SBPE :: Volume #16

#9782: Chapter 9782

This two families could be said as the windvane of Jianghai city Family influence, other Family compared them, various aspects wanted on weakly many, but presently two families made to mediate the major decision that the arm sought livehood as if by prior agreement, what does this mean? 两家可说是江海城家族势力的风向标了,其他家族相比他们,各方面都要弱上不少,而现在两家不约而同做出了断臂求生的重大决策,这意味着什么? An influence representative thinks of this point, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform is terrified. 一众势力代表想到这一点,齐齐悚然。 Compares these symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen, their boundary levels and information resources have the disparity, although before then they also smelled the flavor of danger, but had not thought that the situation is so serious. 相比起这些阵符王家和风神沈家,他们的境界层次和情报资源都有差距,在此之前他们虽然也嗅到了危险的味道,但并没有觉得事态真有那么严重。 At least, is far from being able to let their family extermination of the clan seriously the situation. 至少,远远没有严重到能让他们破家灭族的地步。 It looks like in their certainly large number person, in rumor so-called great misfortune, is actually the city main mansion puts a come out pretence, is used to provoke to take the opportunity to harvest their pretences scared. 在他们绝大数人看来,传言中所谓的大劫,其实就是城主府放出来的一个幌子,一个用来挑动恐慌借机收割他们的幌子。 City main mansion recent table manners also in confirmation this point. 城主府近期的吃相也在验证这一点。 But presently, saw the statements of two big facade Family one after another, they realized that finally the matter is not possibly simple! 可是现在,接连看到了两大门面家族的表态,他们才终于意识到事情可能没那么简单了! If alone, because the intelligence mistake makes the erroneous decision, that somewhat is possible. 如果只是单独其中一家,因为情报失误做出错误决策,那还有几分可能。 But presently two families makes the similar decision as if by prior agreement, cannot say that has highest level information resources two headdress Family, was hoodwinked the heart to present so significant decision error by the lard simultaneously? 可是现在两家不约而同做出同样的决策,总不能说坐拥最顶级情报资源的两个头面家族,被猪油蒙了心同时出现如此重大的决策失误吧? Suddenly, all influences represented fluster. 一时间,所有势力代表都慌了。 Perhaps presently looks like the great misfortune to imagine compared with them, even must be more terrifying than the rumor, confessed the terrifying to even/including Zhenfu Wang Family and refined appearance Shen such huge mass cannot withstand, has the enormous risk of family extermination of the clan! 现在看来大劫恐怕远比他们想象中,甚至远比传言中还要更加恐怖,恐怖到连阵符王家和风神沈家这样庞大的体量都自认承受不住,有着破家灭族的巨大风险! Two component heaviest big shot jetties, their these physiques were well below continued to keep on the ship, what fate when the time comes can be?! 两位份量最重的大佬都跳船了,他们这些体格远远不如的继续留在船上,到时候会是什么下场?! Young Hero Lin...... not, forest five great!” 林少侠……不,林五巨!” And qualifications oldest influence representative lead stood come out, he with Sir Shen is a peer, but actually bows to salute in front of Lin Yi at this moment on own initiative. 其中一位资格最老的势力代表率先站了出来,他跟沈老太爷算是同辈,可此刻在林逸面前却主动躬身行礼。 Under the ritual in people, must ask. 礼下于人,必有所求。 Lin Yi looks at various influences that encircled to represent one, said lightly: Has what words to speak frankly.” 林逸看了围过来的各家势力代表一眼,淡淡道:“诸位有什么话可以直说。” Forest five great, hears you east district domain in failing a grade fresh institute to be enormous, whether also to leave position together to us, so long as you are willing to nod, conditions that we can satisfy satisfies certainly strongly!” “林五巨,听闻您在留级生院的东区地盘极大,能否给我们也留一块位置,只要您肯点头,我们能够满足的条件一定竭力满足!” A numerous influence represents echoes. 一众势力代表纷纷附和。 They are in respective Family the level extremely high powerful figure, even cannot say to decide, still has the sufficient influence. 他们都是各自家族中层次极高的实权人物,就算不能一言而决,也有着足够的影响力。 Let alone although they at present received the stimulation, but also is insufficient to the same as lift the clan to move with two families blindly directly, their presently thinks keeps an escape route respectively. 何况他们眼下虽然受了刺激,但也还不至于盲目到直接就跟两家一样举族搬迁,他们现在想的就是给各自留一条退路。 The real important matter has the mishap, even if cannot lifts the clan to hide in the failing a grade fresh institute with symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen like this, but at least must leave behind a number of core seeds to Family. 真要事有不测,就算不能跟阵符王家和风神沈家这样举族躲进留级生院,但至少也要给家族留下一批核心种子。 Actually, is symbol Wang Family mentality from the beginning. 其实,也就是阵符王家一开始的思路。 The egg cannot place in a basket, this could be said as the large-scale Family influence inherent ideological mode, was an seal carves Family multiplication inheritance the instinct in bone. 鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子里,这可说是大型家族势力固有的思维模式了,是一种印刻在骨子里的家族繁衍传承的本能。 Lin Yi looks that the people shake the head slightly: „Very difficult.” 林逸看着众人微微摇头:“很难。” This is not the pretence under pretext, but is very difficult. 这不是托词,而是真的很难。 Even if he is the failing a grade fresh institute five great, many customs cannot destroy again arbitrarily. 哪怕他再是留级生院五巨,很多规矩也不能擅自破坏。 Symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen as headdress Family of Jianghai city, because the level is high enough, they can speak with the day family/home directly, so long as transfers enough benefit, enables to grasp the weight figure of right to speak to nod sufficiently to comply mostly, at least is default. 阵符王家和风神沈家作为江海城的头面家族,因为层次够高,他们本身就能直接与天家说得上话,只要让渡出足够的利益,也足以让大多数掌握着话语权的重量级人物点头答应,至少是默认。 But these Family are different. 可是这些家族不一样。 They gather together is also vast momentum, but once separates alone, absolutely does not have the qualifications to talk with the day family/home, perhaps even if wanted to give a present could not find that day family/home Sir's gate. 他们聚在一起还算是声势浩大,可一旦单独分开,根本就没资格跟天家对话,就算想要送礼恐怕都找不到那位天家大爷的门。 Let alone, at their industrial scales, even if willing to transfer the benefit, is still very difficult to let all heavyweight big shot satisfaction of Jianghai Institute. 何况,以他们各家的产业规模,就算舍得让渡利益,也很难让江海学院的各方重量级大佬满意。 In the final analysis, the threshold of Jianghai Institute is not always low, is really not the casual anyone wants to enter can come. 说到底,江海学院的门槛从来都不低,真不是随便什么人想进就进得来的。 A numerous influence changes color on behalf of simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform. 一众势力代表齐齐变色。 Although they also know what Lin Yi said is the truth, regarding this also has the preparation, but these two character clear biographies hear, for a while made them not accept. 他们虽然也知道林逸说的是实情,对此也有心理准备,可这两个字真真切切传入耳中,一时还是让他们接受不了。 This pushes the door with Chief Surgeon of operating room, opening the mouth First words is, we have made contribution. 这就跟手术室的主刀医生推门而出,开口第一句话就是,我们已经尽力了。 Changes someone not to collapse. 换谁谁不崩溃。 May collapse again must accept the reality, escape route type of luxury goods, is really not the casual what influence wants to have can have. 可再崩溃也必须接受现实,退路这种奢侈品,真不是随便什么势力想有就能有的。 Forest five are great you to help us try to find the solution, regardless of what conditions, we even if will lose everything will still certainly satisfy, so long as you under your governing will open together opening in the failing a grade fresh institute, making some of our stopper outstanding Family younger generation go.” “林五巨您帮我们想想办法,无论什么条件,我们就算倾家荡产也一定会满足,只要您在留级生院您的辖下开一道口子,让我们塞一些优秀的家族子弟进去。” Yes, I guaranteed is Family most outstanding younger generation, they will become your subordinate, puts one's heart and soul to work for you, urges for you!” “是啊是啊,我保证都是家族最优秀的子弟,他们会成为您的麾下,尽心竭力为您效力,供您驱使!” Right, we are also the same!” “没错,我们也一样!” Suddenly the public sentiment is excited. 一时间群情激动。 Lin Yi is very definite not to know this group of people from the start, otherwise he cannot help suspecting that this invited the request? 要不是林逸很确定自己压根不认识这帮人,否则就连他都忍不住要怀疑这是不是请了托了? As everyone knows, the will of the people are so. 殊不知,人心就是如此。 If some have no alone, but once has any takes the lead, will be driven immediately, rushes to be first for fear that becomes fallen that. 如果只是单独某一家倒没什么,可一旦有其中任何一家带头,立马就会被带动起来,争先恐后生怕自己成为被落下的那一个。 There is no difference from the secular world run. 这跟世俗界的挤兑风潮没啥区别。 Lin Yi is slightly awkward, however he is so, a numerous influence represents more is scurries to probably toward the face on collect, the initial price is one by one high! 林逸略显为难,然而他越是如此,一众势力代表就越是上赶着要往脸上凑,开价更是一个比一个高! The kings three with Shen Tianyang look certainly this smiles not to speak. 王三绝和沈天阳看着这一幕笑而不语。 They will have bound now on own initiative on Lin Yi, naturally wants the ally the more better, the following great misfortune, needs all influence report group to warm up. 他们如今都已主动将自家绑定在了林逸身上,自然希望盟友越多越好,接下来的这场大劫,正是需要各方势力报团取暖的时候。 As long as who has the least bit to be lucky, First dying absolutely is he. 但凡有谁心存半点侥幸,第一个死的绝对是他。 This buying the hearts of the people golden opportunity, Lin Yi, although does not care about these specially, but since person Patriarch moved to collect, he was also insufficient really to aloof icily. 这种收拢人心的大好机会,林逸虽说不是特别在意这些,但既然人家主动凑上来了,他也不至于真就冷冰冰拒人于千里之外。 Although his subordinate Lin Yi Group has started gradually to take shape, but lacks the background, especially lacks the logistics channel and so on most to test the link of patient and persistent work, these are the biggest weak areas that limit him to further develop. 他麾下的林逸集团虽然已经开始逐渐成型,但还是缺乏底蕴,尤其缺乏后勤渠道之类最考验水磨工夫的环节,这些是限制他进一步发展的最大短板。 But front these Jianghai city Family influences, carried come out admittedly to say no on alone shocking, but so many gathered together, can make up for him the weak area exactly perfectly in this aspect! 而面前这些江海城家族势力,单独拎出来固然说不上惊艳,可这么多聚在一起,恰恰就能完美弥补他在这方面的短板! Let alone, this group of people's request he was not really does not solve. 何况,这帮人的要求他也并不是真的解决不了。 Lifts the clan relocation to enter the failing a grade fresh institute, that admittedly is extremely difficult, but if is only various has some outstanding younger generation to join his subordinate, opens a back door to study at school temporarily the fresh status to enter the failing a grade fresh institute, is the issue is not big by his time strength position. 举族搬迁进入留级生院,那固然是难度极大,可如果只是各家出一些优秀子弟加入他的麾下,开个后门以借读生的身份进留级生院,以他今时今日的实力地位却是问题不大。 In the final analysis, the failing a grade fresh institute is different from the scientific theory meeting, is a high degree of autonomy place. 说到底,留级生院不同于学理会,是一个高度自治的地方。 Especially Lin Yi as five great, the head no one can manage to obtain him, so long as is not he casually toward other place unenlightened person, even if several other five great will not come multi- meddle. 尤其林逸身为五巨,头上根本没人能管得到他,只要不是他随便往别的地方塞人,哪怕其他几位五巨也根本不会来多管闲事 Let alone, he just killed the dropping dragon before. 何况,他之前刚杀了堕龙。
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