SBPE :: Volume #16

#9783: Chapter 9783

The present is his power and prestige most abundant time, Tianchi needless saying that was on good terms with him, the remaining tyrants and flame ponds are not that type like the meddlesome lord, so long as Lin Yi does not step on to them on, they ate to the full supporting takes care the east district matter? 如今正是他威风最盛的时候,天池自不必说,本就与他交好,剩下的暴君和炎池都不是那种喜欢多事的主,只要林逸不是踩到他们头上,他们吃饱了撑的来管东区内部的事情? As for the day family/home that side, by day family/home Sir to his appreciation, this small request is the matter of a few words. 至于天家那边,以天家大爷对他的欣赏,这点小要求更是一句话的事。 Let alone according to Lin Yi knows, that day family/home Sir had a mind to open the door of school, before the great misfortune approaches recruits a group of new forces to promote overall strength of school. 何况据林逸所知,那位天家大爷本就有心打开学院之门,在大劫来临之前吸收一批生力军提升学院的整体实力 Therefore, before will confront symbol Wang Family to open the flood gates. 所以,之前才会对阵符王家大开方便之门。 So long as is not some chaotic stopper disorderly mess bird men comes, regarding the Family influence that these weak plans, welcome mostly. 只要不是乱塞一些乱七八糟的鸟人进来,对于这些弱一筹的家族势力,多半也还是欢迎的。 However this stance of acting bashful must act bashful, thing that is too easy to succeed in obtaining, people would thinking are natural, will not treasure. 不过该拿捏的姿态还是要拿捏,太容易到手的东西,人们总会认为是理所应当,根本不会珍惜。 When the time comes makes the Qiqi 88 broken matters, the scene may really be ugly. 到时候闹出七七八八的破事,场面可就真的难看了。 At a numerous influence representative's strong request, Lin Yi complied finally encouragingly: Ok, you can arrange some elite younger generation the failing a grade fresh institute, but the quota is limited.” 在一众势力代表的强烈要求下,林逸最终勉为其难的应了下来:“行吧,你们可以安排一些精英子弟来留级生院,不过名额有限。” People immediately great happiness. 众人当即大喜。 However has not waited for them to thank profusely, Lin Yi supplemented one: Moreover, I have a small request, hopes that everyone can help me try to find the solution.” 然而没等他们千恩万谢,林逸又补充了一句:“另外,我有一个小小的要求,希望各位能够帮我想想办法。” Forest five great, although told!” “林五巨尽管吩咐!” A numerous influence represents listens in reverent attention hastily. 一众势力代表连忙洗耳恭听。 This is in the topic the inherent connotation, Lin Yi really wants anything to request not to raise, they at heart are not instead steadfast, after all they and between Lin Yi are true being neither relative nor kin, Lin Yi really takes a cavity zealously initiative free help them, they are also afraid. 这是题中应有之意,林逸真要什么要求都不提,他们反而心里不踏实,毕竟他们跟林逸之间是真正的非亲非故,林逸真要一腔热忱主动无偿的来帮他们,他们还害怕呢。 Lin Yi along with tastes: I need a plant attribute perfect domain original stone.” 林逸随口道:“我需要一块植物属性的完美领域原石。” „......” “……” The people are shocked immediately. 众人顿时愣住。 This request said high, but also is really point not high, the perfect domain original stone places together usually naturally is the thing of sky-high price, but compares with numerous Family life and death, actually seems insignificant. 这个要求说高吧,还真是一点都不高,一块完美领域原石放在平常自然是天价之物,可是跟一众家族的生死存亡相比起来,却又显得无足轻重。 Especially this is also not two families, but is scene important goods, entire more than ten. 尤其这还不是一家两家,而是现场一大帮,整整十几家。 To be honest Lin Yi only raises selects the small request, the people relax, trade to make the table manners ugly, for example city main mansion Li, even if at this time did not knock the bone to attract the marrow to press out to do their each family, that still must want a lion's share. 说实话林逸只提这么点小要求,众人真是松一口气,换做吃相难看一点的,比如城主府李某人,这个时候就算不是敲骨吸髓把他们一家家榨干,那也必然要狮子大开口一番。 In comparison, Lin Yi has resulted in sincerely cannot be sincere. 相比之下,林逸已是厚道得不能再厚道了。 The point is that the plant attribute perfect domain original stone is extremely really rare, as long as can unable to find, their absolute 10,000 are willing to rush to deliver to Lin Yi, but could not find. 可问题是,植物属性完美领域原石实在太过罕见,但凡能找得到,他们绝对一万个愿意抢着送到林逸手上,可是找不到啊。 Forest can five trade individual conditions greatly?” “林五巨能不能换个别的条件?” Some people proposed one low voice, finally the words just exported to be scolded by the side person. 有人小声提了一句,结果话刚出口就被旁边人骂回去了。 Others Lin Yi already sincerely to this share, if this also picks, that might as well rolls as early as possible, avoid keeps here nauseating person. 人家林逸已经厚道到这个份上,要是这样还挑三拣四,那还不如趁早滚,省得留在这里恶心人。 At this time, the second-class Family representative raised hand weakly: I know a clue, possibly is related with the plant attribute perfect domain original stone, but our Family strength is limited, needs everyone to help.” 这时,有一个二流家族的代表弱弱举手:“我知道一个线索,可能跟植物属性完美领域原石有关,但是我们家族实力有限,需要大家帮忙。” Nonsense! This matter is everyone pools certainly brains and brawn, no one want to be loaf, you said quickly!” “废话!这种事情当然是大家群策群力,谁也别想偷懒,你快说吧!” The people are encouraged immediately. 众人顿时振奋起来。 Lin Yi looks that this smile did not speak, if before trading did, he on own initiative will also possibly do right after something else, oneself confirmed the clue, looked for the plant attribute perfect domain original stone personally. 林逸看着这一幕微笑不语,如果换做以前,他还可能会主动接茬,自己去验证线索,亲自去找植物属性完美领域原石。 However presently, he already not multi- meddle. 但是现在,他已经不会多管闲事了。 Right, he did right after something else at this time, is multi- meddle. 没错,他这个时候接茬,就是多管闲事 The plant attribute perfect domain original stone is this group of Family throws describes, he helps the person do to throw on own initiative describes, that what's the matter? 植物属性完美领域原石是这帮家族的投名状,他主动帮人搞投名状,那算怎么回事? This group of Family paid the price truly, will treasure itself to toss the come out olive branch, as for that clue is really false, gaining the difficulty is big, this is their things , there is nothing to do with Lin Yi. 这帮家族只有真正付出了代价,才会珍惜自己抛出来的橄榄枝,至于那条线索是真是假,获取难度到底大不大,这都是他们自己的事情,与林逸无关。 On the scene is the elite in elite, then discussed quickly a practical and feasible plan, various had the participation, is striving. 在场都是精英中的精英,很快便商议出了一个切实可行的方案,各家都有参与,都在出力。 Then is looks at their action the time, in the meantime, is Lin Yi to their midterm exam. 接下来就是看他们行动力的时候,同时,也算是林逸对他们的一场小考。 If this does not get so far as a plant attribute perfect domain original stone, that can only explain that their strength is bad, naturally also becomes invalid as for the cooperation that reached an agreement a moment ago. 要是这样都弄不到一块植物属性完美领域原石,那只能说明他们自己实力不济,至于刚才说好的合作自然也就作废了。 After all, Lin Yi is not a philanthropist. 毕竟,林逸不是慈善家。 When the people discussed ended, that qualifications oldest influence represented opens the mouth again. 等到众人讨论结束,其中那位资历最老的势力代表再次开口。 Forest five great, the matter of today definitely cannot hide the truth from the city main mansion, if as expected, the city main mansion definitely will then look for our troubles, does not know whether you can help act to socialize?” “林五巨,今日之事肯定瞒不过城主府,如果不出意外,接下来城主府必然会找我们各家的麻烦,不知您能否帮忙出面周旋一下?” Others hears word discolorations, echo hastily with one voice. 其余众人闻言纷纷色变,连忙齐声附和。 Today the city main mansion suffers a loss above refined appearance Shen, bumped dirty in the presence of everyone, receives the oncoming force necessity to recover the gathering place. 今天城主府在风神沈家头上吃了大亏,当众碰了一个灰头土脸,接下来势必要找回场子。 Symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen, these two relate closely with Lin Yi, especially symbol Wang Family has two giant ultimate grand perfection expert to assume personal command, the city main mansion is not necessarily able easily to provoke. 阵符王家和风神沈家,这俩都跟林逸关系密切,尤其阵符王家本身就有着两位巨头终极大圆满高手坐镇,城主府未必会轻易招惹。 Their these second-class Family were but different. 可是他们这些二流家族就不同了。 Regardless of oneself strength, the close degree of Lin Yi relating, is not enough to take the come out resistance city main mansion by far. 无论自身实力,还是跟林逸关系的密切程度,都远远不足以拿出来抵抗城主府。 When the time comes city main mansion bites, they simply do not have the strength of resistance, can only wait for death. 到时候城主府一口咬下来,他们根本没有反抗之力,只能等死。 The kings three also look with Shen Tianyang certainly to Lin Yi. 王三绝和沈天阳也一齐看向林逸 This is tests the Lin Yi leadership the time. 这是考验林逸领导力的时候了。 Choice eventually bidirectional, these second-class Family admittedly need help from Lin Yi, but if Lin Yi is unable to their substantive asylums, they also to abandon Lin Yi rapidly, holds another thigh again. 选择终究是双向的,这些二流家族固然有求于林逸,可要是林逸无法给他们实质性的庇护,他们也会迅速扔下林逸,重新去抱另一根大腿。 Related to the Family life or death, is such realistic. 事关家族存亡,就是这么现实。 The Lin Yi hesitation moment, cellphone resounded at this time suddenly, looks at phone call to show, impressively unexpectedly is day of family/home Sir day Xiangyang. 林逸沉吟片刻,这时忽然手机响起,看了一眼来电显示,赫然竟是天家大爷天向阳。 Your presently in the Jianghai city?” “你现在在江海城吧?” The tone that day family/home Sir complete treats the person on one's own side, without the least bit exchanged greetings, was impolite with Lin Yi. 天家大爷完全一副对待自己人的口气,没有半点寒暄,也根本不跟林逸客气。 Lin Yi replied: Yes, I in Shen.” 林逸回答:“是,我在沈家。” Heard that you did issue a warrant for arrest by the city main mansion? The good and evil is five of failing a grade fresh institute great, passing on a little to lose face, I as the school leader, face a little cannot hang.” “听说你被城主府通缉了?好歹是留级生院的五巨,传出去有点丢人啊,我身为学院领头人,面子有点挂不住啊。” Serious that the day family/home Sir words saying, the tone is actually relaxedness as always: „Before coming back, goes to a city main mansion, making them that warrant for arrest disappearing, said that was I says.” 天家大爷话说的严重,语气却是一如既往的轻松:“回来之前去一趟城主府吧,让他们把那通缉令给消了,就说是我说的。” Lin Yi thinks: If he doesn't give face?” 林逸想了想:“那如果他不给面子呢?” Day family/home Sir smiled: Doesn't give face? I take ten top strengths personally, making Li Songzhang understand anything to be called face of my Jianghai Institute well.” 天家大爷笑了:“不给面子?那我亲自带上十个顶级战力,让李诵章好好领略一下什么叫做我江海学院的面子。” Good, I has several.” “好,那我就有数了。” Lin Yi hangs the power failure words with a smile, in the heart was higher to day appraisal toward the sun. 林逸笑着挂掉电话,心中对天向阳的评价更高了一层。 Although by his understanding of this day family/home Sir, outward always strong, to person on one's own side always generous, is inborn Boss, even if he has again the big disturbance here, in the news transmission opposite party ear, the opposite party will certainly stand in own this side. 虽然以他对这位天家大爷的了解,对外一向强硬,对自己人则一向宽厚,是一个天生的老大,哪怕他在这边闹出再大风波,消息传动对方耳中,对方一定会站在自己这一边。 However the card telephoned especially at this time, was reassured to Lin Yi especially, appeared high of this person of emotional quotient sufficiently, even if Lin Yi saw various big shot of all forms, quite enjoyed. 但是卡在这个时候特地打电话过来,特地给林逸吃一颗定心丸,足以显出此人情商之高,哪怕林逸见多了形形色色的各种大佬,也都不禁颇为受用。
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