SBPE :: Volume #16

#9780: Chapter 9780

He is a proper person, will the proper person do such not proper matter? 他可是个正经人,正经人怎么会干这么不正经的事情? Natural other reason of additional consideration is, Li Muyang is Li Songzhang something for one's own exclusive use without a doubt, his hitting the face city main mansion opposite party will perhaps also endure in the presence of everyone stemming from the general situation, but if moved Li Muyang, that ready ready is or dies continuous. 当然一个另外附带考虑的理由则是,李沐阳是李诵章毫无疑问的禁脔,他当众打脸城主府对方出于大局也许还会忍下去,可要是动了李沐阳,那妥妥是要不死不休的。 By Lin Yi present strength, especially in the process this fights after the herd god, has had the self-confidence thoroughly. 林逸眼下的实力,尤其在经过与牧神这一战之后,已经彻底树立起了自信心。 To getting up the city main mansion, he is really also not necessarily able to flinch. 对上城主府,他还真未必会退缩。 Even if unable to do it alone not to be victorious at present Li Songzhang, Li Songzhang has almost not left behind his any possibility, has the time and space regular strength, this is aware as top strength some. 就算是眼下孤掌难鸣打不过李诵章,李诵章也几乎没有留下他的任何可能性,同时坐拥时间和空间规则力量,这就是身为顶级战力该有的自觉。 Just, does not fear is a matter, provoked the opposite party on own initiative is a different matter. 只不过,不怕是一回事,主动往死里招惹对方就是另一回事了。 Lin Yi has expected must have a war with Li Songzhang in the future, but does not have at present when the time comes. 林逸已经料到未来与李诵章必有一战,可眼下还没到时候。 Old Lin haven't you been injured?” 老林你没受伤吧?” Shen Yifan welcomed, saying of side king three certainly faint smile: „Do you look at he probably injured appearance? One-to-one can step on the Sky King herd god under the foot, the entire Jianghai city cannot discover Second, the power and prestige passed to the space quickly!” 沈一凡迎了上来,旁边王三绝似笑非笑的说道:“你看他像是受伤的样子吗?一对一能把天王牧神踩在脚底下,整个江海城都找不出第二个来,威风都快传到天上去了!” „......” “……” Shen Yifan is somewhat awkward, he too has really not adapted to the king three certainly this styles. 沈一凡有些尴尬,他还真不太适应王三绝这个画风。 As symbol Wang Family Supreme Elder, until now discussed the junction with his family/home father person of the same generation, the result turns the head to put arms around shoulders with Lin Yi, to him is also being same, wasn't this bad elders? 作为阵符王家太上长老,一直以来都是跟他家老太爷平辈论交,结果一转头就跟林逸勾肩搭背,连带着对他也是一样,这不是差老辈了吗? Lin Yi sees that Xiaoxiao: „His welldoing also harbored evil thoughts, the retaliatory rebound, old Shen you were used to it well.” 林逸见状笑笑:“他这德行也是憋坏了,报复性反弹,老沈你习惯了就好。” The kings three follow to nod certainly: Later drank several cups together on be used.” 王三绝跟着点头:“待会一起喝几杯就习惯了。” Shen Yifan does not know whether to laugh or cry, but he is not person who cannot let loose, immediately should under: One will go to my family mystical place, I go to the father harbors making come out, drinks a happiness together!” 沈一凡哭笑不得,不过他本身也不是放不开的人,当即应下:“一会去我家秘境,我去把老太爷的私藏给弄出来,一起喝个痛快!” Kings three certainly slanting his eyes: Shen doesn't old man to you, you have an idea?” 王三绝斜了他一眼:“沈老头这么对你,你心里就没一点想法?” According to former this circumstances, changing him was Shen Yifan, even if not leave refined appearance Shen to Shen Tianyang, but will still alienate Sir Shen absolutely since then, how regardless of after all to see, that old man was not a convenient lord. 照着之前这番境遇,换他是沈一凡,就算冲着沈天阳不会离开风神沈家,可也绝对会从此疏远沈老太爷,毕竟无论怎么看,那老头都不是一个省事的主。 But Shen Yifan, since will steal old man harbors, explained that has not left behind the obstruction, how before should locate, how later to locate. 可沈一凡既然会去偷老头的私藏,就说明没留下芥蒂,以前该怎么处,以后还是怎么处。 Sees Lin Yi also to look, Shen Yifan smiles bitterly: In which family/home elder without suspect gruff time, should let let, really probably toward go would have no meaning everywhere at heart, living must the fireworks air/Qi be a little good.” 林逸也看过来,沈一凡苦笑一声:“谁家里长辈没个犯倔的时候,该让就让着点,真要处处都往心里去就没意思了,过日子总得有点烟火气才好啊。” The kings three looked at him certainly earnestly quite a while: You come, when my grandson, I lack your such grandson .” 王三绝认真看了他半天:“你来当我孙子吧,我就缺一个你这样的孙子,真的。” Go away!” “滚!” Shen Yifan blurted out directly, immediately even he himself also gawked, ridicules saying: Before installed to look like, your goods where has a welldoing of lattice symbol Wang Family Supreme Elder, or transferred our school to result, I opened a back door to you, making you register in the freshman alliance, the dormitory arranged in our next door.” 沈一凡直接脱口而出,随即连他自己也愣了一下,笑骂道:“以前装得那么像,你这货哪有一点阵符王家太上长老的德行,要不转去我们学院得了,我给你开个后门,让你在新生联盟里面挂个号,宿舍就安排在我们隔壁。” Fart! Your freshman alliance den was given the end by permits Anshan early, when I don't know?” “放屁!你们新生联盟老巢早都被许安山给端了,当我不知道啊?” The kings three scolded thread of conversation one revolution certainly: Your this proposition but actually also good, the scientific theory even, the failing a grade fresh institute place will be very big, should enough my Wang Family stop over.” 王三绝骂完又话锋一转:“不过你这提议倒也不错,学理会就算了,留级生院地方挺大,应该够我王家落脚。” According to him planned, is the preparation places in two baskets the egg, looks for a number of Family seeds to force in the failing a grade fresh institute, even if like this real matter has the mishap, even if outside the area array symbol Wang Family group extinguishes, still always has one day that rebuilds. 按照他原本的计划,是准备将鸡蛋放在两个篮子里,找一批家族种子塞进留级生院,这样就算真的事有不测,就算外面阵符王家团灭,也总有重建起来的一天。 However, today saw the city main mansion conduct attitude, he to city main mansion whether to shoulder the following great misfortune, has not had the hope. 不过,今天见了城主府的行事作风,他对城主府能否扛住接下来的这场大劫,已经是丝毫不抱希望。 Solely is not strength is bad. 不单单是实力不济。 Only is Li Songzhang exposes come out the table manners, not that type can lead the entire city altogether life or death lord. 光是李诵章展露出来的这副吃相,就绝不是那种能带着全城共存亡的主。 Really to time awfully, let alone points at him to shoulder the great misfortune, when the time comes under he did not turn the head to bite to death this group of people on one's own side to be good. 真到了要命的时候,别说指着他扛住大劫,到时候他不转头一口咬死底下这帮自己人就不错了。 Knows perfectly well has no chance, stays in the Jianghai city to support by hard and stubborn effort with it forcefully, pours might as well, all relocation switches Jianghai Institute simply simply. 明知没有希望,与其强行留在江海城硬撑,倒还不如干脆一点,索性全体搬迁转投江海学院。 At least, Jianghai Institute inevitably is the final fortress, this is absolutely without a doubt. 至少,江海学院必然是最后的堡垒,这是绝对毫无疑问的。 Really must one day even Jianghai Institute be broken through, that explanation entire Jianghai city had ended, this sea area also welcomed the end, which going to be the same. 真要有一天连江海学院都被攻破了,那说明整个江海城都已经完了,这一片海域也都迎来末日了,去哪儿都一样。 Lin Yi looked at him: „Do you really have this plan? Symbol did Wang Family in the base industry of Jianghai city several Hundred-year, this abandon?” 林逸看了看他:“你真有这打算?阵符王家在江海城几百年的基业,这就扔下了?” 12 move personally, moves with entire symbol Wang Family together, that is completely two concepts. 一两个人搬家,跟整个阵符王家一起搬家,那完全是两个概念。 Once symbol Wang Family the whole moves out from the Jianghai city, the thing that gives up is not a tiny bit, solely is not this stretch of large-scale Family station, meanwhile means that must remove large quantities of Family channels. 阵符王家一旦整体从江海城搬走,那放弃掉的东西可不是一星半点,不单单是这片规模浩大的家族驻地,同时还意味着要撤掉大批家族渠道。 Regarding the fundamental industry of system symbol Wang Family, will have the subversive impact inevitably. 对于制符这一项王家的根本产业,不可避免会造成颠覆性的冲击。 Carelessly, Wang Family even may lose the system symbol industry leader Hegemon position, subsequently degenerates into second-class and even third-rate Family, is unable to recover! 一着不慎,王家甚至有可能失去制符行业龙头霸主的地位,继而沦为二流乃至三流家族,一蹶不振! After all the so large profit, the back eyes covetously is not two families. 毕竟如此丰厚的利润,背后虎视眈眈的可不是一家两家 In fact on the including the city main mansion, is having this idea. 事实上就连城主府,也都在打这个主意。 Kings three once certainly really makes this decision, did not say exaggeratingly, this from not breaking an arm is so simple, but inserts three blades toward own Achilles'heel in ruthlessly! 王三绝一旦真的做出这个决定,毫不夸张的说,这根本都不是自断一臂那么简单,而是往自己死穴上狠插三刀! This boldness, is really not the average person can have. 这份魄力,真不是一般人能有的。 The kings three smile certainly: I steady so many years, was time young frivolous one.” 王三绝嘿嘿一笑:“我稳重了那么多年,也是时候该年少轻狂一把了。” „Will resistance very be big?” “阻力会很大吧?” Far more than is big, will unable to do well will also fall Family to split.” “何止是大,搞不好还会落个家族分裂呢。” The kings three laugh at one certainly. 王三绝嗤笑一声。 Human in the face of the benefit is not always one type can maintain the rational animal, his decision, must make many Wang Family clansmen give up massive vested interests inevitably, will be doomed to encounter the unprecedented resistance. 在利益面前人类从来都不是一种能够保持理性的动物,他这个决策,势必要让众多王家族人放弃大量的既得利益,注定会遇到前所未有的阻力。 He biggest enemy, is not a bystander, is symbol Wang Family these those with vested interests! 他最大的敌人,不是外人,正是阵符王家内部的那些既得利益者! I am hopeless they to have such foresight, but is related to the life and death, east cannot allow some people to do does the west.” “我没指望他们都有这样的远见,不过事关生死存亡,也容不得有些人搞东搞西。” The kings three send out a light aggression certainly: So many years I am good to speak, the old man chatted the Young Fa year to be crazy, this important pass, should let my despotic one chapter.” 王三绝身上散发出一股淡淡的霸气:“这么多年我都是好说话,老夫聊发少年狂,这个关口,也该让我专制一回了。” As giant ultimate grand perfection expert, has the Supreme Elder aloof status, if he really wants to take over control of symbol Wang Family forcefully, really must offer a sacrifice to high-rank the domineering method, actually the underlings no one can contend with him. 身为巨头终极大圆满高手,又有着太上长老的超然身份,他真要想强行接管阵符王家,真要祭出上位者的强势手段,其实底下人根本没人能与他抗衡。 But these years he has restrained extremely, will therefore make king heaven ask that the class/flow had the opportunity of scurrying about. 只不过这些年他一直都极为克制,所以才会让王天问之流有了上蹿下跳的机会。 But presently, symbol Wang Family will soon welcome a brand-new time, to pass the crisis has to break the original power structure, is led entire family to ride out the storm by a strong person together the time. 现在,阵符王家即将迎来一个全新的时代,一个为了度过危机不得不打破原来的权力架构,由一个强人来带领全家一起共渡难关的时代。
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