SBPE :: Volume #16

#9781: Chapter 9781

The Lin Yi nod said: That line, the school that side I greeted.” 林逸点头道:“那行,学院那边我去打招呼。” At this time Shen Tianyang voice resounded in the one side suddenly: Also calculates our Shen one.” 这时沈天阳的声音忽然在一旁响起:“也算我们沈家一个。” Lin Yi turns the head startled: Shen Patriarch you may think, Jianghai Institute is not a collection post, which relocation regardless of your in the past, must transfer massive benefits whole family inevitably to the school, particularly your attitude of life core industry!” 林逸不由愕然转头:“沈家主您可想好了,江海学院不是收容所,无论你们哪家举家搬迁过去,势必都要让渡大量的利益给学院,尤其是你们立身之本的核心产业!” In the final analysis, Jianghai Institute good and evil is also one sacred place is , the normal admittance must be giant grand perfection starts, which is the casual anyone wants to move can move. 说到底,江海学院好歹也是一处圣地般的所在,正常入学都得是巨头大圆满起步,哪是随便什么人想要搬就能搬进去的。 Only if transfers massive benefits, making school all parties be able to be satisfied, this may accept to admit them. 除非让渡大量利益,让学院各方能够满意,这才有可能收容接纳他们。 This point, even if unable to change by the Lin Yi present position. 这一点,哪怕以林逸如今的地位也无法更改。 In front of life and death, should shear the meat to shear the meat, this came to understand that my refined appearance Shen has.” “生死存亡面前,该割肉就得割肉,这点觉悟我风神沈家还是有的。” Shen Tianyang looked at Shen Yifan one eyes, toward the Lin Yi sincere say/way: Starting today, every son formal takes over the position of refined appearance Shen Patriarch, later asked Young Hero Lin many to look.” 沈天阳看了沈一凡一眼,朝林逸正色道:“从今天开始,凡儿正式接任风神沈家家主之位,以后就拜托林少侠多加关照了。” Such remarks, the audience is all startled. 此话一出,全场皆惊。 Everyone simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to another side Sir Shen Jia, however the father is actually only hugging the baby of full moon, looked continually has not looked at one toward here, obviously default. 所有人齐齐看向另一侧的沈家老太爷,然而老太爷却只抱着满月的婴孩,连看都没往这边看一眼,显然就是默认了。 Shen Yifan is stunned: „Doesn't father you need to worry?” 沈一凡愕然:“老爹你不用这么着急吧?” „It is not I worries, but is something must decide as early as possible, otherwise later was also perhaps difficult to say.” “不是我着急,而是有些事情必须趁早定下来,否则以后恐怕又难说了。” Shen Tianyang meaningful then swept Shen people one eyes. 沈天阳意味深长的回头扫了沈家众人一眼。 Today has the Shen Yifan beforehand refined appearance to have the present scratch coat, has a Lin Yi such top strength personally platform essential, regardless of he makes the decision that anything shocks everybody, Shen high and low is not at to make absolutely. 今天有沈一凡之前的风神具现打底,更关键是有林逸这么一位顶级战力亲自站台,无论他做出什么惊世骇俗的决策,沈家上下都绝对不敢当面闹起来。 But has wanted this opening, later even some people opposed again, the hard to bring about climate, could not have affected the general situation. 而只要过了这个口子,之后就算再有人反对,也已经难成气候了,影响不到大局。 Naturally what is more essential, he must taking this opportunity thoroughly binds refined appearance Shen and Lin Yi. 当然更关键的是,他要借此机会彻底将风神沈家与林逸绑定。 Big Housekeeper that Shen any Lin Yi Group, since he worked as Shen Patriarch, then refined appearance Shen naturally is also the Lin Yi Group inalienable part, moreover absolutely where the position will not miss to goes! 沈一凡是林逸集团大管家,既然他当了沈家家主,那么风神沈家自然而然也就是林逸集团不可分割的一部分,而且地位绝对不会差到哪里去! These are the open intrigues. 这些都是阳谋。 Mother is the Congming/smart people, how don't I have such son?” “娘的一个个都是聪明人,我怎么就没有这样的儿子?” The king three words just said certainly half were covered by Shen Yifan, if he has not guessed wrong, this goods next is comes ready ready, when my son. 王三绝话刚说一半就被沈一凡捂住了,他要是没猜错,这货下一句妥妥就是来当我的儿子吧。 Looks that two people become one group noisily, the Shen Tianyang big feeling is gratified, looked that even more is grateful to Lin Yi. 看着两人闹成一团,沈天阳大感欣慰,看向林逸不由愈发感激。 He is very clear, these are Lin Yi bring. 他很清楚,这些都是林逸带来的。 Is king three certainly that what kind of character? 王三绝那是何等人物? Even if there is youngster disposition, that still as before is symbol Wang Family Supreme Elder, that also as before is giant ultimate grand perfection expert, how casually with younger generation impolite deliberately creating trouble? 就算有着少年心性,那也依旧是阵符王家太上长老,那也依旧是巨头终极大圆满高手,岂会随随便便跟一个晚辈没大没小的胡闹? Shen Yifan admittedly is outstanding, obtains certainly the king sufficiently three looks at one high, but also that is all. 沈一凡本人固然出众,也足以得到王三绝的高看一眼,但也就仅此而已。 king Sanjue becomes integrated with Shen Yifan, rather taking advantage of Shen Yifan status, becomes integrated with Lin Yi, that is the relations that he most attaches great importance to at present truly. 王三绝与其说是跟沈一凡打成一片,倒不如说是借着沈一凡的身份,跟林逸打成一片,那才是他眼下真正最重视的关系。 The Lin Yi thinking moment, nods to say finally: Such being the case, I the failing a grade fresh institute refined appearance Shen is also keeping a place to you, old Shen yourself elects as for the position.” 林逸思索片刻,最终点头道:“既然如此,那我在留级生院给你们风神沈家也留一片地方,至于位置么老沈你自己去选吧。” „.” “得嘞。” extremely that Shen Yifan complies with is simple, relates with Lin Yi's by him, did not need any politely, that injured the brother friendship. 沈一凡答应的十分干脆,以他跟林逸的关系,本就不需要任何客气,那才是伤了兄弟情分。 Shen Tianyang sees that to relax, immediately also said: To thank the life-saving efforts of Young Hero Lin to my Shen, I by Shen Patriarch status announced that last decision, shares the wind mysterious boundary jurisdiction and Young Hero Lin!” 沈天阳见状松一口气,随即又道:“为了答谢林少侠对我沈家的救命之恩,我以沈家家主的身份宣布最后一项决定,将风神秘境权限与林少侠共享!” The audience again in an uproar. 全场再度哗然。 By the refined appearance Shen present situation, won over Lin Yi truly just to need, even if sent out an independent mystical place is not strange directly. 以风神沈家眼下的处境,拉拢林逸确实是刚需,就算直接送出一个独立秘境都不奇怪。 But the wind mysterious boundary is different. 可风神秘境不一样啊。 This is not the ordinary independent mystical place, but inside the deep sleep the refined appearance will, regarding any cultivator, can enter is a huge chance! 这不是普通的独立秘境,里面可是沉睡着风神意志的,对于任何修炼者,能够进入其中都是一份天大的机缘! Thinks to look, Shen Yifan braved death to rush in inside, then on shed the mortal body and exchange the bones to present level. 想想看,沈一凡只是冒死在里面闯了一趟,回头就脱胎换骨到了如今的层次。 Wind mysterious boundary the terrifying of value, it can be imagined. 神秘境的价值之恐怖,可想而知。 Did not say exaggeratingly, this is the core inheritance of refined appearance Shen most important, now unexpectedly brings to share with the bystander, if the Shen generations know that must be mad to live. 毫不夸张的说,这就是风神沈家最重要的核心传承,如今居然拿来与外人共享,沈家列祖列宗要是知道说不定都得被气活过来。 Even spendthrift is not such ruined family law! 就算败家子也不是这么个败家法啊! But Shen Tianyang such naturally with come out, feeling nothing this was the matter that was degrading the ancestor. 可是沈天阳就这么自然而然的拿出来了,浑然不觉得这是有辱祖宗的事情。 With the jurisdictions of some wind mysterious boundaries, repays the Lin Yi benevolence at the same time trades the Lin Yi's sincerity admission, in his opinion this far more than is cost-effective, simply should not be too cost-effective. 用一部分风神秘境的权限,偿还林逸恩情的同时换来林逸的真心接纳,在他看来这何止是划算,简直不要太划算。 The wind mysterious boundary does not belong to the independent mystical place of his refined appearance Shen alone, is not the back garden that his family/home can demand everything casually. 要知道,风神秘境可不是独属于他风神沈家的独立秘境,不是他家可以随便予取予求的后花园。 Strict, this with killing the mysterious boundary is one kind, but what refined appearance Shen is quite special, in his hand is pinching a permanent admission ticket. 严格来说,这跟杀神秘境才是一类,而风神沈家比较特殊的是,他手里捏着一张永久入场券。 Not like other cultivator, for one -off quota wins badly beaten. 不像其他修炼者,为了一个一次性名额争得头破血流。 Core successor of refined appearance Shen, like Shen Yifan this type, so long as is willing to enter the wind mysterious boundary momentarily. 风神沈家的核心传人,像沈一凡这种,只要愿意随时都能进入风神秘境。 But after going, can live, that was a different matter, besides this permanent admission ticket, even refined appearance Shen Jia taught others in cannot obtain many to give favored treatment additionally. 只不过进去之后能不能活下来,那就是另一回事了,除了这张永久入场券之外,即便风神沈家传人在里面也得不到多少额外优待。 Otherwise, Shen Yifan almost will not die in inside cannot come out. 要不然,沈一凡就不会差点死在里面出不来了。 Shares with this thing and Lin Yi, Shen will not actually have any loss in fact, even can also obtain Lin Yi's to take care in turn. 拿这个东西与林逸共享,沈家实质上其实并不会有任何损失,甚至反过来还能得到林逸的照应。 After all has this relations to place here, waits for Lin Yi to enter the wind mysterious boundary, how runs into the Shen family certainly to draw, how to calculate that does not owe. 毕竟有这一层关系放在这里,等林逸进入风神秘境,遇到沈家人无论怎么样肯定都要拉一把,怎么算都是不亏。 Naturally, to Lin Yi naturally is the good deed. 当然,对林逸来说自然更是好事。 Before was only when saved Shen Yifan to buy a soy sauce, fished 1% wind element strength rules, later went to be able control to brush much several times ready ready. 之前只是在救沈一凡的时候打了个酱油,就从中捞了百分之一的风系力量规则,以后多去几次妥妥能将掌控度刷上来。 This is the free transcription that can come and go out at any time, is the blood gains to present him absolutely does not owe! 这就是一个可以随时出入的免费副本,对如今的他而言绝对是血赚不亏! Therefore, Shen Tianyang this wave proposed that regarding each other both sides, ready ready is win-win. 所以,沈天阳这波提议对于彼此双方,妥妥是一场双赢。 Lin Yi is impolite, immediately nods saying: I was actually disrespectful.” 林逸也不客气,当即点头道:“那我却之不恭了。” On the scene only has wholeheartedly discontentedly, perhaps is certain thinks that has the qualifications to enter the mystical place, however in fact actually by keeping them out Shen core younger generation. 在场唯一心有不满的,恐怕就是某些自以为有资格能够进入秘境,然而实质上却被拒之门外的沈家核心子弟了。 But strength limits, their attitude let alone Lin Yi are disinclined to pay attention, Shen Yifan are disinclined to respond. 只不过实力所限,他们的态度别说林逸懒得理会,就连沈一凡都懒得搭理。 One crowd of frog in a well. 一群井底之蛙而已。 This moment Lin Yi stand here, they complained that face to face did not dare, waits for later to arrive at the failing a grade fresh institute, must put obediently to cultivate the behavior completely, can smooth by grinding the frame of mind in less than several days, could not raise the storm. 此刻林逸站在这里,他们连当面埋怨一句都不敢,等以后到了留级生院,全部都得夹起尾巴来乖乖做人,用不了几天就能把心气磨平,根本掀不起风浪来。 Saw with own eyes that symbol Wang Family and refined appearance Shen is public with Lin Yi binds, presents other numerous influences on represent is ready to make trouble. 眼见阵符王家和风神沈家都公开跟林逸绑定,在场其他一众势力代表不由蠢蠢欲动。
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