道:“可是我犯了法,城主府统辖江海城,靠的是法度森严,而不是人情关系吧?” „......” “……” Jiang Yuntian has food stuck in the throat, the god special the law is stern, hadn't my vice- city main heard? 姜云天噎住,神特么法度森严,我这个副城主怎么没听说? But the polite speech of this absolutely correct he is unable to refute, outside big group of people push in the entrance surround, but also some people are opening the live broadcast, as long as his here spoke incorrectly, turned the head to stir the great unrest. 可这种绝对正确的场面话他又无法反驳,外面一大堆人挤在门口围观,还有人开着现场直播,他这里但凡说错一句,转头就得引发轩然大波。 Although the present city main mansion has torn down the camouflage, started to show the essence of law of the jungle, but at least before the general public, must support to grasp justice sign. 如今的城主府虽然已经撕下了伪装,开始展现出了弱肉强食的本质,但至少在普通民众面前,还是要扶住秉持公义这块牌子的。 Otherwise, the city main mansion did not have the validity, that is like the emperor wrongdoing, will lose thoroughly to the moral suppressions of other Jianghai city influences. 要不然,城主府就没了合法性,那就跟天子失德一样,将会彻底失去对江海城其他势力的道德压制。 Principle of righteousness, status. 大义,名分。 This type of thing sounds very empty, every so often truly cannot see many uses, is also is very most of the time effective, especially regarding having big ambition person, indispensable. 这种东西听起来很虚,很多时候也确实看不出多少用处,可是大多数时候却又很管用,尤其对于有大野心的人来说,不可或缺。 Lin Yi waited for the moment, Third redundant: I come from the head.” 林逸等了片刻,第三次重复:“我是来自首的。” Helpless Jiang Yuntian smiles bitterly, turns the head to other city main mansion humanity: Makes these bystanders go out, do not push here, noisy becomes what dignity.” 姜云天无奈苦笑,转头对城主府其他人道:“让那些外人出去,别挤在这里,一个个吵吵嚷嚷的成什么体统。” He was clear that today this matter does not lower the stance unable to pass well, but this matter Guan Cheng lord the mansion dignity after all, even if forced to lower the head, that must close lowers the head. 他清楚今天这事儿不好好放低姿态是过不去了,可这毕竟事关城主府的威严,就算被迫低头,那也必须是关起门来给人低头。 Really must such big group to surround, especially still in the web cast, the city main mansion may really probably sweep the floor today dignifiedly. 真要让这么一大堆人围观,尤其还在网上直播,城主府今天可就真要威严扫地了。
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